Table of contents


Class names and definitions

Class name Definition
epo-ful:AbstractContainer Gathering class for Packages and Transport Handling Units. WG approval 14/05/2024
epo-ful:Carrier The Role of an Agent who handles the physical Delivery/Transportation of the (Despatched) Shipment. Additional Information: This Role is often referred to as the deliverer. WG approval 14/05/2024
epo-ful:Consignment A batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone. Additional information: Consignment is a Transport Agreement between the Despatcher and the Consignee as to who and how the goods are despatched and received. WG approval 14/05/2024
epo-ful:DespatchAdvice A document notifying the sending of goods or the execution of works or services. WG approval 14/05/2024
epo-ful:Despatcher The Role of an Agent who sends the goods or notifies of the service or works execution. Additional Information: The Role is carried out by the Supplier or on behalf of the Supplier. This Role is often referred to as the Despatch Party, Consignor or Deliverer. WG approval 02/07/2024
epo-ful:DespatchLine Details concerning the fulfilment of an Order Line. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:FreightForwarder The Role of an Agent who organise the logistic operations need for a fulfilment. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:GoodsItem An Item including its initial packaging during transportation. Additional information: For example, the Item being bought is the computer. The weight of the computer is X. The weight of the Goods Item is the weight of the computer plus the weight of the initial packaging. During transportation you have for example trace ID which is applied to the GoodsItem, rather than on the Item itself. The declared statistical value can only apply once you have a GoodsItem. WG approval 30/03/2023
epo-ful:NotificationReceiver The Role of an Agent that is informed about the arrival of a Shipment at a destination. Additional information: This could be for example customs and excise. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:Notifier This class was wrongly named and has been replaced by epo-ful:NotificationReceiver. It will be removed in the next major release.
epo-ful:Package Container used for transportation. WG approval 14/05/2024
epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement The commercial agreement between the Buyer and the Seller. Additional Information: The Shipment Agreement describes the items being shipped. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:ShipmentInformation Information about the transportation of an identifiable collection of Goods Items from the Despatcher to the Consignee. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:ShipmentStage Part of the itinerary of a shipment. Additional information: In the context of fulfilment only the last part of the itinerary is taken into consideration. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification Description of the temperature requirements during shipment. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:TransportEquipment Description of the apparatus used during transportation. Additional information: The equipment may be a container, a trailer, means of assistance to load or unload the Goods Items. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:TransportEquipmentSeal Means used to ensure that the Transport Equipment is not tampered during transportation. WG approval 21/05/2025
epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit The outermost Package that the Carrier is handling. WG approval 14/05/2024
epo-ful:TransportMeans Description of a particular vehicle or vessel used for the conveyance of goods or persons. WG approval 21/05/2024
epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator The Role of an Agent who is responsible for controlling the Transport Means. WG approval 21/05/2024

Attributes (datatype properties) names and definitions

Class name Attribute name Definition Data type / cardinality
dct:description An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1]
rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:ShipmentInformation epo-ful:despatchDate The date of sending of goods or the execution of works or services. WG approval 05/06/2024 xsd:dateTime [0..1]
epo-ful:Consignment epo-ful:hasCarrierServiceInstruction This attribute should be removed in the next major release. rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:Consignment epo-ful:hasDeliveryInstruction This attribute should be removed in the next major release. rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:hasHandlingInstruction Instruction on how to handle the Goods Items during transportation. WG approval 05/06/2024 Instruction on how to handle the Goods Items during transportation. WG approval 05/06/2024 rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:DespatchLine epo-ful:hasOutstandingQuantityReason Explanation of the outstanding quantity still to be despatched. WG approval 05/06/2024 rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1]
epo-ful:Package epo-ful:hasPackagingTypeDescription Explanatory text about how the Goods Item is packed. WG approval 05/06/2024 rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit epo-ful:hasShippingMark A text that the buyer requests to be printed on the packing labels. WG approval 05/06/2024 rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:Consignment epo-ful:hasSpecialInstruction This attribute should be removed in the next major release. rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:Consignment epo-ful:hasSpecialServiceInstruction Description about special services needed for loading or unloading the Goods Items. WG approval 21/05/2024 rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*]
