The European Single Procurement Document

XML Implementation Guide v2.0.2

I. Introduction

I.1 Objectives and scope

I.1.1 The Directive

Article 59 of the new Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EC (henceforth 'the Directive') introduced a new concept, the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) which is a self-declaration document intended for preliminary evidence in a public procurement procedure. By mapping out equivalent certificates between MS, the ESPD replaces certificates issued by public authorities or a third party involved in a procedure. It is thus a valuable facilitator for cross-border participation of a greater number of potential operators in public procurement procedures and a valuable tool for integrating the European Single Market.

The European Commission (EC) has developed a data model and 'semantic assets' for the exchange of the ESPD between any Procurement stakeholder’s system. This document illustrates in detail how to use the model and assets in compliance with the Directive.

The model, named ESPD-EDM (standing for European Single Procurement Document - Exchange Data Model) defines two electronic (XML) documents:

The ESPD Request, a document providing information about the contracting authority, the procurement procedure and the exclusion and selection criteria established for the procurement procedure.

The ESPD Response, the document that is filled-in by the Economic Operators stating whether they fulfill or not the criteria required in the ESPDRequest, and providing the sources where evidences can be obtained to prove that the criteria are met.

This guide is intended to facilitate the understanding of the model underlying the implementation of the ESPD Request and ESPD Response XML documents. With that objective in mind the reader is provided with examples and rules relating to how the content of ESPD XML document should look like and be processed.

The content of the guide is mainly addressed to the development teams from the Member States, economic operators, information providers or any other party interested in understanding how the ESPD Exchange Data Model works and how to use it to produce XML instances of ESPD Request and ESPD Response documents.

I.1.2 Contracts above the threshold and below the threshold

The Directive (namely Article 4) regulates in detail those public procurement procedures which values of contract exceed certain amounts. These amounts, also known as 'thresholds', vary depending on the type of the contract and of the administration level of the contracting authority.

Those contracts that fall under this article 4 of the Directive are called contracts 'above the threshold', and the rest are known as contracts 'below the threshold'.

The ESPD-EDM is rich and flexible enough so as to allow ESPD instances for contracts above and below the threshold. However this document is oriented exclusively to illustrate how to create ESPD electronic documents for contracts above the threshold.

I.2 ESPD conformant solutions

The main objective of the ESPD documents is to reduce the administrative burden and lead to considerable simplification of participation in public procurement procedures for buyers and suppliers. In order to make full use of the ESPD concept, Member States (MS) and private sector companies (service providers) are developing software and on-line services to help contracting authorities and economic operators draft interoperable ESPD electronic documents. These solutions will reduce that burden by removing the need to produce a substantial number of certificates and documentation related to exclusion and selection criteria. This will answer to obstacles reported by many suppliers and especially SMEs.

For these software solutions to be interoperable they will have to conform to the indications set in this guide.

The ESPD International Knowledge Base (ESPDint) is a consortium formed by Member States, Universities and private organisations the objectives of which are to develop (i) a formal specification for the CEN BII profile 56 and ESPD requirements by DG GROW; and (ii) a software solution for the edition and exchange of ESPD electronic documents.The software solutions provided by the ESPDInt initiative refers to this XML instantiation guide. In turn, this ESPD-EDM XML implementation guide is aligned with the specification produced by the ESPDint initiative. Thus:

  1. Formal requirements introduced in this guide are taken from (and point at) the requirements specified in the document BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document; whereas

  2. Formal definitions are taken from the ESPD-VCD Domain Vocabulary.

I.3 The ESPD Profile

The ESPD profile realises the ESPD process, which is is part of the qualification process in the pre-awarding process area. This is represented in the diagram below:

ESPD Business Process
Figure 1. ESPD Business Process (source ESPDint)

The roles that participate as business partners in this process are mainly:

  1. The Buyer (or ESDP requester) normally a governmental organisation like a contracting authority who prepares the procurement procedure requirements in a ESPD Request (electronic document QualificationApplicationRequest); and

  2. The Supplier (i.e. economic operators), or ESPD Providers acting on behalf of them, who answer in an ESPD Response (electronic document QualificationApplicationResponse).

ESPD business process roles
Figure 2. Actors in the ESPD business process (source ESPDint)

This other figure below shows the choreography of the business process implemented by the profile. The choreography of business collaborations defines the sequence of interactions when the profile is run within its context.

ESPD business process coreography
Figure 3. ESPD business process coreography (source ESPDint)

I.4 Regulated and Self-contained ESPDs


The CA must be able to select the type of ESPD (regulated or self-contained)

This new version of the eESPD makes the difference between “regulated” and “self-contained” ESPD.

Regulated ESPDs are those XML document instances the structure and content of which are strictly adjusted to the terms expressed in the Annex 2 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/7: Standard form for the European Single Procurement document (ESPD).

A Regulated ESPD usually refers to documents and information that are external; i.e. it uses sentences like "mentioned in the Contract Notice published or the Contract Documents". The criteria of a Regulated ESPD are all defined in eCertis and their structure never changes.

In a Self-contained ESPD all the information needed for an ESPD Request is either contained in other parts of the document or the document refers to the authentic online source from where to obtain it. Thus the criteria and requirements that are particular to the MS or to the contracting authority, generic to all Procurement Procedures or particular of the Procurement Procedure, are explicitly mentioned or defined in the ESPD Request document.

Additionally, in a Self-contained ESPD the Member State and the contracting authority are able to introduce requirements that are particular to the national legislation or the procurement procedure. Self-contained eESPDs confer the contracting authorities a greater flexibility when preparing their eESPD Request documents.

Thus, in the case of exclusion grounds, the Member States can define in eCertis national exclusion criteria and link them to the corresponding European criteria defined in the Directives.

In the case of selection criteria, the contracting authority may introduce requirements for certain requirements (e.g. regarding turnovers, financial ratios, or references) to specify expected minimum amounts, specific types of ratios, minimum number of references, or other requirements).

This document provides descriptions about some of these situations, mock-ups and XML examples to illustrate the differences between Regulated and Self-contained ESPDs and to clarify when and how to use them.

See also section "III. The ESPD Request document" for details on how to specify the type of ESPD in an XML instance of an ESPD Request document.


Software applications need to be aware of this new feature introduced by the V2.0.2 of the ESPD-EDM. Depending on whether the ESPD Request document that is being prepared is regulated or self-contained, a software application should behave in different ways; e.g. for Self-contained ESPD documents, the application should allow the contracting body to define requirements for some selection criteria that are specific to the procurement procedure.

One suggestion for a Graphical User Interface (GUI) aimed at editing ESPD Request documents is to facilitate the contracting body the selection of the type of ESPD Request in an initial page:

regulated and Self-contained ESPD
Figure 4. Regulated or Self-contained ESPD, mock-up

II. The ESPD Semantic Assets

Semantic assets have been defined by ISA as "a collection of highly reusable metadata (e.g. xml schemata, generic data models) and reference data (e.g. code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries, vocabularies) which are used for e-Government system development".

II.1 ESPD Distribution package

All the semantic assets needed to implement ESPD electronic documents are organised in a distribution package. The content of this folder is organised as follows:

dist package
Figure 5. Distribution (dist) package
  1. art: contains graphical resources used to document the distribution;

  2. cl: reference data (codelists) used by the XML instances. It also contains a spread-sheet with all the ESPD criteria structured. This spread-sheet can be used to automatically generate ESPD XML instances.

  3. doc: contains this document (and other documents to support developers);

  4. mod: UBL-2.2 model specified in spread-sheets;

  5. val: validation artefacts (eg. ISO Schematron and OASIS Genericode CVA files);

  6. xml: samples of ESPD XML instances for illustrative and testing purposes;

  7. xsd: the UBL-2.2 XSD Schemas, documented (annotated) version;

  8. xsdrt: the UBL-2.2 XSD Schemas, runtime version;

  9. xslt: transformation stylesheets used to generate basic sample XML instances from the criteria defined in spreadsheets REGULATED ESPD data structures and SELF-CONTAINED ESPD data structures (see folder dist/cl).

II.2 Adoption of UBL-2.2

One important difference of this new version in respect of the previous versions of the ESPD-EDM is that the XSD Schemas used for the XML implementation of the Request and Response documents have been developed by OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845) in close collaboration with the European Commission (EC).

The results of such collaboration have been included in the version 2.2 of UBL which is actually under revision and is to be formally adopted by the end of 2017.s

UBL, developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, is a royalty-free library of standard electronic Extensible Markup Language (XML) business documents. It is designed to plug directly into existing business, legal, auditing, and records management practices, and to operate within a standard business framework such as ISO 15000 (ebXML) to provide a complete, standards-based infrastructure that can extend the benefits of existing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems to businesses of all sizes.

UBL is also included in the European Catalogue (EUcat): the rules on European standardisation allow the European Commission to identify information and communication technology (ICT) technical specifications - that are not national, European or international standards - to be eligible for referencing in public procurement.

UBL is a specific used in some Member States and by the EU institutions, namely the European Commision. UBL is also referred to in the Commission implementing decision of 31 October 2014 on the identification of Universal Business Language version 2.1 for referencing in public procurement (COM Decision 2014/771/EU).

Technical resources and tools are freely available for its use and repurpose by the Member States, Service Providers, EC and any other stakeholders. Especially interesting and largely used are the open source tools and artefacts referred by the OASIS UBL-TC, such as Genericode , ISO Schematron and Crane Softwright.

II.3 UBL-2.2 Documents and libraries

UBL-2.2 defines thousands of different information components and dozens of documents. This guide describes and illustrates only those elements from UBL-2.2 that are actually used by the eESPD. Thus the ESPD-EDM reuses only a small set of those components and only 2 documents: QualificationApplicationRequest (for the ESPD Request) and QualificationApplicationResponse (for the ESPD Response).

UBL-2.2 distributes two sets of XSD schemas: see folders xsd and xsdrt of the UBL distribution package. The xsd folder contains the schemata fully documented (with dictionary entry names, definitions, examples, etc.); whilst the xsdrt schemata are not likewise documented and are frequently used in production environments (rt stands for “run-time”).

The previous ESPD-EDM versions used its own libraries where Criterion and Evidence-related aggregate and components were defined (components prefixed with cac-ccv:, cac-cev, cbc-ccv and cbc-cev).

This new version uses components exclusively defined by UBL-2.2 in two main libraries: Common Aggregate Components (file UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-Pre-award.xsd) and Common Basic Components (UBL-CommonBasicComponents-Pre-award.xsd).

The usual prefix used to identify Common Aggregate Components is cac:. The prefix for Common Basic Components is cbc:.

All the materials developed by UBL-2.2 Technical Committee can be accessed here: Beware that this might be a temporary location as this specification is still under revision.

Beware also that the namespaces used for the time being are also temporary until the revision is finished and the UBL-2.2 specification is formally released (thus the urn syntax urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:*).

II.4 Codes and Identifiers

A code is a shortened way (a number or a short abbreviated text), leading to the definition of a 'concept'. The code represents the concept and is used by software applications to retrieve the definition of the concept or make automatic decisions.

An Identifier, in turn, can be defined as “a value (represented as a short text, a number or a combination of both) used to establish the identity of, and distinguish uniquely, one occurrence of an object following a pattern”.

The essential distinctive features between identifiers and codes are:

  1. Identifiers point at specific occurrences of objects (instances); codes replace concepts;

  2. Identifiers are virtually limitless while codes are finite. In other words, identifier lists are “open” (the lists may grow) and code list are “closed” (practically never updated, once consolidated). Hence codes are maintained in 'Codelists' whilst identifiers are usually kept in databases.

  3. Identifiers are in principle maintained in the business domain, e.g. buyer identifiers, economic operator identifiers, exclusion or selection criteria identifiers, etc.

  4. Codes may belong to three different domains:

    1. they can be somehow 'business-agnostic' and be used cross-domain (e.g. country codes, currency codes, language codes, etc.);

    2. business-specific domain (i.e. procurement specific, like codes representing contract types, procurement procedure types, criteria types, etc.); and

    3. business process-specific, i.e. ESPD-specific, such as the data type expected in the response to a criterion, or the type of a criterion property, etc.

II.4.5 Codes and code lists

The ESPD Exchange Data Model tries to reuse as much as possible the codes that are already used for e-Procurement. In any project, like the ESPD-EDM, there are at least three types (or layers) of codes:

  1. Cross-sector, common, codes, like the ones defined and maintained by the ISO for currencies, languages, countries, etc.; or the ones defined by the European Commission that can be used in multiple business domains, e.g. the NUTS defined by EUROSTAT; the ones defined by BACH (Banque de France), etc.;

  2. Business domain-related, maintained by international or European authorities, e.g. the ones defined by UNECE (as unit codes), or by the Publications Office of the European Union (OP), e.g. types of procurement procedures (based on the EU Directives);

  3. Project-specific (or application-specific), i.e. those codes that are particular of the project. Types (taxonomy) of exclusion and selection criteria, types of evaluation method, etc. in the case of the ESPD-EDM.

Codes are normally maintained in "code lists". The ESPD-EDM keeps and distributes these code lists in three different formats:

  1. In an Office Open XML (XLSX) file,

  2. In an Open Office Document (ODS) file,

  3. Genericode 1.0 (GC) files (one *.gc file per code list).

ESPD-EDM Code list contain the following elements:

  • Metadata: information about the code list, e.g. its identifier, the identifier and name of the agency responsible for defining and maintaining the list, the version of the list, etc.

  • Code identifier: the literal (a label composed of characters, numbers and simbols like '_');

  • Concept description: the definition of the concept represented by the code;

  • Multilingual descriptions: the translations of the English definitions.

The figure below illustrate how these elements are organised in the code lists maintained in spread-sheets:

Elements and metadata of an ESPD code list
Figure 6. Elements and metadata of an ESPD code list

The Annex II of this document lists all the code lists used by the ESPD and in which context or element it is used.

Compulsory attributes

Table 1. ESPD Requirement regarding codes


For codes, this ESPD V2.0.2 specification requires always three mandatory attributes: listID, listAgencyID, and listVersionID.

Table 2. ESPD Requirement regarding identifiers


For identifiers, this ESPD V2.0.2 specification requires at least (and always) the mandatory attribute schemeAgencyID.

In UBL Codes and identifiers are based on ebXML Core components (UBL conforms to ebXML CCTS ISO/TS 15000-5:2005 currently maintained by UN/CEFACT).

One convenient characteristic of these two CCT elements (Codes and Identifiers) is that they use a rich set of attributes that allow to identify their pattern, the name of the list, the URI from where to obtain the list, the Agency that maintains the list, the version of the list, and other.

UBL-2.2 CCT are defined in the file CCTS_CCT_SchemaModule-2.2.xsd (see folders xsd/common or xsdrt/common in the distribution package).

The figure below shows the complete list of attributes for the CCT CodeType component.

Code attributes
Figure 7. Code attributes

And its corresponding definitions, as provided by OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845):

Table 3. UBL attributes for codes




The identification of a list of codes (MANDATORY in ESPD V2.0.2).


An agency that maintains one or more lists of codes.


The name of the agency that maintains the list of codes (MANDATORY in ESPD V2.0.2).


The name of a list of codes.


The version of the list of codes (MANDATORY in ESPD V2.0.2).


The textual equivalent of the code content component.


The identifier of the language used in the code name.


The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located.


The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located.

This other figure shows the attributes for the CCT `IdentifierType`component.

Identifier attributes
Figure 8. Identifier attributes

And its corresponding definitions, as provided by OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845):

Table 4. UBL attributes for identifiers




The identification of the identification scheme.


The name of the identification scheme.


The identification of the agency that maintains the identification scheme (MANDATORY in ESPD V2.0.2).


The name of the agency that maintains the identification scheme.


The version of the identification scheme.


The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme data is located.


The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme is located.

XML Example

This fragment of XML shows how the compulsory attributes are used for the some of the root elements of an ESPD Request document.

<cbc:UBLVersionID schemeAgencyID="OASIS-UBL-TC">2.2</cbc:UBLVersionID> (1)

<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">ESPDREQ-DGPE-3b5755dfb8</cbc:ID> (2)

<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="4">0fddbf2d-1e33-4267-b04f-52b59b72ccb6</cbc:UUID> (3)

<cbc:ContractFolderID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">PP.20170419.1024-9</cbc:ContractFolderID> (4)

<cbc:VersionID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1.0</cbc:VersionID> (5)

<cbc:ProcedureCode listID="ProcedureType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">OPEN</cbc:ProcedureCode> (6)

<cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode listID="QualificationApplicationType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SELFCONTAINED</cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode> (7)
1 The Agency responsible for the maintenance of the UBL versioning is the OASIS UBL Technical Committee
2 The identifier for this document was issued by the a Spanish Central Government Directorate identified as 'DGPE'
3 The UUID follows the ISO/IEC Scheme 9834-8:2008 Version 4 and was generated by the European Commission’s Directorate General GROWTH (DG GROW)
4 The reference number used to identify to which procurement procedure this ESPD document belongs (PP.20170419.1024-9) has been supplied by the Spanish Directorate DGPE
5 Generic information,such as the content version ID, use always by default the "EU-COM-GROW" Agnecy ID. Notice that the other additional attributes may be also used, as in this example.
6 Notice that for Codes, the three compulsory attributes are specified. For these codes. In this example the attributes are specifying that the code is maintained by DG GROW in a list named ProcedureType and that the version that has been used is version `2.0.2`which is distributed jointly with this ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 specification (in the distribution package).
7 Beware that the codes may be numbers, text or combinations of both. These code labels are the ones that are specified in the codelist spreadsheets and XML Genericode files distributed jointly with this specification (in the folder dist/cl of the distribution package.

