Working Group meeting

Date: 13/02/2024
Participants: Paloma Arillo, Natalie Muric, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Dragos Stoica, Pascaline Laure Tchienehom
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Continue the presentation and evolution of the eSubmission conceptual model.


The eSubmission conceptual model was presented. In that context it was discussed that:

  • It was noted that the class epo:EconomicOperator was equivalent to epo:OfferingParty therefore there is no need to add it.

  • A diagram of eSubmission should show only the specialisation roles required for eSubmission.

  • epo-sub:PreQualificationData should concern an org:Organization.

  • epo-sub:PreQualificationData should become Epo-sub:NationalPreQualificationData .

  • The UBL 2.3 qualification response is used as a basis for the ESPD-EDM. The UBL 2.3 qualification response foresees a Qualifying party, however it is not clear if this component is used in the ESPD-EDM.

  • It was asked how the ESPD-EDM implements the following fragment of the ESPD regulation:

  • In the ESPD 3.3.0 this is implemented as a Criterion. This should not be a criterion. We need to find an alternative way to model this. Perhaps as an Information Requirement.

  • It was confirmed that epo:ParticipationCondition is not an epo:QualificationCriterion.

  • It was noted that there should be a correlation of what is in the ESPD-criterion.xlsx. and the ESPD-EDM Regulation.

  • In the ESPD-criterion.xlsx. File there are sheets covering "other criterion". However, these "other criterion" are not criterion in the sense of the ePO. They contain Information Requirements that are structured in the ESPD-EDM in the same way as Exclusion Grounds and Selection Criterion. These "other criterion" need to be analysed as to whether they should be modelled as independent concepts, Criterion or Information Requirements (which are not connected to a criterion). This analysis will have an effect on both the ESPD Request and the ESPD Response. The other criterion are listed below:








Action Points

  • Create a ticket for the ePO repository: The ESPD uses the Criterion codelist to identify each criterion in the criterion Excel file one of which uses the code "shelt-worksh". eforms uses the reserved-procurement codelist to indicate the same concepts. This possible redundancy needs to be looked into for the alignment of ESPD and eforms using th ePO.

  • Create a diagram for all "other criterion".