epo-ful:Consignment epo-ful:hasVehicleDescription rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1]
epo-ful:isHazardousRisk Indicates whether some of the contained Goods Items are hazardous. WG approval 21/05/2024 Pending confirmation on whether this attribute should be removed in the next major release because is covered at the level of Consignment. Indicates whether some of the contained Goods Items are hazardous. WG approval 21/05/2024 xsd:boolean [0..1]
xsd:boolean [0..1]
xsd:boolean [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportEquipment epo-ful:isPowerIndicated Indicates whether the instance of the concept can supply electrical energy. Additional Information: The instance of the concept can be, for example, Transport Equipment. WG approval 05/06/2024 xsd:boolean [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportEquipment epo-ful:isRefrigerated Indicates whether the instance of the concept includes refrigeration. Additional Information: The instance of the concept can be, for example, Transport Equipment. WG approval 05/06/2024 xsd:boolean [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportEquipment epo-ful:isReturnable xsd:boolean [0..1]
epo-ful:AbstractContainer epo-ful:isReturnableMaterial Indicates whether the container or part of the container is to be sent back. WG approval 21/05/2024 xsd:boolean [0..1]

Predicates (object properties) and definitions

Predicate name Definition Domain, Range and Cardinality
adms:identifier Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. Links a resource to an adms:Identifier class. epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportEquipmentSeal -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo:hasArrivalShipmentInformation Shipment Information about the destination of the Consignment for a given Shipment Stage. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..*]
epo:hasDocumentStatus epo-cat:PostAwardDocument (external) -> at-voc-new:document-status [0..1]
epo:hasDriverPerson Relation indicating the operator of the Transport Means. WG approval 02/07/2024 epo-ful:TransportMeans -> epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator [1..*]
epo:playedBy epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator -> foaf:Person (external) [0..1]
epo:specifiesCarrier Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Carrier. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:Carrier [0..1]
epo:specifiesDespatcher Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Despatcher. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ord:Order (external) -> epo-ful:Despatcher [0..1]
epo:specifiesFreightForwarder Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Freight Forwarder. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:FreightForwarder [0..*]
epo:specifiesNotificationReceiver c epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:NotificationReceiver [0..*]
epo:specifiesNotifier epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:Notifier [0..*]
epo-cat:foreseesPackage epo-cat:CatalogueLine (external) -> epo-ful:Package [0..1]
epo-ful:agreedByBuyer Accepted by Buyer. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement -> epo:Buyer (external) [1..*]
epo-ful:agreedBySeller Accepted by Seller. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement -> epo-ord:Seller (external) [1..*]
epo-ful:comprisesDespatchLine Incorporates Despatch Line. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1..*]
epo-ful:comprisesReceiptAdviceLine epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine [0..*]
epo-ful:containsGoodsItem Includes Goods Item. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Package -> epo-ful:GoodsItem [0..*]
epo-ful:containsPackage Includes Package. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Package -> epo-ful:Package [0..*]
epo-ful:containsTransportHandlingUnit Includes Transport Handling Unit. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit [1..*]
epo-ful:hasAllowanceChargeReason The justification for using the Allowance or the Charge. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation (external) -> at-voc-new:allowance-charge-reason [0..1]
epo-ful:hasAssociatedDocument Is related to a Document. WG approval 06/10/2024 Is related to a Document. WG approval 06/10/2024 epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo:Document (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo:Document (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo:Document (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasCarrierConsignmentID The identifier of the the Consignment given by the Carrier. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasChargeableWeight The epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasConsigneeConsignmentID The identifier of the the Consignment given by the Consignee. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasConsignmentDeclaredStatisticsValue epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasConsignmentFreeOnBoardValue The Monetary Value of the Consignment when there is a transfer of liability for goods, damaged or destroyed, during shipping. at the exporter's customs frontier. epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasConsignmentInvoiceValue Declared amount of the Consignment. Additional Information: This is a logistics information needed for logistics, security measures, customs check, etc. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasDeclaredStatisticalValue The Monetary Value declared for statistical purposes. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:GoodsItem -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..*]
epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasDepartureShipmentInformation Shipment Information about the place the Consignment is leaving from in a given Shipment Stage. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..*]
epo-ful:hasDespatchAdviceType Classification of a Despatch Advice. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> at-voc-new:despatch-advice-type [0..1]
epo-ful:hasDespatchedQuantity The Quantity that has been sent. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [1]
epo-ful:hasDespatcherConsignmentID The identifier of the the Consignment given by the Despatcher. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasDespatchPeriod The time period when the Despatcher picks-up the Goods Items to be delivered. WG approval 16/07/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo:Period (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasEstimatedDeliveryPeriod The forecasted time period given by the Despatcher to provide the goods and services. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo:Period (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasFreightAllowanceCharge epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation (external) [0..*]
epo-ful:hasFreightCharge The total cost for moving the goods. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation (external) [0..*]
epo-ful:hasFreightForwarderConsignmentID The identifier of the the Consignment given by the Freight Forwarder. WG approval 10/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasGrossVolume The amount of space that is required including the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 The amount of space that is required including the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasGrossWeight The total mass of goods including the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 The total mass of goods including the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasHandlingInstructionCode Instruction on how to handle the Goods Items during transportation, expressed as a code. WG approval 18/06/2024 Instruction on how to handle the Goods Items during transportation, expressed as a code. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> at-voc-new:handling-instruction [0..1]
epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit -> at-voc-new:handling-instruction [0..1]
epo-ful:hasHeight The vertical measurement. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasLength The horizontal measurement. Additional Information: The length is the longer side between the length and the width. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasLoadingLength The length epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasLoadingMeter The area of the Consignment in meters divided by the width of the truck, which is considered to be 2.4 meters. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasMainCarriageShipmentStage The Shipment Stage for the longest distance covered in a transport chain. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentStage [0..1]
epo-ful:hasMaximumTemperature The highest tolerated temperature. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasMinimumTemperature The lowest tolerated temperature. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasNetVolume The amount of space that is required without the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasNetWeight The total mass of goods without the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 The total mass of goods without the packaging. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasOnCarriageShipmentStage Any Shipment Stage between the main carriage arrival point and the ultimate receiver in a transport chain. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentStage [0..*]
epo-ful:hasOutstandingQuantity The Quantity of non-despatched Goods Items. WG approval 05/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasOversupplyQuantity epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasPackagingType The kind of Package. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:Package -> at-voc-new:packaging-type [0..1]
epo-ful:hasPreCarriageShipmentStage Any Shipment Stage between the Despatcher and the departure point of the main carriage in a transport chain. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentStage [0..*]
epo-ful:hasReceivedQuantity epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasRejectedQuantity epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasRejectReason epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> at-voc-new:reject-reason [0..1]
epo-ful:hasRequestedPickUpInformation Information about the requested despatch of the Goods Items. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [1]
epo-ful:hasShortageAction epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> at-voc-new:action-code [0..1]
epo-ful:hasShortQuantity epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasSizeType An extension classification specifying the measurement of the Transport Equipment. Additional Information: This codelist should be used only in the case of a container. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> at-voc-new:size-type [0..*]
epo-ful:hasTemperatureSpecification Relation indicating the Temperature Specification for the instance of the concept. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo-ful:TemperatureSpecification [0..1]
