Working Group meeting
Date: 20/06/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis
A short introduction of the eInvoicing module was given.
The concept of Credit Note was discussed: A credit note is a document that corrects an invoice or invoices.
There is a need to list all the different documents that can be linked with the Invoice. UBL has agreed to provide such a list.
In PEPPOL the invoice always uses the value "Commercial Invoice" for the document type code. In ePO this codelist is at-voc-new:document-type.
It was confirmed that BT-73, eInvoicing period startdate is used for services.
epo-inv:hasActualDeliveryDate xsd:date [0..1] attribute was added to epo-ord:DeliveryInformation.
The class epo-inv:PaymentInstructionsInformation on the "eInvoicing" diagram was presented.
The "eInvoicing allowance charge and Tax" diagram was presented.
It was discussed how to model different Taxes. It was decided that there shouldn’t be predicates discriminating between VAT and other taxes.
epo:MonetaryValue epo:hasCurrency should have cardinality of 1, rather than [0..1] (a github issue is foreseen for this).
The total amounts that are present at the level of the invoice diagram were presented in the diagram below.
The invoicing vat breakdown diagram was presented.
It was discovered that different taxes may have different currencies.
That means that cardinalities for all predicates pointing to epo:Monetary value should be [0..] or [1..].
It was mentioned that in order for the Ontology to be more flexible, all the concept names containing "VAT" should be renamed, replacing "VAT" with "Tax".
Next the roles that take part in eInvoicing were presented
The diagram depicting the invoice-line was presented
The diagram containing the Item concept in relation to eInvoicing was presented.
The epo-cat:hasAttributeType of class epo-cat:ItemProperty should be mandatory. (a github issue is foreseen for that)
Action Points
UBL to provide a list of different documents that can be linked with the Invoice.
UBL to provide an example for invoice
IInform PEPPOL about the cardinalities of different business terms in the context of a country using more than 1 currencies.
Update the invoicing VATbreakdown diagram in order to include all taxes.
ePO github issues to be created:
epo:hasCurrency should have cardinality of 1 rather than [0..1]
Tax-scheme should have a cardinality of 1.
Should these attributes be mandatory or not?