Working Group meeting 07/01/2021

Participants: Ana Aido, Paloma Arillo Aranda, Cécile Guasch, Hilde Kjølset, Giorgia Lodi, Thor Møller, Natalie Muric, Héctor Rico, Helder Santos, Juan Carlos Segura, Giampaolo Sellitto, Jalini Srisgantharajah.

Topic of discussion: Review of the minutes from the 15th and 17th of December

  • Some small modifications were added to the minutes.

Topic of discussion: Issues in GitHub

The WG discussed the following issues:

Topic of discussion: OWL restriction files

The WG indicated that the errors detected were fixed and no errors occurred with the new release.

Topic of discussion: to check the eOrder diagram

The WG checked the status of the eOrder diagram. The discussion point were the followings:

  • The WG commented that object properties from epo:Lot to epo:Value are misleading.

  • The WG suggested to check how the attributes relate to the predicates. In theory, all the predicates would fit with only one attribute.

  • An issue will be opened in GitHub to discuss further in-depth.

Topic of discussion: Usage of modules in the ePO ontology

  • Currently, all the diagrams are translated to a general owl file. In the case of BDTI, they produced a little piece with the data for its specific context.

  • The WG discussed to have small ontologies for each of the procurement phases. For example, to have a module for the eOrder with its classes and properties. The common classes could be in another package.

  • The WG indicated that using modules would allow reducing the complexity of the Ontology.

  • Everis raised the issue of how Enterprise Architect manages the reuse of classes from other packages. It creates a copy of the class, and any change created for classes reused is only applied to the specific UML diagram where it is used.