Working Group meeting 18/05/2021

Participants: Paloma Arillo Aranda (OP), Cécile Guasch (ISA2 - DIGIT), Natalie Muric (OP) and Giampaolo Sellitto (ANAC).

Topic of discussion: Relation subject-object - check definitions

Before discussing the relations subject-object and the predicates, the WG redefines the following:

  • FrameworkAgreementTechnique

Definition: Technique that establishes the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regards to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged.

The technique is prepared during the procedure and it becomes active when the contract is signed.

  • FrameworkAgreement

Definition: An agreement between one or more contracting authorities and one or more economic operators.

Topic of discussion: Definitions - predicates

The following relations were discussed and compared with the html conventions to see if this work will correct the inconsistencies:

  • Subject: AwardDecision

Predicate: isReferredByA

Object: Contract

To potentially be removed if not used in mappings 5it causes no problem in the rangedomain scope).

  • Subject: Lot

Predicate: isReferredByA

Object: Contract

  • Subject: Subcontract

Predicate: isReferredToIn

Object: AwardDecision

This relation is removed. However the WG decides to look later how to redo the mapping maybe as statistical information or ‘subcontracting’

  • Subject: AwardDecision

Predicate: isReferredToIn

Object: Subcontract

This relation is removed.

  • Subject: Lot

Predicate: isReferredToIn

Object: ProcurementDocument

Definition: Relation indicating that the Lot is referenced in the ProcurementDocument.

  • Subject: Lot

Predicate: isSpecifiedIn

Object: Procedure

Definition: Relation indicating that the Lot is referenced in the Procedure.

  • Subject: StrategicProcurement

Predicate: isSpecifiedIn

Object: ResourceElement

This relation is removed.

  • Subject: Document

Predicate: isSubmittedBy

Object: Agent

This relation is removed.

  • Subject: Tender

Predicate: isSubmittedBy

Object: Tenderer

Definition: Relation indicating the economic operator that submitted a tender.

Inverse: submits

Definition: Relation indicating the submission of a tender by an economic operator

  • Subject: FrameworkAgreementTerm

Predicate: isSubmittedBy

Object: LotGroup

This relation is removed.

  • Subject: AwardDecision

Predicate: refersTo

Object: Lot, LotGroup

To be discussed with the rest of the WG members.

  • Subject: Contract

Predicate: refersTo

Object: Lot, Tender

To be discussed with the rest of the WG members.

  • Subject: ContractModificationNotice

Predicate: refersTo

Object: ContractAwardNotice

To be discussed with the rest of the WG members.

  • Subject: PlannedProcurementPart

Predicate: refersTo

Object: Document

To be discussed with the rest of the WG members.

  • Subject: TenderLot

Predicate: refersTo

Object: Item

To be discussed with the rest of the WG members. On 11 May 2021 it was decided to replaced 'TenderLot' with 'Tender'. For th etime being the change will not be applied.

  • Subject: Lot

Predicate: refersTo

Object: Item, PlannedProcurementPart

To be discussed with the rest of the WG members.

  • Subject: Document

Predicate: relatesTo

Object: Procedure

  • Subject: TenderLot

Predicate: ‘relatesTo’ is replaced with ‘isSubmittedFor’

Object: Lot

Definition: Relation indicating the TenderLot is submitted for a Lot.

  • Subject: Lot

Predicate: specifies

Object: SelectionCriterion

  • Subject: Procedure

Predicate: isComposedOf

Object: Lot