Table of contents
Class names and definitions
Class name | Definition |
epo-ful:AbstractContainer | |
epo-ful:Carrier | The Role of an Agent who handles the physical Delivery/Transportation of the (Despatched) Shipment. Additional Information: This Role is also known as Deliverer. WG approval: 11/10/2022 |
epo-ful:Consignment | A batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone. Additional information: Consignment it is a Transport Agreement. They do not care about the content of what is being shipped. (only if there are dangerous goods, and temperature requirements). How to move from place a to place B. |
epo-ful:DespatchAdvice | |
epo-ful:Despatcher | Role of an Agent who sends the goods or notifies of the service or works execution. Additional Information: The Role is carried out by the Supplier or on behalf of the Supplier. Despatcher is also known as Despatch Party, Consignor, Deliverer. |
epo-ful:DespatchLine | |
epo-ful:FreightForwarder | |
epo-ful:GoodsItem | An Item including its initial packaging during transportation. Additional information: For example, the Item being bought is the computer. The weight of the computer is X. The weight of the Goods Item is the weight of the computer plus the weight of the initial packaging. During transportation you have for example trace ID which is applied to the GoodsItem, rather than on the Item itself. The declared statistical value can only apply once you have a GoodsItem. WG approval 30/03/2023 |
epo-ful:Notifier | The party to be notified upon arrival of goods and when special occurrences (usually pre-defined) take place during a transportation service. (UBL) |
epo-ful:Package | |
epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice | |
epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine | |
epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement | The Commercial Agreement between the Commercial Parties. Additional Information: It describes items being shipped. What is being moved. |
epo-ful:ShipmentInformation | The Transportation of an identifiable collection of Goods Items from one party (the Despatch Party) to another party (the Consignee) via one or more modes of transport. Addition Information This represents the "where" and "when". |
epo-ful:ShipmentStage | |
epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification | |
epo-ful:TransportEquipment | |
epo-ful:TransportEquipmentSeal | |
epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit | A description of Individual Handling Units in which the Line Items are packed. |
epo-ful:TransportMeans | |
epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator |
Showing 1 to 21 of 21 entries
Attributes (datatype properties) names and definitions
Class name | Attribute name | Definition | Data type / cardinality |
epo-ful:AbstractContainer | epo-ful:isReturnableMaterial | xsd:boolean [0..1] | |
epo-ful:AbstractContainer epo-ful:ShipmentStage epo-ful:Consignment |
epo-ful:isHazardousRisk | xsd:boolean [0..1] xsd:boolean [0..1] xsd:boolean [0..1] |
epo-ful:Consignment | epo-ful:hasCarrierServiceInstruction | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] | |
epo-ful:Consignment | epo-ful:hasDeliveryInstruction | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] | |
epo-ful:Consignment | epo-ful:hasSpecialInstruction | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] | |
epo-ful:Consignment | epo-ful:hasSpecialServiceInstruction | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] | |
epo-ful:Consignment | epo-ful:hasVehicleDescription | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] | |
epo-ful:Consignment epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit |
epo-ful:hasHandlingInstruction | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] |
epo-ful:DespatchLine | epo-ful:hasOutstandingQuantityReason | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] | |
epo-ful:Package | epo-ful:hasPackagingTypeDescription | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] | |
epo-ful:ShipmentInformation | epo-ful:despatchDate | xsd:dateTime [0..1] | |
epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification epo-ful:TransportEquipment epo-ful:ShipmentInformation |
dct:description | An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] |
epo-ful:TransportEquipment | epo-ful:isPowerIndicated | xsd:boolean [0..1] | |
epo-ful:TransportEquipment | epo-ful:isRefrigerated | xsd:boolean [0..1] | |
epo-ful:TransportEquipment | epo-ful:isReturnable | xsd:boolean [0..1] | |
epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit | epo-ful:hasShippingMark | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] |
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries
Predicates (object properties) and definitions
Predicate name | Definition | Domain, Range and Cardinality |
adms:identifier | Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] epo-ful:TransportEquipmentSeal -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:foreseesPackage | epo-cat:CatalogueLine (external) -> epo-ful:Package [0..1] | |
epo-ful:agreedByBuyer | epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement -> epo:Buyer (external) [1..*] | |
epo-ful:agreedBySeller | epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement -> epo-ord:Seller (external) [1..*] | |
epo-ful:comprisesDespatchLine | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1..*] | |
epo-ful:comprisesReceiptAdviceLine | epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine [0..*] | |
epo-ful:containsGoodsItem | epo-ful:Package -> epo-ful:GoodsItem [1..*] | |
epo-ful:containsPackage | epo-ful:Package -> epo-ful:Package [0..*] | |
epo-ful:containsTransportHandlingUnit | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit [1..*] | |
epo-ful:hasAllowanceChargeReason | | epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation (external) -> at-voc-new:allowance-charge-reason [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasAssociatedDocument | epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo:Document (external) [0..1] epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo:Document (external) [0..1] epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo:Document (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasCarrierConsignmentID | epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasChargeableWeight | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasConsigneeConsignmentID | epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasConsignmentDeclaredStatisticsValue | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasConsignmentFreeOnBoardValue | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasConsignmentInvoiceValue | Declared amount of the Consignment. Additional Information: This is a logistics information needed for logistics, security measures, customs check, etc. | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasDeclaredStatisticalValue | epo-ful:GoodsItem -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasDepartureShipmentInformation | epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasDespatchAdviceType | | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> at-voc-new:despatch-advice-type [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasDespatchedQuantity | Quantity despatched for delivered. | epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [1] |
