Table of contents
Class names and definitions
Class name | Definition |
epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation | Information about discounts, taxes, duties and fees imposed. WG approval 16/05/2023 |
epo-ord:AllowanceInformation | Information about the discounts imposed. WG approval 16/05/2023 |
epo-ord:Consignee | A Role of an Agent that receives the Shipment of the Procurement (service, goods or works) and who is taking possession. Additional information: The Role is carried out by the Customer or on behalf of the Customer. The possession of the goods does not necessary imply ownership. The Consignee may be the end-user or the beneficiary. (Consignee) Definition from PEPPOL Despatch: The Consignee is the person or Organisation to which the products will be shipped and who is taking possession. The Role is carried out by the Customer or on behalf of the Customer. WG approval: 21/02/2023 |
epo-ord:ContractInformation | Information about the Contract. WG approval 20/04/2023 |
epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement | Term applying to the delivery of goods, services and works. Additional Information: Delivery terms identifier can normally be Incoterms accompanied by the description of specific conditions related to the delivery. WG approval 16/05/2023 |
epo-ord:DeliveryInformation | Information about the timing, the delivery destination, the delivery agreement and the involved parties. WG approval 16/05/2023 |
epo-ord:Order | A formal request of the Buyer to the Seller specifying the goods, services or works to be delivered. Additional Information: A Buyer submits an Order for delivery of goods, services or works to a Seller. WG approval 23/04/2023 |
epo-ord:OrderLine | Details concerning a given unit of goods, services or works requested in the Order. Additional information: In general, an Order Line contains the Quantity and Price of the goods, services and goods requested in the Order. However, in certain cases, the Price may not be known, as the Price may fluctuate from one day to the other. WG approval 20/04/2023 |
epo-ord:OrderResponse | A formal reply from the Seller to the Buyer stating the Seller's ability to fulfil the order. Additional Information: The Order Response is used to inform on the acceptance or rejection of an Order or to make a counter-offer. WG approval 20/04/2023 |
epo-ord:OrderResponseInformation | |
epo-ord:OrderResponseLine | Details concerning the Seller's ability to fulfil a given Order Line. Additional Information: The Order Response Line is used to inform on the acceptance or rejection of an Order Line or to make a counter-offer. WG approval 20/04/2023 |
epo-ord:Originator | A Role of an Agent that expresses the needs to trigger the Procurement. Additional Information: The Originator is often the end-user or the Beneficiary. WG approval: 20/10/2022 |
epo-ord:OriginatorInformation | Information about the Originator of the Order. WG approval 20/03/2023 |
epo-ord:Seller | A Role of an Agent who transfers the ownership of the Procurement results (goods, services or works) to the Buyer. Additional information: A Role of an Agent that sells a Procurement Result (goods, services or work) to a Buyer. The Seller is bound by a Contract i.e. it has legal responsibility. The Seller may or may not be the same as the Supplier. The Seller may or may not issue the Invoice. The Seller may or may not be the owner of the credit owed by the Buyer. WG acceptance 08/09/2022 |
epo-ord:TaxInformation | Information about the imposition of mandatory levies required by law. WG approval 25/04/2023 |
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Attributes (datatype properties) names and definitions
Class name | Attribute name | Definition | Data type / cardinality |
epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation | epo-ful:hasAllowanceChargeReasonDescription | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] | |
epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation epo-ord:TaxInformation |
epo-cat:hasPercentage | The factor relative to the price charged in addition. WG approval 26/07/2022 The factor relative to the price charged in addition. WG approval 26/07/2022 | xsd:decimal [0..1] xsd:decimal [0..1] |
epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement epo-ord:TaxInformation |
dct:description | An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. WG Approval 30/05/2023 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
epo-ord:DeliveryInformation | epo-ord:hasDeliveryDeadline | xsd:dateTime [0..1] | |
epo-ord:DeliveryInformation | epo-ord:hasShippingMark | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..*] | |
epo-ord:Order | epo-ord:hasAccountingCost | The accounting reference used by the Buyer to specify the account to which the order and the corresponding invoice are booked. WG approval 2023-01-26 | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
epo-ord:Order | epo-ord:hasCustomerReference | A supplementary reference for the order. Additional information: This information can be used for the buyer's internal processes. This reference can also be used in the invoice. WG approval 2023-01-26 | xsd:boolean [0..1] |
epo-ord:Order | epo-ord:hasPaymentTerm | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] | |
epo-ord:OrderResponse | epo-ord:hasResponseDescription | Response clarification of the Supplier decision. | rdf:PlainLiteral [0..1] |
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Predicates (object properties) and definitions
Predicate name | Definition | Domain, Range and Cardinality |
epo-cat:hasAmount | The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price. WG approval 26/07/2022 The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price. WG approval 26/07/2022 | epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [1] epo-ord:TaxInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] |
epo-cat:hasPrice | epo-ord:OrderLine -> epo-cat:Price (external) [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasQuantity | epo-ord:OrderLine -> epo:Quantity (external) [1] | |
epo-cat:hasTaxCategory | epo-ord:TaxInformation -> at-voc-new:tax-category (external) [0..1] | |
epo-cat:hasTaxScheme | epo-ord:TaxInformation -> at-voc-new:tax-scheme (external) [0..1] | |
epo-cat:specifiesChargeInformation | epo-ord:Order -> epo-cat:ChargeInformation (external) [0..*] | |
epo-ful:agreedBySeller | epo-ful:ShipmentAgreement (external) -> epo-ord:Seller [1..*] | |
