An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website

Working Group meeting

Date: 20/06/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Ioannis Fountoukidis, Natalie Muric, Dragos Stoica.
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • eInvoicing conceptual model evolution.


  • A short introduction of the eInvoicing module was given.

  • The concept of Credit Note was discussed: A credit note is a document that corrects an invoice or invoices.

    • Credit Note ubl syntax

    • There is a need to list all the different documents that can be linked with the Invoice. UBL has agreed to provide such a list.

  • In PEPPOL the invoice always uses the value "Commercial Invoice" for the document type code. In ePO this codelist is at-voc-new:document-type.

  • It was confirmed that BT-73, eInvoicing period startdate is used for services.

    • epo-inv:hasActualDeliveryDate xsd:date [0..1] attribute was added to epo-ord:DeliveryInformation.

  • The class epo-inv:PaymentInstructionsInformation on the "eInvoicing" diagram was presented.

  • The "eInvoicing allowance charge and Tax" diagram was presented.

  • It was discussed how to model different Taxes. It was decided that there shouldn’t be predicates discriminating between VAT and other taxes.

  • epo:MonetaryValue epo:hasCurrency should have cardinality of 1, rather than [0..1] (a github issue is foreseen for this).

  • The total amounts that are present at the level of the invoice diagram were presented in the diagram below.

  • The invoicing vat breakdown diagram was presented.

    • It was discovered that different taxes may have different currencies.

      • That means that cardinalities for all predicates pointing to epo:Monetary value should be [0..] or [1..].

    • It was mentioned that in order for the Ontology to be more flexible, all the concept names containing "VAT" should be renamed, replacing "VAT" with "Tax".

  • Next the roles that take part in eInvoicing were presented

  • The diagram depicting the invoice-line was presented

  • The diagram containing the Item concept in relation to eInvoicing was presented.

  • The epo-cat:hasAttributeType of class epo-cat:ItemProperty should be mandatory. (a github issue is foreseen for that)

Action Points

  • UBL to provide a list of different documents that can be linked with the Invoice.

  • UBL to provide an example for invoice

  • IInform PEPPOL about the cardinalities of different business terms in the context of a country using more than 1 currencies.

  • Update the invoicing VATbreakdown diagram in order to include all taxes.

  • ePO github issues to be created:

    • epo:hasCurrency should have cardinality of 1 rather than [0..1]

  • Tax-scheme should have a cardinality of 1.

  • Should these attributes be mandatory or not?