Working Group meeting

Participants: Paloma Arillo, Peter van Borresen, Laurent Schoonjans, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Andreea Pasăre


  • eFulfilment

  • General Yearly Turnover



  • Sent to Peter the spreadsheet example from Ordering data model. He will change his spreadsheets and get back to us to schedule a meeting.

Natural Language Statements (NLS)

Continuing with the NLS:


The Selection Criterion can have a Requirement with an identifier provided. epo:SelectionCriterion / cccev:InformationRequirement / adms:Identifier / rdf:PlainLiteral ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion / cccev:hasRequirement / adms:identifier / skos:notation ?value .

The Requirement for the Selection Criterion is not mandatory in ESPD version 3.


An ESPD Request has to should specify an Exclusion Ground. epo-acc:ESPDRequest / epo:ExclusionGround ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion ?value .
  • In the ePO the epo:ExclusionGroundSummary is at the epo:Procedure level, and epo:ExclusionGround is at the epo:Lot level. In the ESPD Request, the Exclusion Grounds are defined per all Lots, meaning per Procedure, even though there is no direct link between a Criterion and the Procedure (check diagram below):


Changing the NLS below to reflect what was mentioned above:

The Exclusion Ground is related to a Lot Procedure. epo:Lot / epo:ExclusionGround ?this epo:specifiesProcurementCriteriaSummary ?value .

The Exclusion Ground is related to a group of Lots.

epo:LotGroup / epo:ExclusionGround

?this epo:specifiesProcurementCriterion ?value .

The Exclusion Ground has a type code. epo:ExclusionGround / at-voc:criterion ?this dct:type ?value .

But epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary is directly a subclass of cccev:Requirement, and not of cccev:Criterion (which is linked to at-voc:criterion) and that is why in ePO we can not provide a type for epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary:


We have 3 option for fixing this in ePO:

  1. Either changing the generalisation relation from cccev:Requirement to cccev:Criterion

  2. Replicate the at-voc:criterion usage at the epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary level (need to see if epo:ExclusionGroundsSummary can be used for the ESPD Request Exclusion Ground use cases).

  3. Create a link epo:Procedure epo:specifiesExclusionGround epo:ExclusionGround as we had in ePO 3.1.0.


Next on:

The Exclusion Ground can have a Requirement with a description provided. epo:ExclusionGround / cccev:InformationRequirement / rdf:PlainLiteral ?this epo-acc:specifiesProcurementCriterion / cccev:hasRequirement / dct:description ?value .

General Yearly Turnover

  • Presenting the General Yearly Turnover instantiation diagram with modification at Information Concept skos:prefLabel


Action Points

  • Add definitions for all concepts within the Procurement Criteria Summary diagram