Working Group meeting 09/08/2022

Date: 09/08/2022
Participants: Natalie Muric, Csongor Nyulas
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Discuss Concession concept in the context of standard form mappings. === Discussion

  • Added new class epo:ConcessionEstimate with the following particularities:

    • The attribute epo:hasCalculationMethod was moved to epo:ConcessionEstimate.

    • The predicate epo:foreseesConcession has target class epo:Tender and source class epo:ConcessionEstimate.

    • The predicates epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue and epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue have target class epo:ConcessionEstimate and source class epo:MonetaryValue.

  • Added predicate epo:definesConcessionDuration between epo:ContractTerm and epo:Duration.

  • Added predicate epo:definesConcessionPeriod between epo:ContractTerm and epo:Duration.