III. The ESPD Request document

III.1 ESPD Request Business Requirements

The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 models the business and information requirements in alignment with the works developed by e-Sens, which uses the identifier Trdm070 to refer to the business requirements regarding the ESPD Request transaction. See formal information requirements related to the ESPD Request transaction in the document Business Requirements: ESPD request transaction (Trdm070), by e-Sens.

III.2 ESPD Request XSD Schema

The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 uses the UBL-2.2 document named QualificationApplicationRequest.xsd XSD Schema. This schema can be found under the folder dist/xsdrt/maindoc (or the equivalent documented xsd folder).

The figure below shows the XSD Schema defined by UBL-2.2 for the document “Qualification Application Request”. This schema replaces the Schema for the “ESPD Request” document used in the previous versions of the ESPD-EDM.

The figure below shows a diagram representing the UBL-2.2 XSD Schema. Only the first level components of the schema are shown. The inner sub-elements and sub-classes are covered in detail in the following sub-sections of this document.

QualificationApplicationRequest XSD Schema
Figure 9. QualificationApplicationRequest XSD Schema, global view

LEGEND: The figure below enumerates the four different types of optionality and cardinality for the elements of the UBL-2.2 Schema:

Legend: cardinalities
Figure 10. Legend: QualificationApplicationRequest XSD Schema, possible cardinalities of the Schema elements

III.3 ESPD Request cardinalities

As you can see the UBL-2.2 Schema is quite flexible as, except for a few cases practically all the elements are optional.

The ESPD-EDM model, however, adds a few more restrictions regarding the cardinalities of some elements. These can be seen in the diagram below, which presents the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 structure for the ESPD Request with its own cardinality restrictions. Notice that ESPD-EDM does not change anything else from the UBL-2.2 Schema.

Figure 11. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationRequest', UML diagram

If you compare both figures you will observe that:

  1. The cardinalities of the root common basic components, such as cbc:ID, cbc:UUID, ProcedureCode, and cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode are different for the ESPD than for UBL-2.2;

  2. Similarly, the cardinalities of aggregate components like cac:ContractingParty, cac:ProcurementProjectLot and cac:TenderingCriterion are different to the UBL-2.2 ones.

The cardinality constraints added by the ESPD are not defined in the XSD Schema. In order to control these constraints the ESPD-EDM uses ISO Schematron assertions. The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 distribution package provides Schematron schemata and CVA files [1] for the validation of the XML instances (folder dist/val).

The European Commission (EC) ISA2 Programme provides an Interoperability Testbed where Stakeholders can freely test these validation artefacts.

III.4 Root elements

The table below lists the elements that are expected in the ESPD Response V2.0.2 and provides details on the cardinalities and usage of those elements.

A note about the Business Rules identifiers

From this point on in the document, the tables defining classes and its properties refer frequently to business rules. As stated in the e-Sens BIS document, "[..] business rules are sets of rules that clarify the content of instances by stating mandatory fields, fixed values (like code lists), dependency between fields in the same object and dependency between different objects".

If you need to well understand where the business rules come from and how they are implemented and executed you should read the following content in the order indicated:

  1. The ESPDint BIS document, Chapter Business Rules, where the rules are described in a narrative way, from the business perspective;

  2. The ESPD Test Cases, where the ESPDint BIS rules are connected to each class and data element of the XML implementation Guide and "Test Cases" are defined as a previous step towards the specification of machine-readable rules (based on ISO-Schematron, see Annex I: XML Validation;

  3. The ESPD Test Cases Mapping, where every business rule (previously identified and describe in the other two documents) is mapped to specific elements of the ESPD XSD Schemas, the severity of the error is indicate, the text of the validation-result message for the validation report, etc.; |Information requirement:

Beware that all theses documents do share the same business rule identifiers (e.g. tbrxx-yyy for Business Requirement Identifiers in ESPDInt, and BR-Type-Id#n for the Test Cases technical rules).

Table 5. Class QualificationApplicationRequest, components required by the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2
Document name: QualificationApplicationRequest

Definition 1:

"A structured electronic business document for requesting qualification information through an ESPD (conform to an ESPD template). Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 59." (source: ESPD Request transaction (Trdm070)).

Document provided by a buyer defining the exclusion and selection criteria for a given procurement procedure.

Business rule(s):




Components Type Card Description Requirements




Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: Use the value "2.2". Use also "OASIS-UBL-TC" for the schemeAgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-05, 2.BR-OTH-02)




Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.

Information Requirement: tbr070-001.

Rule: For the ESPD we use the value “”. Compulsory use of the value "CEN-BII" for the schemeAgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-02, BR-OTH-06)




An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms. The identification may include the version of the specification as well as any customizations applied.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: Use the value "41". Use also "CEN-BII" for the scheme AgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-07, BR-OTH-02)




The identification and version of the ESPD Exchange Data Model used to create the to XML instance. The identification may include the exact version of the specification.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: Compulsory use of the CodeList ProfileExecutionID. Use the value "EU-COM-GROW" for th SchemeAgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#13, BR-OTH-03)




An identifier for this document, normally generated by the system that creates the ESPD document, or the organisation responsible for the document (e.g. the buyer, e.g. a contracting authority, or the supplier, e.g. an economic operator). An identifier for this document, normally generated by the system that creates the ESPD document, or the organisation responsible for the document (e.g. the buyer, e.g. a contracting authority, or the supplier, e.g. an economic operator). The identifier enables positive referencing the document instance for various purposes including referencing between transactions that are part of the same process.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute. Use it to identify the organisation responsible for the document.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-02)




Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: It is a good practice to use the CopyIndicator component if the same document is forwarded several times to the same or to different destinations. Use it in combination with the UUID identifier: copies of an ESPD document should be identified with distinct UUIDs.




A universally unique identifier that can be used to reference this ESPD document instance.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: This UUID will be used to link the ESPD Response to its corresponding ESPD Request (thus its compulsoriness). Copies of a document must be identified with a different UUID. Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-02)




An identifier that is specified by the buyer and used as a reference number for all documents in the procurement process. It is also known as procurement project identifier, procurement reference number or contract folder identifier. A reference to the procurement procedure to which a Qualification request document and the delivered response documents are associated.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Try always to use the reference number issued by the contracting authority. This number in combination with a registered contracting authority ID (e.g. the VAT number) results in a universally unique identifier of the procurement procedure.





Date when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: Format "YYYY-MM-DD".




Time when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr070-002.

Rule: Format "hh:mm:ss".




The version identifying the content of this document.

Information Requirement: tbr070-014.

Rule: Changes in content should entail the modification of the version identifier and a reference to the previous version.




The version identifying the previous modification of the content of this document.

Information Requirement: tbr070-014.

Rule: None




The type of the procurement administrative procedure according to the EU Directives.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Rule: Compulsory use of attributes listID, listAgencyName and listVersionID. Compulsory use of the code list ProcedureType (values: Open, Restricted, Accelerated, Competitive dialogue, etc.). Do not confound with the object of the procurement project (code list ProjectType: Works, Supplies, Services).

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-SC-10#2, BR-OTH-03, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#1)




The type of European Single Procurement Document (ESPD).

Information Requirement: tbr070-02.

Rule: Compulsory use of the code list QualificationApplicationType. Compulsory use of attributes listID, listAgencyName and listVersionID.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#2, BR-OTH-03)




Free-form text to describing information about Weight Scoring Methodology.

Information Requirement: tbr070-016

Rule: Used for transparency motives. Provide a text explaining clearly the method that will be used to select those selection criteria that will be weighted.

Rule scope: Common (BR-2P-10)




A code specifying the type of the Weighting.

Information Requirement: tbr070-016

Rule: Compulsory use of the code list WeightingType. If this element it is not instantiated and one or more selection criteria are weighted the type defaults to NUMERIC.

Rule scope: Common (BR-2P-10)


Associated class


The contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU).

Information Requirement: tbr070-01.

Rule: UBL-2.2 defines multiple cardinality ContractingParties presumably to allow joint procurements. However the ESPD only expects data about one buyer. The decision was made that in case of joint procurement the data collected in the ESPD would be about the leader of the joint procurement procedure.


Associated class


An overall definition of the procurement procedure.

Information Requirement: tbr70-002.

Rules: Use this component to identify and describe the procurement administrative procedure. The REGULATED version should not contain a cac:ProcurementProject in order to ensure the back-wards compatibility with the version 1.0.2.

Use this component in case the ESPD is SELF-CONTAINED and the procedure is divided into lots. In this case use the ProcurementProjectLot component to provide details specific to the lot and reserve the ProcurementProject component to describe the global characteristics of the procedure.


Associated class


One of the procurement project lots into which this contract can be divided.

Information Requirement: tbr70-008.

Rule: If there is only one single procurement project lot specified, the ESPD refers then to a procurement procedure without lots.


Associated class


A tendering criterion describes a rule or a condition that is used by the contracting body to evaluate and compare tenders by economic operators and which will be used for the exclusion and the selection of candidates to the award decision.

Information Requirement: tbr70-003, tbr70-009.

Rule: (see examples further below in this document)


Associated class


A reference to an additional document associated with this document.

Information Requirement: tbr70-007.

Rule: For procurement procedures above the threshold it is compulsory to make reference to the Contract Notice of the procedure published in TED. See section "Reference to the Contract Notice" for a complete example.

The figure below shows a global view of an ESPD Request XML instance (all nodes have been 'collapsed' to simplify the view):

ESPD Request XML instance
Figure 12. An ESPD Request XML instance (global view)

XML example

The XML snippet below shows how the beginning of an ESPD Request XML instance looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<QualificationApplicationRequest xmlns="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest" xmlns:cac="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonAggregate" xmlns:cbc="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonBasic" xmlns:espd="urn:com:grow:espd:2.0.2"  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest ../xsdrt/maindoc/UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-2.2-Pre-award.xsd">
	<cbc:UBLVersionID schemeAgencyID="OASIS-UBL-TC">2.2</cbc:UBLVersionID>
	<cbc:CustomizationID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII" schemeVersionID="3.0"></cbc:CustomizationID>
	<!-- The transactional profile where the ESPD is used. ESPD-EDM-V2.0.2 refers to the CEN profile -->
	<cbc:ProfileID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII">41</cbc:ProfileID>
	<!-- The identifier of this document provided by the contracing authority system -->
	<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">ESPDREQ-DGPE-3b5755dfb8</cbc:ID>
	<!-- Indicator of whether this document is an original or a copy. In this case the document is the original -->
	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="4">0fddbf2d-1e33-4267-b04f-52b59b72ccb6</cbc:UUID>
	<cbc:ContractFolderID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">PP.20170419.1024-9</cbc:ContractFolderID>
	<cbc:VersionID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1.0</cbc:VersionID>
	<cbc:ProcedureCode listID="ProcedureType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">OPEN</cbc:ProcedureCode>
	<cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode listID="QualificationApplicationType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SELFCONTAINED</cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode>


III.5 EU and national publications

REQUIREMENT tbr070-007

The CA must be able to provide information about official journals or gazettes where the procurement procedure is announced. For procurement projects above the threshold it is compulsory to refer to the Contract Notice published in TED.

ESPD conformant software applications will have to provide the means for the user to supply references to EU and national publications about the procurement procedure, and notably about the Notices to which the ESPD is related.


The Figure below is a mock-up representation of how to collect the data expected to reference publications on official gazettes or journals. This mechanism can also be used for contracts below the threshold, obviously.

Figure 13. Publications, mock-up

XSD Schema

The ESPD EDM uses the UBL component cac:AdditionalReferenceDocument to allow the inclusion of references to documents that they might consider relevant, and amongst them the reference to the Contract Notice on the TED (for above-the-threshold contracts) and to possible Notices on national journals and boards.

The class used for this, cac:AdditionalDocumentReference ''is a'' cac:DocumentReference class defined in the UBL-2.2 Common Aggregate Components library).

Figure 14. cac:DocumentReference, XSD diagram

The class cac:AdditionalDocumentReference aggregates a subclass cac:Attachment that is used by ESPD to place the URI, name of the document and descriptions.

Figure 15. Associated class cac:ExternalReference, XSD diagram

Expected elements

As you can see from the XSD Schema the cac:DocumentReference class has a rich data structure. However, to refer to publications such as the TED and national publications, the ESPD most expects at most the following data:

Table 6. Reference to additional documents, expected elements

Class name:



A reference to an additional document associated with this document.

Business rule(s):

Common (BR-COM-10)





Context of Use:

In this case this reference points at a document published on the Supplement of the European Official Journal or on a national journal.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




The identifier for the referenced document, generally issued by the entity responsible for the document.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: If the document referenced is a Contract Notice published on TED the ID must follow the scheme defined by the Publications Office: [][][][]/S [][][]-[][][][][][] (e.g. 2015/S 252-461137). If at the time of drafting the ESPD document the Publication Office has not published yet the Contract Notice the value 0000/S 000-000000 value must be used to indicate that a temporary identifier is being used.

Rule scope: Common (BR-COM-10#1, BR-OTH-02)




A universally unique identifier that can be used to reference this ESPD document instance.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: If the referenced document has a UUID to identify its particular instance refer to that UUID here.




The type of document being referenced, expressed as a code.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: For the ESDP-EDM it is compulsory use of the Code List DocRefContentType. See example below on how to specify the OJS Contract Notice. If, for other documents, the type of document is not available in this list, provide the code “Other” and describe the content in the element DocumentType.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#3, BR-OTH-03)




The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Optionally use the attribute languageID to indicate the language of the text. Use the Code List LanguageCodeEU for the value of the languageID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#4, BR-OTH-03)




Date when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Format "YYYY-MM-DD". If available in the referenced document place here the data of publication by the contracting authority.




Time when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013. Rule: If available in the referenced document place here the time of publication by the contracting authority.

Beware that the ESPD document do not embed the content of referenced documents but instead make a reference to its source. Thus the class DocumentReference aggregates a `cac:Attachment`class that allows for embedding the content or making reference to an external source of the content, which is the preferred way in ESPD (see XSD schema above):

Table 7. External Reference

Component name:



A reference to the authentic source of content of this document.





Components Type Card Description Requirements




The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the document is located.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: None.




The title of the document.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Originally this field is the placeholder for the name of the file (e.g. PLACE-ContractNotice-2017-12452.xml. However, as the UBL component does not have a placeholder for a name or title, the ESPD documents use it for a short descriptive title of the document being referenced.




Short description of the document.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: If the document being referenced is a Notice being published on TED, use two description lines. Use the second description line to place therein the temporary number received from TED. See example and comments below.

Rule scope: Common (BR-COM-10#2, BR-COM-10-S10, BR-COM-10-S20, BR-COM-10-S30)

XML Example

The XML snippet below illustrates how to use the cac:AdditionalDocumentReference in the ESPDRequest XML document to refer to a Contract Notice published in TED and on a national procurement board:

<!--- Root elements eliminated for the sake of brevity -->

<!-- Reference to the Contract Notice published on TED -->
		<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-OP">2017/S 142-293520</cbc:ID> (1)
		<cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="DocRefContentType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">TED_CN</cbc:DocumentTypeCode> (2)
			<!-- Beware XML URI fields may require encoded URLs -->
			<cbc:URI schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-OP"></cbc:URI> (3)
			<cbc:FileName>Spain-Zamora: Repair and maintenance services</cbc:FileName>
			<cbc:Description>Repair and maintenance services. Real estate services.</cbc:Description> (4)
			<cbc:Description>293520-2017</cbc:Description>	(5)

	<!-- Reference to the Contract Notice published on the Spanish Central Government eTendering Platform -->
		<!-- Contract Notice publishied on the Spanish Central eTendering Platform "PLACE" Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público -->
		<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="PLACE">3.17/20830.0160</cbc:ID> (6)
		<!-- Contract Notice (CN) published on a National Government Official Journal -->
		<cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="DocRefContentType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NOJCN</cbc:DocumentTypeCode> (7)
			<!-- Beware XML URI fields may require encoded URLs -->
			<cbc:URI schemeAgencyID="PLACE">!ut/p/b1/pY_LDoIwEEW_hQ8wM5S2wJKH5REUVEDbjenCGI3Axvj9gmFrMXF2Nzkncy8okDahHD2XMAYnUL1-3a76eRt6_Ziy4me6LqNIpAS9gxMjKeKm4ekUyQhIA5AQo5-w2WdORNu8rfghSxCzVMRFY7NR57_5-OUC_K-_t9j_CMqMkBkwTfwAhg3bdOguIEfMPQftehdkvoNluB8f5dWmrhJiI3KoQYbhEkYnLA-hUw8hhJ_dqV7pwLLeHJySpA!!/</cbc:URI>
			<cbc:FileName>Suministro y transporte de balasto</cbc:FileName>
			<cbc:Description>Suministro y transporte de balasto para el tramo Zamora — Pedralba de la Línea de Alta Velocidad Olmedo — Lubián — Ourense. Subtramo 8.</cbc:Description>
1 For TED Notices you must use the Publications Office Official Journal Supplement number in its original format [][][][]/S [][][]-[][][][][][], e.g. 2017/S 142-293520. Notice that the schemeAgencyID is EU-COM-OP (OP standing for 'Publications Office').
2 The jurisdiction scope of this document is typified in the Code List DocRefContentType (see file dist/cl/CodeLists-V2.0.2 in the distribution package). Beware that the name and content of this Code List has changed from the previous ESPD-EDM version 1.0.2. The code `TED_CEN`means 'Contract Notice published in TeD (Official Journal of the European Publications Office)'.
3 The ESPD documents never embed the actual content. Rather the content is always referenced from its original source (alignment to the Once-Only-Principle).
4 The title of the CN has to be placed in the FileName field of the attachment. UBL does not provide a placeholder fo the title of the document.
5 In the case of publication on the TED, at ESPD Request preparation time, the procurer does not have yet the OJS number, but can receive a temporary CN identifier (Received Notice Number). To save this number in the DocumentReference component create two cbc:Description elements and use the second one to place this Received Notice Number. If you do not have a description for the CN then use a 'dummy' content for the first description, e.g. <cbc:Description>_</cbc:/Description>.
6 Notice how the schemeAgencyID is used in this example to specify that the national Agency that created this reference to the national publication (e.g. "PLACE" to refer to the ID of the national electronic board where the CN was published). The pattern of the ID is the one created by the Spanish contracting authority.
7 In this case the code NOJCN means 'Contract Notice (CN) published on a National Government Official Journal' (see file CodeLists-V2.0.2) in the distribution package.

