Meeting 31/10/2019

Participants: Paloma Arillo Aranda, Vibeke Engesaeth, Cécile Guasch, Natalie Muric, Roberto Reale, Juan Carlos Segura, and Enric Staromiejski

The meeting of 31th October focused on two topics: the updated solution presented in the last WGM 29th October about the mapping of the competition phase for PINs and CNs, and on how to model the “notice-type”.

During the first part of the meeting, everis presented a solution on how to model the “notice-type”. The first everis proposal for to model the “notice-type” is to rename the code list as “notification-phases-content-types” implying that depending on the phase of notification, the content type of the document would be different.

The second proposal was about how to determine the exact content provided by the information resource (epir, explained in the IFLA presentation last 22nd October) for Competition. For this, 4 steps were detected:

  1. Determine the notification phase, either (or both consistency rule):

  2. Determine the “root element” in the Notification, either (or both  consistency rule):

  3. Determine the exact type of content (RULES and QUERIES), e.g., to test the content is from a PIN CFC Social → all the steps above, plus:

    • PIN isA Notice,

    • PIN notifies Procedure,

    • Procedure hasID Identifier=XXXXXX,

    • Procedure isAbout LegalRegime=light-regime

  4. Test the existence of a specific element, e.g. “BT-740 Buyer Contracting Entity”

    • PIN isA Notice,

    • PIN notifies Procedure,

    • Procedure has Buyer,

    • Buyer hasContractingEntity Indicator,

    • Procedure hasLegalBasisID URI=DIR23_URL

After the proposal on how to model the “notice-type”, Everis presented to the WG the updated solution presented in the last WGM. (29th October) of an updated mapping of the competition phase for PINs and CNs. An example of the mapping:

Mapping example

The WG accepted the proposal and Everis will continue working in the Planning phase.

NM is to update the eForms side of the table to include any changes brought about by the Commission Implementing Regulation EU 2019/1780 by creating a new file to which Everis will add the existing mappings.

To end the meeting, OP proposed to move some scheduled meetings. The meeting for the 14th November was moved to the 11th November (14:30-16:30) due to the Commission EXEP meeting and the meeting of the 19th November was moved to 22nd November (13:00-15:00).