Publication API

The Publication API allows users and systems to programmatically submit notices for publication on TED using an API key. With this key, users can also query their own submitted notices, stop the publication process, or retrieve validation reports. Connecting with the eNotices2 system and the TED Central Validation Service, this API enables eSenders and public authorities to process notices efficiently and at scale.

Available Operations

Query Submitted Notices

This operation enables users to query the status and details of their ted notices. API users can access a paginated list of all their submitted notices, which they can filter and sort based on relevant criteria. Access is exclusive to the user’s own submissions, requiring an API key. Additionally, this operation facilitates the synchronisation of important metadata, such as publication status, during the notice management process.

API Request

GET /v3/notices/

Swagger API Endpoints

Stop Publication

This API operation enables users to stop the publication process for a notice they have submitted. This action must be taken before the notice is exported to TED, as the publication process becomes irreversible at that point. Halting a notice in time prevents it from being published, offering control over the publication timeline. Once a notice reaches the "publishing" status, it cannot be stopped.

API Request

POST /v3/notices/{businessId}/stop-publication

Swagger API Endpoints

Retrieve Validation Report

Every submitted eForms notice undergoes a validation process to ensure compliance with regulatory business rules; this results in a report even if the notice does not pass validation successfully. This API operation enables users to obtain the validation report generated during their notice submission. It ensures users can review and address any validation issues identified during the submission.

API Request

GET /v3/notices/{businessId}/validation-report

Swagger API Endpoints

Submit Notices for Publication

This API operation enables users to programmatically submit new notices in XML format for publication. The notice must have a unique identifier and meet specific requirements, such as including a valid notice author email and the preferred language for notifications. The email identifies the responsible party, such as the Contracting Authority, and the language must be an official EU language. Upon submission, the notice is validated against a set of business rules. If it successfully passes, it is marked "SUBMITTED" and becomes eligible for publication. If it fails, it is marked "VALIDATION_FAILED" and cannot be published.

Please be aware that in TED API v3, the mandatory property "noticeAuthorLocale" in the metadata has been replaced by "noticeAuthorLang." Both properties will be accepted during the transition period to v3, but we recommend making the change as soon as possible.

API Request

POST /v3/notices/submit

Swagger API Endpoints

Who Uses This API

  • eSenders: Managing notices on behalf of contracting authorities.

  • Public Authorities: Handling their own procurement notices through connected applications.