III.6 Contracting Body

See formal requirements related to the contracting authorities in the e-Sens site: tbr070-001*


In principle, the ESPD-EDM asks for a few data about the procurer (i.e. the contracting authority, body or entity). The essential (compulsory) data for the contracting body are namely the one aimed to identify it, i.e. its official name and the country. The figure below represents a possible GUI interface for these two data. However the UBL specification provides many other data elements some of which may be interesting to include in the ESPD, notably data about the means to contact the contracting body (see below the list of elements possible in the ESPD).

Therefore software applications may take leverage of the richness of UBL-2.2 to collect also data about the contracting authority contact, end-point, and other data possible in the ESPD.

Procurer identification
Figure 16. Data about the procurer, mock-up

XSD Schema

The UBL-2.2 model provides a component that fits the purpose of holding data about the procurer: the common aggregate component cac:ContractingParty.

Figure 17. cac:ContractingParty XSD Schema, global vision

The cac:ContractingParty class is a specialisation of cac:Party. Hence, the main data about the procurer is in this associated cac:Party component:

Figure 18. cac:Party XSD Schema, global vision

The cac:Party class in turn associates a very rich class that holds the data about the Party address, including the country (see the UBL-2.2 specification for the complete list of fields):

Figure 19. cac:PostalAddress, XSD Schema

Notice also that the class associated to cac:Party to place the data about how to contact the contracting body:

Figure 20. cac:Contact, XSD Schema

Expected elements

Table 8. Contracting body, expected elements

Class name:



The contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (e.g. Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU).

Business rule(s): Common (BR-REQ-20#1)




Components Type Card Description Requirements




URL of the web section, in the contracting body web site, that contains information about the contracting body, the norms it applies when contracting, published calls for tenders, Prior Information Notices and Contract Notices as well as the related procurement documents, contract award notices, etc.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: Notices published at national level shall not contain information other than that contained in the notices dispatched to the Publications Office of the European Union or published on a buyer profile, but shall indicate the date of dispatch of the notice to the Publications Office of the European Union or its publication on the buyer profile (Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 52.2).

Table 9. Contracting body party, expected elements

Class name:



Main data placeholder structure for, in this case, the contracting body.





Components Type Card Description Requirements




The national identifier of a contracting body as it is legally registered (e.g. VAT identification).

Information Requirement: tbr070-001.

Rule: More than one identifier can be specified. When possible use the VAT identification of the contracting body (see the VIES platform for a EU cross-border national VAT number verification system).

Rule scope: Common (BR-REQ-20#4, BR-OTH-02)




The website of the contracting body.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: For online services (e.g. Web Services, REST services, etc. use the component cac:EndPointID.




Electronic address of the contracting body.

Information Requirement: tbr070-001.

Rule: Use it for online services (e.g. Web Services, REST services, Delivery ID, ftp, etc. For the official web site of the Party use always the cac:Party/cbc:WebsiteURI). An end-point identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute (e.g.eSENSParty Identifier Scheme). Should be considered for all actors (contracting authority, service provider, economic operator) as an eDeliveryID.




The name of the contracting body as it is registered.

Information Requirement: tbr070-001.

Rule: Mandatory. Use the official name of the contracting body. The PartyName class has an associated basic element "cbc:Name". See XML example below.

Rule scope: Common (BR-REQ-20#2)

Table 10. Contracting body postal address, expected elements

Class name:



Contractinng body address information.

Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




The main address line in an address. Usually the street name and number or post office box.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.




The common name of a city where the address is located.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.




The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.




A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". It is recommended to use the Country Code ISO 3166-1 2A:2006 representation.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: The country of the contracting body must always be specified. Compulsory use of the code list CountryCodeIdentifier (ISO 3166-1 2A:2006).

Rule scope: Common (BR-REQ-20#3, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#5, BR-OTH-03)




The name of the country.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.

Table 11. Contact of the contracting body, expected elements

Class name:



Used to provide contacting information for a party in general or a person.





Components Type Card Description Requirements




The name of the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.




A phone number for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.




A fax number for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.




An e-mail address for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr070-006.

Rule: None.

XML example

The XML snippet below shows how an example of how to supply the expected data for the contracting body.

<!--- Root elements eliminated for the sake of brevity -->
			<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="VIES-AEAT">B82387770</cbc:ID> (1)
			<cbc:Name>Ministerio de Defensa</cbc:Name> (2)
			<cbc:StreetName>Paseo de la Castellana, 109</cbc:StreetName>
			<cac:Country><cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ES</cbc:IdentificationCode></cac:Country> (3)
			<cbc:Name>Responsable de la compra pública</cbc:Name> (4)
1 The contracting body VAT number. The issuer Agency is the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT). You can use the VIES platform to verify that the VAT number exists and is correct for Spain.
2 In the ESPD the official name of the contracting body is mandatory.
3 In the ESPD the country code (ES, in this example) is compulsory. You will need to use this code (ES) to verify the VAT number in the VIES service.
4 In this example the contracting body specifies a role, instead of the name of a person.

III.7 Service Provider

REQUIREMENT tbr070-011

The ESPD request may contain information of identification regarding an ESPD service provider: Name, Party Identification, Endpoint ID.

Service providers are officially recognised organisations that can supply ESPD Request documents (on behalf of the contracting body) with pre-filled information about the contracting body and additional information (e.g. liability statements, see tbr070-012)

The ESPD allows the provision of data about the service provider who produced the ESPD Request document (and equally for the ESPD Response document, on behalf of the economic operator).

Differently to the previous version 1.0.2, the ESPD-EDM version 2.0.2 does not include the cac:ServiceProvider as a 'document root component'. Instead, it uses the UBL-2.2 cac:ContractingParty/cac:Party associated class cac:ServiceProviderParty.

XSD Schema

Service Provider
Figure 21. cac:ServiceProvider XSD Schema

Notice that:

  1. The cac:Party`class aggregates the class `cac:ServiceProviderParty; and

  2. The cac:ServiceProviderParty`class 'is a' Party. Hence it aggregates a `cat:Party class too, and uses it to place the main data about the service provider (like name, address, end-point, etc.).

service provider’s 'Party' elements
Figure 22. cac:ServiceProvider/cac:Party elements expected for the service provider

Expected elements

Table 12. Service provider, expected elements

Class name:



Main information about the service provider.

Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




The website of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-011.

Rule: Use it for the official web site of the service provider. Reserve the EndPointID for online services (e.g. web, REST, ftp services, etc.)




Electronic address of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-011.

Rule: Use it for online services (e.g. Web Services, REST services, Delivery ID, ftp, etc. For the official web site of the Party use always the cac:Party/cbc:WebsiteURI). An end-point identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute (e.g.eSENSParty Identifier Scheme). Should be considered for all actors (contracting authority, service provider, economic operator) as an eDeliveryID.




The national identifier of a service provider as it is legally registered (e.g. VAT identification).

Information Requirement: tbr070-011.

Rule: An identifier for the service provider must always be provided. Compulsory use of the attribute SchemeAgencyID. When possible use the VAT identification of the service provider (see the VIES platform for a EU cross-border national VAT number verification system). See XML example below.

Rule scope: Common (BR-REQ-20#5, BR-OTH-02")




The name of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-011.

Rule: The name of the service provider must always be specified. Supply the official registered name of the service provider.

Rule scope: Common (BR-REQ-20#6)




The code that identifies the country of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-011.

Rule: The country of the service provider must always be specified. Compulsory use of the code list CountryCodeIdentifier (ISO 3166-1 2A:2006).

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-REQ-20#7, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#5, BR-OTH-03)

XML example

The XML snippet below shows how an example of how to supply the expected data for the service provider.

<!--- Root elements eliminated for the sake of brevity -->

	<cac:Party> (1)
		<cac:PartyIdentification><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="VIES">B82387770</cbc:ID>	</cac:PartyIdentification>
		<cac:PartyName><cbc:Name>Ministerio de Defensa</cbc:Name></cac:PartyName>
		<cac:PostalAddress><cac:Country><cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ES</cbc:IdentificationCode></cac:Country></cac:PostalAddress>
				<cac:PartyIdentification> (2)
					<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="AEAT">B36699932</cbc:ID>
				<cac:PartyName> (3)
					<cbc:Name>Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas (ROLECE)</cbc:Name></cac:PartyName>
				<cac:PostalAddress> (4)
					<cac:Country><cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ES</cbc:IdentificationCode></cac:Country>

1 ContractingParty non-compulsory elements have been omitted for the sake of brevity.
2 The service provider VAT number. The issuer Agency is the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT). You can use the VIES platform to verify that the VAT number exists and is correct for Spain.
3 The registered name of the service provider is mandatory.
4 The country code of the service provider (ES, in this example) is compulsory. You will need to use this code (ES) to verify the VAT number in the VIES service.

III.8 Procurement Procedure: Regulated ESPD


The contracting authority must be able to provide basic data about the Procurement Procedure

There are some important differences between the data collected for a Regulated ESPD Request and the data that can be required in a Self-contained ESPD Request.


For the Regulated ESDP REquest only three basic data are required: the title, a short description and the file (i.e. case) reference number attributed by the Contracting Authority to the procurement procedure.

The mock-up below shows a possible way of collecting this data:

Procurement Procedure in a Regulated ESPD
Figure 23. Procurement Procedure, data collected in a Regulated ESPD

XSD Schema

The figure below is a fragment of the QualificationApplicationRequest XSD Schema. The placeholders for the data expected in the Regulated ESPD Request have been highlighted (cbc:ContractFolderID and cac:ProcuementProject).

Procurement Procedure-Regulated ESPD-XSD
Figure 24. Procurement Procedure (Regulated ESPD). XSD Schema
Figure 25. Class cac:ProcurementProject (elements used in the Regulated ESPD). XSD Schema

Expected elements

As already explained when describing the root elements of the QualificationApplicationRequest document, the identification of the procurement procedure is compulsory for the ESPD documents. This is done by specifying the reference number that the contracting authority assigned to the procedure in the element cbc:ContracFolderID.

Table 13. Regulated ESPD Request: Procurement Procedure reference number

Class name:



"A structured electronic business document for requesting qualification information through an ESPD (conform to an ESPD template). Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 59." (ESPD Request transaction (Trdm070))

Business rule(s):












An identifier that is specified by the buyer and used as a reference number for all documents in the procurement process. It is also known as procurement project identifier, procurement reference number or contract folder identifier. A reference to the procurement procedure to which this Qualification document is delivered as a response.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute. Although not mandatory, it is a good practice to identify the document wiht a UUID. Copies of a document should be identified with a different UUID.


The rest of the data related to the Regulated ESPD Request go in the cac:ProcurementProject class:

Table 14. Regulated ESPD Request: Procurement Procedure-related data

Class name:



An overall description of the procurement procedure.

Business rule(s):




Components Type Card Description Requirements




A title for the procurement procedure.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Use the same name that will be used for the Contract Notice.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-SC-10#1)




A descriptive text for the procurement procedure.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Use the same description that will be used for the Contract Notice.

XML example

The XML snippet below shows how an example of how to supply the expected data for the service provider.

<!--- Root elements eliminated for the sake of brevity -->
		<cbc:Name>Spain-Aljaraque: Repair and maintenance services</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Repair and maintenance services. Real estate services.</cbc:Description>

III.9 Procurement Procedure: Self-contained ESPD


The CA must be able to provide the CPV codes to which the Procurement Procedure relates in the ESPDRequest


The CA must be able to provide the object of the contract and the type of procedure

The Self-contained ESPD adds the possibility for the contracting authority to specify a few more data relevant at evaluation time and for the economic operator:

  1. The CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary) codes for the procurement procedure so the contracting authority can assess the classification of the economic operator; and for the economic operator to confirm that the procedure falls under its competences, skills or experience.

  2. The 'Object of the contract' (i.e. the type of procurement project: execution of works, supply of products, provision of services). Software applications may use this information to, in a dynamic way, show or hide certain objects from the GUI; or to control the coherence of the XML content. Thus for example, if the object of the contract is 'works' it does not make sense to ask for references related to supplies of goods or services.

  3. The 'Type of procedure' (e.g. Open procedure, Restricted procedure, Competitive procedure with negotiation, Competitive dialogue, Innovation partnership). The type of procedure can be used to control how to treat certain selection criteria. Thus for example, the weighting of technical and professional ability criteria is only used in two stages procedures.


The mock-up below show how this could be implemented in an GUI. Notice that more than one CPV code can be supplied by the contracting authority.

Procurement Procedure in a Self-contained ESPD
Figure 26. Procurement Procedure, data collected in a Regulated ESPD

XSD Schema

For the Self-contained ESPD Request, the 'Object of the contract' needs to be expressed as a code. This code is located in the cac:ProcurementProject class. As a matter of fact, the class provides two codes that allow to further refine the object of the contract: the cbc:ProcurementTypeCode and the cbc:ProcurementSubTypeCode. Thus you can specify things like 'Services' and 'Maintenance and repair services, or Land transport services, including armoured car services, and courier services, except transport of mail, or other', for example (see Code List ServicesProjectSubType in the Code Lists file).

The figure below shows the elements that can be used in a Self-contained ESPD. In blue those elements that are expected. See the UBL-2.2 XSD Schema for more elements in the cac:ProcurementProject class (e.g. the cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification class for other classifications beyond the CPV).

Procurement Procedure elements used in a Self-contained ESPD
Figure 27. Procurement Procedure, elements used in a Self-contained ESPD

Expected elements

Table 15. Self-contained ESPD Request

Class name:



"A structured electronic business document for requesting qualification information through an ESPD (conform to an ESPD template). Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 59." (ESPD Request transaction (Trdm070))

Business rule(s):




Components Type Card Description Requirements




An identifier that is specified by the buyer and used as a reference number for all documents in the procurement process. It is also known as procurement project identifier, procurement reference number or contract folder identifier. A reference to the procurement procedure to which this Qualification document is delivered as a response.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute. Although not mandatory, it is a good practice to identify the document with a UUID. Copies of a document should be identified with a different UUID.





The type of the procurement administrative procedure according to the EU Directives.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List ProcedureType (open procedure, restricted procedure, accelerated restricted procedure, competitive dialogue, negotiated procedure, etc.).

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-SC-10#2, BR-OTH-03, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#1)

The rest of the data related to the Self-contained ESPD Request go in the cac:ProcurementProject class:

Table 16. Self-contained ESPD Request: Procurement Procedure-related data

Class name:



An overall description of the procurement procedure.

Business rule(s):




Components Type Card Description Requirements




A title for the procurement procedure.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Use the same name that will be used for the Contract Notice.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-SC-10#1)




A descriptive text for the procurement procedure.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Use the same description that will be used for the Contract Notice.




A code to describe the object of the project (e.g. works, supplies, services, public work concessions, service concessions, other).

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List ProjectType.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#6, BR-OTH-03)




A class to classify the works, services or supplies. The Self-contained ESPD uses it to assign CPV codes to works and services.

Information Requirement: tbr070-007.