epo-ful:hasEstimatedDeliveryPeriod | epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo:Period (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasFreightAllowanceCharge | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation (external) [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasFreightForwarderConsignmentID | epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasGrossVolume | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasGrossWeight | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasHandlingInstructionCode | epo-ful:Consignment -> at-voc-new:handling-instruction [0..1] epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit -> at-voc-new:handling-instruction [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasHeight | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasLength | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasLoadingLength | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasMainCarriageShipmentStage | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentStage [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasMaximumTemperature | epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasMinimumTemperature | epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasNetVolume | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasNetWeight | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasOnCarriageShipmentStage | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentStage [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasOutstandingQuantity | epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasOversupplyQuantity | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasPackagingType | epo-ful:Package -> at-voc-new:packaging-type [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasPreCarriageShipmentStage | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentStage [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasReceivedQuantity | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasRejectedQuantity | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasRejectReason | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> at-voc-new:reject-reason [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasRequestedPickUpInformation | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [1] | |
epo-ful:hasShortageAction | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> at-voc-new:action-code [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasShortQuantity | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasSizeType | epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> at-voc-new:size-type [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasTemperatureSpecification | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasTotalGoodsItemQuantity | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasTraceID | The identifier used for tracking the goods item Additional information: An example is the EPC number used in RFID. WG approval 21/09/2023 | epo-ful:GoodsItem -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasTransportEquipmentSeal | epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> epo-ful:TransportEquipmentSeal [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasTransportEquipmentType | epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> at-voc-new:transport-equipment-type [0..*] | |
epo-ful:hasTransportHandlingUnitQuantity | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasTransportMeansType | epo-ful:TransportMeans -> at-voc-new:transport-means-type [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasTransportMode | epo-ful:TransportMeans -> at-voc-new:transport-mode [1] | |
epo-ful:hasVehicleID | epo-ful:TransportMeans -> adms:Identifier (external) [1] | |
epo-ful:hasVehicleSegmentID | epo-ful:TransportMeans -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:hasWidth | epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:isSpecificToDespatchLine | epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [0..1] | |
epo-ful:isSubmittedForDespatchAdvice | Additional information: In PEPPOL ( this predicate is used for option D - Response to the Advanced Despatch Advice document. | epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:DespatchAdvice [0..1] |
epo-ful:isSubmittedForDespatchLine | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1] | |
epo-ful:isSubmittedForShipment | epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..1] | |
epo-ful:refersToConsignment | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:Consignment [1] | |
epo-ful:refersToDeliveryInformation | epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo-ord:DeliveryInformation (external) [1] | |
epo-ful:refersToDespatchLine | epo-ful:GoodsItem -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1] | |
epo-ful:refersToOrder | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ord:Order (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:refersToOrderLine | epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo-ord:OrderLine (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:refersToShipmentAgreement | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement [0..1] | |
epo-ful:RejectionAction | epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> at-voc-new:action-code [0..1] | |
epo-ful:specifiesBuyer | epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo:Buyer (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:specifiesConsignee | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ord:Consignee (external) [1..*] epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ord:Consignee (external) [1..*] |
epo-ful:specifiesDespatcher | epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:Despatcher [1] epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:Despatcher [1..*] |
epo-ful:specifiesOriginator | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ord:Originator (external) [0..*] | |
epo-ful:specifiesPlaceOfDespatch | epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> dct:Location (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:specifiesSeller | epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ord:Seller (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:specifiesShipment | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..1] | |
epo-ful:specifiesTransportHandlingUnits | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit [0..*] | |
epo-ful:transportsItemFrom | epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1..*] | |
epo-ful:usesTransportEquipment | epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit -> epo-ful:TransportEquipment [0..*] | |
epo-ful:usesTransportMeans | epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:TransportMeans [1..*] | |
epo:hasArrivalShipmentInformation | epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..*] | |
epo:hasDocumentStatus | | epo-cat:PostAwardDocument (external) -> at-voc-new:document-status [0..1] |
epo:hasDriverPerson | epo-ful:TransportMeans -> epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator [1..*] | |
epo:playedBy | epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator -> foaf:Person (external) [0..1] | |
epo:specifiesCarrier | epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:Carrier [0..1] | |
epo:specifiesDespatcher | epo-ord:Order (external) -> epo-ful:Despatcher [0..1] | |
epo:specifiesFreightForwarder | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:FreightForwarder [0..*] | |
epo:specifiesNotifier | epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:Notifier [0..*] |
Showing 1 to 88 of 88 entries