TED Open Data

Explore and download TED Open Data using SPARQL queries.

The public procurement data collected by the Publications Office is available as Linked Open Data in the TED Open Data Service.

This tool allows you to explore and download TED Open Data using SPARQL queries. You can use it to compose your queries, test them, and customise the dataset that you want to retrieve. You can then use these queries to retrieve live data directly into your applications. See the Help tab for more information or writing queries and examples on how to connect Excel and other applications with TED Open Data, for further analysis and reporting.

This application is developed by the Publications Office of the EU and is available as open source on GitHub. We welcome your feedback, suggestions for improvement as well as your contributions to the project. Visit our GitHub Discussions forum to share your ideas and feedback.

Select a query from the available categories on the left.

Query Title

Select a query to see its description.

You can run this query directly from Excel or any other application by using its URL.

Query results will appear here...


The TED Open Data Service allows you to extract custom datasets from the entire collection of public procurement data published by the Publications Office. This is made possible with Semantic Web technologies, specifically the SPARQL query language which allows you to specify the data you want to retrieve to meet the specific needs of your application.

To use this tool you will need to develop some familiarity with the logic and syntax of SPARQL as well as the concepts defined in the eProcurement Ontology. For detailed information and guidance on these topics, please visit our documentation website.

How to use this tool

  • Use the Query Library tab to explore suggested SPARQL queries. These will help you get started.
  • Use the Query Editor tab to compose your SPARQL query.
  • To test your query use the Run Query button.
  • The results will be displayed in the Query Results tab.
  • You can get a URL that directly runs your query by clicking on the Copy URL button in the Query Results tab.
    You can use this URL to run your query and retrieve live results directly into Excel, Power BI, or any application that can get data from the web.
  • To download a copy of the data retrieved by your query you can use the Download button in the Query Results tab.

Questions & feedback

For questions and feedback, please visit our GitHub Discussions forum.

Third-Party Components
Frontend Components
  • Bootstrap (v5.3.0-alpha3)
    CSS framework for styling and components
    License: MIT
  • CodeMirror (v5.65.2)
    Code editor with SPARQL syntax highlighting
    License: MIT
  • js-yaml (v4.1.0)
    YAML parser and dumper
    License: MIT
Backend Components
  • Express (v4.17.1)
    Web server framework
    License: MIT
  • cors (v2.8.5)
    CORS middleware for Express
    License: MIT
  • node-fetch (v2.6.1)
    Fetch API implementation for Node.js
    License: MIT
  • https-proxy-agent (v7.0.5)
    HTTP(s) proxy agent for Node.js
    License: MIT
  • sparqljs (v3.7.3)
    SPARQL query parser and generator
    License: MIT