Release notes
This release was meant to clean up the model.
General changes
Metadata | Value |
Reference ePO version |
3.0.0 |
Target ePO version |
3.0.1 |
Authors |
Andreea Pasăre, Eugeniu Costetchi |
Date |
2022-09-23 |
All subclasses of epo:Notice have been moved to a separate module, eNotice.
The prefix used for the eNotice module is “epo-not:”.
The prefix used for the eCatalogue module is “epo-cat”.
Diagrams were cleaned up to provide a better user readability.
Changed classes
Procurement object package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasLotMinimumSubmission |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasLotSubmissionLimit |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasMaximumNumberOfLotsToBeAwarded |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasCalculationMethod |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Lot |
time:unitType → time:TemporalUnit |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:Tender |
epo:foreseesContractSpecificTerm → epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
epo:Tender |
epo:foreseesConcession → epo:ConcessionEstimate |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue → epo:MonetaryValue |
Agent package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
org:Organization |
epo:hasBuyerLegalTypeDescription |
epo:hasBuyerTypeDescription |
org:Organization |
epo:hasMainActivityDescription |
class | added property | deleted property |
org:Organization |
added property (outgoing connector) |
deleted property (outgoing connector) |
org:Organization |
epo:hasMainActivity → at-voc:main-activity |
epo:hasMainActivityType → at-voc:main-activity |
Role package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasBuyerTypeDescription |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:BuyerSignatorySide |
epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:Buyer |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Awarder |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
Term package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm |
epo:hasQualificationSystemRenewalDescription |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasLotAwardCombination |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasMaximumLotSubmissionAllowed |
epo:hasLotSubmissionLimit |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasMaximumNumberOfLotsToBeAwarded |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasNationalProcedureRules |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:isOneLotOnlyAllowed |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:isSubmissionForAllLotsAllowed |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:hasReceiptExpressionDeadline (from epo:ProcedureTerm) |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:definesContractDuration → epo:Duration |
epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm |
epo:definesContractPeriod → epo:Period |
epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm |
epo:hasQualificationSystemPeriod → epo:Period |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasQualificationSystemDuration → epo:Duration |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
generalisation → epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
Contextual description package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasNonAwardedContractNumber |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasNonAwardedContractTitle |
epo:ConcessionEstimate |
epo:hasCalculationMethod (from epo:Tender) |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasBuyerLegalType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
epo:hasLegalType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
epo:ConcessionEstimate |
epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue → epo:MonetaryValue (from epo:Tender) |
epo:ConcessionEstimate |
epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue → epo:MonetaryValue (from epo:Tender) |
Document package
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Document |
generalisation → epo:Estimate |
epo:Document |
epo:isBasedOnImplementingRegulation → at-voc:legal-basis |
epo:hasImplementingRegulation → at-voc:implementation-regulation |
Empirical types package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Duration |
time:numericDuration |
epo:SpecificDuration |
time:numericDuration |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Duration |
epo:refersToProcedure → epo:Procedure (from epo:ResultNotice) |
epo:IndefiniteDuration |
time:unitType → time:TemporalUnit |
epo:SpecificDuration |
generalisation → epo:Duration |
epo:SpecificDuration |
generalisation → epo:Duration |
eCatalogue module
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo-cat:ChargeInformation |
epo-cat:hasPricePercentage |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo-cat:Catalogue |
comprisesCatalogueLine → epo-cat:CatalogueLine |
epo-cat:ChargeInformation |
epo-cat:isSubordinatedToContract → epo:Contract |
epo-cat:isSubordinatedTo → epo:Contract |
epo-cat:ChargeInformation |
epo-cat:hasFixedAmount → epo:MonetaryValue |
eNotice module
class | added property | deleted property |
epo-not:CompetitionNotice (from epo:CompetitionNotice) |
epo-not:announcesLot → epo:Lot |
epo:announcesLot → epo:Lot |
epo-not:CompetitionNotice (from epo:CompetitionNotice) |
epo-not:announcesLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:announcesLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo-not:CompetitionNotice (from epo:CompetitionNotice) |
epo-not:announcesRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:announcesRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo-not:CompetitionNotice (from epo:CompetitionNotice) |
epo-not:announcesProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:announcesProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo-not:ContractModificationNotice (from epo:ContractModificationNotice) |
epo-not:refersToContractToBeModified → epo:Contract |
epo:refersToContractToBeModified → epo:Contract |
epo-not:DirectAwardPrenotificationNotice (from epo:DirectAwardPrenotificationNotice) |
epo-not:announcesProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:announcesProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo-not:PlanningNotice (from epo:PlanningNotice) |
epo-not:announcesPlannedProcurementPart → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:announcesPlannedProcurementPart → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesNonPublishedElement → epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:announcesNonPublishedElement → epo:PublicationProvision |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:refersToRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:refersToRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesLotAwardOutcome → epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome → epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:refersToProcedureTerm → epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:refersToProcedureTerm → epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:refersToLot → epo:Lot |
epo:refersToLot → epo:Lot |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:announcesRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:refersToReviewTerm → epo:ReviewTerm |
epo:refersToReviewTerm → epo:ReviewTerm |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesTender → epo:Tender |
epo:announcesTender → epo:Tender |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:refersToLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:refersToLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesContract → epo:Contract |
epo:announcesContract → epo:Contract |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesNoticeAwardInformation → epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo-not:announcesNoticeAwardInformation → epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo-not:ResultNotice |
epo-not:announcesLotGroupAwardInformation → epo:LotGroupAwardInformation |
epo:announcesLotGroupAwardInformation → epo:LotGroupAwardInformation |
ePO - eProcurement Ontology 3.0.0
The ultimate objective of the e-procurement ontology (ePO) is to put forth a commonly agreed OWL ontology that will conceptualise, formally encode and make available in an open, structured and machine-readable format data about public procurement, covering it from end to end, i.e. from notification, through tendering to awarding, ordering, invoicing and payment. It is the intention of the e-procurement ontology to unify existing practices, thus facilitating seamless exchange, access and reuse of data.
In the framework of this project, we will identify and give examples of each step of the process for creating the e-procurement ontology. Clearly specifying the roles of the different actors and the input required of them within the timeline of creating the ontology. The different phases needed to create the ontology and the intermediary processes within these phases will be clearly defined giving examples taken from the 3 use cases. In parallel to this process, a working group composed of stakeholders from multiple interested groups will be set up. This working group will decide by consensus on how the ontology should be developed at all stages and may decide to adopt the first draft of the specification proposed and described during the first meeting. This project will provide the working group with the process, methodology and technology to be followed for developing the final version of the e-procurement ontology.
The release of version 3.0.0 and its corresponding technical files can be found here.
RDF representation of the eProcurement ontology can be downloaded here.
Release notes
General changes
Metadata | Value |
Reference ePO version |
3.0.0 beta |
Target ePO version |
3.0.0 |
Authors |
Andreea Pasăre, Eugeniu Costetchi |
Date |
2022-07-28 |
Attributes were consistently added with the “has”/“is” prefix in order to conform to the convention that attribute and relation names must start with a lowercase letter. Previously all attributes started with the capital letter.
Attribute types were migrated from UML and epo datatypes into XSD/RDFS datatypes. The inventory of used data types is provided in the datatype package of the model.
Packages have been reorganised as presented below.
