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Working Group meeting

Date: 06/06/2024
Participants: Ioannis Fountoukidis
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing conceptual model.


  • The discussion Covered The Business term groups BG-23 – BG-30.

  • The VATBreakdown conceptual model was presented

VAT BREAKDOWN A group of business terms providing information about VAT breakdown by different categories, rates and exemption reasons
  • A question arose for the Business term VAT exemption reason code. Which code should better represent this?

    • The VATEX codelist may be a good candidate for this.

    • The at-voc-new:vat-exemption-reason enumeration was created to hold this codelist.

    • Also, epo-inv:hasVATEXemptionReasonDescription: rdf:PlainLiteral was created to provide a textual representation of the VAT exemption reason

  • The “Additional Supporting Documents” business term was discussed.

ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice.
  • epo:Document already covers this.

  • ePO does not cover the "Attached document", "Attached document Mime code " and "Attached document Filename" concepts.

  • The Invoice Line diagram was presented.

INVOICE LINE A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.
  • The Invoice item Price diagram was presented that describes the Price Details Business term Group.

PRICE DETAILS A group of business terms providing information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.

  • The "item gross price" was discussed.

BT-148 + 0..1 Item gross price The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price discount.

It is the first time we encounter this term and currently we cannot reuse another ePO concept. Perhaps a new epo concept needs to be created. To be investigated.

Action Points

  • Create a ticket: We need to find a specific codeList that contains all VAT exemption reason code. Maybe the VATEX codelist can be used.

  • Ask in the next WGM if BT-136 should be mandatory.

BT-136 + 1..1 Invoice line allowance amount The amount of an allowance, without VAT. is the amount mandatory in case we have a base amount + percentage combination?
  • Further Investigate about the gross price concept.

BT-148 + 0..1 Item gross price The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price discount. to be further investigated (maybe Pietro)