Table of contents
Class names and definitions
Class name | Definition |
epo-cat:Batch | A production Lot in which the Item instances were produced. WG Acceptance 10/03/2022 |
epo-cat:Brand | Name given by an organisation to its product or service, or range of products or services. Additional information: Brand name allows economic operators to distinctively describe an item in their eCatalogue. This may be different from the "item name". WG acceptance 10/03/2022 |
epo-cat:Catalogue | A Document describing a set of Items offered for purchase that can be processed in an electronic way. |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | Aggregated information about the Terms and specifications for procuring an Item. Details about an Item, like Prices, packaging, discounts, special promotions, etc. TC 440: Detailed information of an Item, Price and its composition in a Catalogue. Composition: e.g. information referring to its description, how to order it, what it is made of, properties, delivery conditions, etc. |
epo-cat:CatalogueResponse | |
epo-cat:CatalogueResponseInformation | |
epo-cat:CatalogueResponseLine | |
epo-cat:ChargeInformation | Information about tax, fee or duty imposed. Additional Information: Charge category indicates the nature of the tax/duty/fee, for example VAT, CAR, etc. Charge category modifier may be used in case different levels, exemptions or other modifications apply. The charge can be fixed or relative to the price. WG approval 16/05/2023 |
epo-cat:InformationHub | Grouping of data that may be associated to various concepts. Additional Information: For example, AllowanceChargeInformation may be associated to the Order or the Catalogue (either at the Line level or at the Document level), amongst others. WG approval 16/05/2023 |
epo-cat:Item | A product, work, service or any combination of them. Additional Information: An Item can be an atomic Thing or a composition of things that together are seen as a unit, e.g. a tetrabrik of milk or an indivisible package of six tetrabriks. No distinction is provided between services, goods and works to leave room for innovation. WG approval 30/06/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemAccessoryRelation | Combination of two Items where the former enhances the latter. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemComplementaryRelation | Combination of two Items which mutually enhance one another. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemComposition | Inclusion of an Item into in the described Item. Additional Information: The Item is provided with its components, however, the component Items may also be provided separately. For example, a bicycle has wheels as components, but they may be provided as spare parts as well. This relation is useful to describe different package levels of an item or hierarchies of Items. WG Approval: 19/05/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemModel | A specific design or version of a product or service. Additional information: This class is meant as a reusable reference to the model name rather than as a set of specifications of an Item of this particular model. WG acceptance 10/03/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemProperty | Construct meant to represent the association between an attribute defined in an external classification scheme and the value ascribed to it. WG approval 26/07/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemRelation | Connection between two Items. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemReplacement | Supplantment, displacement or suspension of an Item by the described Item. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 |
epo-cat:ItemRequirement | Necessity of an Item by the described item. Additional Information: The described item is provided without other items that are required for proper functionality. For example, a printer cannot be used without ink cartridge; or a Server cannot be used without its installation. WG Approval: 19/05/2022 |
epo-cat:Line | |
epo-cat:Manufacturer | The Producer of goods or provider of services. Additional Information: Also, known as Supplier and Manufacturer. We do not care who provides these service or products we care with whom Business is done. PEPPOL - Invoice: The Supplier is the Legal Person or Organisation who provides a product and/or service. PEPPOL - Order: The supplier is the legal person or organisation who provides a product or service. Examples of supplier roles: seller, despatch party, creditor, economic operator. |
epo-cat:PostAwardDocument | |
epo-cat:Price | Amount of money required or given in exchange for Items. Additional information: The Price excludes any charges (such as taxes, duties and fees) and discounts. WG approval 26/07/2022 |
epo-cat:ProductSpecification | Document providing information about an Item. WG approval 07/04/2022 |
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Attributes (datatype properties) names and definitions
Class name | Attribute name | Definition | Data type / cardinality |
epo-cat:Batch | epo-cat:hasBestBeforeDate | The day until which the quality of the item will remain optimal. WG approval 10/03/2021 | xsd:date [0..1] |
epo-cat:Batch | epo-cat:hasExpiryDate | The last day until which the item can be used. WG approval 10/03/2021 | xsd:date [0..1] |
epo-cat:Batch | epo-cat:hasManufactureDate | The day of production. | xsd:dateTime [0..1] |
epo-cat:Brand epo-cat:ItemModel epo-cat:Item |
dct:title | A name given to the resource. WG approval 30/05/2023 A name given to the resource. WG approval 30/05/2023 A name given to the resource. WG approval 30/05/2023 | rdf:PlainLiteral [1..1] rdf:PlainLiteral [1..1] rdf:PlainLiteral [1..1] |