New modules (as EA root nodes) have been created (organisation and inventory to be provided elsewhere). Some classes from the epo module were moved into other modules for future modelling, as may be mentioned in this document as deleted.
The main requirements considered in this refactoring exercise was conformance to a) the TED eForms as specified in the regulation Annexe and b) the TED Standard Forms.
The conceptual guidelines considered in this refactoring were a) pinning of the concepts under an upper level ontology, while taking into consideration b) multi phase life cycle of the procurement process. This will be detailed elsewhere.
Procurement object package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasRecurrenceDescription |
epo:Lot |
epo:isRecurrent |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasAdditionalInformation |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasRecurrenceDescription |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isCoveredByGPA |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isJointProcurement |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isRecurrent |
epo:Tender |
epo:isVariant |
epo:hasVariant |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Lot |
epo:foreseesContractSpecificTerm → epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
epo:foreseesContractTerm → epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:foreseesTechnique → epo:TechniqueUsage |
epo:Procedure |
epo:usesTechnique → epo:TechniqueUsage |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isResponsabilityOfBuyer → epo:Buyer |
Agent package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cpv:Person |
person:birthName |
epo:hasBirthFamilyName |
cpv:Person |
cv:birthDate |
epo:hasDateOfBirth |
cpv:Person |
cv:deathDate |
epo:hasDateOfDeath |
class | added property | deleted property |
cpv:Person |
legal:registeredAddress → locn:Address |
epo:hasRegisteredAddress → locn:Address |
org:OrganisationGroup |
generalisation → org:Organization |
org:Organization |
epo:hasMainActivityType → at-voc:main-activity |
org:Organization |
legal:registeredAddress → locn:Address |
epo:hasRegisteredAddress → locn:Address |
org:Organization |
cv:address → locn:Address |
epo:hasAddress → locn:Address |
org:Organization |
epo:hasBuyerType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
org:Organization |
epo:hasLegalType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
epo:hasBuyerType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
Role package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Buyer |
epo:isResponsibleForProcedure |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasMainActivityType → at-voc:main-activity |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasBuyerType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
Location package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cpov:ContactPoint |
cpov:email |
cpov:hasEmail |
cpov:ContactPoint |
cpov:telephone |
cpov:hasTelephone |
locn:Address |
locn:adminUnitL1 |
locn:Address |
locn:adminUnitL2 |
locn:Geometry:Class |
cv:coordinates |
locn:coordinates |
locn:Geometry:Class |
cv:latitude |
locn:latitude |
locn:Geometry:Class |
locn:longitude |
cv:longitude |
class | added property | deleted property |
cpov:ContactPoint |
cv:address → locn:Address |
epo:hasAddress → locn:Address |
locn:Address |
epo:hasNutsCode → at-voc:nuts |
locn:adminUnitL2 → at-voc:nuts |
locn:Address |
epo:hasCountryCode → at-voc:country |
locn:adminUnitL1 → at-voc:country |
Term package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
epo:hasBuyerCoverage |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
hasBuyerCategoryDescription |
renamed from epo:hasFrameworkBuyerCategory |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
epo:hasMaximumNumberOfAwardedTenderers |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
epo:hasMaximumParticipantsNumber |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasCrossBorderLaw |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:isAwardedByCPB |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:hasEAuctionURL |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:ReviewTerm |
generalisation → epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
Criterion package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cccev:InformationConcept |
epo:hasDescription |
cccev:InformationConcept |
epo:hasName |
class | added property | deleted property |
cccev:Constraint |
cccev:constrains → cccev:InformationConcept |
cccev:Evidence |
cccev:supportsRequirement → cccev:Requirement |
cccev:Evidence |
cccev:supportsConcept → cccev:InformationConcept |
cccev:Evidence |
cccev:confidentialityLevelType → at-voc:confidentiality-level |
cccev:InformationConcept |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
Technique package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:DynamicPurchaseSystemTechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:DynamicPurchaseSystemTechnique) |
epo:hasDPSTermination |
epo:EAuctionTechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:EAuctionTechnique) |
epo:hasEAuctionURL |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique) |
epo:hasFrameworkBuyerCategory |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique) |
epo:hasFrameworkDurationJustification |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique) |
epo:hasMaximumParticipantsNumber |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:EAuctionTechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:EAuctionTechnique) |
epo:hasEAuctionUsage → at-voc:usage |
epo:TechniqueUsage (renamed from epo:Technique) |
epo:hasUsage → at-voc:usage |
renamed from epo:hasEAuctionUsage → at-voc:usage |
Contextual description package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasEUReceivedTenders |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedNonEUTenders |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:isCompetitionTerminated |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:isDPSTerminated |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:isToBeRelaunched |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:hasMaximumFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasTotalFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:hasProcurementHighestReceivedTenderValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:hasProcurementLowestReceivedTenderValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:hasTotalAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasTotalContractAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:concernsLot → epo:Lot |
epo:concernsLotRelaunch → epo:Lot (epo:RelaunchInformation as target class) |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:concernsProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:concernsProcedureRelaunch → epo:Procedure (epo:RelaunchInformation as target class) |
epo:ProcurementProcessInformation |
epo:concernsPreviousNotice → epo:Notice |
Pre-release ePO 3.0.0 beta
Metadata | Value |
Reference ePO version |
3.0.0 alpha |
Target ePO version |
3.0.0 beta |
Authors |
Andreea Pasăre, Eugeniu Costetchi |
Date |
2022-06-04 |
New classes
epo:Recurrence Information
Changed classes
Procurement object package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Lot |
epo:isCoveredbyGPA |
epo:hasGPAUsage |
epo:Lot |
epo:isUsingEUFunds |
epo:hasEstimatedTenderInvitationDate |
epo:Lot |
epo:isSMESuitable |
epo:hasAwardDateScheduled |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasAdditionalInformation |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:isUsingEUFunds |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:isSMESuitable |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:hasAdditionalInformation |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:hasEstimatedContractNoticePublicationDate |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isCompetitionTermination |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasRecurrenceDescription |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasRecurrence |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasOptionsDescription |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasOptions |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasWinnerDecisionDate |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasAccessURL |
epo:hasAccessAddress |
epo:ReviewDecision (renamed from epo:ReviewDecisionInformation) |
epo:hasDecisionDate |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:hasElementReference |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:hasReviewTitle |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:hasReviewDescription |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:hasReviewDate |
epo:ReviewRequest (renamed from epo:ReviewRequestInformation) |
epo:hasRequestDate |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Lot |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasVariantPermission → at-voc:permission |
epo:Lot |
epo:isSubjectToLotSpecificTerm → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:isSubjectToLotTerm → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:usesChannel → cpsv:Channel |
epo:usesAdhoc → cpsv:Channel |
epo:Lot |
epo:foreseesContractTerm → epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:isSubjectToPlanningTerm → epo:ProcessPlanningTerm |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isExecutedByProcurementServiceProvider → ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:Procedure |
epo:involvesBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasOptionsPermission → at-voc:permission |
epo:Tender |
epo:specifiesSubcontractors → epo:Subcontractor |
epo:specifiesSubcontractors → epo:EconomicOperator |
epo:Contract |
epo:bindsBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:Contract |
epo:bindsContractor → epo:Contractor |
epo:ConcessionContract |
generalisation → epo:Contract |
epo:ReviewDecision (renamed from epo:ReviewDecisionInformation) |
generalisation → ReviewObject |
generalisation → ReviewInformation |
epo:ReviewDecision (renamed from epo:ReviewDecisionInformation) |
epo:hasConfirmedIrregularityType → at-voc:irregularity-type |
epo:ReviewDecision (renamed from epo:ReviewDecisionInformation) |