Rule: Use the element cbc:ItemClassificationCode for the specification of the CPV code. Beware that the cardinality of the basic element is 0..1 but the cardinality of the class is 0..n, thus allowing for multiple CPVs.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-SC-10#1, BR-OTH-01)

XML example

This fragment of XML shows how to supply data in a Self-contained ESPD Request XML document describing the procurement procedure.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<QualificationApplicationRequest xmlns="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest" xmlns:cac="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonAggregate" xmlns:cbc="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonBasic" xmlns:espd="urn:com:grow:espd:2.0.2"  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest ../xsdrt/maindoc/UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-2.2-Pre-award.xsd">
	<cbc:UBLVersionID schemeAgencyID="OASIS-UBL-TC">2.2</cbc:UBLVersionID>
	<cbc:CustomizationID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII" schemeVersionID="3.0"></cbc:CustomizationID>
	<cbc:ProfileID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII">41</cbc:ProfileID>
	<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">ESPDREQ-DGPE-3b5755dfb8</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="4">0fddbf2d-1e33-4267-b04f-52b59b72ccb6</cbc:UUID>
	<cbc:ContractFolderID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">PP.20170419.1024-9</cbc:ContractFolderID>

	<!-- The type of procedure: 1 stands for Open Procedure. See Code List 'ProcedureType' -->
	<cbc:ProcedureCode listID="ProcedureType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">1</cbc:ProcedureCode> (1)

	<cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode listID="QualificationApplicationType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SELFCONTAINED</cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode>

	<!-- Contracting body data left empty for the sake of brevity -->
	<cac:ContractingParty><cac:Party/>	</cac:ContractingParty>

	<!-- Self-contained ESPD Request. Data about the procurement procedure -->
		<cbc:Name>Spain-Aljaraque: Repair and maintenance services</cbc:Name> (2)
		<cbc:Description>Repair and maintenance services. Real estate services.</cbc:Description> (3)
		<cbc:ProcurementTypeCode listID="ProjectType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">Services</cbc:ProcurementTypeCode> (4)

		<!-- CPV for 'Repair and maintenance services'. -->
		<cac:MainCommodityClassification><cbc:ItemClassificationCode>50000000</cbc:ItemClassificationCode></cac:MainCommodityClassification> (5)
		<!-- CPV for 'Real estate services'. -->
		<cac:MainCommodityClassification><cbc:ItemClassificationCode>70000000</cbc:ItemClassificationCode></cac:MainCommodityClassification> (6)
1 Use of the root element cbc:ProcedureCode to indicate that this is an 'Open procurement procedure'. The code is '1' according to the GROW’s Code List ProcedureType.
2 Compulsory element cbc:Name, used to specify the title of the procurement procedure. Use the same title as for the Contract Notice.
3 Compulsory element cbc:Description used to describe shortly the procedure. Use the same description as for the Contract Notice.
4 The procurement is of type 'Services'. See GROW’s Code List ProjectType. No sub-type of services is specified. The contracting authority possibly decided that the 2nd. CPV was enough for that matter.
5 First main CPV code '50000000' standing for 'Repair and maintenance services'.
6 Additional CPV code '70000000' standing for 'Real estate services'.

III.10 Lots - Regulated ESPD

If the procedure is divided into Lots you can create multiple instances of the element ProcurementProjectLot and use it to identify and describe the Lots.

XSD Schema

Figure 28. cac:ProcurementProjectLot. XSD Schema

Expected elements

Table 17. Regulated ESPD Request: Lots

Class name:



A sub-project into which a procurement procedure can be divided. A procurement project lot has its specific characteristics (e.g. different objectives and different selection criteria) and usually generates its own contract.


Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




A reference to one or more lots the economic operator is applying for. The original lot definition is part of the call for tender document. The Qualification instance only references the corresponding IDs in order to establish the connection to the call for tender information.

Information Requirement: tbr070-008.

Rule: Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute. Check that the type of the cbc:QualificationApplicationRequest element is set to REGULATED. If more than one lot is present in the XML instance a non-fatal warning should be thrown.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-LOT-10, BR-LOT-30-S10, BR-OTH-02)

XML Example

In the example below the contracting authority has selected "No Lots", hence the Lot '0'.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<QualificationApplicationRequest xmlns="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest" xmlns:cac="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonAggregate" xmlns:cbc="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonBasic" xmlns:espd="urn:com:grow:espd:2.0.2"  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest ../xsdrt/maindoc/UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-2.2-Pre-award.xsd">
	<cbc:UBLVersionID schemeAgencyID="OASIS-UBL-TC">2.2</cbc:UBLVersionID>
	<cbc:CustomizationID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII" schemeVersionID="3.0"></cbc:CustomizationID>
	<cbc:ProfileID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII">41</cbc:ProfileID>
	<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">ESPDREQ-DGPE-3b5755dfb8</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="4">0fddbf2d-1e33-4267-b04f-52b59b72ccb6</cbc:UUID>
	<cbc:ContractFolderID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">PP.20170419.1024-9</cbc:ContractFolderID>
	<cbc:ProcedureCode listID="ProcedureType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">1</cbc:ProcedureCode>
	<cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode listID="QualificationApplicationType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REGULATED</cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode> (1)
	<!-- Contracting body data left empty for the sake of brevity -->
	<cac:ContractingParty> <cbc:BuyerProfileURI></cbc:BuyerProfileURI>

	<!-- Mandatory Lot of a Regulated ESPD -->
		<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">0</cbc:ID> (2)
1 The type of ESPD is "REGULATED". If SELFCONTAINED was specified the presence of more than one lot should be checked and a non-fatal warning should be thrown.
2 The Regulated ESPD requires the presence of one Lot, identified with a '0' to indicate that the procedure is not divided into Lots. Additional Lots may be specified, in which case each Lot needs to be identified differently.

III.11 Lots - Self-contained ESPD


The contracting authority needs to be able to specify the following information: (i) The Lots into which the procedure is divided; (ii) To which lots the tenders may be submitted (all lots, maximum number of lots, only one lot); and (iii) The maximum number of lots that may be awarded to one tenderer.


This mock-up shows how this could be implemented:

Lots-Selfcontained ESPD
Figure 29. Lots (Selfcontained ESPD), mock-up

XSD Schema

REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED ESPD documents share the same UBL-2.2 XSD Schemas (there are not two different sets of XSD Schemas). Thus, for the identification of the Lots, the Self-contained ESPD uses the same component than for the Regulated ESPD:

Figure 30. cac:ProcurementProjectLot. XSD Schema

The rest of information about the lots (“tenders must be submitted for…”, “maximum number of lots”, “maximum number of lots that may be awarded”) is treated as the elements (or properties) of a “Criterion” (component cac:TenderingCriterion) named “Additional information about the Lots”.

As you will see in section IV.4 Mock-ups, data structures, XML examples and tools and further on, this guide uses a spread-sheet-based method to represent the structures of the criteria (and to generate XML template instances of the criteria). The figure below shows the structure that "generates" the XML instance. One important thing to observe in this structure and in the XML example is the use of the Publications Office Code List "BidType" to specify to which Lots the economic operator may bid.

Requirements about Lots issued by the CA
Figure 31. Requirements about Lots issued by the CA (Selfcontained ESPD), mock-up

Expected elements

Table 18. Regulated ESPD Request: Lots

Class name:



A sub-project into which a procurement procedure can be divided. A procurement project lot has its specific characteristics (e.g. different objectives and different selection criteria) and usually generates its own contract.


Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




A reference to one or more lots the economic operator is applying for. The original lot definition is part of the call for tender document. The Qualification instance only references the corresponding IDs in order to establish the connection to the call for tender information.

Information Requirement: tbr070-008.

Rule: Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute. If several lots are present check that the type of the cbc:QualificationApplicationResponse element is set to SELFCONTAINED; otherwise a fatal exception should be thrown. As for the Regulated version, if only one Lot is specified its ID has to be set to '0' thus indicating that the procurement procedure is not divided into Lots.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-LOT-10, BR-LOT-30-S10, BR-OTH-02)

The rest of the data related to the Self-contained ESPD Request go in a cac:TenderingCriterion object. See the XML example below and read sections about exclusion and selection criteria for more details on this class.

XML Example

In the example below the contracting authority has specified seven Lots, hence the seven instances of ProcurementProjectLot component.

Convention: Lots should always be identified with a sequential number, as in the examples: Lot1, Lot2, …​ Lot7.

Observe that the data is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<QualificationApplicationRequest xmlns="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest" xmlns:cac="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonAggregate" xmlns:cbc="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonBasic" xmlns:espd="urn:com:grow:espd:2.0.2"  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationRequest ../xsdrt/maindoc/UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-2.2-Pre-award.xsd">
	<cbc:UBLVersionID schemeAgencyID="OASIS-UBL-TC">2.2</cbc:UBLVersionID>
	<cbc:CustomizationID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII" schemeVersionID="3.0"></cbc:CustomizationID>
	<cbc:ProfileID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII">41</cbc:ProfileID>
	<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">ESPDREQ-DGPE-3b5755dfb8</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="4">0fddbf2d-1e33-4267-b04f-52b59b72ccb6</cbc:UUID>
	<cbc:ContractFolderID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">PP.20170419.1024-9</cbc:ContractFolderID>
	<cbc:ProcedureCode listID="ProcedureType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">1</cbc:ProcedureCode>
	<cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode listID="QualificationApplicationType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SELFCONTAINED</cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode>
	<!-- Contracting body data left empty for the sake of brevity -->
	<cac:ContractingParty> <cac:Party/></cac:ContractingParty>
	<!--- This procurement procedure is divided into 7 Lots -->
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot1</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot2</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot3</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot4</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot5</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot6</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>
	<cac:ProcurementProjectLot><cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW">Lot7</cbc:ID></cac:ProcurementProjectLot>

<!-- Additional information about the Lots supplied by the contracting authority -->
	<!-- Criterion:CA Lots -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6a21c421-5c1e-46f4-9762-116fbcd33097</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.CA_DATA.LOTS_SUBMISSION</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>CA Lots</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Please take into account the following requirements regarding the lots of this procurement procedure:</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">03cff8d1-4d22-4435-82fa-d6361af84be6</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">847829aa-e70a-45e1-b4d3-e11c3ffaf7a0</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Tenders may be submitted for</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CODE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>(3)
				<!-- Compulsory use of the Publications Office Code List BidType -->
				<cbc:ExpectedCode listID="BidType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-OP" listVersionID="1.0">LOT_ALL</cbc:ExpectedCode> (4)
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">dceddc28-0ac8-471b-b954-c376a862ea30</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Maximum number of lots</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4b710530-abea-4ed0-b3fb-f324919c2d62</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Maximum number of lots that may be awarded to one tenderer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
1 This procedure is divided into 7 lots. Hence their automatic identification from Lot1 to Lot7.
2 this Criterion has one group of properties containing a sub-group where the three requirements about the lots are actually specified: (i)The tenderers may submit tenders for the maximum number of lots; (ii) The Contracting Authority specifies a maximum number of 5 lots; and (iii) one tenderer can not win more than one lot. Notice that each element inside a criterion has a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID): these UUIDs are 'constant', meaning that they are maintained by DG GROW and need to be used compulsory as they were issued by DG GROW.
3 A code has to be provided to specify whether the economic operator is allowed to submit a tender covering one lot only, more than one but not all, or all of them.
4 The value for the expected code (see bullet number 3) needs to be chosen amongst the values of the Code List BidType.

IV. Criteria, common aspects


The contracting body shall provide the exclusion grounds and selection criteria for its tendering process as structured information – via ESPD template or structured list of criteria set out in a call for tender.

The ESPD-EDM defined a flexible structure to express data about criteria. Based on this structure UBL-2.2 defined in turn the component cac:TenderingCriterion, which is used in ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 to implement the XML objects for exclusion and selection criteria.

The UML diagram below provides a graphic view of the QualificationApplicationRequest document with the complete structure for the cac:TenderingCriterion component (cf. section on the ESPD Response, furhter on this guide, to understand how the QualificationApplicationResponse deals with Criteria).

Figure 32. Criterion - UML diagram

IV.1 General behavior

Notice that:

  1. One criterion may have descendent 'sub-criteria'. This is very useful to, for example, define national exclusion criteria that specialise the EU criteria defined in the Directive;

  2. One criterion may refer to one or several pieces of legislation (EU, national, other);

  3. One criterion must always contain at least one group of 'properties'. Properties may be informative captions; general requirements issued by the Member State or procedure-specific requirements specified by the contracting authority; and questions addressed to the economic operator;

  4. One group of properties must always specify at least one 'property';

  5. One group of properties may contain one or several 'sub-groups' of properties.

XSD Schema

This XSD Schema diagram shows a global view of the UBL-2.2 cac:TenderingCriterion component:

Figure 33. cac:TenderingCriterion - XSD Schema, global view

Expected elements

Table 19. Criterion, expected elements

Class name:



A tendering criterion describes a fact or a condition that is used by the contracting body to evaluate and compare tenders by economic operators and which will be used for the exclusion and the selection of candidate tenderers to the award decision.


Business rule(s):

SELF-CONTAINED (BR-LOT-20, BR-LOT-30, BR-LOT-30-S20), Common (BR-TC-01)





Components Type Card Description Requirements




A language-independent token, e.g., a number, that allows to identify a criterion uniquely as well as allows to reference the criterion in other documents.

Information Requirement: tbr070-010.

Rule: Each Criterion is defined in e-Certis and must use the UUID supplied by e-Certis. See also the spreadsheets Criteria Taxonomy (Regulated ESPD) and Criteria Taxonomy (Self-contained ESPD).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-02, BR-TC-12, BR-TC-13, BR-OTH-02)




A classification code defined by the ESPD-EDM to represent the criterion in the ESPD taxonomy of criteria.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: Compulsory use of codes coming from e-Certis, which are also used in the spreadsheets Criteria Taxonomy (Regulated ESPD) and Criteria Taxonomy (Self-contained ESPD), e.g. CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONVICTIONS.PARTICIPATION_IN_CRIMINAL_ORGANISATION, CRITERION.EXCLUSION.SOCIAL.ENVIRONMENTAL_LAW, CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.FINANCIAL_RATIO, etc.).

Rule scope: Common (BR-REQ-30, BR-REQ-30-S10, BR-REQ-30-S20, BR-REQ-40, BR-TC-03, BR-TC-04, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#7, BR-OTH-03)




A short and descriptive name for a criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr70-010

Rule: The name should match the one from e-Certis, which should be the same as in the in the spreadsheets Criteria Taxonomy (Regulated ESPD) and Criteria Taxonomy (Self-contained ESPD), e.g. 'Convictions', 'Corruption', 'Fraud', 'Financial ratio', 'Subcontracting proportion', 'Allowance of checks', etc.).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-05)




An extended description of the criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr70-010

Rule: The description should match the one from e-Certis, which should be the same as in the in the spreadsheets Criteria Taxonomy (Regulated ESPD) and Criteria Taxonomy (Self-contained ESPD), e.g. 'Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on the fight against organised crime (OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p. 42).'.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-06, BR-TC-19)

Note: The UBL specification allows always multiple lines of text for the component cbc:Description. This feature can be used to split long descriptions into multiple lines, specially when the description contains enumerations (see the criterion "Misinterpretation" for an example).




A weighting to provide for automatic scoring of the Criterion (normally a percentage, e.g. 0.1, 0.5)

Information Requirement: tbr70-016

Rule: Used only in Self-contained ESPDs namely for ability and professional selection criteria in procedures organised in two stages.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-2P-10, BR-2P-10-S10, BR-2P-10-S10#1, BR-2P-10-S20#1)




A code to inform about the type of Evaluation, namely for transparency purposes (e.g. PASSFAIL, WEIGHTED)

Information Requirement: tbr70-016

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List “EvaluationMethodType”.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-2P-10-S10#2, BR-2P-10-S20, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-03, BR-OTH-01#8, BR-OTH-03)




Additional information, comments or considerations about the weighting and the evaluation method, namely for transparency purposes; e.g. '0 Points 0 IT specialists, 30 Points 1 IT specialists, 60 Points 2 IT specialists'. See section about Selection Criteria and sub-section on 'Weighting', for more details.

Information Requirement: tbr70-016

Rule: Used only in Self-contained ESPDs namely for ability and professional selection criteria in procedures organised in two stages.




One or more descendant criteria used namely to define a national exclusion criterion that specialises a more generic criterion like a EU exclusion criterion defined in the Directive.

Information Requirement: tbr70-013

Rule: None. Beware that a sub-criterion 'is a' criterion, therefore no need to list these elements at new. See XML examples in the section about exclusion criteria about how to define a sub-criterion.




A reference to the legislation related to the Criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: None. See table below with the elements of this class.




The first level group of properties and sub-groups of properties in the structure of a criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: None. Beware that in previous versions of the ESPD-EDM this was termed “RequirementGroup”.

XML Examples

See XML exmamples in the sections about exclusion and selection criteria.

IV.2 Legislation

The XSD schema below shows, in blue, the elements of the component cac:Legislation used to point at the legislation related to the criterion.

Figure 34. cac:Legislation. XSD Schema

Expected elements

Table 20. Legislation, expected elements

Class name:



A class to make reference to the legislation related to the criterion.


Business rule(s):

Common (BR-TC-08, 2. BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#9, BR-OTH-03)





Components Type Card Description Requirements




Title of the legislation.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: The complete title of the legislation provided as in the original legal text. At a later stage it might be provided by e-CERTIS (e.g.'DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC'). Can be provided in several languages, but if LanguageID`not specified it defaults to `en (English).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-09)




Textual short description of the legislation.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: The description of the legislation provided in the original legal text SHOULD be provided. At a later stage they might be provided by e-CERTIS. Can be provided in several languages, but if LanguageID`not specified it defaults to `en (English).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-10)




Jurisdictional level of a particular legislation.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: Although this is a text, use the description in Code List LegislationType. Can be provided in several languages, but if LanguageID`not specified it defaults to `en (English).

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-03, BR-OTH-01#10, BR-OTH-03)




Textual description of the article of the legislation.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: Other articles where the Criterion is referred to SHOULD also be provided. At a later stage they might be provided by eCERTIS. Can be provided in several languages, but if LanguageID`not specified it defaults to `en (English).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-11)




URI that points to a legislation related to this criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Rule: In the case of European legislation, the URL MUST point at the multilingual EUR-LEX web-page; e.g. Directive 2014/24/EU.

XML Examples

See examples in sections about exclusion and selection criteria.

