Working Group meeting 10/01/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Participants: Jana Ahmad, Vladimir Alexiev, Emiel Dhondt, Juris Kalejs, Wim Kok, Natalie Muric, Giampaolo Sellito, Emidio Stani
Model editor: Eugeniu Costetchi
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre
Core Vocabularies observations
data type is Changed from rdfs:Literal to rdf:langString in the following properties :
cv:deathDate Removed from cpv:Person.
epo:hasInternetAddress is similar to contactPage with foaf:Document as range.
Proposal by Core Vocabularies to change the range to anyURI so this contactPage can be adapted by ePO as well.
Based on the standard forms, epo:hasInternetAddress is probably the URL of the Organization and not of the ContactPoint.
Proposal to add epo:hasHomePage (xsd:anyURI, [0..*]) as an attribute on org:Organization concept with the following definition: “The main web page.”
epo:hasDescription is similar to
If we change the datatype to LangString, we need to change them all.
rdfs:Literal allows integers, booleans and LangString, etc.
We need to revise data types and make them more specific.
Better to use rdf:PlainLiteral, see GitHub ticket:
Instead of epo:hasDescription switch dct:description.
epo:hasURL is mandatory property, but it should not be, because sometimes we might need to use epo:isAdhocChannel.
In standard forms AdhocChannel is not a boolean, but in eForms it is.
The AdhocChannel should not be CommunicationMean.
An Organization hasCommunicationMeans either a Channel or a DeliveryGateway.
The attribute epo:hasTitle was changed to dct:title and the definition modified accordingly.
WG discussed whether to use dct:identifier instead of epo:hasID.
But dct:identifier has a range of rdfs:Literal and can not be used.
We need to decide on whether to change to adms:identifier (old github issue:
If we need more properties for ePO we should add a ticket to adms.
euBusinessGraph Semantic Data Model
Presenting the reg org vocabulary:
All attributes data types are changed from rdfs:Literal to rdf:langString, except locn:postCode and locn:locatorDesignator.
On cccev:Requirement:
cccev:description changed to dct:description (rdf:PlainLiteral).
cccev:identifier changed to dct:identifier.
We need to use an identifier for requirements.
To stay consistent to how identification is realised in ePO, we switched to using adms:identifier instead of dct:identifier as per CCCEV requirement.
Instead of cccev:name we will use skos:prefLabel (rdf:PlainLiteral).
There should be only one description and we added as additional information that we can have multiple languages for the same description. (see
On cccev:type changed to dct:type
On cccev:InformationConcept, hasDescription and hasTitle are changed to dct:description and skos:prefLabel.
WG disscussed the Channel
In standard form we have the following section for communication:
We want to use the AdhocChannel as a URL and not a boolean.
We might need to remove epo:hasAdditionalInformation and epo:hasName from cv:Channel.
In CPVS-AP, cpsv:PublicService has a cv:Channel.
We need to do a comparison to version ePO 2.0.1.
Adding epo:hasToolsAccessURL (xsd:anyURI, [0..1]) attribute to epo:AccessTerm concept with the following definition: “Web page where the tools and devices for electronic communication that are not generally available can be downloaded free of charge.”
This needs to be further discussed.
cv:Channel was moved from org:Organization level to epo:AgentInRole level.