epo:appliesRemedyType → at-voc:review-remedy-type |
epo:ReviewDecision (renamed from epo:ReviewDecisionInformation) |
epo:resolvesReviewRequest → ReviewRequest |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
generalisation → epo:ContextSpecificDescription |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:refersToPreviousReview → epo:ReviewObject |
epo:previousReview → epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:hasIrregularityType → at-voc:irregularity-type |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:reviewRemedyType → at-voc:review-remedy-type |
epo:ReviewObject (renamed from epo:ReviewInformation) |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:ReviewRequest (renamed from epo:ReviewRequestInformation) |
epo:hasAllegedIrregularityType → at-voc:irregularity-type |
epo:ReviewRequest (renamed from epo:ReviewRequestInformation) |
epo:requestsRemedyType → at-voc:review-remedy-type |
epo:ReviewRequest (renamed from epo:ReviewRequestInformation) |
epo:paidReviewRequestFee → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasReviewRequestFee → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:ReviewRequest (renamed from epo:ReviewRequestInformation) |
generalisation → ReviewObject |
generalisation → ReviewInformation |
Agent package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cpv:Person |
dct:alternativeName |
epo:hasAlternativeName |
cpv:Person |
foaf:familyName |
epo:hasFamilyName |
cpv:Person |
foaf:name |
epo:hasFullName |
cpv:Person |
foaf:givenName |
epo:hasGivenName |
cpv:Person |
cpv:patronymicName |
epo:hasPatronymicName |
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cpv:Person |
generalisation → foaf:Person |
generalisation → foaf:Agent |
cpv:Person |
cpv:placeOfBirth → dct:Location |
cpv:Person |
cpv:placeOfDeath → dct:Location |
epo:Business |
epo:hasBusinessSize → at-voc:economic-operator-size |
epo:hasSize → at-voc:economic-operator-size |
foaf:Person |
generalisation → foaf:Agent |
Role package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Buyer |
epo:isResponsibleForProcedure |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Winner |
epo:isRoleOfBusiness → epo:Business |
Location package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cpov:ContactPoint |
cpov:telephone |
epo:hasTelephone |
cpov:ContactPoint |
cpov:email |
epo:hasEmail |
Term package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:hasPublicAccessURL |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:hasSubmissionURL |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:hasOptions |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:hasOptionsDescription |
epo:ProcessPlanningTerm |
epo:hasEstimatedTenderInvitationDate |
epo:ProcessPlanningTerm |
epo:hasEstimatedContractNoticePublicationDate |
epo:ProcessPlanningTerm |
epo:hasAwardDateScheduled |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
generalisation → epo:Term |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:definesCatalogueProvider → epo:CatalogueProvider |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:definesCatalogueReceiver → epo:CatalogueReceiver |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:definesOfflineAccessProvider → epo:OfflineAccessProvider |
epo:involvesOfflineAccessProvider → epo:OfflineAccessProvider |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:definesProcurementProcedureInformationProvider → epo:ProcurementProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:involvesProcurementProcedureInformationProvider → epo:ProcurementProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:OpeningTerm |
epo:hasVirtualTenderOpeningAddress → cpsv:Channel |
epo:OpeningTerm |
epo:definesOpeningPlace → locn:Address |
epo:hasOpeningPlace → locn:Address |
epo:ParticipationRequestTerm |
epo:definesParticipationRequestProcessor → epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor |
epo:involvesParticipationRequestProcessor → epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor |
epo:ParticipationRequestTerm |
epo:definesParticipationRequestReceiver → epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver |
epo:involvesParticipationRequestReceiver → epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver |
epo:ReviewTerm |
epo:definesReviewer → epo:Reviewer |
epo:involvesReviewer → epo:Reviewer |
epo:ReviewTerm |
epo:definesReviewProcedureInformationProvider → ReviewProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:involvesReviewProcedureInformationProvider → ReviewProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:DirectAwardTerm |
epo:refersToPreviousProcedureLot → epo:Lot |
epo:refersToPreviousProcedureLots → epo:Lot |
epo:DirectAwardTerm |
epo:refersToPreviousProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasClarificationsAvailableVia → cpsv:Channel |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:hasQuestionsMadeAvailableVia → cpsv:Channel |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involvesBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:definesMediator → epo:Mediator |
epo:involvesMediator → epo:Mediator |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:definesBudgetProvider → epo:BudgetProvider |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:definesInformationProvider → epo:TertiaryRole |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involvesProcurementServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involves Reviewer → epo:Reviewer |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:hasVariantPermission → at-voc:permission |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:hasSubmissionCommunicationMeans → cpsv:Channel |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:definesTenderProcessor → epo:TenderProcessor |
epo:involvesTenderProcessor → epo:TenderProcessor |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:definesTenderReceiver → epo:TenderReceiver |
epo:involvesTenderReceiver → epo:TenderReceiver |
epo:SubcontractTerm |
generalisation → epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:ContractTerm |
generalisation → epo:ContractSpecificTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:definesSpecificPlaceOfPerformance → dct:Location |
epo:hasSpecificPlaceOfPerformance → dct:Location |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:definesPaymentExecutor → epo:PaymentExecutor |
epo:involvesPaymentExecutor → epo:PaymentExecutor |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:definesSubcontractingTerm → epo:SubcontractTerm |
epo:hasSubcontractTerm → epo:SubcontractTerm |
epo:ProcessPlanningTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
Criterion package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
cccev:Constraint |
epo:hasThresholdValue |
cccev:Criterion |
cccev:weightingConsiderationDescription |
cccev:Criterion |
cccev:weight |
cccev:Criterion |
cccev:bias |
cccev:Requirement |
cccev:name |
cccev:Requirement |
cccev:identifier |
cccev:Requirement |
cccev:description |
epo:ExclusionGround |
epo:hasPersonalSituationCondition |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasWeightValue |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasWeightingJustification |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasThresholdValue |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasName |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasDescription |
class | added property | deleted property |
cccev:Constraint |
generalisation → cccev:Requirement |
cccev:Constraint |
epo:hasThresholdType → at-voc:number-threshold |
cccev:Criterion |
generalisation → cccev:Requirement |
cccev:Criterion |
cccev:type → at-voc:criterion |
cccev:Requirement |
cccev:hasRequirement → cccev:Requirement |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasThresholdType → at-voc:number-threshold |
Technique package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:EAuctionTechnique |
epo:hasEAuctionURL |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:EAuctionTechnique |
epo:hasConstraint → cccev:Constraint |
Contextual description package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:RecurrenceInformation |
epo:hasRecurrenceDescription |
epo:RecurrenceInformation |
epo:hasRecurrence |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:isProcurementToBeRelaunched |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:isCompetitionTerminated |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:RecurrenceInformation |
generalisation → epo:ContextSpecificDescription |
epo:RecurrenceInformation |
epo:concernsLotRecurrence → epo:Lot |
epo:RecurrenceInformation |
epo:concernsProcedureRecurrence → epo:Procedure |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:providesFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasFrameworkAgreementEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:providesFrameworkAgreementEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:providesAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasAwardedEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:providesAwardedEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:indicatesCancelledLotToBeRelaunched → epo:Lot |
epo:TenderAwardOutcome |
epo:awardsLotToWinner → epo:Winner |
epo:isAwardedToWinner → epo:Winner |
epo:CompetitionTerminationInformation |
generalisation → epo:ContextSpecificDescription |
epo:CompetitionTerminationInformation |
epo:concernsLotCompetitionTermination → epo:Lot |
epo:CompetitionTerminationInformation |
epo:concernsProcedureCompetitionTermination → epo:Procedure |
epo:StatisticalInformation |
generalisation → epo:ContextSpecificDescription |
epo:RelaunchInformation |
generalisation → epo:ContextSpecificDescription |
epo:RelaunchInformation |
epo:concernsLotRelaunch → epo:Lot |
epo:RelaunchInformation |
epo:concernsProcedureRelaunch → epo:Procedure |
Pre-release ePO 3.0.0 alpha
Metadata | Value |
Reference ePO version |
2.0.1 |
Target ePO version |
3.0.0 alpha |
Authors |
Andreea Pasăre, Eugeniu Costetchi |
Date |
2022-04-30 |
New package organisation
The conceptual model of the ontology has been sectioned into packages for better content management. Within each package are found classes and one or several diagrams that best depicts the specific aspects of the ontology.
