Working Group meeting 08/03/2022

Date: 08/03/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Continue discussing current issues and old decisions related to Amount and related classes.

    • Continue discussing the List of values.

    • What is the proper way to assign phase dependent information to Lot / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings. This relates to a large extent to the idea of situations and the reason they were evoked in the first place.


Business terms that indicate values

  • What is the proper way to assign phase dependent information to Lot / TenderLot and other Rigid (OntoClean meaning) classes? This brings us back to the value assignments as estimates, awardings.

  • Renamed the relationship in BT-27 from epo:hasInitialEstimatedValue to the already existing one in the model, epo:hasEstimatedValue. This is because the predicate is attached to the Lot/Procedure it implies that it is the initial value and no temporal reference is necessary.

  • Rename epo:hasTotalFrameworkValue to epo:hasTotalFrameworkAgreementValue

  • All relationships to epo:MonetaryValue that contains the word “Framework” should be renamed so that we add “Agreement” as well.

  • Rename relationship for eForms BT-156, Group Framework Value, to epo:hasFrameworkAgreementValue.

  • Presenting the example for the lot award decision situation:

  • Proposing to have a ProcedureObject as a superclass for Lot and LotGroup:

  • We need to connect the LotGroup with some Term classes in the ePO model.

  • Presenting a new example of Tender Submission:

  • Presenting an example of the awarding: