eForms Developer Guide

This guide tries to address some of the most common issues faced by developers of eForms Applications.

No SDK? Developers that prefer a more traditional development model over metadata-driven development, can consult our braveheart developer guide.

Read: Implementing eForms without using the eForms SDK

Understanding the eForms SDK

  • What is the eForms SDK?

  • What problems does it try to solve?

  • What is the purpose/usage of each resource in the SDK?

Putting a form on the screen

  • Do you want to allow your users to fill in a notice?

  • How many different notice forms do you need?

  • How to create the notice forms

Saving a notice in XML

  • How to save a notice in a valid XML file

Validating a notice

  • How to validate a fully formed notice XML file

  • How to validate sections or input-fields while the user is still working on the notice

Visualising a notice

  • How to preview or print a notice in PDF, HTML or other document format