XML Example

Snippet of XML to illustrate how to use the cac:Legislation component inside a criterion:


 <!-- ... elements omitted for brevity -->

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4ea7a10a-643e-4022-b67e-e06573b28ff5</cbc:ID>(1)
		<cbc:Title>DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</cbc:Title> (2)
		<cbc:Description>DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</cbc:Description> (3)
		<cbc:JurisdictionLevel languageID="en">EU Directive</cbc:JurisdictionLevel> (4)
		<cbc:Article>57(1)</cbc:Article> (5)
		<cbc:URI></cbc:URI> (6)

 <!-- ... elements omitted for brevity -->

1 Use the UUID provided by GROW.
2 The official long title of the legislation is expected in the Title.
3 The short name that is commonly used to refer to the legislation is expected in the Description.
4 Use the textual values (descriptions) listed in the Code List LegislationType ESPD-CodeLists-V2.0.2.ods

IV.3 Groups of properties

This XSD diagram shows the sub-components of a group of criteria:

Figure 35. cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup - XSD Schema, global view

One group of properties may include one or more 'sub-groups' of properties (class cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionGroup).

Notice that: One sub-group of properties 'is a' group of criteria:

Figure 36. cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionGroup- XSD Schema

Expected elements

Table 21. Groups of properties, expected elements

Class name:



The first level group of properties and sub-groups of properties in the structure of a criterion.


Business rule(s):

Common (BR-TC-07, BR-TC-16)





Components Type Card Description Requirements




Identifies a group of requirements uniquely.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: Compulsory use of the UUIDs supplied by e-Certis. See also the spreadsheets Criteria Taxonomy (Regulated ESPD) and Criteria Taxonomy (Self-contained ESPD).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-12, BR-OTH-02, BR-OTH-02#01)




Code addressed to control the behavior of the group of criteria.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List PropertyGroupType. See sections below about the 'criteria data structures' and the XML examples on exclusion and selection criteria to understand the use of this code. Beware that the first element inside a group of properties (after the group ID) is always a cac:TenderingCriterionProperty. In some occasions this might entail the use of an empty CAPTION element, for instance, to produce groups of subgroups where no property does really makes sense in the first group.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-14, BR-TC-15, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#11, BR-OTH-03)




Caption (i.e. a 'label'), specific MS or contracting authority requirement (e.g. 'Number of references expected: 5' or a question addressed to the economic operator (e.g. 'Your average yearly turnover for the past three years?'.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: See the rules for the class in the tables below to see the rules related to criterion properties. See also the XML examples provided in sections about exclusion and selection criteria.




A second, third or n-level group inside a first level group of properties.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: subsidiary property groups 'are' property groups (i.e. its the same component but qualified as 'subsidary'). Therefore all the rules applicable to property groups are also applicable to sub-groups: Compulsory use of the Code List PropertyGroupType. See sections below about the 'criteria data structures' and the XML examples on exclusion and selection criteria to understand the use of this code. Beware that the first element inside a group of properties (after the group ID) is always a cac:TenderingCriterionProperty. In some occasions this might entail the use of an empty CAPTION element, for instance, to produce groups of subgroups where no property does really makes sense in the first group.

XML Examples

  1. See examples in sections about exclusion and selection criteria.

  2. You will notice in the examples that the elements cbc:Name and cbc:Description of groups and subgroups of properties are never used. As a common practice the ESPD documents use instead a first cac:TenderingCriterionProperty of type CAPTION (i.e. an informative property that act as a 'label').

IV.4 Properties


The contracting authority needs to be able to specify the type of the value it expects from the economic operator in a response; e.g. DESCRIPTION, INDICATOR, QUANTITY, URL, etc.). The economic operator must provide a value for the response that is consistent with the type specified by the contracting authority.

This other XSD diagram shows the elements of the properties of a criterion :

Figure 37. cac:TenderingCriterionProperty - XSD Schema

Notice that: One sub-criterion 'is a' criterion:

Figure 38. cac:SubTenderingCriterion- XSD Schema

Expected elements

The following table lists the elements of a criterion property. Beware that the majority of the elements are the possible types of responses that the contracting authority can specify. The economic operator, in the ESPDResponse, must provide values that are consistent with the type specified by the contracting authority.

Table 22. Properties, expected elements

Class name:



Caption (i.e. a 'label'), specific MS or contracting authority requirement (e.g. 'Number of references expected: 5' or a question addressed to the economic operator (e.g. 'Your average yearly turnover for the past three years?'.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013

Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




Identifies one specific property.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: Property identifiers must use UUID numbers (version 4) automatically generated. The responses of the economic operator (in the ESPD Response document) will refer to this UUID to link the response with one, and only one, criterion property. See the section about the ESPD Response for examples.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-18, BR-OTH-02)




The text of the caption, requirement or question.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: None.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-19)




The type of property. Used to verify that structure of the property is correct.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List 'CriterionElementType'. Possible types are 'CAPTION, REQUIREMENT and QUESTION'. If the type is CAPTION or REQUIREMENT no answer is expected from the economic operator and therefore the cbc:ValueDataTypeCode must be set to NONE. Otherwise this value must be set to one of the values defined in the Code List 'ResponseDataType'

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-TC-20, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#14, BR-OTH-03)




The type of answer expected by the contracting authority in the case of a poperty of type QUESTION.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List ResponseDataType. Verify that the value`is different to NONE`for properties of type QUESTION.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TC-21, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-03, BR-OTH-01#12, BR-OTH-03)




The unit of measure of the numeric value as a quantity or measure in the expected response from the economic operator.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01)




The currency of the numeric value as an amount in the expected response from the economic operator.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01)




The expected identifier that the economic operator has to provide in the criterion response.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-LOT-40)




The expected code that the economic operator has to provide in the Criterion response.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01)




The expected value that the economic operator has to provide in the Criterion response.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.




The maximum value the response must have.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.




The minimum value the response must have.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.




The description of the level of the expected certification.

Information Requirement: *Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode`" class="bare">[_tbr070-013_].

*Rule*: Verify that the value of `+cac:TypeCode` is set to`QUESTION`and that the cac:ValueTypeCode is different to NONE.




The period to which this criterion property shall apply.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: The ESPD-EDM does only expect start date and end date.




A pointer to one or more evidences that support the veracity of this criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr070-013.

Rule: None.

XML Examples

  1. See examples in sections about exclusion and selection criteria.

  2. You will notice in the examples that the element cbc:Name is never used. Instead the cac:Description is sufficient for all the ESPD purposes.

V. Exclusion criteria



The contracting body shall provide the exclusion grounds and selection criteria for its tendering process as structured information – via ESPD template or structured list of criteria set out in a call for tender.

REQUIREMENT tbr070-009

The ESPD request must contain information about the criteria that set the exclusion grounds as stated in directive 2014/24/EU Art. 57 and referred to in directive 2014/25/EU Art. 80 and/or according to national legislation. These should be retrieved from e-Certis.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained exclusion criteria

As far as the data structures of exclusion criteria are concerned there are practically not differences between a Regulated ESPD and a Self-contained ESPD.

The only two differences lie in:

  1. The way the criteria are worded; e.g. the description of a conviction criterion reads like this in the two cases:

    • Regulated ESPD Request: Has the economic operator, to its knowledge, breached its obligations in the field of environmental law? As referred to for the purposes of this procurement in national law, in the relevant notice or the procurement documents or in Article 18(2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.

    • Self-contained ESPD Request: Has the economic operator, to its knowledge, breached its obligations in the field of environmental law? As referred to for the purposes of this procurement in this ESPD document and in the national law, in the relevant notice or the procurement documents or in Article 18(2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.

  2. The criterion 'Contributions' (i.e. Payment of Taxes and Social Security Contributions) adds a national REQUIREMENT to set the minimum threshold of debt for taxes or social security that is allowed in the Member State.

As suggested in section "Criteria Data Structures" criteria may be grouped in several different categories. The figure below is intended to identify and list these categories for the Exclusion criteria (branches in text boxes), and specific subgroups within each category (leaves in text without boxes).

Each branch in this 'criteria taxonomy' corresponds to one data structure that is identical for all the leaves under that branch (e.g. compare the names of the boxes with the tabs of the spreadsheets containing the Regulated and Self-contained taxonomies).

Exclusion criteria taxonomy
Figure 39. Exclusion criteria taxonomy

V.1 Convictions

Information requirement

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The only difference between REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED concerning conviction criteria is that the SELF-CONTAINED version allow Member States to link national sub-criteria to the EU conviction criterion. Thus:

    • For REGULATED ESPDs the XML file will not contain the national criteria specified in e-Certis. See the figure showing the data structure for Regulated ESPDs.

    • For SELF-CONTAINED ESPDs the XML will contain the national criteria and also the QUESTION for the economic operator to answer whether it fulfills the national criterion or not. See the figure showing the data structure for Self-contained ESPDs below.

  2. The label ''Convictions'' groups all the criteria with identical data structures classified as:

    • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONVICTIONS.*: ''participation in a criminal organisation'', ''corruption'', ''fraud'', ''terrorist offences linked to terrorist activities'', ''money laundering or terrorist financing'', ''child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings''.

Note about the ESPD Service

If you are using the ESPD Service developed by the European Commission you will observe the label 'More information >>' on the left side of the mock-up. If you click on it the national criteria defined by the MS in the e-Certis will be shown. However you must be warned that, as the EC ESPD Service does only implement the Regulated ESPD V1.0.2 the national criterion will not be saved into the exported XML instance.

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

The figure below shows the GUI presented by the ESPD Service. Beware that the XML example we provide in this guide is based on the ESPD Request V2.0.2, which does allow the possibility of saving the national criteria, contrary to the ESPD V1.0.2.

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

Conviction EO mock-up
Figure 40. Conviction 'Participation in criminal organisation', mock-up (EO perspective)

Data structure - Regulated

Notice that the only difference between the Regulated and the Self-contained structures is that the Regulated one does not contain a 'national sub-criterion'.

Convictions data structure
Figure 41. Data Structure for all 'Regulated Conviction' exclusion grounds criteria

Data structure - Self-contained

Convictions data structure
Figure 42. Data Structure for all 'Self-contained Conviction' exclusion grounds criteria

XML Example - Self-contained

The fragment of XML code below illustrates how a 'Convictions' criterion looks like in a Self-contained ESPD Request. See comments beneath the example.

'Participation in a criminal organisation' conviction
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Participation in a criminal organisation -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">005eb9ed-1347-4ca3-bb29-9bc0db64e1ab</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONVICTIONS.PARTICIPATION_IN_CRIMINAL_ORGANISATION</cbc:CriterionTypeCode> (15)

	<cbc:Name>Participation in a criminal organisation</cbc:Name> (16)
	<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on the fight against organised crime (OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p. 42).</cbc:Description>

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>Participation in the activity of an organized criminal group ( The Criminal Code of Finland 39/1889 Chapter 17 Section 1)</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Participation in the activity of an organized criminal group an accordance with the criminal code Chapter 17 Section 1</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">070e776e-6a83-44f2-8233-5ac8b39d3f62</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Extract from the Criminal Records</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>Issued By: Legal Register Centre</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode> (17)
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode> (18)
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8591244c-5a6f-4dea-92d4-bba1fc7a7d00</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description> (19)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
	<!-- EU legislation data related to this criterion -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4ea7a10a-643e-4022-b67e-e06573b28ff5</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title languageID="en">DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description languageID="en">Directive 2014/24/EU</cbc:Description> (21)
		<cbc:JurisdictionLevel languageID="en">EU Directive</cbc:JurisdictionLevel> (22)
		<cbc:Article languageID="en">Article 57(1)</cbc:Article> (23)

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7c637c0c-7703-4389-ba52-02997a055bd7</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode> (24)
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7ee6d863-8897-4e18-8a88-75b2503cc286</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description> (25)
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode> (26)
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode> (27)
		<cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionPropertyGroup> (28)
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">75f31476-677c-4fa6-b48a-2e4d4f09ce82</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Date of conviction</cbc:Description> (1)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7ea2ecf8-94a5-44bf-96ab-c8a430365811</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Reason</cbc:Description> (2)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">579f5614-d114-4b73-b2ff-3b7d15d19e25</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Who has been convicted</cbc:Description> (3)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ef9e3534-00bd-41ef-8f07-85efe6f44d1d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Length of the period of exclusion</cbc:Description> (4)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5f9f09f7-f701-432c-9fdc-c22c124a74c9</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c048c1bc-b280-4409-9480-1663a2fdfd13</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (Self-Cleaning)?</cbc:Description> (5)
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">db33b5ae-2290-4671-aeae-fd361d6f6958</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description> (6)(7)
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>

		<!-- CONSTANT STRUCTURE: Is this information available online --> (29)
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">643ed2c5-1be5-4b4d-8103-63dcec7f5fe0</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>(8)
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f0651bc9-41b9-49b2-9401-ed23ed6aa12d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>(9)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode> (10) (11)

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->
1 Date of conviction, see mock-up. Mandatory format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
2 The reason of convictions, see mock-up. A descriptive text.
3 The natural person or legal entity convicted. A text.
4 Length of the period of exclusion. A cac:Period will be used in the response by the economic operator. The EO may specify a starting date and an end-date or, alternatively, a text to commenting the length. See XML example in the ESPD Response section.
5 If the answer is No the QUESTION 'Please describe them' should not be shown.
6 Text box to describe the measures to demonstrate the economic operator’s reliability.
7 A whole group related to one conviction can be repeated multiple times (or deleted).
8 If answered as No the group of QUESTIONs relating the online evidence should not be shown. Beware that the ESPD Response behaves totally differently as far as evidences are concerned. The data concerning the evidence in the ESPDRequest document is placed in the ESPD Response document in a component cac:Evidence in a different manner. See the section ESPD Response for more details on this. See also the XML examples.
9 The URL where to access the evidence. Will be placed in an element of the object cac:Evidence. See chapter "IX. Evidences".
10 By specifying that the value of the expected data type is an evidence identifier (code EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER of the Code List ResponseDataType`) the Response will have to contain an evidence supplied in an element of the object cac:Evidence, at the end of the XML Instance. See chapter "VII.8 Evidences".
11 The issuer party of this evidence (e.g. a base registry). Will be placed in the element cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference/cac:Attachment/cac:IssuerParty. Some countries use verification codes associated to evidences. To specify these verification codes you can use the Evidence ID, as in the end the code identifies uniquely the Evidence in the issuer system (see this XML example, look for 'Verification code' inside the example, bullet number 6).
12 National criterion defined by the MS in e-Certis (this example corresponds to Finland) related to the EU criterion on this conviction.
13 An additional specification for this national criterion, in this case related to the evidence that will be required by this Member State.
14 UUID supplied by e-Certis. See also the criteria taxonomy spread-sheet.
15 Exclusion criteria taxonomy code defined in the criteria taxonomy spread-sheet.
16 Compulsory name and description for the criterion as defined in e-Certis. See also criteria taxonomy spread-sheet. Beware that UBL-2.2 allows '0..n' description lines!
17 This property is a caption, a mere 'label'. See Code List 'CriterionElementType' for the complete list of possible options. Beware that when a property is of type CAPTION the cbc:ValueDataType must be set to NONE.
18 As the property is a CAPTION no response is expected from the economic operator. See Code List 'ResponseDataType' for the complete list of possible options.
19 Notice that in the ESPD Request the criterion properties never use its element cbc:Name.
20 EU legislation data related to this criterion. Notice that all the textual fields have multiple cardinality and may specify the language (attribute languageID. This can be used to express the same content in different languages. No language specified defaults to en (English).
21 The complete title as published in Eurlex or in a national official electronic bulletin board is expected for this field.
22 A quick reference name to refer to the legislation is expected for this field.
23 The jurisdiction level (or scope) covered by this legislation. You must use the text of the description supplied by the Code List LegislationType.
24 One or more articles from this legislation where the criterion is defined and referred to. Beware that the cardinality of this field is multiple.
25 Groups codified as ON* must be processed always (e.g. all its elements shown on a GUI or automatically parsed and saved, etc.).
26 Pay attention to this type of QUESTIONs. It is intended to act as a decision point. If answered with yes (INDICATOR value = true) some additional questions will be asked to the economic operator. Thus the value of the code of the next sub-group (set to ONTRUE).
27 This property is a QUESTION, therefore a specific type of value will be expected from the economic operator in the ESPD Response (an INDICATOR, i.e. a 'boolean' value true/false, in this case).
28 The cbc:ValueDataType indicates the type of value that the contracting authority requires for this QUESTION. Therefore, in its answer (inside the ESPD Request document) the economic operator will have to use also an INDICATOR value (true/false). Otherwise the mechanism used to validate the ESPD Response should consider the XML instance as invalid (should be treated as a FATAL error).
29 Data structures defined by GROW are re-usable. This is specially the case (but not uniquelly) of the structure 'Is this information available electronically?' Notice that the UUID that identifies this structure is always the same in all the criteria that include it. Similarly structures that are reused in different criteria do have the same UUID (as they are the same). Beware that the group of properties (URI, Reference/Code, Issuer) will only be shown if the answer is 'Yes', thus the sub-group code ONTRUE.
Note for the future: Cross-border/cross-sector codes

Some relevant trans-European initiatives like ECRIS, BRIS, EESSI, and other, have defined Code Lists and other reference data that could be used in e-Procurement, and specifically by the ESPD. This would enhance the cross-border and cross-sector semantic and technical interoperability.

