Working Group meeting 21/03/2023

Date: 21/03/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Wim Kok, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad


Discuss eContract Model.


WG discussed the eContract model, mainly the initial contract information requirements:

  • epo-con: announces contract exists between epo:Contract and epo-con:ContractDocument. It was noted that Contract document is not a contract, it is maybe some additional things such as metadata. What is in the contract is in the contract document.

  • An Excel document is created in sharepoint including Contract related concepts and their definitions.

  • epo:bindsBuyer relation created between contract and Buyer.

  • epo:signedByBuyer relation is created between Buyer and contractDocument


WG did a Mapping between Contract model and initial contract information requirements:

  • Issue date, time and identifies should be in the document

  • isSubjectToContractSpecificTerm relation is created between contract and ContractTerm

  • Procurement project type: is contract-nature on ContractTerm

  • Description of Extension and option: epo:ContractTerm has epo:hasOptionsDescription data property. Duration is considered to be about Options.

  • Period start date, Period start time: contractTerm defines the contract period.

  • qt-voc:cpvsuppl is removed

  • CPV: at-voc:cpv enumeration is added.

  • CPV supplementary: is not included in ePO

  • Project execution location: epo:ContractTerm defines place of performance which is dct:location

  • Procurement project lot: Contract and lot class is created.

  • Lot identifier:

    • epo:hasTenderReference relation is renamed between contract and tender.

    • epo:hasLotReference relation is renamed between contract and lot.