The list of content packages is as follows:
procurement object
strategic procurement
contextual description
notice description
controlled vocabularies
In addition, we provide a package, called epo diagrams, with diagrams that provide selected views of the ontology.
New classes
Deleted classes
New enumerations
Changed classes
Agent package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Agent |
epo:ID |
epo:Agent |
epo:hasName |
epo:Organisation |
epo:hasLegalName |
epo:Organisation |
epo:hasOrganisationUnit |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Agent |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:Organisation |
epo:hasRegisteredAddress → locn:Address |
epo:Organisation |
epo:hasAddress → locn:Address |
epo:hasLocation → epo:Location |
epo:Organisation |
epo:hasDeliveryGateway → epo:Channel |
epo:Organisation |
epo:hasPrimaryContactPoint → epo:ContactPoint |
epo:hasDefaultContactPoint → epo:ContactPoint |
epo:Person |
epo:hasLegalLocation → epo:Location |
epo:hasRegisteredAddress → locn:Address |
epo:Person |
epo:hasCountryOfBirth → at-voc:country |
Procurement objects package
epo:Lot class was duplicated in ePO 2.0.1.
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:Description |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:ID |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:Title |
epo:Lot |
epo:ID |
epo:Lot |
epo:PerformingStafQualificationInformation |
epo:Lot |
epo:ReservedProcurement |
epo:Lot |
epo:SMESuitable |
epo:Lot |
epo:Title |
epo:Lot |
epo:VariantsPermission |
epo:Lot |
epo:Description |
epo:Lot |
epo:AdditionalInformation |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:hasEstimatedContractNoticePublicationDate |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:AdditionalInformation |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:Description |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:ID |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:LegalBasisID |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:SMESuitable |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:Title |
epo:Procedure |
epo:ChoiceJustification |
epo:Procedure |
epo:Description |
epo:Procedure |
epo:ID |
epo:Procedure |
epo:LegalBasisID |
epo:Procedure |
epo:LegalBasis |
epo:Procedure |
epo:LegalRegime |
epo:Procedure |
epo:ProcedureType |
epo:Procedure |
epo:Title |
epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:hasDescription |
epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:hasTitle |
epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:hasAdditionalInformation |
epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:isSMESuitable |
epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:isUsingEUFunds |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasRecurrenceDescription |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasRecurrence |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasOptions |
epo:Purpose |
epo:AdditionalClassification |
epo:Purpose |
epo:AdditionalContractNature |
epo:Purpose |
epo:ContractNatureType |
epo:Purpose |
epo:MainClassification |
epo:Purpose |
epo:OptionsPermission |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasTotalMagnitudeQuantity |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasCalculationMethod |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasVariant |
epo:Tender |
epo:ID |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:setsGroupingContextFor → epo:Lot |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:specifiesProcurementCriteria → epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:isAwardedTo → epo:Tender |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:hasAwardedValue → epo:Value |
epo:LotGroup |
epo:hasEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasEstimatedValue → epo:Value |
epo:Lot |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:Lot |
epo:isGroupedIn epo:LotGroup |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasAwardedEstimatedValue → epo:Value |
epo:Lot |
epo:providesAdditionalInformation → epo:StatisticalInformation |
epo:Lot |
epo:requires → epo:SecurityClearanceTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasEstimatedValue → epo:Value |
epo:Lot |
epo:contributesToImplement → epo:ProjectProcurement |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasPurpose → epo:Purpose |
epo:has → epo:Purpose |
epo:Lot |
epo:isAwardedToTenderLot → epo:TenderLot |
epo:Lot |
epo:has → epo:OpeningTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:involvesOverallStrategicProcurement → epo:strategicProcurement |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasPerformingStaffQualificationInformation → at-voc:requirement-stage |
epo:isProvidedWithin → at-voc:requirement-stage |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue → epo:Value |
epo:Lot |
epo:applies → epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:applies → epo:ContractTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasTenderEvaluationTerm → epo:EvaluationTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasContractDuration → epo:Period |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue → epo:Value |
epo:Lot |
epo:refersToPlannedPart → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:refersTo → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:Lot |
epo:isReferredToIn → epo:ProcurementDocument |
epo:Lot |
epo:hasAwardedValue → epo:Value |
epo:Lot |
epo:refersTo → epo:Item |
epo:Lot |
epo:isFundedBy → epo:Fund |
epo:Lot |
epo:isSubjectToLotTerm → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:Lot |
epo:usesTechnique → epo:Technique |
epo:uses → epo:Technique |
epo:Lot |
epo:specifiesProcurementCriteria → epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:hasLegalBasis → at-voc:legal-basis |
epo:hasLegalBasisID → at-voc:legal-basis |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:usesChannel → epo:Channel |
epo:uses → epo:Channel |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:hasPlannedDuration → epo:Duration |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:has → epo:AccessTerm |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:has → epo:ContractTerm |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:involvesOverallStrategicProcurement → epo:StrategicProcurement |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:refersTo → epo:Document |
epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:isFundedWith → epo:Fund |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isSubjectToProcedureSpecificTerm → epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
epo:has → epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:Procedure |
epo:refersToPlannedPart → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasEstimatedValue → epo:Value |
epo:Procedure |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasProcurementScopeDividedIntoLot → epo:Lot |
epo:specifies → epo:Lot |
epo:Procedure |
epo:specifiesExclusionGround → epo:ExclusionGround |
epo:uses → epo:ExclusionGround |
epo:Procedure |
epo:involvesOverallStrategicProcurement → epo:StrategicProcurement |
epo:Procedure |
epo:leadsTo → epo:Contract |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isResponsabilityOf → epo:Buyer |
epo:Procedure |
epo:isConcludedBy → epo:Contract |
epo:Procedure |
epo:uses → epo:AccessTerm |
epo:Procedure |
epo:has → epo:DirectAwardTerm |
epo:Procedure |
epo:hasTotalValue → epo:Value |
epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:isSubjectToTerm → epo:Term |
epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:fulfillStrategicProcurement → epo:StrategicProcurement |
epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:ProcurementPart |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:ProcurementPart |
epo:isFundedBy → epo:Fund |
epo:Purpose |
epo:hasTotalQuantity → epo:Quantity |
epo:TenderGroup |
epo:comprisesTender → epo:Tender |
epo:TenderGroup |
epo:hasTotalValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:TenderGroup |
epo:isSubmittedForLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:Tender |
epo:isSupportedBy → epo:TechnicalOffer |
epo:Tender |
epo:isSubmittedForLot → epo:Lot |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasItemCountryOfOrigin → at-voc:country |
epo:Tender |
epo:subjectToGrouping → epo:LotGroup |
epo:Tender |
epo:foreseesSubcontractingEstimate → epo:SubcontractingEstimate |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:Tender |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasFinancialOfferValuer → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:Tender |
epo:isSupportedBy → epo:ESPDResponse |
epo:Tender |
epo:isSupportedBy → epo:FinancialOffer |
epo:Tender |
epo:attaches → epo:TenderDocument |
epo:Tender |
epo:includes → epo:TenderLot |
epo:Tender |
epo:hasSubmissionTerm → epo:SubmissionTerm |
Roles package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:AgentInRole |
epo:hasDescription |
epo:AgentInRole |
epo:hasTitle |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasBuyerTypeDescription |
epo:BuyerLegalTypeDescription |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasBuyerProfile |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasBuyerLegalType |
epo:Buyer |
epo:MainActivityType |
epo:CentralPurchasingBody |
epo:CPBType |
epo:EconomicOperator |
epo:EORoleType |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:AcquiringCentralPurchasingBody |
generalisation → epo:CentralPurchasingBody |
epo:AgentInRole |
epo:playedBy → epo:Agent |
epo:AgentInRole |
epo:dependsOnRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:AgentInRole |
epo:hasContactPointInRole → epo:ContactPoint |
epo:Awarder |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:Awarder |
generalisation → epo:PrimaryRole |
epo:AwardingCentralPurchasingBody |
generalisation → epo:CentralPurchasingBody |
epo:BudgetProvider |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:BudgetProvider |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:BudgetProvider |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:BuyerSideSignatory |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:BuyerSideSignatory |
generalisation → epo:ContractSignatory |
epo:Buyer |
epo:hasBuyerType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
epo:hasBuyerLegalType → at-voc:buyer-legal-type |
epo:Buyer |
epo:delegatesAncillaryActivitiesTo → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:Buyer |
epo:executesPayment → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:processesTenders → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:has → epo:BuyerProfile |
epo:Buyer |
epo:processesRequestsToParticipate → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
generalisation → epo:Role |
epo:Buyer |
epo:providesMoreInformationOnTimeLimitsForReviewProcedures → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:receivesRequestsToParticipate → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:isGroupLeader → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:appoints → epo:EvaluationBoard |
epo:Buyer |
epo:makesDecision → epo:AwardDecision |
epo:Buyer |
epo:providesAdditionalInformationAboutProcurementProcedure → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:usesBudgetToPayContract → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:receivesTenders → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:providesOfflineAccessToProcurementDocuments → epo:Lot |
epo:Buyer |
epo:plans → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:Buyer |
epo:signsContract → epo:Lot |
epo:CatalogueProvider |
generalisation → epo:EconomicOperator |
epo:CatalogueReceiver |
generalisation → epo:PrimaryRole |
epo:CentralPurchasingBody |
epo:hasCentralPurchasingBody → epo:cpb-type |
epo:ContractSignatory |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:ContractorSideSignatory |
generalisation → epo:ContractSignatory |
epo:ContractorSideSignatory |
epo:dependsOnWinner → epo:Winner |
epo:Contractor |
generalisation → epo:EconomicOperator |
generalisation → epo:Winner |
epo:Contractor |
epo:dependsOnContractorSideSignatory → epo:ContractorSideSignatory |
epo:EconomicOperator |
epo:playedByBusiness epo:Business |
epo:EmploymentInformationProvider |
generalisation → epo:TertiaryRole |
epo:EnvironmentalProtectionInformationProvider |
generalisation → epo:TertiaryRole |
epo:GroupLeader |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:InformationProvider |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:InformationProvider |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:InformationProvider |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:OfflineAccessProvider |
generalisation → epo:InformationProvider |
epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:PaymentExecutor |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:PaymentExecutor |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:PaymentExecutor |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:ProcurementProcedureInformationProvider |
generalisation → epo:InformationProvider |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:actsOnBehalfOf → epo:Buyer |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:receivesRequestsToParticipate → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:providesAdditionalInformationAboutProcurementProcedure → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:isGroupLeader → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:executesPayment → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:manages → epo:BuyerProfile |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:processesTenders → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:processesRequestsToParticipate → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:providesMoreInformationOnTimeLimitsForReviewProcedures → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:usesBudgetToPayContract → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:receivesTenders → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:providesOfflineAccessToProcurementDocuments → epo:Lot |
epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:signsContract → epo:Lot |
epo:ReviewProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:dependsOnReviewer → epo:Reviewer |
epo:ReviewProcedureInformationProvider |
generalisation → epo:InformationProvider |
epo:ReviewRequester |
generalisation → epo:PrimaryRole |
epo:Reviewer |
epo:providesMoreInformationOnTimeLimitsForReviewProcedures → epo:Lot |
epo:PrimaryRole |
epo:playedByOrganisation → epo:Organisation |
epo:PrimaryRole |
generalisation → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:PrimaryRole |
epo:has → epo:ContactPoint |
epo:SecondaryRole |
generalisation → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:TaxInformationProvider |
generalisation → epo:TertiaryRole |
epo:TenderProcessor |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:TenderProcessor |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:TenderProcessor |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:TenderReceiver |
epo:dependsOnServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:TenderReceiver |
epo:dependsOnBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:TenderReceiver |
generalisation → epo:SecondaryRole |
epo:Tenderer |
epo:substantiatesExclusionGround → epo:ExclusionGround |
epo:substantiates → epo:ExclusionGround |
epo:Tenderer |
epo:withdraws → epo:Tender |
epo:Tenderer |
epo:submits → epo:Tender |
epo:TertiaryRole |
generalisation → epo:InformationProvider |
epo:TertiaryRole |
epo:providesRegulatoryInformation → epo:RegulatoryFrameworkInformation |
epo:Winner |
epo:dependsOnTenderer → epo:Tenderer |
epo:Winner |
generalisation → epo:EconomicOperator |
generalisation → epo:Tenderer |
Location package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
locn:Address |
locn:postName |
epo:CityName |
locn:Address |
locn:postCode |
epo:PostalZone |
locn:Address |
locn:thoroughfare |
epo:StreetName |
locn:Address |
locn:adressArea |
locn:Address |
locn:FullAddress |
locn:Address |
locn:locatorDesignator |
locn:Address |
locn:locatorName |
locn:Address |
epo:AdditionalStreetName |
locn:Address |
epo:BlockName |
locn:Address |
epo:BuildingName |
locn:Address |
epo:BuildingNumber |
locn:Address |
epo:CitySubdivisionName |
locn:Address |
epo:CountryCode |
locn:Address |
epo:CountrySubentityCode |
locn:Address |
epo:CountrySubentity |
locn:Address |
epo:District |
locn:Address |
epo:Floor |
locn:Address |
epo:ID |
locn:Address |
epo:InhouseMail |
locn:Address |
epo:MarkAttention |
locn:Address |
epo:PlotIdentification |
locn:Address |
epo:PostBox |
locn:Address |
epo:Region |
locn:Address |
epo:Room |
locn:Address |
epo:TimezoneOffset |
epo:ContactPoint |
epo:hasContactName |
dct:Location |
locn:geographicName |
locn:Geometry |
locn:latitude |
locn:Geometry |
locn:longitude |
locn:Geometry |
locn:coordinates |
class | added property | deleted property |
locn:Address |
locn:adminUnitL2 → at-voc:nuts |
epo:hasCountrySubentityCode → at-voc:nuts |
locn:Address |
locn:addressID → epo:Identifier |
locn:Address |
locn:adminUnitL1 → at-voc:country |
epo:hasCountryCode → at-voc:country |
locn:Address |
epo:has → epo:LocationCoordinate |
epo:ContactPoint |
epo:hasAddress → locn:Address |
epo:hasLocation → epo:Location |
epo:ContactPoint |
generalisation → epo:CommunicationMeans |
epo:ContactPoint |
epo:has → epo:Channel |
epo:ContactPoint |
epo:hasContactPersonRole → epo:Role |
dct:Location |
epo:hasCountryCode → at-voc:country |
dct:Location |
epo:hasNutsCode → at-voc:nuts |
dct:Location |
locn:geographicIdentifier → epo:Identifier |
dct:Location |
locn:geometry → locn:Geometry |
dct:Location |
locn:address → locn:Address |
dct:Location |
epo:hasPostalAddress → epo:Address |
Contract package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasAccessAddress |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasWinnerDecisionDate |
epo:Contract |
epo:ID |
epo:Contract |
epo:Title |
epo:Fund |
epo:ID |
epo:PurchaseContract |
epo:isWithinFrameworkAgreement |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Contract |
epo:includesLot → epo:Lot |
epo:Contract |
epo:signedBySignatory → epo:ContractSignatory |
epo:Contract |
epo:includesLotAwardOutcome → epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasEstimatedDuration → epo:Duration |
epo:hasEstimatedDuration → epo:Period |
