Working Group meeting
Date: 03/10/2023
Participants: Peter van Borresen, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • Fulfilment discussion about the data model spreadsheet for eFulfilment

  • General yearly turnover modelling for the ESPD Request


eFulfilment: Spreadsheet to be updated by Peter

eAccess: General yearly turnover

The discussion started around the github issue on the ESPD-EDM github repository.
The resolution of the GH ticket above is unclear therefore it is decided to open a new issue taking into consideration the discussion at the end of the last meeting (26/09/2023). To model correctly we need to know whether there is a requirement to specify different values per year.
The difference between the General Yearly Turnover and the General Average Turnover is that the first one provides a Threshold per year requirement..
The difference between a General Turnover and a Specific Turnover is that the Specific Turnover is for a particular business domain and it does not have a threshold per year.
This means that in a Specific Yearly Turnover the Buyer requires the same minimum amount for each fiscal year.
General Yearly Turnover:


General Average Turnover:


Specific Yearly Turnover:


Specific Average Turnover:


Question: What is the difference between Specific Yearly Turnover and Specific Average Turnover?
For Specific Yearly Turnover, the EO is required to provide the amount for all the fiscal years defined in the requirement.


For the Specific Average Turnover, the EO is required to provide the average amount for all the fiscal years defined in the requirement.


This also applies to the General Turnover.
Based on ESPD-EDM GitHub issue 44, the figure below illustrates a possible user interface from the Buyer’s point of view with the modifications discussed above:


A discussion around the REQUIREMENT_GROUP concept from ESPDRequest has emerged. There is a request to add REQUIREMENT_GROUP as a concept in ePO as well since there might be use-cases when a Criterion can have multiple Requirement Groups.
We might need to add a new InformationRequirement instance between the SelectionCriterion and all the other InformationRequirement instances.

Action Point:

  • Proposal to add an GH issue on this repository asking for more. (

  • Look at all the criterions and check for multiple Requirement Groups within the same Criterion (also cardinality 1..n for REQUIREMENT_GROUP).

    • Check how to model this use-case based on CCCEV.