User Stories and Natural Language Statements


As explained in more detail on the Methodology page, the methodology used when expanding the eProcurement Ontology with new modules is the Linked Open Terms or "LOT" methodology.

LOT Methodology

In the LOT methodology, the first step in developing an ontology is to collect the requirements the ontology should fulfil:

  • Use cases describe situations that need to be covered by the ontology.

  • User Stories are created from use cases and are structured around three main questions:

    • Who is the beneficiary of an action (who benefits from it)?

    • What is the need?

    • What is the benefit?

  • Natural Language Statements can be affirmative or negative statements where each statement defines a requirement that must be included in the ontology.

The outcome is an Ontology Requirements Specification Document (ORSD) which is made up of Use Cases, User Stories, and Natural Language Statements

The ORSDs for the following modules can be accessed here:

Further modules will be added as they become available.