Working Group meeting

Date: 02/07/2024
Participants: Peter Borresen, Ioannis Foutnoukidis
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis


  • Evolution of the ePO eFulfilment module

  • eFulfilment dataModel.


  • The following definitions for the predicates of the eFulfilment module were filled:


Relation indicating that a Transport Handling Unit utilises a Transport Equipment. WG approval 02/07/2024

epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit → epo-ful:TransportEquipment [0..*]


Relation indicating that a Shipment Stage utilises a Transport Means.

WG approval 02/07/2024

epo-ful:ShipmentStage → epo-ful:TransportMeans [1..*]


Relation indicating the operator of the Transport Means.

WG approval 02/07/2024

epo-ful:TransportMeans → epo-ful:TransportMeansOperator [1..*]

  • The PEPPOL DespatchAdvice data model mappings were presented and feedback regarding the mappings was given.

    • Specifically, the Despatcher can be either an Organization or a Person, and should be mapped similarly to the way the Buyer was mapped.

    • All mappings until the Consignment concept were reviewed.

Action Points

  • Create a github issue to remove predicate epo-ful:specifiesTransportHandlingUnits epo-ful:DespatchAdvice → epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit [0..*]

  • Create a github issue to Remove Predicate epo-ful:transportsItemFrom: epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit is already connected to class epo-ful:DespatchLine through Class epo-ful:GoodsItem , therefore a predicate relatiion from epo-ful:TransportHandlingUnit to epo-ful:DespatchLine was deemed unnecessary.

  • To verify all the definitions on the concepts in the e DesparchAdvice data model.

  • To fill in the definition of epo:playedBy next time the ePO module definitions are updated.