epo-cat:Catalogue | epo-cat:hasSpecificPaymentArrangement | Information about payment conditions applied to all items in the catalogue. Additional information: This property may need to be used together with the payment arrangements provided in the ContractTerms, where such terms exists. WG approval 30/06/2022 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | epo-cat:hasOrderableQuantityIncrement | Orderable quantity increment: The increment of Orderable units that can be ordered. | xsd:integer [0..1] |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | epo-cat:hasOrderableUnitFactorRate | The factor by which the Item net price of an unit of an item can be converted to the orderable unit. | xsd:decimal [0..1] |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | epo-cat:hasTransactionConditions | Textual description of the specific transaction conditions (purchasing, sales, payment) for an item. | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | epo-cat:hasWarrantyInformation | Warranty information that applies to the catalogue line item. | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | epo-cat:isContractedItem | Indicator if the item is offered in accordance to an existing contract. | xsd:boolean [0..1] |
epo-cat:CatalogueLine | epo-cat:isOrderable | Indicator, if the item is orderable or not, e.g. because it is temporarily out of stock. | xsd:boolean [0..1] |
epo-cat:Item | epo-cat:hasDimensionDescription | Textual description of the item's dimensions. | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] |
epo-cat:Item | epo-cat:hasHazardousClass | Specification of the hazardous nature of an item according to a classification schema. Provides detail of the classification and nature of a hazardous item. | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] |
epo-cat:Item | epo-cat:hasKeyword | List of words (e.g, synonyms) to make the item searchable. WG Approval 7/04/2022 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] |
epo-cat:Item | epo-cat:isInStock | Indicator whether an item is in the supplier's stock. If not in stock the supplier has to order the item. | xsd:boolean [0..1] |
epo-cat:ItemProperty | epo-cat:hasAttributeType | The property defined in a classification scheme. Additional Information: For example, the following two properties are defined in the ECLASS classification of goods and services: (0173-1#02-AAA026#007) drilling diameter: drilling diameter, (0173-1#02-AAA030#007) flange diameter: flange diameter . WG approval 28/07/2022 | rdf:PlainLiteral [1..1] |
epo-cat:ItemProperty | epo-cat:hasClassificationScheme | The classification scheme where a property is defined. Additional Information: For example, the following two properties are defined in the ECLASS classification of goods and services: (0173-1#02-AAA026#007) drilling diameter: drilling diameter, (0173-1#02-AAA030#007) flange diameter: flange diameter . WG approval 28/07/2022 | rdf:PlainLiteral [1..1] |
epo-cat:ItemProperty | epo-cat:hasLiteralValue | Simple value of the property, which is defined in a classification scheme. Additional Information: For example, the (0173-1#02-AAV139#001) coating 1 of an optical material has value of "silver". This simple literal value is for the cases when the property value does not have units, in which case the qualifiedValue shall be used. WG approval 28/07/2022 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
epo-cat:ItemRelation | epo-cat:hasFactor | The number or the fraction of a related item. | xsd:decimal [0..1] |
epo-cat:Line epo-cat:Item |
dct:description | An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
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Predicates (object properties) and definitions
Predicate name | Definition | Domain, Range and Cardinality |
adms:identifier | Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. | epo-cat:Line -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
dct:hasPart | A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource. Additional Information: In the eCatalogue context, when this relation is used between two items, the resource in the definition refers to Items, i.e. one item is part of another item. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Item [0..*] |
dct:isReplacedBy | A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource. Additional Information: In the eCatalogue context, when this relation is used between two items, the resource in the definition refers to Items, i.e. one item replaces another item. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource. | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Item [0..*] |
dct:replaces | A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource. Additional Information: In the eCatalogue context, when this relation is used between two items, the resource in the definition refers to Items, i.e. one item replaces another item. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource. | epo-cat:Item [,0..*] <- epo-cat:Item |
dct:requires | A related resource that is required by the described resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence. Additional Information: In the eCatalogue context, when this relation is used between two items, the resource in the definition refers to Items, i.e. one Item requires another Item. WG Approval: 30/06/2022 | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Item [0..*] |
epo-cat:comprisesCatalogueLine | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo-cat:CatalogueLine [1..*] | |
epo-cat:comprisesCatalogueResponseLine | epo-cat:CatalogueResponse -> epo-cat:CatalogueResponseLine [0..*] | |
epo-cat:describesItem | epo-cat:ItemProperty -> epo-cat:Item [1] | |