epo-ful:hasTotalGoodsItemQuantity Relation indicating the number of the Goods Items. WG approval 25/06/2024 Relation indicating the number of the Goods Items. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasTraceID The identifier used for tracking the Goods Item. Additional information: An example is the EPC number used in RFID. WG approval 21/09/2023 epo-ful:GoodsItem -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasTransportEquipmentSeal Relation indicating that the instance of the concept has a Transport Equipment Seal. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> epo-ful:TransportEquipmentSeal [0..*]
epo-ful:hasTransportEquipmentType The kind of Transport Equipment. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportEquipment -> at-voc-new:transport-equipment-type [0..*]
epo-ful:hasTransportHandlingUnitQuantity Relation indicating the number of the Transport Handling Unit. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:Consignment -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasTransportMeansType The kind of Transport Means. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportMeans -> at-voc-new:transport-means-type [0..1]
epo-ful:hasTransportMode The type of the transport used. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportMeans -> at-voc-new:transport-mode [1]
epo-ful:hasVehicleID The identifier of the Transport Means. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportMeans -> adms:Identifier (external) [1]
epo-ful:hasVehicleSegmentID The identifier of a part of the Transport Means. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:TransportMeans -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:hasWidth The measurement of the depth. Additional Information: The width is the shorter side between the length and the width. WG approval 18/06/2024 epo-ful:AbstractContainer -> epo:Quantity (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:isSpecificToDespatchLine Information that is particular to a Despatch Line. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [0..1]
epo-ful:isSubmittedForDespatchAdvice Additional information: In PEPPOL ( this predicate is used for option D - Response to the Advanced Despatch Advice document. epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:DespatchAdvice [0..1]
epo-ful:isSubmittedForDespatchLine epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1]
epo-ful:isSubmittedForShipment epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..1]
epo-ful:refersToConsignment Reference to a Consignment. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:Consignment [1]
epo-ful:refersToDeliveryInformation Reference to a Delivery Information. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> epo-ord:DeliveryInformation (external) [1]
epo-ful:refersToDespatchLine Reference to a Despatch Line. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:GoodsItem -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1]
epo-ful:refersToOrder Reference to an Order. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ord:Order (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:refersToOrderLine Reference to an Order Line. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchLine -> epo-ord:OrderLine (external) [1]
epo-ful:refersToShipmentAgreement Reference to a Shipment Agreement. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement [0..1]
epo-ful:RejectionAction epo-ful:ReceiptAdviceLine -> at-voc-new:action-code [0..1]
epo-ful:specifiesBuyer epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo:Buyer (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:specifiesConsignee Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Consignee. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ord:Consignee (external) [1..*]
epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ord:Consignee (external) [1..*]
epo-ful:specifiesDespatcher Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Despatcher. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ful:Despatcher [1]
epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:Despatcher [1..*]
epo-ful:specifiesOriginator Relation indicating that the instance of the concept involves the Originator. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ord:Originator (external) [0..*]
epo-ful:specifiesPlaceOfDespatch Relation indicating the Location of the Despatch of the Goods Items to be delivered. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentInformation -> dct:Location (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:specifiesSeller epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice -> epo-ord:Seller (external) [0..1]
epo-ful:specifiesShipment epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:ShipmentInformation [0..1]
epo-ful:specifiesTransportHandlingUnits Relation indicating the use of a Transport Handling Unit. WG approval 25/06/2024 epo-ful:DespatchAdvice -> epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit [0..*]
epo-ful:transportsItemFrom epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit -> epo-ful:DespatchLine [1..*]
epo-ful:usesTransportEquipment Relation indicating that a Transport Handling Unit utilises a Transport Equipment. WG approval 02/07/2024 epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit -> epo-ful:TransportEquipment [0..*]
epo-ful:usesTransportMeans Relation indicating that a Shipment Stage utilises a Transport Means. WG approval 02/07/2024 epo-ful:ShipmentStage -> epo-ful:TransportMeans [1..*]
epo-inv:refersToDespatchAdvice epo-inv:Invoice (external) -> epo-ful:DespatchAdvice [0..1]
epo-inv:refersToReceiptAdvice epo-inv:Invoice (external) -> epo-ful:ReceiptAdvice [0..1]