epo:Contract |
epo:includesTender → epo:Tender |
epo:Contract |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementObject |
epo:Contract |
epo:refersTo → epo:Lot (epo:isReferredByA → epo:Contract) |
epo:Contract |
epo:attaches → epo:Document |
epo:Contract |
epo:isSignedBy → epo:Agent (epo:isSignatoryPartyOf → epo:Contract) |
epo:Contract |
epo:refersToSignatory → epo:Winner |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasDuration → epo:Period |
epo:Contract |
epo:mentions → epo:LotGroup |
epo:Contract |
epo:refersTo → epo:Tender |
epo:Contract |
generalisation → epo:Document |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasProcurementValue → epo:Value |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasDurationEvaluationPeriod → epo:Period |
epo:Contract |
epo:hasContractPurpose → epo:Purpose |
epo:Fund |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:PurchaseContract |
epo:followsRulesSetBy → epo:FrameworkAgreement |
epo:hasRulesSetBy → epo:FrameworkAgreement (epo:setsRulesOf → epo:PurchaseContract) |
Term package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:isProcurementDocumentRestricted |
epo:SomeProcurementDocumentRestricted |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:hasRestrictedAccessURL |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:ProcurementDocumentLandingPage |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:SomeProcurementDocumentRestrictedJustification |
epo:Channel |
epo:isAtypical |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:BroadPlaceOfPerformance |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:ReservedExecution |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
epo:FrameworkAgreementType |
epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm |
epo:MaximumCandidates |
epo:Prize |
epo:PrizeValue |
epo:SubcontractTerm |
epo:SubcontractingObligation |
epo:AwardEvaluationTerm |
epo:hasAwardEvaluationFormula (from epo:EvaluationTerm) |
epo:AwardEvaluationTerm |
epo:hasOverallCostAwardCriteriaPonderation (from epo:EvaluationTerm) |
epo:AwardEvaluationTerm |
epo:hasOverallPriceAwardCriteriaPonderation (from epo:EvaluationTerm) |
epo:AwardEvaluationTerm |
epo:hasOverallQualityAwardCriteriaPonderation (from epo:EvaluationTerm) |
epo:AwardEvaluationTerm |
epo:hasAwardCriteriaOrderJustification |
epo:DirectAwardTerm |
epo:JustificationType |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:AdditionalInformationDeadline |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:ECataloguePermission |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:ESubmissionPermission |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:Language |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:LateSubmissionPermission |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:NonElectronicSubmissionJustification |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:TenderSubcontractingInformation |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:involvesInformationProvider → epo:ProcurementProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:hasProcurementDocumentLandingPage → epo:Channel |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:involvesProcurementDocument → epo:ProcurementDocument |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:involvesInformationProvider → epo:OfflineAccessProvider |
epo:AccessTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:refersToPlannedPart → epo:PlannedProcurementPart |
epo:AccessTerm |
epo:hasDocumentRestrictionJustification → at-voc:communication-justification |
epo:Channel |
generalisation → epo:CommunicationMeans |
epo:OpeningTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:SecurityClearanceTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:SecurityClearanceTerm |
epo:appliesTo → org:Site |
epo:SecurityClearanceTerm |
epo:appliesTo → epo:Winner |
epo:SecurityClearanceTerm |
epo:appliesTo → epo:Document |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:involvesPaymentExecutor → epo:PaymentExecutor |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:involvesBudgetProvider → epo:BudgetProvider |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:hasSpecificPlaceOfPerformance → dct:Location |
epo:hasSpecificPlaceOfPerformance → epo:Address |
epo:ContractTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:ContractTerm |
epo:hasSubcontractingTerm → epo:SubcontractTerm |
epo:includes → epo:SubcontractTerm |
epo:DesignContestRegimeTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:DesignContestRegimeTerm |
epo:appliesTo → epo:Lot |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
generalisation → epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
epo:appliesTo → epo:Lot |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm |
epo:isUsedBy → epo:LotGroup |
epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:Prize |
epo:hasPrizeValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:SubcontractTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:AwardEvaluationTerm |
generalisation → epo:EvaluationTerm |
epo:SelectionEvaluationTerm |
generalisation → epo:EvaluationTerm |
epo:EvaluationTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:ParticipationRequestTerm |
epo:involvesParticipationRequestReceiver → epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver |
epo:ParticipationRequestTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:ParticipationRequestTerm |
epo:involvesParticipationRequestProcessor → epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor |
epo:DirectAwardTerm |
generalisation → epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involvesReviewer → epo:Reviewer |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involvesMediator → epo:Mediator |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involvesProcurementServiceProvider → epo:ProcurementServiceProvider |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:definesLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:combinesLotsInto → epo:LotGroup |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
generalisation → epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:involvesBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:ReviewTerm |
epo:involvesReviewProcedureInformationProvider → epo:ReviewProcedureInformationProvider |
epo:ReviewTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:ReviewTerm |
epo:isAppliedBy → epo:Lot |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:involvesTenderReceiver → epo:TenderReceiver |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
generalisation → epo:LotSpecificTerm |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:involvesTenderProcessor → epo:TenderProcessor |
epo:SubmissionTerm |
epo:isAppliedBy → epo:Lot |
epo:LotSpecificTerm |
generalisation → epo:Term |
epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm |
generalisation → epo:Term |
Document package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:AwardDecisionDate |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:AwardStatus |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:Justification |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:NonAwardJustification |
epo:Document |
epo:hasPublicationDate (from epo:Notice) |
epo:Document |
epo:hasAccessURL |
epo:Document |
epo:hasVersion |
epo:Document |
epo:ID |
epo:Document |
epo:OfficialLanguage |
epo:Document |
epo:RestrictedCommunicationJustification |
epo:Document |
epo:UUID |
epo:Document |
epo:UnofficialLanguage |
epo:ProcurementDocument |
epo:FreeEAccess |
epo:ContractModificationNotice |
epo:ModificationReason |
epo:Notice |
epo:DPSScope |
epo:Notice |
epo:FormType |
epo:Notice |
epo:NotificationContentType |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:AwardDecision |
generalisation → epo:Document |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome → epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:hasWinning → epo:TenderLot |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:hasAwardStatus → at-voc:winner-selection-status |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:isReferredByA → epo:Contract |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:has → epo:Winner |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:refersTo → epo:Lot |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:refersTo → epo:LotGroup |
epo:AwardDecision |
epo:hasNonAwardJustification → at-voc:non-award-justification |
epo:Document |
epo:hasUUID → epo:Identifier |
epo:Document |
epo:associatedWith → epo:Document |
epo:Document |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:Document |
epo:hasRestrictedCommunicationJustification → at-voc:communication-justification |
epo:Document |
epo:IsMadeAvailableVia → epo:Channel |
epo:Document |
epo:hasChange → epo:Change |
epo:Document |
epo:changeRefersToInstance → epo:Document |
epo:Document |
epo:relatesTo → epo:Procedure |
epo:Document |
epo:submitsDocument → epo:Document |
epo:Document |
epo:includes → epo:RegulatoryFrameworkInformation |
epo:ExpressionOfInterest |
generalisation → epo:Document |
generalisation →TenderDocument |
epo:RequestForClarification |
generalisation → epo:Document |
