Working Group meeting 15/11/2022
Date: 15/11/2022
Participants: Thor Steinar Møller, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellito
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre
Open procedure with framework agreement
Single-stage and multi-stage procedure -
Tenderers may be limited or pre-set -
Buyer can the same (as in FA) or different (for using the FA to establish a contract) -
In a single stage procedure there is
a single process start-to-end
Only one tender deadline
Allowed procedure types
Other single stage procedure
Competitive dialogues
Competitive tendering (perhaps)
Innovation partnership
Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
Negotiated without prior call for competition
Other multiple stage procedure
In a multi stage procedure there is
Multiple tender deadlines
ONLY One call for competition that is published
Possibly everyone is invited or possibly a restricted set
When the competition is reopened (the subsequent stage, not the first one), it is “limited” (no notice published)
Always a restricted set of participants
Reopen always only with “award” criteria and no “exclusion” or “selection” criteria.
DPS - introduces ONE subsequent stage
New economic operators may join based on “requests to join” , but no new publication of CN. The requests to join are based on the initial CN.
DPS can be open
or closed (in Italy).
Negotiated procedure can have “infinite” number of stages
Allowed procedure types
Competitive dialogues
Competitive tendering (perhaps)
Innovation partnership
Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
Negotiated without prior call for competition
Other multiple stage procedure
Disallowed procedure types
Other single stage procedure
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
Procedure types allowed with DPS
Restricted Procedure types Disallowed
All the rest
A DPS never really completes. One can keep adding participants.
DPS flow
Announce the call for competition
Attract requests for participation
Choose candidates
Can publish a Prior Information Notice (PIN) if you want
Publish a Call for Competition (CN)
Optionally including Award Criteria
ESPD Request has to be published at the same time as CN (elsewhere)
Specifications can be published (elsewhere)
The request to participate is submitted by the Tenderer
Including the ESPD Response
(optionally) Including the evidence for selection criteria and exclusion grounds
Request to participate is evaluated
Not sooner than 30 days after the CN publication
Not later (for each request to participate) than 10 days after the submission
Tenders that pass the Exclusion grounds and Selection criteria are admitted to the DPS
Conduct competition based on award criteria
The Buyer triggers the
(RE-)opening of the competition, when needed,-
There may be multiple openings of “competition” among the chosen candidates
_Also known as _
(in Italy) mini-competition
The Buyer is (sometimes) a different organisation in this stage
The Buyer triggers the
(re-)opening of competition, when needed, by sending an invitation to tender including the specifications and award criteria to the Candidates.
Tenderers submit tenders
The Evaluation Committee (set-up by the Awarding-Buyer) evaluates and creates an evaluation report
Based on the evaluation report, an Award Decision (based on award criteria only) is created (by the Awarding-Buyer)
Selecting-Buyer requests to the (nearly) awarded Tenderers (wanna-be Winners) the evidence for selection criteria and exclusion grounds
Tenderers provide the evidence to the Selecting-Buyer
Selecting-Buyer evaluates the provided evidence and
If it is conformant(good) the contract is awarded to the Tenderer, making them Winners
Otherwise the Tenderer is not awarded
All Tenderers are then told of the Award Decision (who was awarded and not + reasons on why and why not)
The contract is signed by the Awarding-Buyer and the Winners
Contract Award Notice (CAN) is published
for each award decision (within 1 month) OR
Collect all award decisions (once every 1 month or 6 months for example) and a bulk is published (usually for the contracts below the threshold)
Critical note:
In the case of DPS, the CAN is an Award Notice for the Contract, while in the case of normal (non-DPS) procedures the CAN is an Award Notice for Lots. [THIS IS DEBATABLE]
Critical note:
The opening of the competition under the DPS may be opened as a sub-procedure having its OWL Identified, yet linked to the “parent-DPS-procedure”. [THIS IS DEBATABLE]
In the DPS CAN, most likely, the contract number will be provided rather than a reference to the Lot number (in the Procedure).
DPS is open during the whole duration of the procedure. If a DPS is a setup to last for 2 years, then eC can register and apply under this DPS. DPS is a kind of FA where the procedure is open for a long period.
And when needed, a CA can launch a mini-competition, like the FA, whereas the EC that has the capability to submit a tender can submit its tender in that specific sub-competition.
In Italy, DPS is like a digital market internal to public institutions.
There is always a system that supports the DPS.
Is the procedure ID of the CAN the same as the one for CN?
The discussion on DPS should continue on Thursday, 24th Nov.
In a CAN for DPS it will be a Contract Number, not a Lot Number.