Thus, in the case of Convictions, a new requirement could be introduced in G1 (see figures above) asking for the ECRIS Code corresponding to the offence that will be specified in the Response in case the Economic Operator answered ''yes'' to the first Requirement. The ECRIS Codes can be consulted in the Annex to the COUNCIL DECISION 2009/316/JHA of 6 April 2009 on the establishment of the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) in application of Article 11 of Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA [2].

V.2 Contributions

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can specify the minimum debt an economic operator can maintain related to unpaid taxes or social security contributions.

  3. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category ''Contributions'' encompasses two criteria with identical data structures:

    • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONTRIBUTIONS.*: ''payment of taxes'' and ''social security contributions''.

V.2.1 Regulated Contributions

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

For a better understanding of the behaviour of the Regulated 'Contributions' have a look to the two figures below. They show two different options offered by the ESPD Service GUI perspective for the economic operator:

The figure below represents a possible mockup for the contracting authority perspective of the Conviction criterion 'Payment of Taxes' as retrieved from e-Certis:

Regulated 'Payment of Taxes' (ESPD Service, CA perspective)
Figure 43. Regulated 'Conviction' Payment of Taxes (ESPD Service, EO perspective) - OPTION 1 (YES)

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

The next mock-up shows the view of the economic operator when it answers "Yes" to the question "Has this breach of obligations been established by other means…​.?". See the next mock-up for the negative answer.

Regulated 'Payment of Taxes' (ESPD Service, EO perspective)
Figure 44. Regulated 'Conviction' Payment of Taxes (ESPD Service, EO perspective) - OPTION 1 (YES)

This other mock-up shows the view of the economic operator when it answers "No" to the question "Has this breach of obligations been established by other means…​.?".

Regulated 'Payment of Taxes' (ESPD Service, EO perspective)
Figure 45. Regulated 'Conviction' Payment of Taxes (ESPD Service, EO perspective) - OPTION 2 (NO)

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'Contributions' criterion data structure
Figure 46. Regulated 'Contributions' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated Payment of Taxes (PoT)
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Payment of taxes -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b61bbeb7-690e-4a40-bc68-d6d4ecfaa3d4</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONTRIBUTIONS.PAYMENT_OF_TAXES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>

	<cbc:Name>Payment of taxes</cbc:Name> (1)
	<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the payment of taxes, both in the country in which it is established and in Member State of the contracting authority or contracting entity if other than the country of establishment?</cbc:Description>

	<!-- Reference to the EU Directive where 'Payment of Taxes' are covered -->
	<cac:Legislation>	(11)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4ea7a10a-643e-4022-b67e-e06573b28ff5</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title languageID="en">DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description languageID="en">Directive 2014/24/EU</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:JurisdictionLevel languageID="en">EU Directive</cbc:JurisdictionLevel>
		<cbc:Article>Article 57(2)</cbc:Article>

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">098fd3cc-466e-4233-af1a-affe09471bce</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0810157d-82d8-4a31-9814-b41de9ca0f7a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f8499787-f9f8-4355-95e2-9784426f4d7b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">789302e2-acbe-4bee-b2a0-d0312207ef3d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Country or member state concerned</cbc:Description> (2)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CODE_COUNTRY</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ea565b14-4b91-4730-840f-aae117a84a0c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Amount concerned</cbc:Description> (3)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7c2aec9f-4876-4c33-89e6-2ab6d6cf5d02</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5773c0da-bccd-4378-89f3-1356f7bd2824</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Has this breach of obligations been established by means other than a judicial or administrative decision?</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">80633323-a7b6-4206-9728-e4534eaad8b2</cbc:ID>

					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">115b8c74-1f17-4e26-a10a-f35198978b16</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Please describe which means were used</cbc:Description> (4)
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a49e6e25-0059-47da-9397-72c2db5fd5b1 </cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6e00a5f4-e832-40aa-b399-2d33f5657c04</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator fulfilled its obligations by paying or entering into a binding arrangement with a view to paying the taxes or social security contributions due, including, where applicable, any interest accrued or fines?</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">42a44eb9-b8c9-4a67-8776-e77fc5356efe</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c5b50839-e117-4415-b5b9-fba95d76c443</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description> (5)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">536417dc-8130-4981-85c5-fceba5541c58</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONFALSE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode> (12)
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">75545f09-5a13-40f3-af8b-6a4a131659fc</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>If this breach of obligations was established through a judicial or administrative decision, was this decision final and binding?</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8aaac22d-1b59-442e-9210-a6e70ec05962</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">63cb3683-44ce-4549-aefc-843204884011</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Please indicate the date of conviction or decision</cbc:Description> (9)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">505a8da4-d7db-4870-8c3a-4229148a40e2</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>In case of a conviction insofar as established directly therein, the length of the period of exclusion</cbc:Description> (10)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">dd5919af-59eb-4295-b27b-5dfd73466ba4</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">849d935c-7ef8-4e00-b075-9b6094464367</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>(6)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode> (7)(8)
1 EU Payment of Taxes (PoT) criterion according to the Directive.
2 Country or Member State concerned by the conviction. This field is only shown if the the answer to the previous QUESTION was Yes.
3 Amount concerned and currency for the amount concerned. The economic operator may change the currency. Notice that the currency is specified in the cac:Amount attribute @currencyID. To see how this looks like in an XML instance open an XM example file corresponding to an ESPDResponse and search for currencyID. The default currency is EUR, but the economic operator may specify it in the currency of its country.
4 Placeholder for the "[…​] means used to" establish the obligation (See mock-up above). Beware that this sub-structure is only processed (e.g. showed in a GUI, preserved in the XML instance, other) if the answer to the previous QUESTION is Yes (INDICATOR value = true). Compare with the ESPD Service screen-capture above (EO perspective) when the answer is yes.
5 Placeholder for the "Please describe them" field. This sub-group of one QUESTION is only shown if the previous QUESTION was answered with a Yes, thus the ONTRUE code for the sub-group.
6 URL from where to download the evidence. Will be placed in an element of the object cac:Evidence. See chapter "IX. Evidences".
7 By specifying that the value of the expected data type is an evidence identifier (code EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER of the Code List ResponseDataType`) the Response will have to contain an evidence supplied in an element of the object cac:Evidence, at the end of the XML Instance. See chapter "VII.8 Evidences".
8 The issuer party of this evidence (e.g. a base registry). Will be placed in the element cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference/cac:Attachment/cac:IssuerParty. Some countries use verification codes associated to evidences. To specify these verification codes you can use the Evidence ID, as in the end the code identifies uniquely the Evidence in the issuer system (see this XML example, look for 'Verification code' inside the example, bullet number 6).
9 Placeholder for the "Please indicate the date of conviction or decision". Beware that this sub-structure is only processed (e.g. showed in a GUI, preserved in the XML instance, other) if the answer to the previous QUESTION is Yes (INDICATOR value = true). Compare with the ESPD Service screen-capture above (EO perspective) when the answer is Yes. Notice also that this XML example contains the possible answers. This was done on purpose to show you how both branches are instantiated in the XML file. However in a real file (e.g. not in an example) it would not make sense have both XML branches, but only one: either the one corresponding to the Yes answer or the one for the No answer; which is the normal expected behaviour of a choice structure (this behavior is similar to the an XML choice structure, however UBL Naming and Design Rules (NDR) disavow the use of choices).
10 Placeholder for the "In case of a conviction, insofar as established…​". It goes in the same sub-group than the previous QUESTION about the date of conviction.
11 Notice that the structure and elements for legislation are always the same for all exclusion criteria. Also the UUID identifying the structure is the same in all the exclusion criteria, as this is a highly reusable structure.
12 Beware that this sub-structure is only processed if the answer to the QUESTION was No (INDICATOR value = false). Compare with the mock-up. Compare with the ESPD Service screen-capture above (EO perspective) when the answer is No.

V.2.2 Self-contained Contributions

REQUIREMENT The contracting authority needs to be able to specify national exclusion criteria linked to one EU criterion as well as criteria particular for the procurement procedure. The economic operator, in the ESPD Response document, will have to responde "Yes" or "No" to each national criterion thus confirming that it in breach of the Law.

See also the REQUIREMENT tbr070-015 about economic thresholds regarding unpaid taxes or social security obligations.

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

The screen-capture below represents a possible mock-up for a contracting authority perspective of the Self-contained 'Contributions' criterion (Payment of Taxes).

Regulated 'Payment of Taxes' (ESPD Service, CA perspective)
Figure 47. Regulated 'Payment of Taxes' (ESPD Service, CA perspective)

This other screen-capture below represents a possible mock-up, from the contracting authority perspective, for the edition of requirements in a Self-contained 'Contributions' criterion (Payment of Taxes).

Self-contained 'Payment of Taxes', REQUIREMENT edition
Figure 48. Self-contained 'Payment of Taxes', REQUIREMENT edition (CA Perspective)

The differences with the Regulated Contribution version are:

  1. The criteria specified by the Member State in e-Certis will be save in the ESPD Request XML instance;

  2. The contracting authority has specified a pair of REQUIREMENTs for this procedure (threshold and additional information). If the REQUIREMENT is applicable to all procurement procedure (because it is in the national Law, for example) this would be defined as a national criterion in e-Certis.

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

This other mock-up illustrates what the economic operator sees.

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

Self-contained 'Payment of Taxes', EO  perspective
Figure 49. Self-contained 'Payment of Taxes', (EO perspective)

Data structure - Self-contained

The figure for the general data structure below is not reflecting the fact that, for this particular example (about Finland), the national sub-criterion will be repeated four times (the sub-criterion structure has cardinality 0..n). Hence the circles 2 to 5 in this figure meaning that the sub-criterion structure will be repeated for the national criteria 2 to 5. Verify that in the XML example there are four cac:SubTenderingCriterion elements)

Self-contained 'Contributions' criterion data structure
Figure 50. Self-contained 'Contributions' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained Payment of Taxes (PoT)
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Payment of taxes -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b61bbeb7-690e-4a40-bc68-d6d4ecfaa3d4</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONTRIBUTIONS.PAYMENT_OF_TAXES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Payment of taxes</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the payment of taxes, both in the country in which it is established and in Member State of the contracting authority or contracting entity if other than the country of establishment?</cbc:Description> (1)

	<!-- Finland, in e-Certis, defines up to four different types of national exclusion ground for payment of taxes. Each one is instantiated in different national sub-criteria elements -->
	<cac:SubTenderingCriterion> (2)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<!-- Mandatory: name and description -->
		<cbc:Name>I. Payment of taxes ( Act on public procurement 1397/2016 81 Section 1 )</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>The contracting entity may decide to exclude from competitive tendering a candidate or tenderer that the contracting entity can prove, otherwise than by legally final decision or judgement, to have defaulted on a duty to pay the taxes or social security contributions of Finland or of its country of establishment;</cbc:Description>

			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cde9df2e-1b89-443c-8946-c047f45c8935</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>1. Extract from Tax Debt Register</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>Issued By: Finnish Tax Administration</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52bcfe2c-53a5-4c57-986e-957dba43ce7e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

	<!-- National criterion 2 --> (3)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>II. Payment of taxes ( Act on public procurement 1397/2016 80 Section 4 )</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>The contracting entity shall also exclude from competitive tendering a candidate or tenderer that has been found by a legally final decision or judgement to have defaulted on a duty to pay the taxes or social security contributions of Finland or of its country of establishment.</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cde9df2e-1b89-443c-8946-c047f45c8935</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>1. Extract from the Criminal Records</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>Issued By: Legal Register Centre</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>2. Extract from Tax Debt Register</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>Issued By: Finnish Tax Administration</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52bcfe2c-53a5-4c57-986e-957dba43ce7e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
	<!-- National criterion 3 --> (4)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>III. Aggravated tax fraud ( The Criminal Code of Finland 39/1889 Chapter 29 Section 2 )</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>If in the tax fraud (1) considerable financial benefit is sought or (2) the offence is committed in a particularly methodical manner and the tax fraud is aggravated also when assessed as a whole, the offender shall be sentenced for aggravated tax fraud to imprisonment for at least four months and at most four years.</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cde9df2e-1b89-443c-8946-c047f45c8935</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>1. Extract from the Criminal Records</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>Issued By: Legal Register Centre</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52bcfe2c-53a5-4c57-986e-957dba43ce7e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
	<!-- National criterion 4 --> (5)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>IV. Tax fraud ( The Criminal Code of Finland 39/1889 Chapter 29 Section 1 )</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>A person who (1) gives a taxation authority false information on a fact that influences the assessment of tax, (2) files a tax return concealing a fact that influences the assessment of tax, (3) for the purpose of avoiding tax, fails to observe a statutory duty pertaining to taxation that is of significance in the assessment of tax, or (4) otherwise acts fraudulently, and thereby causes or attempts to cause a tax not to be assessed, a tax to be assessed too low or a tax to be unduly refunded, shall be sentenced for tax fraud to a fine or to imprisonment for at most two years.</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cde9df2e-1b89-443c-8946-c047f45c8935</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>1. Extract from the Criminal Records</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Description>Issued By: Legal Register Centre</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52bcfe2c-53a5-4c57-986e-957dba43ce7e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

	<!-- Reference to the EU Directive where 'Payment of Taxes' are covered -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4ea7a10a-643e-4022-b67e-e06573b28ff5</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title languageID="en">DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description languageID="en">Directive 2014/24/EU</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:JurisdictionLevel languageID="en">EU Directive</cbc:JurisdictionLevel>
		<cbc:Article>Article 57(2)</cbc:Article>

	<!-- Member State and contracting authority REQUIREMENTs. In this case the MS allows a maximum debt of 50 EUR, and additional information is provided for clarification purposes -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">53c9aad8-dc80-48f8-85d9-755c2aab8e95</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a764b129-26e7-4047-9d58-752ebd59af28</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
				<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">50</cbc:ExpectedAmount> (6)(7)
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c4421575-0f45-430e-a3d9-9f9967eafdee</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Additional Information</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
				<cbc:ExpectedDescription>In case of debt please fulfill your obligation before tendering.</cbc:ExpectedDescription> (8)

		<!-- The rest of the criterion is identical than for the Regulated version -->

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">098fd3cc-466e-4233-af1a-affe09471bce</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0810157d-82d8-4a31-9814-b41de9ca0f7a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f8499787-f9f8-4355-95e2-9784426f4d7b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">789302e2-acbe-4bee-b2a0-d0312207ef3d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Country or member state concerned</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CODE_COUNTRY</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ea565b14-4b91-4730-840f-aae117a84a0c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Amount concerned</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7c2aec9f-4876-4c33-89e6-2ab6d6cf5d02</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5773c0da-bccd-4378-89f3-1356f7bd2824</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Has this breach of obligations been established by means other than a judicial or administrative decision?</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">80633323-a7b6-4206-9728-e4534eaad8b2</cbc:ID>

					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">115b8c74-1f17-4e26-a10a-f35198978b16</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Please describe which means were used</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a49e6e25-0059-47da-9397-72c2db5fd5b1 </cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6e00a5f4-e832-40aa-b399-2d33f5657c04</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator fulfilled its obligations by paying or entering into a binding arrangement with a view to paying the taxes or social security contributions due, including, where applicable, any interest accrued or fines?</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">42a44eb9-b8c9-4a67-8776-e77fc5356efe</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c5b50839-e117-4415-b5b9-fba95d76c443</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">536417dc-8130-4981-85c5-fceba5541c58</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONFALSE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">75545f09-5a13-40f3-af8b-6a4a131659fc</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>If this breach of obligations was established through a judicial or administrative decision, was this decision final and binding?</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8aaac22d-1b59-442e-9210-a6e70ec05962</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">63cb3683-44ce-4549-aefc-843204884011</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Please indicate the date of conviction or decision</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">505a8da4-d7db-4870-8c3a-4229148a40e2</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>In case of a conviction insofar as established directly therein, the length of the period of exclusion</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">dd5919af-59eb-4295-b27b-5dfd73466ba4</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">849d935c-7ef8-4e00-b075-9b6094464367</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
1 The MS defined this national 'Payment of Taxes' criterion in e-Certis. See also previous example for the REGULATED Payment of taxes (the behavior is identical for all exclusion criteria).
2 Reference to the EU Legislation. This reusable structure is identical for all the exclusion criteria.
3 For this SELFCONTAINED ESPD Request Payment of Taxes criterion, the Member State defined in e-Certis a national REQUIREMENT consisting in the specification of the 'threshold amount of debt that an economic operator have with the national Tax Agency' (50 Euros in this example)
4 Notice that type of property used is REQUIREMENT. This entails that: (i) the ESPDRequest is of type SELFCONTAINED (REGULATED ESPDs does not work with REQUIREMENTs); (ii) a cbc:ValueDataType will be present indicating the type of value the contracting authority uses for this REQUIREMENT (e.g. AMOUNT, INDICATOR, DESCRIPTION, etc.; see the Code List ResponseDataType, the values are the same for contracting authorities REQUIREMENTs than for economic operator response values).
5 Beware that No answer is expected here from the economic operator (do not get confused by the presence of the cbc:ValueDataType, as said it is used by both the CA and the EO.
6 The value supplied by the contracting authority for this requirement (50 Euros, in this example). Notice that the currency is specified in the attibute currencyID of the cbc:Amount component.
7 The MS also allows the contracting authority the possibility of adding multiple additional textual requirements (in this case the CA uses this to explain that ''Beware that the national Tax Agency won’t permit the existence of a debt, even if minimial, for two consecutive years'').
8 Again, no answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority.
9 Except for the national sub-criteria and the REQUIREMENTs, the rest is identical to the Regulated version.