generalisation →TenderDocument |
epo:RequestForParticipation |
generalisation → epo:Document |
generalisation →TenderDocument |
epo:CompetitionNotice |
epo:announcesLot → epo:Lot |
epo:CompetitionNotice |
epo:announcesLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:CompetitionNotice |
epo:announcesRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:CompetitionNotice |
generalisation → epo:Notice |
epo:CompetitionNotice |
epo:announcesProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:CompletionNotice |
generalisation → epo:Notice |
epo:ContractModificationNotice |
epo:refersToContractToBeModified → epo:Contract |
epo:modifies → epo:Contract |
epo:ContractModificationNotice |
epo:refersToNotice → epo:Notice |
epo:refersTo → epo:ContractAwardNotice |
epo:DirectAwardPrenotificationNotice |
epo:announcesProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:DirectAwardPrenotificationNotice |
generalisation → epo:Notice |
epo:PlanningNotice |
generalisation → epo:Notice |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:announcesNonPublishedElement → epo:PublicationProvision (from epo:Document) |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:announcesLotAwardOutcome → epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:refersToProcedureTerm → epo:ProcedureTerm |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:refersToLot → epo:Lot |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:refersToRole → epo:AgentInRole |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:refersToProcedure → epo:Procedure |
epo:ResultNotice |
generalisation → epo:Notice |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:announcesTender → epo:Tender |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:refersToLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:announcesContract → epo:Contract |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:announcesNoticeAwardInformation → epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:ResultNotice |
epo:announcesLotGroupAwardInformation → epo:LotGroupAwardInformation |
epo:Notice |
epo:hasNotificationContentType → epo:notification-phases-content-types |
epo:hasNotificationPhasesType → epo:notification-phases-content-types |
epo:Notice |
epo:notifies → epo:Procedure (epo:isNotifiedThrough → epo:Notice) |
epo:Notice |
epo:relatesToNotice → epo:Notice |
Strategic procurement package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:GreenProcurement |
epo:hasCleanVehicles (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:FulfillsRequirement |
epo:GreenProcurement |
epo:hasTotalVehicles (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:GreenProcurement |
epo:hasTotalVehicles (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:InnovativeProcurement |
epo:FulfillsRequirement |
epo:SocialProcurement |
epo:FulfillsRequirement |
epo:StrategicProcurement |
epo:hasNonAccessibilityCriterionJustification (from epo:TechnicalSpecification) |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:StrategicProcurement |
epo:includesAccessibilityCriterion → at-voc:accessibility (from epo:TechnicalSpecification) |
epo:StrategicProcurement |
epo:isSpecifiedIn → epo:ResourceElement |
Criterion package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:hasFixedValue |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:AwardCriterionType |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:Description |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:FixedValueType |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:Formula |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:ID |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:ThresholdType |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:ThresholdValue |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:WeightValueType |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:WeightValue |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:WeightingJustification |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasFormula (from epo:SelectionCriterion) |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasThresholdValue (from epo:SelectionCriterion) |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasWeightingJustification (from epo:SelectionCriterion) |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasWeightValue (from epo:SelectionCriterion) |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:ID |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:SelectionCriterionType |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:ThresholdType |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:WeightValueType |
epo:EAuctionTechnique |
epo:EAuctionUsage |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:hasWeightValueType → at-voc:number-weight |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:hasThresholdType → at-voc:number-threshold |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:isUsedToAward → epo:Lot |
epo:AwardCriterion |
epo:isUsedToAward → epo:LotGroup |
epo:ExclusionGround |
generalisation → epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasWeightValueType → at-voc:number-weight (from epo:AwardCriterion) |
epo:ProcurementCriterion |
epo:hasThresholdType → at-voc:number-threshold (from epo:AwardCriterion) |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:hasSelectionCriteriaUsage → at-voc:usage |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:appliesTo → epo:LotGroup |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:hasWeightValueType → at-voc:number-weight |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:isAppliedBy → epo:Lot (epo:specifies → epo:SelectionCriterion) |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:hasThresholdType → at-voc:number-threshold |
epo:SelectionCriterion |
epo:usedForReductionOfCandidates → epo:Lot |
Technique package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique |
epo:hasFrameworkBuyerCategory |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique |
epo:hasFrameworkDurationJustification |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique |
epo:hasMaximumParticipantsNumber |
epo:Technique |
epo:ID |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:DynamicPurchaseSystemTechnique |
epo:hasDPSScope → at-voc:dps-usage (from epo:Notice) |
epo:EAuctionTechnique |
epo:isAvailableViaChannel → epo:Channel |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique |
epo:isOrganisedIn → epo:LotGroup (epo:uses → epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique) |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique |
epo:uses → epo:EAuctionTechnique |
epo:FrameworkAgreementTechnique |
epo:isConcludedBy → epo:FrameworkAgreement |
epo:Technique |
epo:isAvailableVia → epo:Channel |
epo:Technique |
epo:isUsedBy → epo:Lot |
Contextual description package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasAdditionalNonAwardJustification |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasAwardDecisionDate |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:isCompetitionTerminated |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:isProcurementToBeRelaunched |
epo:TenderAwardOutcome |
epo:hasAwardRank |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasReviewDate |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasReviewDescription |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasReviewTitle |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasReviewURL |
epo:ReviewRequestInformation |
epo:hasNumberOfReviewRequests |
epo:ReviewRequestInformation |
epo:isWithdrawn |
epo:ReviewRequestInformation |
epo:hasWithdrawalDate |
epo:ReviewRequestInformation |
epo:hasWithdrawalReason |
epo:ReviewIrregularitySummary |
epo:hasReviewIrregularityCount |
epo:ReviewRequestSummary |
epo:hasTotalNumberOfComplainants |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasAbnormallyLowTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:AbnormallyLowTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasEEAReceivedTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:EEAReceivedTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasElectronicTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ElectronicTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasInadmissibleTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:InadmissibleTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasMediumTenderPerLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:MediumTenderPerLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasNumberOfTenderersInvited (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:NumberOfTenderersInvited (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedMicroTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ReceivedMicroTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedNonEEATenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ReceivedNONEEATenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedParticipationRequests (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ReceivedParticipationRequests (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedSMETenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ReceivedSMETenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedSmallTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ReceivedSmallTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:ReceivedTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasEstimatedTotalSubcontracts (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:TotalValueSubcontracted (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasUnverifiedTenders (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:UnverifiedTenderLots (from epo:StatisticalInformation) |
