Working Group meeting 22/03/2022
Date: 22/03/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre
Show WG how the Diagrams Values are currently transposed from the sandbox into the ePO model:
Show the Information classes
Show the AwardResult situation
In eForms (Rethink Tender/TenderLot, Tender as something englobing a group of lots)
Tender is perLot or group of lot, which is not necessarily the same as a LotGroup;
A contract is per Tender
We can look into Roles
(Situations shall still be revised first)
Tender and Values
There are multiple types of values:
Award related values
Submission related values
Estimated related values
The BTs should not be mentioned in the ePO definitions. Proposing to remove these in another place. Maybe as notes in the diagrams.
The value-type document should be saved somewhere in the github.
Diagram for estimation related values:
Diagram for submission related values:
A tender is usually composed of documents, one of them being a financial offer. The document that is the financial offer contains the financial offer value.
Should we remove the source of the epo:hasFinancialOffer relation from epo:Tender to epo:FinancialOffer?
When modelling the ESPD response we will need the epo:FinancialOffer class.
The goal is to make sure that ePO covers at best the eForms and standard Forms.
The ESPD should be a module itself and eOffer as well.
Moving epo:TechnicalOffer and epo:FinancialOffer to eOffer module.
Moving epo:ESPDResponse and epo:ESPDRequest to ESPD module.
The StatisticalInformation classes should remain in the ePO module.
Diagram for award related values:
The LotAwardDecision is the Result.
In the end, the value is associated with the Lot.
An Award Decision can not have a value.