epo-ful:hasAllowanceChargeReason | | epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation -> at-voc-new:allowance-charge-reason (external) [0..1] |
epo-ful:hasTrackingID | epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> adms:Identifier (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ful:refersToDeliveryInformation | epo-ful:ShipmentInformation (external) -> epo-ord:DeliveryInformation [1] | |
epo-ful:refersToOrder | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice (external) -> epo-ord:Order [0..1] | |
epo-ful:refersToOrderLine | epo-ful:DespatchLine (external) -> epo-ord:OrderLine [0..1] | |
epo-ful:specifiesConsignee | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice (external) -> epo-ord:Consignee [1..*] | |
epo-ful:specifiesOriginator | epo-ful:DespatchAdvice (external) -> epo-ord:Originator [0..*] | |
epo-ord:comprisesOrderLine | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ord:OrderLine [1..*] | |
epo-ord:comprisesOrderResponseLine | epo-ord:OrderResponse -> epo-ord:OrderResponseLine [0..*] | |
epo-ord:concernsConsignee | epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> epo-ord:Consignee [0..1] | |
epo-ord:concernsContract | epo-ord:ContractInformation -> epo:Contract (external) [1] | |
epo-ord:concernsOriginator | epo-ord:OriginatorInformation -> epo-ord:Originator [1] | |
epo-ord:concernsOriginatorRequest | epo-ord:OriginatorInformation -> epo:OriginatorRequest (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasAcceptanceStatus | epo-ord:OrderResponseInformation -> at-voc-new:ResponseStatus [1] | |
epo-ord:hasAmountDueForPayment | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [1] | |
epo-ord:hasDeliveryPeriod | epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> epo:Period (external) [0..1] epo-ord:OrderResponseInformation -> epo:Period (external) [0..1] |
epo-ord:hasPrepaidAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasPriceDiscountInformation | epo-cat:Price (external) -> epo-ord:AllowanceInformation [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasRoundingAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasTaxInformation | epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation -> epo-ord:TaxInformation [0..1] epo-cat:Item (external) -> epo-ord:TaxInformation [0..*] epo:Contract (external) -> epo-ord:TaxInformation [0..1] |
epo-ord:hasTotalAllowanceAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasTotalChargeAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasTotalLineAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [1] | |
epo-ord:hasTotalTaxExclusiveAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:hasTotalTaxInclusiveAmount | epo-ord:Order -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:implementsContract | epo-ord:OrderResponse -> epo:Contract (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderLine | Information that is particular to one or multiple Order Lines. Information that is particular to one or multiple Order Lines. Information that is particular to one or multiple Order Lines. Information that is particular to one or multiple Order Lines. Information that is particular to one or multiple Order Lines. | epo-ord:AllowanceInformation -> epo-ord:OrderLine [0..*] epo-ord:ContractInformation -> epo-ord:OrderLine [0..*] epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> epo-ord:OrderLine [0..*] epo-cat:ChargeInformation (external) -> epo-ord:OrderLine [0..*] epo-ord:OriginatorInformation -> epo-ord:OrderLine [0..*] |
epo-ord:isSpecificToOrderResponseLine | epo-ord:OrderResponseInformation -> epo-ord:OrderResponseLine [0..*] | |
epo-ord:isSubmittedForOrder | epo-ord:OrderResponse -> epo-ord:Order [1] | |
epo-ord:isSubmittedForOrderLine | epo-ord:OrderResponseLine -> epo-ord:OrderLine [1..*] | |
epo-ord:refersToCatalogue | Additional information: If an order refers to multiple catalogues then all these catalogues ideally are subordinated to the same contract. Some countries however may allow multiple contracts per order (i.e Italy). | epo-ord:Order -> epo-cat:Catalogue (external) [0..*] |
epo-ord:refersToCatalogueLine | Additional Information: The reference to the catalogue line is for information only, to trace the source of the information provided in the order line. | epo-ord:OrderLine -> epo-cat:CatalogueLine (external) [0..1] |
epo-ord:specifiesAllowanceInformation | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ord:AllowanceInformation [0..*] | |
epo-ord:specifiesBuyer | epo-ord:OrderResponse -> epo:Buyer (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:specifiesContractInformation | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ord:ContractInformation [0..*] | |
epo-ord:specifiesDeliveryAgreementLocation | epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement -> dct:Location (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:specifiesDeliveryInformation | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ord:DeliveryInformation [1..*] | |
epo-ord:specifiesGeneralDeliveryAgreement | epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement [0..1] | |
epo-ord:specifiesOrderResponseInformation | epo-ord:OrderResponse -> epo-ord:OrderResponseInformation [0..*] | |
epo-ord:specifiesOriginatorInformation | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ord:OriginatorInformation [0..1] | |
epo-ord:specifiesPlaceOfDelivery | epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> dct:Location (external) [0..1] | |
epo-ord:specifiesSeller | epo-ord:OrderResponse -> epo-ord:Seller [0..1] | |
epo-ord:specifiesSpecificDeliveryAgreement | epo-ord:DeliveryInformation -> epo-ord:DeliveryAgreement [0..1] | |
epo:isCalculatedOn | The monetary amount to which the multiplier factor is applied in calculating the amount of this allowance or charge. The monetary amount to which the multiplier factor is applied in calculating the amount of this allowance or charge. | epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] epo-ord:TaxInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue (external) [0..1] |
epo:refersToProject | epo-ord:Order -> epo:Project (external) [0..1] | |
epo:specifiesBuyer | epo-ord:Order -> epo:Buyer (external) [1] | |
epo:specifiesDespatcher | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ful:Despatcher (external) [0..1] | |
epo:specifiesSeller | epo-ord:Order -> epo-ord:Seller [1] epo-cat:Catalogue (external) -> epo-ord:Seller [0..*] |
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