Working Group meeting 27/04/2021
Participants: Paloma Arillo Aranda (OP), Cécile Guasch (ISA2 - DIGIT), Hilde Kjolset (dfø), Giorgia Lodi (ISTC-CNR), Natalie Muric (OP), Helder Santos (INCM) and Giampaolo Sellitto (ANAC).
Topic of discussion: Summary review previous week
The the minutes of the previous week were approved.
Topic of discussion: Definitions - predicates
The following relations were discussed and a check is to be done in the html conventions to see if this work will correct the inconsistencies:
Subject: Lot
Object: ContractTerm, FrameworkAgreementTerm, MultipleStagesProcedureTerm, SubmissionTerm, DesignContestRegimeTerm, FrameworkAgreementTerm.
Predicate: applies – renamed to ‘isSubjectTo’.
Definition: Relation that specifies rules that are applicable to the lot.
Inverse: isAppliedby – renamed to ‘setsContextFor’.
Definition: Relation that specifies the lot to which these rules apply.
Subject: Procedure
Object: Lot
Predicate: specifies – renamed to ‘isComposedOf’
Definition: Relation showing a component part of a procedure.
Inverse: specifiedIn – renamed to ‘IsComponentOf’
Definition: Relation showing the lot is part of the procedure.
Subject: Lot
Object: SelectionCriterion
Predicate: specifies –
Definition: Relation that indicates the conditions for selecting economic operators for tendering.
Invese: isSpecifiedIn
Definition: Relation indicating a selection criterion in a given lot.
Subject: StrategicProcurement
Object: ResourceElement
Predicate: isSpecifiedIn - To check in EA if it should be removed. The WG does not see the reasoning for this property it does not seem to map to anything
Subject: DesignContestRegimeTerm, FrameworkAgreement
Object: Lot
Predicate: appliesTo – removed
Note: check mapping
Subject: SecurityClearanceTerm
Object: Document, Location
Predicate: appliesTo: renamed to ‘describesAccessRestrictionsTo’
Definition: Relation that specifies access rules
Inverse: applies – renamed to ‘hasSecurityClearanceTerm’
Definition: Relation indicating that security clearance is required for access
Note: org:site to be replaced by epo:location