Working Group meeting 09/02/2023

Date: 09/02/2023
Participants: Alba Colomer, Wim Kok, Ivan Miller, Natalie Muric, Carlos Mazo, Pietro Palermo, Thomas Pattersson
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Continue on eOrdering open discussion

    • Goal is to ensure completeness of the current model


The WG discussed the Order diagram with respect to Peppol Order transaction 3.2 (T01) to be sure that they are compatible.


The current approach to assessing the completeness of the ePO model with respect to PEPPOL requirements involves determining whether the following requirements are already covered by ePO. If they are, the WG will map them to ePO. If they are not covered, they will be implemented as follows. The bullet points represent the PEPPOL requirements, while the sub-bullets indicate their mapping to ePO. * cac:QuotationDocumentReference Quotation considered to be an offer In offer class: relations between to be renamed between epo:TechnicalOffer, epo:FinancialOffer and procurement-object epo:Tender epo:OfferIssuer role is created which is the role of agent who distributes an offer epo:distributesOffer relation between offer and offerIssuer is created ** Offer objet is added to document class (to be decided if it should stay on the core or only in offer module)

  • Note: Document provides the monetary value and the details to fulfill the requirements set out in the procurement document or request of offer.

    • cac:OrderDocumentReference

  • epo-ord:OrderDocument is created in order class

  • epo-ord:refersToOrder (reflexive relation) is added to epo:order

  • Epo-ord:supersedesOrder is moved from epo-ord:order to epo-ord:OrderDocument

  • epo-ord:instantiateOrder relation is created between epo-ord:order and epo-ord:OrderDocument

  • epo:ProcurementOrginater object is deleted

    • cac:OriginatorDocumentReference

  • epo:OriginatorRequest Document is created in Document hierarchy and put it in order level. epo:OriginatorRequest is the document in which the originator describes his needs

  • epo-ord:concernsOriginatorRequest relation is created between epo:GeneratorInformation and epo:ProcrumentOrginater

  • Document type enumeration is added to the document.

  • Note: a document with order type create a document type

  • cac:AdditionalDocumentReference

    • It’s a document with document type and other properties such as issue date and issue time, id .

  • cac:Contract

    • We have epo:Contract and epo-ord:ContractInformation in order level

  • cac:ProjectReference

    • epo:ProcurementProject and epo:project are created in order level.

    • epo-ord:order refers to project

    • Relation is created between epo:Project and epo:Identifier



  • Add proper definition for all information Hubs

  • In offer class: relations between to be renamed between epo:TechnicalOffer, epo:FinancialOffer and procurement-object epo:Tender

  • We need codes for for at-voc-new:document type.

  • Decide whether epo:ProcurementProject should be a ProcurementElement or not