V.3 Environment, Social, Labour Law

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category ''Social'' encompasses criteria with identical data structures, classified as:

    • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.SOCIAL.*: ''breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law'', ''breaching of obligations in the fields of social law'' and ''breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law''.

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

Social - CA perspective
Figure 51. 'Environmental Law' criterion mock-up - CA perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

Social - EO perspective
Figure 52. 'Environmental Law' criterion mock-up - CA perspective

Data structure - Regulated

Regulated Environmental Law
Figure 53. 'Environmental Law' criterion data structure

Data structure - Self-contained

Self-contained Environmental Law
Figure 54. 'Environmental Law' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Notice that the Regulated and Self-contained XML instances are identical, except for the fact that the Regulated version does not contain national sub-criteria.

'Environmental Law'
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

		<!-- Criterion:Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a80ddb62-d25b-4e4e-ae22-3968460dc0a9</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.SOCIAL.ENVIRONMENTAL_LAW</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
			<cbc:Name>Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator, to its knowledge, breached its obligations in the fields of environmental law? As referred to for the purposes of this procurement in national law, in the ESPD, the relevant notice or the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or , in Article 18(2) of Directive 2014/24/EU or in the ESPD.</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
				<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5f614675-9db7-4ec6-9567-0673b758c1e2</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f0a20829-ea70-44e5-8310-91808e7b957a</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">22746727-298b-4abb-b580-52b5ea482d7c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
				<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
					<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">976b5acb-c00f-46ca-8f83-5ce6abfdfe43</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">95dad7ae-1aba-4ad6-9760-5a7ed15cb039</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">64a2102c-4af1-4ecb-97b3-0c41907ec0f6</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ea48e234-7ad2-4235-b375-4f72c9877693</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5f9f09f7-f701-432c-9fdc-c22c124a74c9</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0a345842-1aee-4bba-b9a6-64343ba91809</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (Self-Cleaning)?</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">304ef89a-477e-4b60-8b9b-9ea15d10a3a0</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
								<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
								<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.4 Business

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category ''Business'' encompasses the following group of criteria with the same data structures and classified as:

    • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.BUSINESS.*: breaching of obligations for ''bankruptcy'', ''insolvency'', ''winding-up'', ''arrangement with creditors'', ''analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law'', ''assets being administered by liquidator'' and ''business activities suspended''.

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

'Bankruptcy' criterion mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 55. 'Bankruptcy' criterion mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

'Bankruptcy' criterion mock-up - EO perspective
Figure 56. 'Bankruptcy' criterion mock-up - economic operator perspective

Data structure - Regulated

Figure 57. 'Bankruptcy' criterion data structure - Regulated

Data structure - Self-contained

Figure 58. 'Bankruptcy' criterion data structure - Self-contained

XML Example - Self-contained

Notice that the Regulated and Self-contained XML instances are identical, except for the fact that the Regulated version does not contain national sub-criteria.

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

	<!-- Criterion:Bankruptcy -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d3732c09-7d62-4edc-a172-241da6636e7c</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.BUSINESS.BANKRUPTCY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Description>Is the economic operator bankrupt? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8ab473f2-653a-4465-a7dd-61e0df984c27</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9420733c-be4d-459e-b782-0e6cd6a7c199</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f92fe55b-e6fd-4317-b2d1-ae0e6a4aaf04</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
			<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
				<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d91c11a1-f19e-4b83-8ade-c4be2bf00555</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2074f13b-4adb-4550-9814-6b971904c5b3</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aeef523b-c8fc-4dba-9c34-03e34812567b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">645b5933-30c3-482e-b7d4-6c6b29b3db72</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">36ccd47b-b021-4ccb-b614-6a3b671817c9</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Indicate reasons for being nevertheless to perform the contract</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c64b6686-acf9-4cb0-b3d7-ae8260cf75e6</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">771f8e03-abc5-4a08-b095-dc40efdd3f79</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.5 Misconduct

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category ''Misconduct'' encompasses two criteria that share the same structure as the one used for the ''social'' group of criteria (see sub-section ''How to specify ''social'' related criteria, above).

    • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.MISCONDUCT.*: ''guilty of grave professional misconduct''; and ''agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition''.

All these criteria are specified based on the same data structure:

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

'Professional misconduct' criterion mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 59. 'Professional misconduct' criterion mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

'Professional misconduct' criterion mock-up - EO perspective
Figure 60. 'Professional misconduct' criterion mock-up - economic operator perspective

Data structure - Regulated

Regulated Professional misconduct
Figure 61. 'Professional misconduct' criterion data structure - Regulated

Data structure - Self-contained

Professional misconduct Professional misconduct
Figure 62. 'Professional misconduct' criterion data structure - Self-contained

XML Example - Self-contained

Notice that the Regulated and Self-contained XML instances are identical, except for the fact that the Regulated version does not contain national sub-criteria.

'Professional Misconduct'
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

	<!-- Criterion:Guilty of grave professional misconduct -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">514d3fde-1e3e-4dcd-b02a-9f984d5bbda3</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.MISCONDUCT.MC_PROFESSIONAL</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Guilty of grave professional misconduct</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Is the economic operator  guilty of grave professional misconduct? Where applicable, see definitions in national law, the relevant notice or the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or .</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e988261e-93ae-4e62-9d71-ce1f548b1347</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3df8f3d8-d074-460d-85c9-969b8a947554</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cb8d4d15-7fd7-4d94-9a98-a4733d7268be</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
			<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
				<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">67362ec7-cec3-4cb8-a38e-5d7a2a31e6d8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e78aa682-1ad8-4b4c-b8aa-ea4f8f5cc88d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2cbcf978-765c-40aa-996b-b1d082485cef</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">61ea71a3-28e4-401c-850d-0817c6bf4f4d</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5f9f09f7-f701-432c-9fdc-c22c124a74c9</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1688b9f9-6d2d-422b-8ce3-6315a617fe88</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c5210554-19a9-4b37-90f1-041bab348d58</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.6 Conflict of interest

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category ''Conflicts of Interest'' encompasses different exclusion criteria which are more heterogeneous than the ones described until now.

We have divided the conflict of interest criteria in two groups, this first group is composed of two criteria with the same structure:

  • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST.PROCEDURE_PREPARATION: Conflict of interest due to ''direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure'';

  • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST.PROCEDURE_PARTICIPATION: Conflict of interest due to ''participation in the procurement procedure''.

The second group, named ''Early termination'', is explained in a different section. See section "Early termination).

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

This mock-up could be used for both versions, Regulated and Self-contained:

'Conflict of interest' criterion mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 63. 'Conflict of interest' criterion mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

This mock-up could be used for both versions, Regulated and Self-contained:

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

'Conflict of interest' criterion mock-up - EO perspective
Figure 64. 'Conflict of interest' criterion mock-up - economic operator perspective

Data structure - Regulated

Conflict of interest
Figure 65. 'Conflict of interest' criterion data structure - Regulated

Data structure - Self-contained

Conflict of interest
Figure 66. 'Conflict of interest' criterion data structure - Self-contained

XML Example - Self-contained

Notice that the Regulated and Self-contained XML instances are identical, except for the fact that the Regulated version does not contain national sub-criteria.

'Participation in the procurement procedure' conflict of interest
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

	<!-- Criterion:Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b1b5ac18-f393-4280-9659-1367943c1a2e</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.MISCONDUCT.MC_PROFESSIONAL</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Is the economic operator aware of any conflict of interest, as indicated in national law, the relevant notice or the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or due to its participation in the procurement procedure?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c4b7f5ce-bf0b-464f-b1b3-5db603c00c6f</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">621a3591-8ef5-469a-80d5-29130683ee5e</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fb5adf8c-1ffc-427c-95d0-9cfa0a8ef5cc</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
			<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
				<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">67362ec7-cec3-4cb8-a38e-5d7a2a31e6d8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">567e5857-978f-4115-95be-dc5145ea950a</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">73f0fe4c-4ed9-4343-8096-d898cf200146</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d2aaed34-443f-4fc7-9f8c-72c9e21d8f26</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.7 Early termination

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  1. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category 'Early termination' refers to only one criterion with a specific (simple) data structure classified as:

    • CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST.EARLY_TERMINATION: Conflict of interest due to ''early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions''.

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

'Early termination' criterion mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 67. 'Early termination' criterion mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

'Early termination' criterion mock-up - EO perspective
Figure 68. 'Early termination' criterion mock-up - economic operator perspective

Data structure - Regulated

Early termination
Figure 69. 'Early termination' criterion data structure - Regulated

Data structure - Self-contained

Early termination
Figure 70. 'Early termination' criterion data structure - Self-contained

XML Example - Self-contained

Notice that the Regulated and Self-contained XML instances are identical, except for the fact that the Regulated version does not contain national sub-criteria.

Early termination conflict of interest
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

	<!-- Criterion:Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3293e92b-7f3e-42f1-bee6-a7641bb04251</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST.EARLY_TERMINATION</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator experienced that a prior public contract, a prior contract with a contracting entity or a prior concession contract was terminated early, or that damages or other comparable sanctions were imposed in connection with that prior contract?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">82dd3b06-72fc-4dbe-ab09-e2726b621382</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6f8f4018-b255-4aaf-ac6f-dbd26a03e189</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">339b347e-e301-4547-9128-c766d99d6237</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
			<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
				<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">67362ec7-cec3-4cb8-a38e-5d7a2a31e6d8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fed2e6a3-a1da-4a36-a638-b2f7a29ad243</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">73f0fe4c-4ed9-4343-8096-d898cf200146</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7495abce-b711-4acb-994c-fb180ec8827e</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">20c5361b-7599-4ee6-b030-7f8323174d1e</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6edfb05b-c93c-4518-9f25-175a3f08e34c</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (Self-Cleaning)?</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">74e6c7b4-757b-4b40-ada6-fad6a997c310</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1154b341-7237-4712-9d4d-7f0656ffd947</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.8 Misinterpretation

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. For both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the category 'Misinterpreation', another type of 'Conflict of Interest', share the same data structure, and is classified as:


Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

'Misinterpretation' criterion mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 71. 'Misinterpretation' criterion mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Beware that this mock-up is not showing the national criteria. For this mock-up it is presumed that by answering 'Yes' to the general EU criterion all the national criteria QUESTION 'Your answer' will be also set to 'Yes'.

'Misinterpretation' criterion mock-up - EO perspective
Figure 72. 'Misinterpretation' criterion mock-up - economic operator perspective

The UBL specification allows always multiple lines of text for the component cbc:Description. This feature can be used to split long descriptions into multiple lines, specially when the description contains enumerations.

The data structure for the criterion "Guilty of misinterpretation […​]" below uses the feature to divide four possible cases into different lines. Software and transformation solutions can also use it to generate an XML instance where the enumeration is split in multiple cbc:Description lines. See screen-captures below representing the data structures of this criterion for the REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions.

Data structure - Regulated

Figure 73. 'Misinterpretation' criterion data structure - Regulated

Data structure - Self-contained

Figure 74. 'Misinterpretation' criterion data structure - Self-contained

XML Example - Self-contained

Notice that the Regulated and Self-contained XML instances are identical, except for the fact that the Regulated version does not contain national sub-criteria.

'Misinterpretation' conflict of interest
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Guilty of misinterpretation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">696a75b2-6107-428f-8b74-82affb67e184</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST.MISINTERPRETATION</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Guilty of misinterpretation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Can the economic operator confirm that:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0934d941-9680-447c-b2ca-af1f0fce53fd</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7dfc567f-1429-4ed3-a299-39f2451e69c2</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e26648ec-ba40-46d4-a4d0-79833b7da551</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f3a6836d-2de2-4cd1-81ca-fb06178d05c5</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f838769c-5869-4f55-b9cb-089d9331bbf5</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.9 Purely national criteria

See formal requirements related to exclusion grounds criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically tbr070-009, tbr070-004, and tbr070-013.

Ohter requirements related specifically to purely national criteria are:


The Member State must be able to specify in e-Certis individual national criteria, and the economic operator must be able to answer to each individual purely national exclusion grounds criterion.


For the purely national exclusion grounds that have evidences related in e-Certis, the required evidences should be displayed. When the criterion has no related evidences, the text "No evidence required for this criterion" should be displayed. Per each national criterion the EO needs to be able to provide one or more evidences.

These two requirements are introduced by the new Self-contained ESPD-EDM V2.0.2. Therefore you will see that there is an essential difference between the Regulated and the Self-contained ESPDs.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The SELF-CONTAINED version the XML instances can keep the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis;

  2. The data structure for the SELF-CONTAINED versions is quite different from the REGULATED due to the new information requirements requested by the Membere States. See the sub-sections below on Regulated purely national and Self-contained purely national criteria below for details on the differences. The classification code fore this criterion is:


V.9.1 Regulated Purely national criteria

In the Regulated ESPD, software applications may download from e-Certis all the purely national criteria specified by the Member States in e-Certis. However the economic operator has not the possibility of answering the criteria individually, it has to respond 'Yes' or 'No' to all of them.

Beware that for Regulated ESPDs the XML file will not contain the national criteria specified in e-Certis.

Note about the ESPD Service

If you are using the ESPD Service developed by the European Commission you will observe the GUI shows the list of national criteria defined by the Member State in e-Certis. However you must be warned that, as the EC ESPD Service does only implement the Regulated ESPD V1.0.2 the list of national criteria will not be saved into the exported XML instance.

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (REGULATED)

The mock-up below shows how the contracting authority views the criteria purely national defined in e-Certis.

'Purely national criteria' mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 75. 'Purely national criteria' mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective (REGULATED)

The figure below shows a fragment of a list of national criteria that a software application has captured from e-Certis. The economic operator does have to confirm that it fulfills all the criteria purely national.

'Purely national criteria' mock-up - EO perspective
Figure 76. 'Purely national criteria' mock-up - economic operator perspective

Data structure - Regulated

'Purely national criteria'
Figure 77. 'Purely national criteria' data structure

XML Example - Regulated

'Purely national criteria' (Regulated)
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Purely national exclusion grounds -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">63adb07d-db1b-4ef0-a14e-a99785cf8cf6</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.NATIONAL.OTHER</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Purely national exclusion grounds</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Other exclusion grounds that may be foreseen in the national legislation of the contracting authority's or contracting entity's Member State. Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the purely national grounds of exclusion, which are specified in the relevant notice or in the procurement documents?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6df6d577-c593-4349-8a89-f785c97d830d</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fddf4a1a-744d-4fe0-ba1b-54f9dfc051ba</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41748296-9179-48b3-983f-964fb6127d46</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">13cd212b-24ba-471f-bd2e-9539c680ab23</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Name>Have you taken measures to demonstrate your reliability (Self-Cleaning)?</cbc:Name>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3fa51985-630a-4f73-a1d6-032a36cba292</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fa52a1af-798e-4b91-a490-8204519b17d2</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Name>Please describe them</cbc:Name>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">07e6adb0-fae2-47be-8fad-e98f60c55b37</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6c4442a6-0c88-4e3e-b23c-b9fa8e92d7bc</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

V.9.2 Self-contained Purely national criteria

The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 Self-contained ESPD introduces and important feature: the MS can specify and save in the XML individual national criteria. The mock-ups, data structure and XML example below show how.

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The figure below shows a fragment of a list of national criteria that a software application has captured from e-Certis. Per each criterion the economic operator has to specify whether it fulfills the Criterion or not and eventually provide references to online evidences.

'Purely national criteria' mock-up - CA perspective
Figure 78. 'Purely natural criteria' - economic operator perspective (Self-contained)

Data structure - Self-contained

Purely national criteria
Figure 79. 'Purely national criteria' data structure - Regulated

XML Example - Self-contained

'Purely national criteria' (Self-contained)
<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Purely national exclusion grounds -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">63adb07d-db1b-4ef0-a14e-a99785cf8cf6</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.NATIONAL.OTHER</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Purely national exclusion grounds</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Other exclusion grounds that may be foreseen in the national legislation of the contracting authority's or contracting entity's Member State. Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the purely national grounds of exclusion, which are specified in the relevant notice or in the procurement documents?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3a26fe31-6441-454e-9831-a4b1418b3d97</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">70d6dbf1-7b58-4660-9249-ed93e7273dd8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f2ec28aa-9202-4c4f-abc9-8287cda43175</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Text describing the national criterion]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4d9bd997-8aa0-4134-816d-b0b58471bfee</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Type of evidence from e-Certis]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7f06f77c-29e5-4af6-8eb1-0d7f1505f382</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bef25782-3d4e-4d31-b6c2-b9bcdbf112c4</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d1bcea91-26df-496a-bcdd-f04de6de32c4</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... the rest of elements in the QualificationApplicationRequest document omitted for brevity -->

VI. Selection criteria

'The contracting body shall provide the exclusion grounds and selection criteria for its tendering process as structured information – via ESPD template or structured list of criteria set out in a call for tender."

