Working Group meeting
Date: 04/07/2024
Participants: Kenneth Bengtsson, Andrea Caccia, Natalie Muric, Pietro Palermo, Dragos Stoica
Model editor: Andreea Pasăre
Note editor: Achilles Dougalis
Update on work on eInvoicing module
check Credit Note concept in PEPPOL
Add definitions to eInvoicing module concepts
It was decided that the concept epo:Invoicer is not needed in the eInvoicing module, as the Seller is the Invoicer. The class was removed from the eInvoicing module.
The roles about eProcurement from PEPPOL were presented.
According to those roles, the concepts Invoicer and Invoicee can be represented by the Seller and the Buyer respectively.
It was decided that epo-inv:CreditNote class will be kept in the eInvoicing module.
epo-Inv:CreditNoteLine was added.
Predicate epo-inv:refersToInvoice was added to the eInvoicing module.
After the modifications, the diagram depicting epo-inv:CreditNote looks as follows:
The following definitions were filled:
Definition: "A commercial Document issued by the Seller to the Buyer to collect payments for the goods or services provided and to state the VAT amount due by the buyer. WG approval 04/07/2024".
Action Points
Add Github issue ticket: eOrder Module Epo-ord:OrderResponse Response should be a subclass of Order. For milestone epo 5.0.0
Add github issue ticket: Change the cardinality for isSubmitedForOrderLine and restrict it to 1 For milestone epo 5.0.0
It was suggested that the TC434 working group should test the eInvoicing module, once it is ready.