epo:SubcontractingEstimate |
epo:hasDescription (from epo:Subcontract) |
epo:SubcontractingEstimate |
epo:hasEstimatedPercentage (from epo:Subcontract) |
epo:SubcontractingEstimate |
epo:hasSubjectMatter (from epo:Subcontract) |
epo:RegulatoryFrameworkInformation |
epo:RegulatoryFrameworkProvider |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:providesAwardedEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:isAdoptedByBuyer → epo:Buyer |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasAwardStatus → at-voc:winner-selection-status |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:providesAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:providesFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:providesFrameworkAgreementEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:describesLot → epo:Lot |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:comprisesTenderAwardOutcome → epo:TenderAwardOutcome |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:hasNonAwardJustification → at-voc:non-award-justification |
epo:LotAwardOutcome |
epo:considersEvaluationResult → epo:TenderEvaluationResult |
epo:LotGroupAwardInformation |
epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:LotGroupAwardInformation |
epo:describesLotGroup → epo:LotGroup |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:hasTotalFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:describesResultNotice → epo:ResultNotice |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:indicatesCancelledLotToBeRelaunched → epo:Lot |
epo:NoticeAwardInformation |
epo:hasTotalContractAwardedValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:TenderAwardOutcome |
epo:describesTender → epo:Tender |
epo:TenderAwardOutcome |
epo:isAwardedToWinner → epo:Winner |
epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation |
epo:refersToContract → epo:Contract |
epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation |
epo:hasPenaltyValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation |
epo:describesLotCompletion → epo:Lot |
epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation |
epo:hasPaymentValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:ReviewDecisionInformation |
generalisation → epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:ReviewDecisionInformation |
epo:reviewDecisionType → at-voc:decision-type |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasID → epo:Identifier |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:previousReview → epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasRemedyValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:hasIrregularityType → at-voc:irregularity-type |
epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:reviewRemedyType → at-voc:review-remedy-type |
epo:ReviewRequestInformation |
generalisation → epo:ReviewInformation |
epo:ReviewRequestInformation |
epo:hasReviewRequestFee → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:ReviewIrregularitySummary |
epo:hasIrregularityType → at-voc:irregularity-type |
epo:ReviewRequestSummary |
epo:hasReviewIrregularitySummary → epo:ReviewIrregularitySummary |
epo:ReviewRequestSummary |
epo:concernsReviewSummaryForLot → epo:Lot |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasHighestReceivedTenderValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasReceivedSubmissionType → at-voc:received-submission-type |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:hasLowestReceivedTenderValue → epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation |
epo:concernsSubmissionsForLot → epo:Lot |
epo:SubcontractingEstimate |
epo:hasSubcontractingEstimatedValue → epo:MonetaryValue (form epo:Subcontract) |
epo:RegulatoryFrameworkInformation |
epo:hasRegulatoryFrameworkType → epo:regulatory-framework-type |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
generalisation → epo:ElementDescription |
Notice description
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
po:hasProcurementDocumentChangeDate |
epo:DateTime |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:hasChangeDescription |
epo:Description |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:hasChangeReasonDescription |
epo:Reason |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:hasElementReference |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:hasPreviousVersionOfElementReference |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:ChangeReason |
epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
epo:hasAccessibilityDate |
epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
epo:hasClassReference |
epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
epo:hasConfidentialityJustification |
epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
epo:hasPropertyReference |
epo:ElementModificationSpecification |
epo:hasModificationDescription (from epo:ContratModificationNotice) |
epo:Description (from epo:ContractModificationNotice) |
epo:ElementModificationSpecification |
epo:hasModificationReasonDescription (from epo:ContratModificationNotice) |
epo:Justification (from epo:ContratModificationNotice) |
epo:ElementModificationSpecification |
epo:hasElementReference |
epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:AvailabilityDate |
epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:NonPublicationJustificationDescription |
epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:NonPublicationJustification |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:hasChangeJustification → at-voc:change-corrig-justification |
epo:hasChangeReason → at-voc:change-corrig-justification |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:refersToADifferent → epo:Document |
epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:hasChangeElement → epo:ResourceElement |
epo:ContractModification |
generalisation → epo:NoticeDescription |
epo:ContractModification |
epo:hasElementModificationSpecification → epo:ElementModificationSpecification |
epo:ContractModification |
epo:refersToOriginalNotice → epo:Notice |
epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
generalisation → epo:ElementDescription |
epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
epo:hasNonPublicationJustification → at-voc:non-publication-justification |
epo:ElementModificationSpecification |
epo:hasModificationJustification → at-voc:modification-justification (from epo:ContratModificationNotice) |
epo:hasContractModficationJustification → at-voc:modification-justification (from epo:ContratModificationNotice) |
epo:ElementModificationSpecification |
generalisation → epo:ElementDescription |
epo:NoticeChange |
epo:hasElementChangeSpecification → epo:ElementChangeSpecification |
epo:NoticeChange |
generalisation → epo:NoticeDescription |
epo:NoticeChange |
epo:refersToPreviousNotice → epo:Notice |
epo:NoticeDescription |
epo:describesNotice → epo:Notice |
epo:NoticeDescription |
epo:hasElementDescription → epo:ElementDescription |
epo:PublicationProvision |
generalisation → epo:NoticeDescription |
epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:hasFieldConfidentiality → epo:ElementConfidentialitySpecification |
epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:hasNonPublicationJustification → at-voc:non-publication-justification |
epo:PublicationProvision |
epo:hasNonPublishedElement → epo:ResourceElement |
Dimension package
class | added attributes | deleted attributes |
epo:Duration |
time:numericDuration |
epo:Period |
epo:hasBeginning |
epo:StartDate |
epo:Period |
epo:hasEnd |
epo:EndTime |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasCurrencyCodeListAgencyID |
epo:UnitCodeListAgencyID (from epo:Amount) |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasCurrencyCodeListAgencyName |
epo:UnitCodeListAgencyName (from epo:Amount) |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasCurrencyCodeListID |
epo:UnitCodeListID (from epo:Amount) |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:MaximumAmount (from epo:Value) |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:MinimumAmount (from epo:Value) |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:OverallAmount |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:VATIncludedIndicator (from epo:Amount) |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:VATPercentage (from epo:Amount) |
class | added property | deleted property |
epo:Duration |
time:unitType → time:TemporalUnit |
epo:Period |
epo:hasTimePeriod → at-voc:timeperiod |
epo:hasTimePeriods → at-voc:timeperiod |
epo:Quantity |
epo:hasUnitCode → at-voc:measurement-unit |
epo:MonetaryValue |
epo:hasCurrency → at-voc:currency (from epo:Amount) |