epo-cat:foreseesPackage | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo-ful:Package (external) [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasAccessoryItem | An item that can be added to another item to enhance it. WG Approval: 30/06/2022An additional item that can enhance the original item. WG Approval: 19/05/2022 | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Item [0..*] |
epo-cat:hasActivityCode | epo-cat:Catalogue -> at-voc-new:activity-code [0..1] epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> at-voc-new:activity-code [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasBaseQuantity | The quantity at which the net monetary value applies. | epo-cat:Price -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasBrand | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Brand [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasCatalogueLineValidity | The relation indicating until when a Catalogue Line instance is applicable. WG approval 21/09/2023 | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo:Period (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasChargeInformation | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation [0..*] | |
epo-cat:hasComplementaryItem | An item that if used with another item provides mutual enhancements to both of them. Additional information: For example, gin and tonic; or smart-phone and smart-watch. WG Approval: 19/05/2022 | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Item [0..*] |
epo-cat:hasCountryOfOrigin | The source country of the product or service. Additional Information: The country of origin can be provided by the buyer as a requirement or by the tenderer information of the item to be provided. WG Approval 07/01/2020 | epo-cat:Item -> at-voc:country (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasDeliveryClassification | epo-cat:Item -> at-voc-new:delivery-item-type [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasDeliveryLocation | Location delivery area where the Item can be ordered to the given price. | epo-cat:Price -> dct:Location (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasDocumentType | epo-cat:PostAwardDocument -> at-voc-new:document-type [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasExpectedDeliveryTime | The expected amount of time between the order and delivery of an item. WG approval 26/07/2022 | epo-cat:Price -> epo:Duration (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification | URI reference to external item information or specifications, e.g. web address. | epo-cat:Item -> epo:Document (external) [0..*] |
epo-cat:hasHazardousItemUNDGCode | Specification of the hazardous nature of an item according to the UNDG classification schema. Provides detail of the classification and nature of a hazardous item. | epo-cat:Item -> at-voc-new:dangerous-goods-list [0..*] |
epo-cat:hasItemClassification | A classification of this item according to a specific system for classifying products or services. Additional information: Examples of classification schemes are: CPV, UNSPC, eCl@ss, GPC, ... WG acceptance 10/03/2022 | epo-cat:Item -> at-voc-new:item-classification [0..*] |
epo-cat:hasManufacturer | The product maker or service provider. | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:Manufacturer [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasMaximumOrderQuantity | The maximum number of orderable units that can be ordered according to details provided in the catalogue line, such as price. | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasMinimumQuantityGuaranteedForDelivery | The minimum quantity of an item that is guaranteed by the seller to be delivered. | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasModel | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:ItemModel [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasNetMonetaryValue | The price amount of an Item exclusive of taxes and after substracting price discounts. | epo-cat:Price -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [1] |
epo-cat:hasNetQuantity | The net quantity of the item that is contained in each consumable unit, excluding any packaging materials. | epo-cat:Item -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasOrderabableUnitFactorRate | The factor by which the base unit of the price can be converted to orderable unit. Additional information: This is needed when the base price is provided different than the orderable unit. For example, when selling paper, the price may be set per page, but the orderable unit is a package of 500 pieces. Therefore the price needs to be converted to the orderable unit. | epo-cat:Price -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasOrderableUnit | The unit in which the item described in this catalogue line can be ordered. | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> at-voc-new:orderable-unit [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasPrice | epo-ord:OrderLine (external) -> epo-cat:Price [0..1] epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo-cat:Price [1..*] |
epo-cat:hasPriceType | epo-cat:Price -> at-voc-new:price-type [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasPriceValidity | The period of time when the Item can be ordered to the given price. | epo-cat:Price -> epo:Period (external) [1] |
epo-cat:hasQualifiedItemRelation | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:ItemRelation [0..*] | |
epo-cat:hasQualifiedValue | Qualified value of the property, which is defined in a classification scheme. Additional Information: For example, the (0173-1#02-AAA026#007) drilling diameter of an item has value of 12 inches. WG approval 28/07/2022 | epo-cat:ItemProperty -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasQuantityThreshold | The minimum quantity of the item that can be ordered to the given net monetary value. | epo-cat:Price -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasSpecification | epo-cat:Item -> epo-cat:ProductSpecification [0..*] | |
