eCatalogue meeting 30/06/2022
Date: 30/06/2022
Participants: Cecile Guasch, Veit Jahns, Natalie Muric
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre
Discuss GH 340
From Item to ItemRelation we have the predicate epo-ecat:hasQualifiedItemRelation
Get all new added classes from the diagram
Mention all the new definitions
Discuss GH 284
Added new attribute in the epo-ecat:Catalogue class for payment conditions
Added new definitions for the concepts, attributes and predicates that were introduced by implementing this ticket.
Added epo-ecat:hasSpecificPaymentArrangement attribute with the following description:
“Information about payment conditions applied to all items in the catalogue.
Additional information:
This property may need to be used together with the payment arrangements provided in the ContractTerms, where such terms exists.
WG approval 30/06/2022”