Working Group meeting

Date: 14/12/2023
Participants: Pietro Palermo, Ivan Willer, Thomas Pettersen
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Natalie Muric


  • Order data model update


Definitions were added for the following concepts:

Project reference identifier The identifier of the project the order refers to.

Order validity period

A group of business terms providing information on the validity period of an Order.

Order validity end date

The date at which the order validity period ends.

Order validity end time

The time at which the order validity period ends.

Offer reference

A group of business terms providing information on a preceding Offer.

Offer reference identifier

The identifier of the Offer.

Offer reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the Offer.

Offer reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the Offer.

Offer issuer identifier

to be taken from eCatalogue

Order reference

A group of business terms providing information on the Order being referenced to.

Order reference identifier

The identifier of the referenced Order.

Order reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the referenced Order.

Order reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the referenced Order.

Originator document reference

A group of business terms providing information on a document in which the originator describes his needs.

Originator document reference identifier

The identifier of the referenced originator document.

Originator document reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the originator document.

Originator document reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the originator document.

Catalogue reference

to be taken from eCatalogue

Catalogue reference identifier

to be taken from eCatalogue

Catalogue reference issue date

to be taken from eCatalogue

Catalogue reference issue time

to be taken from eCatalogue

Additional documents reference

A group of business terms providing information on one or more referenced documents.

Additional document reference identifier

The identifier of the referenced document.

Additional document reference issue date

The date of formal issuance of the referenced document.

Additional document reference issue time

The time of formal issuance of the referenced document.

Attached document

An attached document embedded as binary object or sent together with the Order.

Attached document Mime code

The Mime code of the attached document.

Allowed mime codes: - application/pdf - image/png - image/jpeg - text/csv - application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument. spreadsheetml.sheet - application/

Attached document filename

The file name of the attached document.

External document URI

The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies where the external document is located.

Contract information

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract identifier

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract issue date

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract issue time

To be taken from Pre-Award

Contract description

To be taken from Pre-Award

Buyer information

A group of business terms providing information on the agent that awards a contract and/or purchases items.

Party information

Buyer party electronic address

The identifier of the Buyer’s electronic address from which the Order is sent.

Scheme identifier

The identification scheme identifier.

Party identification

Buyer party identification

An identifier of the Buyer.

Scheme identifier

The identification scheme identifier.

Party name

Buyer name

The full name of the Buyer.

Buyers legal registration identifier The identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Buyer as a legal entity or person.

Scheme identifier

The identification scheme identifier.

  • Order hasValidityPeriod to be added to the model (column FGH) - need to find a solution for date and datetime

  • Quotation changed to Offer to align with the ontology

  • Offer issuer is changed to Offer issuer identifier

  • All BG descriptions have been harmonised to start with: "A group of business terms providing information on ……"

  • Originator Request: Definiton taken from ontology

  • Attached document, Attached document Mime code, Attached document filename not covered by ontology but will give an external document URI.

Action Points

  • Add epo:Order epo:hasValidityPeriod epo:Period as following:

epo-ord:Order / epo:Period / xsd:dateTime ?this epo:hasValidityPeriod / epo:hasEnd ?value . The date and time at which this period ends.

epo-ord:Order / epo:Period / xsd:dateTime

?this epo:hasValidityPeriod / epo:hasEnd ?value .

The date and time at which this period ends.

  • Investigate a possible solution for date and time implementation in ePO.