Working Group meeting
Date: 26/06/2024
Participants: Ioannis Fountoukidis, Edmund Gray, Natalie Muric, Stelios Stratidakis, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis
The diagram containing the business concepts BT-116, BT-117, BT-118, BT-119 in eInvoice was presented.
It was discussed that attached documents are not included in the ePO. Instead, the ontology uses a URI for external documents.
The diagram containing the InvoiceLine class (BG-25) and all its relevant concepts was presented.
The attribute epo:hasAdditionalInformation was added to epo-cat:Line class (specialization of epo-inv:InvoiceLine).
epo-inv:hasInvoiceLineObjectIdentifier definition was added: "An identifier for an object on which the invoice line is based, given by the Seller.Additional Information: It may be a subscription number, telephone number, meter point etc., as applicable.WG approval 26/06/2024".
There was a discussion on how the epo-cat:Price is connected to each line class.
Specifically, The absence of a gross price predicate was discussed.
Subsequently The predicate was created as epo-cat:Price : epo-ord:hasGrossMonetaryValue [0..1].
The predicate should be placed at a more appropriate place in the future.
There was also a discussion that in order for the Ontology to be more coherent, the allowance charge information should be connected either on the line level, or at the document level. It was argued that for the sake of flexibility, the ePO implementation should model both approaches.
The diagram containing TaxInformation concepts was updated to not be specific to VAT taxes.
BG-31 Item Information was discussed. Specifically it was discussed whether the CPV or the UNCL7143 codelist should be used for the at-voc-new:itemClassification vocabulary. Another option would be to use the epo-inv:hasItemClassificationIdentifier predicate and use the attributes of adms:Identifier to classify the epo-cat:Item.
Predicate epo-cat:hasCountryOfOrigin and codelist at-voc:country Were presented.
Action Points
Compare all PEPPOL data models to find any discrepancies.
Specifically we need to harmonize all concepts related to the price.
Investigate these example xml files to make sure that they can be covered by the einvoicing conceptual model.