eForms SDK documentation
eForms is the notification standard for public procurement procedures in the EU. The eForms SDK is a collection of resources providing the foundation for building eForms applications.
You are currently reading the documentation that was published for eForms SDK version 1.7. The latest version of eForms SDK is 1.13. |
The following topics are included in this version of the eForms Documentation:
General Reference
eForms Specification
Extensive documentation of the XML Schema used by eForms. -
eForms Metadata Reference
The eForms metadata contained in the SDK in a readable form.
SDK Contents
Field Metadata
Learn what a field is, and how its properties and behaviours are defined. -
Codelists in the SDK
Find out why we include every codelist in the SDK and learn how to use them. -
Notice Structure
How each notice type is structured. -
Notice View Templates
Reusable templates for visualising notices. -
Find out which translations are included in the SDK and learn how to use them. -
The Schematron files used to validate XML notices. -
eForms Expression Language
The formal language used to express business rules.
eForms Developer Guide
Start here
Get a guide to the developers guide. -
Understanding the eForms SDK.
Learn how the SDK came to be, what problems it tries to solve and how. -
SDK Versioning
Learn about the significance of SDK version numbers. -
Filling-in notices Learn how to generate the notice forms (instead of hardcoding them).
Creating the notice XML Learn how to save a notice in a valid XML file.
Validating notices
Lear how to approach notice validation. -
Visualising notices
Learn how to preview or print a notice in PDF, HTML or other document format? -
Creating eForms applications
How to approach the creation of an eForms Application.
Java Libraries
EFX Toolkit for Java
A toolkit that you can use to translate EFX expressions and templates for your runtime environment. -
eForms Core Java Library
A Java library useful when implementing some standard features of eForms Applications.
Sample Applications
Notice Viewer sample application
See how you can create a metadata driven application for visualising any eForms notice. -
Notice Editor sample application
See how you can create a metadata driven application for filling-in and submitting eForms notices.
For every release of the eForms SDK, a copy of the corresponding documentation is maintained in this website. You can select the version of documentation that you want to consult by selecting the corresponding version of the SDK either in the dropdown menu available on the top right of this page, or the component navigation panel available on the bottom left of each page. |