epo-cat:hasStandardisedUnitPrice | The item price based on a standardised unit. Additional Information: The unit must be indicated in the Quantity, with a quantity value of 1. | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> epo-cat:Price [0..*] |
epo-cat:hasTaxCategory | epo-ord:TaxInformation (external) -> at-voc-new:tax-category [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasTaxScheme | epo-ord:TaxInformation (external) -> at-voc-new:tax-scheme [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasTransactionConditionsCode | Coded description of the specific transaction conditions (purchasing, sales, payment) for an item. | epo-cat:CatalogueLine -> at-voc-new:transaction-conditions [0..1] |
epo-cat:isProductionOf | epo-cat:Batch -> epo-cat:Item [1] | |
epo-cat:isRelatedToItem | epo-cat:ItemRelation -> epo-cat:Item [1] | |
epo-cat:isSpecificToCatalogueResponseLine | epo-cat:CatalogueResponseInformation -> epo-cat:CatalogueResponseLine [0..1] | |
epo-cat:isSpecificToLine | epo-cat:InformationHub -> epo-cat:Line [0..*] | |
epo-cat:isSubordinatedToContract | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo:Contract (external) [0..1] | |
epo-cat:refersToCatalogue | epo-cat:CatalogueResponse -> epo-cat:Catalogue [1] | |
epo-cat:refersToCatalogueLine | epo-cat:CatalogueResponseLine -> epo-cat:CatalogueLine [1] | |
epo-cat:specifiesCatalogueResponseInformation | epo-cat:CatalogueResponse -> epo-cat:CatalogueResponseInformation [1] | |
epo-cat:specifiesChargeInformation | epo-ord:Order (external) -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation [0..*] | |
epo-cat:specifiesItem | epo-cat:Line -> epo-cat:Item [1] | |
epo-ful:hasFreightAllowanceCharge | epo-ful:Consignment (external) -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation [0..*] | |
epo-ord:hasAcceptanceStatus | epo-cat:CatalogueResponseInformation -> at-voc-new:ResponseStatus (external) [1] | |
epo-ord:hasPriceDiscountInformation | epo-cat:Price -> epo-ord:AllowanceInformation (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasTaxInformation | epo-cat:Item -> epo-ord:TaxInformation (external) [0..*] | |
epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderLine | Information that is particular to one or multiple Order Lines. | epo-cat:ChargeInformation -> epo-ord:OrderLine (external) [0..*] |
epo-ord:refersToCatalogue | Additional information: If an order refers to multiple catalogues then all these catalogues ideally are subordinated to the same contract. Some countries however may allow multiple contracts per order (i.e Italy). | epo-ord:Order (external) -> epo-cat:Catalogue [0..*] |
epo-ord:refersToCatalogueLine | Additional Information: The reference to the catalogue line is for information only, to trace the source of the information provided in the order line. | epo-ord:OrderLine (external) -> epo-cat:CatalogueLine [0..1] |
epo:hasBatchID | The identifier assigned to a specific batch of the produced Item. WG Approval 16/05/2023 | epo-cat:Batch -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasBuyerItemID | The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the Buyer. WG approval 16/05/2023 | epo-cat:Item -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasCertification | Relation to the proof of conformance. WG approval 30/05/2023 | epo-cat:Item -> epo:Certificate (external) [0..*] |
epo:hasDocumentStatus | | epo-cat:PostAwardDocument -> at-voc-new:document-status (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasItemStandardID | The general identifier assigned to the concept based on a standard scheme. Additional information: For example the GTIN scheme (Global Trade Item Number). WG approval 16/05/2023 | epo-cat:Item -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..*] |
epo:hasManufacturerID | The manufacturer's identifier for the item. | epo-cat:Manufacturer -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasManufacturerItemID | The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the Manufacturer. WG approval 16/05/2023 | epo-cat:Item -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasPriceSurchargeInformation | epo-cat:Price -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation [0..1] | |
epo:hasSellerItemID | The general identifier assigned to the concept as defined by the Seller. WG approval 16/05/2023 | epo-cat:Item -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasSerialID | The identifier assigned to the specific instance of the produced concept. WG Approval 16/05/2023 | epo-cat:Item -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo:hasUUID | A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document. WG Approval 12/05/2020 | epo-cat:CatalogueResponseLine -> adms:Identifier (external) [1] |
epo:hasValidityPeriod | The relation indicating until when a given instance of a concept is applicable. WG approval 30/05/2023 | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo:Period (external) [0..1] |
epo:specifiesBuyer | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo:Buyer (external) [0..*] | |
epo:specifiesCatalogueProvider | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo:CatalogueProvider (external) [0..1] epo-cat:CatalogueResponse -> epo:CatalogueProvider (external) [1] |
epo:specifiesCatalogueReceiver | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo:CatalogueReceiver (external) [0..1] epo-cat:CatalogueResponse -> epo:CatalogueReceiver (external) [1] |
epo:specifiesSeller | epo-cat:Catalogue -> epo-ord:Seller (external) [0..*] |
Showing 1 to 76 of 76 entries