eCatalogue meeting 05/05/2022

Date: 05/05/2022
Participants: Veit Jahns
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre

Overall objective → Post-award and elements related to the Item.
Information regarding pre-procurement.
New technologies (blockchain, 3D printing area).

Testing data can be provided (mock-up).
Providing use cases for the eCatalogue model.

Discuss GH 317

Continuing adding definitions to epo:Item attributes:

  • *VAT category code - *this should be skipped because the requirement might change.

  • epo:hasInstockIndicator is changed to epo:isInStock to be consistent with the naming of indicators in the ontology.

  • *epo:hasExpiryDate - * is located on epo:Batch class

  • epo:BatchNumber - is replaced by predicate epo:hasID with epo:Identifier as target class.

  • In supply chain direction we might need to provide details at the manufacturer level, so we might need the role as a separate class. For the moment we can have a simple relation to the epo:Agent, epo:hasManufacturer with the following definition: “The maker of the service or product.”

  • *epo:hasNetQuantity - *relationship to epo:Quantity target class.

Task: Publish a snapshot of what has been modelled for this issue and close ticket.


Discuss GH 337

Modelling on the catalogue item price diagram.
An Item can have 0 or more than one price.

  • epo-ecat:Price was created with the following definition: “Amount of money required or given in exchange for items.”

  • epo:hasValidity changed to *epo:hasCatalogueLineValidity *for model consistency reasons.

  • epo-ecat:hasNetMonetaryValue as a predicate to epo:MonetaryValue target class.

  • epo-ecat:hasOrderableUnitFactorRate - changing the definition to the following: “The factor by which the base unit of the price can be converted to orderable unit.”

  • epo-ecat:hasQuantityThreshold - from epo-ecat:Price to epo:Quantity with the following definition: “The minimum quantity of the item that can be ordered to the given net monetary value.”

  • epo-ecat:hasLeadTime - from epo-ecat:Price to epo:Duration with the following definition: “The expected amount of time between the order and the delivery of an item.”

  • epo-ecat:hasValidityPeriod - from epo-ecat:Price to epo:Duration with the following definition: “The period of time when the item can be ordered to the given price.”

  • epo-ecat:hasDeliveryLocation - from epo-ecat:Price to epo:Duration with the following definition: “Location delivery area where the item can be ordered to the given price.”

  • *epo-ecat:hasBaseQuantity - *from epo-ecat:Price to epo:Quantity with the following definition: “The quantity at which the net monetary value applies.”

Task: Publish a snapshot of what has been modelled for this issue and close ticket.


Discuss GH 336

Proposed to add a new enumeration at-voc-new:delivery-item-type - indication whether an item is a product or a service. The dependency relationship between epo:Item and this enumeration should be epo-ecat:hasDeliveryClassification.

For instance, possible values could be:

  • SER - Trade item is a service

  • MTO - Trade item is manufactured after order

  • VQ - Trade item is variable measure item, that is, the quantity in the package is not fixed, and the price for the item varies with the quantity

  • RC - Trade item is a returnable unit

Task: Publish a snapshot of what has been modelled for this issue and close ticket.


For the next meeting we need new GH issues regarding classifications and labels of items.