Working Group meeting 23/03/2023

Date: 23/03/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Christian Mondini Consorzio,Najeh Hajlaoui, Wim Kok, Pietro Palermo, Thomas pettersson, Ivan Willer
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad



The WG continued to discuss the Order diagram with respect to Peppol Order transaction 3.2 (T01) to be sure that they are compatible.

The current approach to assessing the completeness of the ePO model with respect to PEPPOL requirements involves determining whether the following requirements are already covered by ePO. If they are, the WG will map them to ePO. If they are not covered, they will be implemented as follows. The bullet points represent the PEPPOL requirements, while the sub-bullets indicate their mapping to ePO.

  • cac:PaymentTerms

    • epo-ord:Order has epo-ord:hasPaymentTerm property

  • cac:AllowanceCharge:

    • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation is created exists

  • cbc:AllowanceChargeReason:

    • epo-ful:hasAllowanceChargeReason exists

  • cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric

    • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation has epo-cat:hasPercentage property

  • cbc:Amount and @currencyID

    • epo-cat:Price has Net Monetary Value which has a currency

  • cac:TaxCategory, cac:TaxScheme. Tax information to be discussed in document level

  • cac:AnticipatedMonetaryTotal: it is an estimation of buyer, epo-cat:hasPercentage Anticipated is on order level Order total amount class is created: to add all amounts: which are all in the header level.


Order Allowance Charge class is created: it was noted that Discount and Allowance is the same

  • epo-ord:AllowanceChargeInformation object is created, and it generalizes the following objects, epo-ord:DocumentChargeInformation, epo-ord:DocumentAllowanceInformation epo-ord:LineChargeInformation, epo-ord:LineAllowanceInformation, epo-ord:PriceAllowanceInformation, epo-cat:ChargeInformation.

  • epo-ord:TaxIformation object is created with epo-cat:hasPercentage property

  • epo-cat:hasTaxScheme is created between epo-ord:TaxIformation and at-voc-new:tax-scheme

  • epo-cat:hasTaxCategory is created between epo-ord:TaxIformation and at-voc-new:tax-scheme and at-voc-new:tax-category

  • epo-ful:hasAllowanceChargeReason relation is added between ord:AllowanceChargeInformation and at-voc-new:allowance-charge-reason



  • Discuss and investigate if we want to add the aggregates, mainly cac:AnticipatedMonetaryTotal.

  • Discuss the new naming for Catalogue and fulfilment e.g., tax-category instead of charge-category.