Working Group Meeting

Date: 04/07/2023
Participants: Natalie Muric, Ansgar Mondorf, Eugen Costezki, Fred van Blommestein, Jostein Fromry, Peter, Pietro Palermo, Roschkowski Gregor, Wim Kok.
Model Editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note Editor: Jana Ahmad


  • Discuss ePO Glossary


It was noted that the next steps of ePO development will be eAccess and ESPD models. It was mentioned that the data model in ESPD is represented using UML with non-specific relations between concepts.

During the meeting, the glossary for each module was presented. Each glossary contains all the related concepts, attributes, predicates (relations), and definitions. It was mentioned that when we have an external relation, it indicates a relation from an external module.


The alignment between PEPPOL business term requirements and ePO was also discussed. It was suggested to carry out this alignment during the Working Group Meetings, preferably every other Thursday, with a deadline set for the end of 2023.

To do this alignment, it was proposed to link ePO concepts that correspond to each BT, and the description of the BT would be the definition of the concept in ePO. It was clarified that a Business Term (BT) is the concept name in the business domain, while in ePO, it can refer to a concept, attribute, or predicate.

Examples from ePO were presented, such as the "Order" concept, which is a document with an identifier.

It was pointed out that to align concepts appropriately, the entire path of concepts should be mentioned, including inheritances. For example, the "Street Name" term should always be mapped to the street of an organization that is playing the agent in role.

The meeting also covered the issue date and issue time of an order. The dct:issued has a data type of rdfs:Literal which has been implemented as a xsd:dateTime datatype in ePO. rdfs:Literal includes xsd:dateTime.
During the meeting, it was noted that the ePO ontology, along with the glossary and documentation, will be published in the next couple of weeks.

Action Points

  • Alignment with PEPPOL business term requirements (suggested time line end 2023)