Working Group meeting 11/03/2021

Participants: Paloma Arillo Aranda (OP), Cécile Guasch (ISA2 - DIGIT), Hilde Kjølset (dfø), Giorgia Lodi (ISTC-CNR), Helder Santos (INCM), Juan Carlos Segura Fernández-Carnicero (everis), Giampaolo Sellitto (ANAC), and Enric Staromiejski (everis).

Topic of discussion: Datatypes cardinalities

The WG discussed the cardinalities and attributes of some datatypes, e.g. epo:Quantity and UnitCode. The question of whether to remove or keep the UnitCode in epo:Quantity was posed, since the role of UnitCode could be replaced by epo:Item.

From this discussion the following modeling actions took place:

  • The UnitCode attribute from the class epo:Quantity has been removed. But the WG will reconsider whether to retrieve it back or not when analysing the modelling of Item in the context of eCatalogue and other aspects of the postaward;

  • The attributes epo:UnitCodeListAgencyId, epo:UnidCodeListAgencyName, epo:UnitCodeListID have been added in the classes epo:Measure and epo:Amount.

  • The EU Vocabularies codelist at-voc:measurement-unit has been added to the datatypes diagram associated to the class epo:Measure.

  • The EU Vocabularies codelist at-voc:currency has been added into the datatypes diagram associated to the Amount class.

The final version of the datatypes diagram is the following one:

epo datatypes