TED eForms Mappings
The TED-RDF eForms Mapping project prescribes packages (or suites) of data transformation rules and related artefacts, for digital public procurement notices published on the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) website by the Publications Office of the European Union (OP), based on the eForms legislative standard.
The transformation is based on model mapping between the original XML format of the TED eForms notices, and the eProcurement ontology (ePO), producing data in the RDF format for semantic data interoperability. This transformation, which is documented here and is available in this GitHub repository, is the next iteration of the RDF mapping initiative, which was conceived for the "TED schema" standard forms (SF), an older notice standard that is concurrently supported by the OP.
These RDF mapping projects, together with a pipeline system for automatic XML-RDF data conversion, are collectively known as the TED Open Data Service (TEDSWS). As the groundwork for XML-RDF transformation was already set by the SF mapping project, much of the existing documentation is still applicable for eForms. Therefore, the focus of this document is mainly on the differences between SF and eForms mapping.