Working Group meeting 09/11/2021
Date: 09/11/2021
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugen Costezki
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre
Discuss comments on attributes with missing definitions.
Go through the errors discovered by the constraints checker
Missing target roles
Missing multiplicity
Present roles as adjunct instances
What shall be used as context?
Context / Situation / Frame / Event / Process / Organisation
Most likely the context nature differ by “groups of roles”
Also the context possibly differs by role participation (e.g. Buyer always participates) or role assignation (e.g. information provider is not participating but is assigned to offer information at some point in the future)
Also the context differs by the role types, for example organisational roles e.g. group leader, are different from participation roles.
Shall we capture the situation frames or not?
Set of participants vs situation of a single agent
Distinction between actual(factual & time bound) & future(obligation, possibility, necessity)?
Frame of the event vs event outcome
E.g. Award Decision vs Awarding Action
Example: Awarding
the party that is performing the awarding: “the awarder” / “buyer”
the party that is awarded: “the awardee” / “winner”
the lot being awarded: “the object”
Contract signing
the signee on the side of the buyer: “…” / buyer
the signee on the side of the winner: “…” / winner
the contract being signed: “the object”
(Future agenda)
Discuss the principles on specifying the cardinality constraints (in the model and in AP) == Discussion
Discuss comments on attributes with missing definitions
Definitions adopted:
epo:RenewalIndicator - "Indicates whether the contract is subject to a renewal clause.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:AwardDateScheduled - "Planned date for the award decision.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:EstimatedTenderInvitationDate - "The planned date for the dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:NonPublicationJustificationDescription - "A narrative explanation of why data is not published.
Additional Information:
This element is generally used when the non-publication-justification code chosen is ""other"".
WG Approval 09/11/2021”
epo:ReviewDeadline - "The time limit for review procedures.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:reviewDeadlineInformation - "Information about the time limit for review procedures.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:MinimumSubcontractorsProposedObligation - "The minimum percentage of the contract value that the contractor must subcontract.
Additional information:
This is used for the competitive procedure described in Title III of Directive 2009/81/EC. "
epo:SubcontractorsProposedAboveObligation -
"The maximum percentage of the contract value that the contractor must subcontract.
Additional information:
This is used for the competitive procedure described in Title III of Directive 2009/81/EC. "
epo:RankingInFirstStage - "The rank of the tender at the end of the selection phase of a multi-stage procedure.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:SubcontractShareSubjectMatter - "Description of the share of the contract that is to be subcontracted.
Additional information:
This can be an aggregate of several subcontracts.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
epo:EPayment - "Electronic means must be used for paying.
WG Approval 09/11/2021"
Present roles as adjunct instances
Role as n-ary relation:
Tender example role model:
Tender example instantiation:
How do we use a CV of roles?
We don’t need one. We should have them as classes or subclasses.
Award example role model:
Award example instantiation:
Information Provider Role and Subrole example:
Change data type from epo:Indicator to epo:Numeric for epo:SubcontractorsProposedAboveObligation
epo:MinimumSubcontractorsProposedObligation -
epo:TotalValueSubcontracted - should be changed to epo:EstimatedTotalSubcontracts
epo:MinimumShareSubjectMatter - change this to epo:SubcontractShareSubjectMatter and move it to statistical information.
epo:ParticipationPayment - should change type from epo:Numeric to epo:Text