Release Notes
1. v3.0.1 (February 2022)
1.1. ESPD-EDM GitHub
1.1.1. Reorganisation of the distribution package folders
__ESPDTeam__: contains files for ESPD Team internal use in maintenance tasks of the ESPD-EDM;
codelists: contains the different code lists used in ESPD in Genericode format and the criterion structure definition.
conceptual-model: contains the UML conceptual model of the ESPD in .eap, .xmi and HTML format.
java-library: contains the XML schemas used to generate the JAXB annotated Java classes.
ubl-2.3: contains a redistribution package from UBL 2.3.
validation: contains business rules validation files for Schematron and Testbed.
xml-examples: contains default ESPDRequest and ESPDResponse xml samples and the criterion xml schema.
1.2. ESPD-EDM conceptual model
ESPD-EDM coneptual model provided as follows:
.eap and .xmi files with two views and diagrams:
Business oriented view (BOV) aimed at facilitating the understanding of the model and the business context, with references to the technical model, and;
Technically oriented view (TOV) providing an UBL based schema with references to business oriented view and aligned with the eProcurement ontology.
HTML version of the UML conceptual model.If you do not want to download the folder to view the model you can view it on the documentation page under ESPD-EDM CONCEPTUAL MODEL HTML.
1.3. Code list
EU Vocabularies code lists version updated (specific files can be found in folder codelists/gc)
access-right version updated to 20211208-0.
country version updated to 20211208-0.
criterion version updated to 20210616-0.
currency version updated to 20211208-0.
economic-operator-size version updated to 20210317-0.
eo-role-type version updated to 20211208-0.
language version updated to 20211208-0.
1.4. Interoperability Testbed
Update of Interoperability Testbed ESPD validator
Updated v3.0.1 on the validator.
Removed v3.0.0 from the validator.
1.5. Online documentation
Documented handbook migration to Ted Developer Docs.
Documentation updated as follow:
1.5.1. Technical Handbook
Section 2.3 ESPD Request cardinalities
Removed sentence 'Notice that ESPD-EDM does not change anything else from the UBL-2.3 Schema.' because it did not help understanding what is kept from UBL-2.3 and what is changed.
Figure 12. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationRequest', UML diagram
Component: removed because it is not used in the ESPD Request.
Component: replaced by cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:Description in alignment with eForms.
Component: replaced by cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference/cbc:ID.
Cardinality: updated from 1..n to 0..n.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Section 2.4 Root elements
Table 5. Class QualificationApplicationRequest, components required by the ESPD-EDM
Component: replaced by cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:Description in alignment with eForms.
Type: updated from Associated class to Text in alignment with eForms.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1 according to Figure 12. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationRequest', UML diagram.
Requirement: updated from 'This information is not required for the ESPD 3.0.0 since the information related to the procedure will come from eForms.' to 'This element is required in the ESPD, however it should be identical to that provided in eForms. In general the corresponding eForm should feed the corresponding ESPD with the corresponding data.'.
Component: replaced by cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference/cbc:ID.
Type: updated from Associated class to Identifier.
Cardinality: updated from 1..n to 0..n.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1 according to Figure 12. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationRequest', UML diagram.
Section 2.5 Lot Management
Element replaced by cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference.
Section 2.6 EU and notice publications
XSD Schema
Component: replaced by cac:AdditionalDocumentReference.
Table 6. Reference to additional documents, expected elements
Path: replaced /QualificationApplicationRequest/cac:AdditionalReferenceDocument by /QualificationApplicationRequest/cac:AdditionalDocumentReference.
Table 7. External Reference
Path: replaced /QualificationApplicationRequest/cac:AdditionalReferenceDocument/cac:Attachment/cac:ExternalReference by /QualificationApplicationRequest/cac:AdditionalDocumentReference/cac:Attachment/cac:ExternalReference.
Section 2.7 Contracting Body
Table 8. Contracting body, expected elements
Component: replaced by cac:ContractingParty according to Figure 11: QualificationApplicationRequest-2.3 main elements..
Table 9. Contracting body party, expected elements
Component: Replaced by cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID because cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:Identifier does not exist in UBL-2.3.
Cardinality: Updated from 0..1 to 1.
Requirement: updated from 'More than one identifier can be specified. When possible use the VAT identification of the contracting body (see the VIES platform for a EU cross-border national VAT number verification system). ' to 'When possible use the VAT identification of the contracting body (see the VIES platform for a EU cross-border national VAT number verification system). When not possible a different identifier may be used.' because previous text was ambiguous.
Section 2.8. Service Provider
Table 38. Service provider, expected elements
Type: updated from Identifier to Code.
Section 3. Common aspects for criteria
Figure 33. Criterion - UML diagram
Updated wrong cardinalities 1..*..* to 1..* to fix the typo. Cardinalities corrected are: cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup, cac:TenderingCriterionProperty and cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference.
Component: removed because it is not used in the ESPD Request.
