Working Group meeting 12/04/2022

Date: 12/04/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Giorgia Lodi, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre



  • How is the refactored version reflected in the owl model?

  • We should stick to the domain ontology and not include the upper level ontology layer. This should be used only to guide us into ePO modelling.

  • Descriptions appear at the moment; they are not phase specific. They can be updated in other phases.

  • Provide a temporal view of the procurement objects.

  • Consider renaming LotCompletionInformation since ePO does not provide any Completion class.

  • epo:Stipulation is the superclass that unifies all the term classes.

    • This might be a good class to keep in the core to have the epo:isSubjectToTerm predicate linked directly to it.

    • Rename it into epo:Term with the following definition: “A Governing condition or stipulation.”

  • Conceptualise the document as something that has an AccessURL.

  • For example, a Tender has all the data and also can have an AccessURL where the document can be downloaded.

  • The epo:Document is under epo:InformationRealization which is the file.

  • Is the perspective to describe the document or to describe the object of the document?


  • Agreeing to keep separate the ePO core elements from the notice elements.

  • Getting the model refactored within the next two weeks, including ePO conceptual model UML, OWL model and SHACL shapes and restrictions.

  • Publish on the TED documentation website where all the files can be found.

  • Deadline to provide the files in the github: 29th of April

  • Send email to the ontology working group with the link to the documentation on the TED website.

  • Next meeting should be on the 10th of May, in order to provide a week for review within the working group.

  • Mention in the documentation all the alignments to DUL and the context organised notice content (to be delivered after this deadline).

ePO conceptual backbone



  • Upper level ontology

  • Phase/contex organised notice content

Object Description


Agent in Role


Social reality