Working Group meeting 23/05/2023
Date: 23/05/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Giovanna Filippone, Martina Pititto, Giampaolo Sellitto
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Jana Ahmad
Discuss Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) model
Is there an actual Award Decision in the DPS after the Qualification Stage, even if there is no Contract Award Notice?
The WGM started by introducing the participants to the scope of the ePO ontology, which aims to provide a formal representation of the concepts, relationships, and entities within the eProcurement domain. It aims to facilitate the exchange of procurement-related information between different systems and organizations, and to support the automation and optimization of procurement processes. The ontology covers various aspects of procurement, such as procurement notification, tendering, contracting, and invoicing and is data oriented.
The modeling of Framework Agreement and Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) within the ontology was presented.
Framework Agreement
A Framework Agreement results from a Lot Award Decision, which concerns a specific Lot that uses the framework technique. The Lot Award decision which is used to establish the Framework Agreement specifies the different Qualification Criterion and Award Criterion (Procurement Criterion) to be used. The Mini Competition that may be launched within the Framework Agreement follows the rules set by the Framework Agreement and involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
The model below was validated:
A DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) uses a DPS Technique. In the first stage, the different Qualification Criterion are specified and there is no Award Decision, however a Candidate List is created which lists the economic operators that are admitted to subsequent Mini-Competitions. The subsequent Mini Competitions involves specifying the different Award Criterion to be used. The Mini Competition Award Decision relates to the Mini Competition itself and can result in a Purchase Contract.
The model below was validated:
Award Decision:
To ensure Award Decisions exist for both the Framework Agreement and the Mini Competitions the Award Decision has become a superclass of Lot Award Decision and Mini Competition Award Decision allowing for the different instantiations required for different use cases. The Award Decision comprises Tender Award Outcome which indicates award of Lot to a winner. These relations are inherited by the Lot Award Decision and Mini Competition Award Decision. See diagram below.
After meeting note: as the Mini Competition inherits from the Award Decision the relation “indicatesAwardOfLotToWinner” needs to be reviewed maybe to “indicatesAwardToWinner”
During the WGM, the relations describesLot and describesMiniCompetition were changed to concernsLot and concernsMiniCompetition respectively. Additionally, the relations, epo:hasRestated AwardedValue and epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue were removed from the model.
During the meeting, the participants defined the following terms:
epo:hasBargainPrice: The value of procured supplies that have used a particularly advantageous opportunity available for a very short time at a value considerably lower than normal market prices.
DPS: An electronic System that is set up by a Buyer which lists the Economic Operators that satisfy the Qualification Criteria, which may later be put into competition via a Mini-Competition in view of awarding a Purchase Contract.
DynamicPurchaseSystemTechniqueUsage: A Technique that allows the selection of Candidates throughout the Procedure via the Qualification Criteria, followed by individual Mini-Competitions for the Award of Purchase Contracts.
ListCanditate: A list of Candidates considered to take part in a restricted Procedure, in a competitive Procedure with negotiation, in a negotiated Procedure without prior publication, in a competitive dialogue or in an innovation partnership.