Component: replaced by cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:Description in alignment with eForms.
Component: removed because it is replaced by cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference in the same figure.
Cardinality: update from 1..n to 0..n.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Section 3.1 General behavior
Table 20. Criterion, expected elements
Type: updated from Text to Class.
Cardinality: updated from 1..n to 0..n.
Section 3.2 Legislation
Table 21. Legislation, expected elements
Component: added.
Type: updated from Code to Text.
Component: replaced by cbc:Title.
Section 3.4 Properties
Table 23. Properties, expected elements
Component: added.
Component: added.
Section 5.1 Lot Management approach for Selection Criteria
Text updated from 'The buyer may specify the criteria that each selection criteria apply by using the element cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference that includes cbc:TenderingCriterion.' to 'The buyer may specify the criteria that each selection criteria apply by using the element cac:TenderingCriterion that includes cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference.'.
Element replaced by cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference.
Section 6.2 ESPD Response XSD Schema
Component: replaced by cac:ContractingParty according to Figure 191. QualificationApplicationResponse XSD Schema, global view.
Section 6.3 ESPD Response cardinalities
Figure 193. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram
Component: replaced by cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:Description in alignment with eForms.
Cardinality: updated from 1..n to 1.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Component: removed because it is not used in ESPD-EDM v3.0.x.
Section 6.4 Root elements
Table 26. Class QualificationApplicationResponse, components required by the ESPD-EDM
Desciption: updated with text 'See section Contracting Body for more specification details.' where this element is described.
Component: replaced by cac:EconomicOperatorParty according to Figure 193. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram..
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1.
Component: replaced by cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:Description in alignment with eForms.
Type: updated from Associated class to Text in alignment with eForms.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1 according to Figure 193. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram..
Requirement: updated from 'Use this component to identify and describe the procurement administrative procedure. If the procurement procedure is divided into lots use the ProcurementProjectLot component to provide details specific to the lot and reserve the ProcurementProject component to describe the global characteristics of the procedure.' to 'This element is required in the ESPD, however it should be identical to that provided in eForms. In general the corresponding eForm should feed the corresponding ESPD with the corresponding data.'.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1 according to Figure 193. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram..
Description: updated from 'One of the procurement project lots into which this contract can be divided.' to _'The procurement project lot or group of lots this ESPD Response tenders to.'.'
Type: updated from Code to Text.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1 according to Figure 193. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram..
Type: updated from Identifier to Code.
Component: added.
Cardinality: added 1.
Cardinality: updated from 0..1 to 1.
Section 6.5 Reference to publications and to the ESPD Request
Table 27. Reference to the ESPD Request, expected elements
cac:AdditionalDocumentReference ***Path: replaced /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:AdditionalReferenceDocument by /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:AdditionalDocumentReference.
Component: added.
Cardinality: added 0..1.
Table 28. External Reference
cac:ExternalReference ***Path: replaced /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:AdditionalReferenceDocument by /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:AdditionalDocumentReference.
Component: added cbc:FileName and cbc:Description.
Section 6.6 Economic Operator
Component: replaced by cac:EconomicOperatorParty according to Figure 193. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram.
Table 33. Qualifying Party, expected elements
Component: repleaced by cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID.
Cardinality: Updated from 0..1 to 1.
Table 34. Economic operator role, expected elements
Cardinality: updated from 0..n to 0..1.
Table 35. (Qualifying) economic operator party, expected elements
Component: Replaced by cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID because cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:Identifier does not exist in UBL-2.3.
Requirement: updated from 'More than one identifier can be specified. Compulsory use of the attribute schemeAgencyID and highly recommended the use of the attribute schemeAgencyID. The preferred identifier is the national VAT number. Additional identifiers may be used' to 'When possible use the VAT identification of the contracting body (see the VIES platform for a EU cross-border national VAT number verification system). When not possible a different identifier may be used.' because previous text was ambiguous.
Table 36. Economic operator postal address, expected elements
Path: updated from /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:EconomicOperator/cac:Party/cac:PostalAddress to /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:Party/cac:PostalAddress according to Figure 198. cac:QualifyingParty element, XSD.
Table 38. Service provider, expected elements
Type: updated from Identifier to Code.
Section 6.8 Evidences
Element replaced by cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference/cac:IssuerParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID.
Table 44. Elements expected in an Evidence
Requirement: updated from 'None. Not currently used in ESPD.' to 'None. No rule is applied.' because previous text was misleading.
Table 45. Elements expected from the 'cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference' element
Requirement: updated from 'None. Not currently used in ESPD.' to 'None. No rule is applied.' because previous text was misleading.
Component: replaced by cac:IssuerParty/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID.
Component: replaced by cac:IssuerParty/cac:PartyName/cbc:Name.
Requirement: updated from 'None. Not currently used in ESPD.' to 'None. No rule is applied.' because previous text was misleading.