This chapter on selection criteria provides details on how to implement the formal requirements set in the eSens ESPD BIS 41 - Single European Document (Version 2.0.0) document. See specifically these global requirements related to selection criteria: br41-002, tbr070-010, tbr070-013, tbr070-016, and tbr070-018.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained exclusion criteria

The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 introduces important changes regarding the selection criteria. It provides the contracting authority with much more flexibility to define requirements specific to the procurement procedure. These new features affect specifically the following aspects:

  1. Suitability, including enrolment in a relevant professional register, enrolment in a trade register, authorisation and membership of particular organisation needed for service contracts;

  2. Turnovers (general and specific);

  3. References to similar works and services, including confidentiality about the references;

  4. Quality assurance schemes and environmental management standards;

  5. Professional ris indemnity insurance;

  6. Other economic or financial requirements;

  7. Technicians or technical bodies;

  8. Supply chain management;

  9. Allowance of checks;

  10. Educational and professional qualifications and Environmental management measures;

  11. Tools, plant or technical equipment;

  12. Criteria for a particular type of contract;

  13. Technical, study, research, and development facilities resources;

  14. Financial ratios;

  15. Other: Lots management, weighting, EO Roles.

This section covers exhaustively each of these aspects and provides examples of XML implementation for each one of them. They will examined criterion by criterion, taking as a starting the point the requirement expressed in 'BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0)'.

ABOUT the compatibility between Regulated and Self-contained ESPDs:

  • Not all the selection criteria have modified their structures between versions 1.0.2 and 2.0.2.

  • The changes introduced by the Self-contained ESPD are basically 'additions'.

Therefore the compatibility from a Regulated ESPD towards a Self-contained ESPD should be possible to a large extent.

As for the exclusion criteria (and following requirement tbr070-013) we have grouped the selection criteria under different categories. The figure below is intended to identify and list these categories for the selection criteria (branches in text boxes), and specific subgroups within each category (leaves in text without boxes).

Each branch in this 'criteria taxonomy' corresponds to one data structure that is identical for all the leaves under that branch (e.g. compare the names of the boxes with the tabs of the spreadsheets containing the Regulated and Self-contained taxonomies).

Selection criteria taxonomy
Figure 80. Selection criteria taxonomy

VI.1 Suitability

See formal requirements related to 'Suitability' criteria for the Self-contained ESPD in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically the requirement tbr070-003

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED, the CA is able to check the selection criteria regarding Suitability that apply to a particular procurement procedure, but cannot provide the particular information required to the EO for each criteria.

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED, the CA is able to specify the name of the register or the organisation the EO must be part of, and the URL. Additionally, the CA can specify Lots.

  3. For both versions (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED), the category ''Suitability'' covers two groups of identical data structures with these classification codes:

    • (Enrolments) CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.PROFESSIONAL_REGISTER_ENROLMENT, and CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.TRADE_REGISTER_ENROLMENT: ''Enrolment in a relevant professional register'' and ''Enrolment in a trade register'';

    • (Authorisations and memberships) CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.AUTHORISATION, and CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.MEMBERSHIP: ''For service contracts: authorisation of particular organisation needed'', and ''For service contracts: membership of particular organisation needed''.

VI.1.1 Regulated suitability

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

Regulated 'Suitability' criterion (CA perspective)
Figure 81. Regulated 'Suitability' criterion (CA perspective)'

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Notice that, as for the exclusion criteria, for the selection criteria the MS can specify general national sub-criteria in e-Certis. Software applications can download these sub-criteria from e-Certis and shown them in their GUI. For each national sub-criteria, the economic operator will have to respond "Yes" or "No" to confirm that it fulfills them.

Regulated 'Suitability' criterion (EO perspective)
Figure 82. Regulated 'Suitability' criterion (EO perspective)'

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'Suitability' criterion data structure
Figure 83. Regulated 'Suitability' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'Enrolment in a relevant professional register' suitability criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

	<!-- Criterion:Enrolment in a relevant professional register -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6ee55a59-6adb-4c3a-b89f-e62a7ad7be7f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.PROFESSIONAL_REGISTER_ENROLMENT</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Enrolment in a relevant professional register</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>It is enrolled in relevant professional registers kept in the Member State of its establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU; economic operators from certain Member States may have to comply with other requirements set out in that Annex.</cbc:Description>
		<cac:Legislation><!-- eliminated for brevity --></cac:Legislation>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1768de86-a6c8-48e4-bd8e-de2f2f7424d0</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0b0e0f5c-af55-4bc9-b1d9-4a6a152e9e17</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a99c28d8-c3e0-40c9-993e-793c6f5358af</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b2f0f738-b50a-4a1e-af47-bff423626e9e</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.1.2 Self-contained suitability

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

For each criteria regarding suitability, the CA should be able to provide: the register name, its URL and the Lots to which each requirement apply.

The mock-up below represents the requirements the CA should be able to specify for a suitability criterion in a procedure procurement that is not divided into lots:

Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion (CA perspective)
Figure 84. Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion without Lots (CA perspective)'

This other mock-up represents the same situation when the procurement procedure is divided into lots.

The contracting authority (CA) may request that the economic operator is registered in one or multiple registers. Per each register the CA specifies to which Lots this make sense. This behaviour of “one set of lots per group of properties is regular for all those selection criteria where the allocation of lots to a set of 'criterion properties' make sense (e.g. see the section "References").

Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion (CA perspective)
Figure 85. Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion with Lots (CA perspective)'

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Notice that:

  1. The Lots and registers specified by the contracting authority are presented to the economic operator (on the left side of the mock-up, circles 1 to 6);

  2. The expected answer is "Yes", meaning that the economic operator fulfills the criterion;

  3. In case of answering "No" the economic operator will have to provide the reasons why it is not registered.

Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion (EO perspective)
Figure 86. Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion (EO perspective)'

Data Structure - Self-contained

This data structure is quite different from the Regulated ESPD:

  1. It allows the definition of multiple national sub-criteria (to be retrieved from e-Certis): cardinality "0..n" of the SUBCRITERION group;

  2. It also allows the contracting authority to speciy multiple groups of REQUIREMENTs (in this case to specify which registers the economic operator should be registered in).

  3. The number of Lots is also multiple (notice the cardinality "1..n" of the LotID REQUIREMENT, thus making possible to build lists of LotsIDs.

  4. Regarding the groups of questions, notice that the main question is addressed to get the confirmation from the economic operator that it fulfills the criterion (if "Yes" the economic operator is registered). In case of answering "No" a sub-group of one QUESTION must be shown (the one asking the economic operator to provide the reason why it is not registered in the register specified by the contracting authority).

Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion data structure
Figure 87. Self-contained 'Suitability' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained (with Lots)

The following XML example illustrates how to solve the more complex situation, when the Lots are specified. If the procurement procedure is not divided into Lots, the XML would be identical, except that all the elements related to Lots would not be present.

Self-contained 'Enrollment in a relevant professional register' suitability criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Enrolment in a relevant professional register -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6ee55a59-6adb-4c3a-b89f-e62a7ad7be7f</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.SUITABILITY.PROFESSIONAL_REGISTER_ENROLMENT</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Enrolment in a relevant professional register</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>It is enrolled in relevant professional registers kept in the Member State of its establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU; economic operators from certain Member States may have to comply with other requirements set out in that Annex.</cbc:Description>
	<cac:SubTenderingCriterion> <!-- ... ELEMENTS REMOVED FOR BREVITY --> </cac:SubTenderingCriterion>
	<cac:Legislation><!-- ... ELEMENTS REMOVED FOR BREVITY --> </cac:Legislation>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a53561d5-6614-4dbe-987e-b96f35387f46</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f99ee126-23b8-4d83-8a62-6df4056a77cb</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Lots the requirement apply to</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aca46197-141d-4c96-8d97-6ed08d653e22</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedID>[List of Lots]</cbc:ExpectedID>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3aacb82e-afba-440c-b64e-1834007965a2</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0a72759b-cdff-4132-803f-d5d8955a5059</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Register name</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
				<cbc:ExpectedDescription>[Register Name]</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b420be09-d85b-45df-ab09-a43eef0b5635</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">URL</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6cce6b8e-c53d-4598-8150-ac49aba3b9c7</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d35eff44-9405-44f3-82c9-ca30bd98e589</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">70d5bbcf-0581-4d0f-b5c7-8b604a791972</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8fa5ec56-385c-44ec-ba97-ff25e95a3287</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Registration number</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3a4a5421-81cc-468e-b69f-b86bf8c7932d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONFALSE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">093d3723-461b-4782-a1a0-6cc5203b1ce3</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Reasons why your are not registered</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">53029e73-1cfe-45dd-ae91-36e2f9c4e610</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">012c8f70-2ba4-4273-aeec-5f8e404b75f2</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2 Turnovers

See formal requirements related to 'Turnover' criteria for the Self-contained ESPD in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically the requirement tbr070-008

Differences between 'general and specific' and 'yearly and average' turnovers

  1. General turnover refers to the general turnover of the economic operator in a period of years and regardless of the nature of the contract, normally the last three or five years (as required in the contract documents or the ESPD).

  2. Specific turnovers refer to the turnover of the economic operator resulting from the activity of the economic operator in the business area covered by the contract;

  3. As far as the data structures are concerned, they can be classified in two groups 'yearly' and 'average':

    • For general and specific yearly turnovers the economic operator specifies a turnover amount (and currency) per year, e.g. one amount for 2016, one amount for 2015, one amount for 2014, etc.

    • For general and specific average turnovers, given the n last years (specified in the ESPD, notices or procurement documents) the economic operator adds all the yearly turnovers of those n years, divides the sum by n and provides the resulting amount.

    • The classification codes for the different turnovers are:



Differences between Regulated and Self-contained turnovers

  1. The REGULATED version expects a constant amount of groups of properties made of Amount, Start Date, End Date. The ESPD Service, for instance, expects general or specific yearly turnovers for the five past years. Thus, being the current year 2017, the ESPD Service generates a view for the economic operator with fields for 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012. See mock-up below for the Regulated version of the general and specific yearly turnovers.

  2. In the new SELF-CONTAINED:

    • For the general yearly turnover the contracting authority can specify the number of the past recent years for which it will require Turnovers, and also the minimum amount it expects from the economic operator. The economic operator should only see the same number of groups of fields 'amount + period' than the number of minimum amounts the contracting authority required.

    • For the average yearly turnover the contracting authority can specify the period (“Start Date” and “End Date”) encompassing the yearly turnovers for which the average is to be calculated; the minimum amount for which the EO’s average yearly turnover must equal or be greater; and the currency.

    • For the specific yearly turnover the contracting authority can specify the number of fiscal years for which the EO will have to provide turnovers (e.g. last 5 years); the CPVs, with one or several Common Procurement Vocabulary codes to indicate the activities that were developed during those fiscal years for that Turnover. The CA could be able to select the CPV codes from a pop-up window with the whole CPV structure. Both the CPV code and the “Business domain description” could be displayed, both in the pop-up window (in order to facilitate the selection of the codes to be included in the ESPD) and in the ESPDResponse; the Minimum amount expected from the EO, for which each specific yearly turnover must equal or be greater; and the currency.

    • For the specific average turnover the contracting authority can specify the number of the past recent fiscal years for which the EO will need to provide the Average Turnover; e.g. last 3 years; the CPVs, with one or several Common Procurement Vocabulary codes to indicate the activities that were developed during those fiscal years for that Turnover; the minimum amount expected from the EO, for which the EO’s average yearly turnover must equal or be greater; and the currency.

VI.2.1 Regulated general turnover

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

The mock-up below shows the perspective of the contracting authority (CA) when preparing a new ESPD Request. Notice that the CA may select the type of turnover. The economic operator, while preparing the ESPD Response, should only see these turnovers, and not the unselected ones.

In this case the contracting authority (CA) requires only a general average turnover. You will notice that this case is identical to the Regulated specific average turnover. The only difference between both is the wording of the criterion. In this "general" case the CA asks for the average in general, regardless of the business area covered by the contract.

Regulated 'yearly turnover' CA mock-up
Figure 88. Regulated 'general yearly turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The economic operator has to provide turnovers for all the years required by the contracting authority. For all of them it can also provide one evidence.

Regulated 'yearly turnover' EO mock-up
Figure 89. Regulated 'general yearly turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'yearly turnover' criterion data structure
Figure 90. Regulated 'general yearly turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'general yearly turnover'
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:General yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">499efc97-2ac1-4af2-9e84-323c2ca67747</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.GENERAL_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>General yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its general yearly turnover for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0fe1a87a-2147-4af3-b3c9-b72cf92f2afe</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">954bc8eb-5c54-4743-9b73-323ce69a9dd6</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6c24be1c-f941-4e0b-af0f-2f6520dd3d62</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">70b936fd-c1e6-46a7-a1a9-14a5952be7d5</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b2792cd0-7c34-43c0-b872-4a3faae5114f</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b1f517-db48-40b6-b4c6-92fdb97d7d60</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c2741306-171e-44da-a9a7-9f23ff5df900</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">abc4f7c1-e6ec-4b9d-bb38-2fc62ae73a59</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bbe1f8bc-0dab-43cd-9029-eb44ae46bd6e</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">179cf46a-5c03-4523-bbe2-b5a8db427842</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f2d3c4af-98a1-4249-8cc3-857b9bf59ecb</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.2 Self-contained general turnover

In the new Self-contained version the contracting can specify the number of the past recent years for which it will require turnovers, but also the minimum amount it expects from the economic operator.

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Notice that the contracting authority can add and remove as many groups of minimum required amounts as needed (in the example below the software application limits the number to five, see tool-tip next to the button "Add"). These requirements are, of course, particular to this procurement procedure and were not defined by the Member State in e-Certis.

Self-contained 'General and Specific Yearly Turnovers' CA mock-up
Figure 91. Self-contained 'General Yearly Turnovers' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

Self-contained 'General and Specific Yearly Turnovers' EO mock-up_EO
Figure 92. Self-contained 'General Yearly Turnovers' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

In this this figure what it is being shown is that the contracting authority required three general yearly turnovers, for which it defined minimum amounts in one REQUIREMENTs group. Next, three groups of QUESTIONs are provided, each one of them corresponding to the past three years. Remember that the spreadsheet used in this guide to represent the criteria data structure is also used to generate sample XML instances. So by including three groups of QUESTIONs in the spread-sheet, the tool generating sample XML instances will automatically generate three sub-groups of properties each one with distinct UUIDs.

Self-contained 'General Yearly Turnovers' criterion data structure
Figure 93. Self-contained 'General Yearly Turnovers' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained general yearly turnover
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:General yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">499efc97-2ac1-4af2-9e84-323c2ca67747</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.GENERAL_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>General yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its general yearly turnover for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">91b9fce0-b813-4776-ab8e-7bec8800fb10</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">31e65051-2fa5-411b-8871-1486b7cbf0ad</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e4a5e2de-ec78-48ba-b78c-b5f4378be4a5</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5ca58d66-3ef1-4145-957c-45d5b18a837f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b7b4a2e6-07c9-490b-b219-6899ce9a3184</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">100000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">146d60a8-ee60-43f7-af3c-4d35679fe134</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">120000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1875b9d4-9746-4d2a-bec7-1916036a5eaf</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">130000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">724ba593-e19a-46fc-a2ea-94b1ca9d5d37</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c1af79e2-2328-4c27-b6ad-22ccc0f2deed</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">961a0dd6-d167-4751-8a72-bff18e33d8c3</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ee145623-127f-404a-baef-dc1f9c5267a4</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9bd6b906-c05c-4c7e-a0d1-76d200eaca50</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a514207f-da5e-4ef0-909d-788485e2d661</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">89c413f6-5be4-446e-90e7-0bcff1c03989</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fdcba069-3d40-480a-8e1f-f7f272e2d921</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b0dfbbbb-b8e3-4797-ae40-85715745532a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DATE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.3 Regulated average yearly turnover

You will notice that the case of the Regulated average yearly turnover is identical to the Regulated specific average turnover.

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

In this case the contracting authority, while preparing a new ESPD Request, has selected to require only an average yearly turnover. The economic operator will have to specify the number of years for which it provides the average turnover.

Regulated 'average yearly turnover' CA mock-up
Figure 94. Regulated 'average yearly turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

Notice that, in the REGULATED mode it is the economic operator who specifies the number of years for the average turnover. Additional it also must provide the amount corresponding to the average and the currency for that amount.

Regulated 'average yearly turnover' EO mock-up
Figure 95. Regulated 'average yearly turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'yearly turnover' criterion data structure
Figure 96. Regulated 'average yearly turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'average yearly turnover'
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Average yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b16cb9fc-6cb7-4585-9302-9533b415cf48</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.AVERAGE_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Average yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its average yearly turnover for the number of years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">57e8b7f1-1329-4d3e-86d9-9bcbdeb4279f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e1886054-ada4-473c-9afc-2fde82c24cf4</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0d0a059d-c984-465c-8baa-416c766b8a11</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Number of years</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">dbb840c8-b6af-4cfd-a9b8-bb53ac0406ec</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Average turnover</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3d1b7a9d-5ab0-4d5d-a34e-773a6fa09b59</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7474ed7c-a850-444a-9716-7ce800073571</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.4 Self-contained average yearly turnover

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

For criteria of type “average yearly turnover”, the following fields can be specified by the contracting authority:

  1. The period (“Start Date” and “End Date”) encompassing the yearly turnovers for which the average is to be provided by the economic operator (EO);

  2. The minimum amount for which the EO’s average yearly turnover must be equal or greater;

  3. The currency;

Notice that as for the rest of criteria, the Member State may specify national sub-criteria in e-Certis for this criterion.

Self-contained 'average yearly turnover' CA mock-up
Figure 97. Self-contained 'average yearly turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

In turn, the economic operator:

  1. Will have to provide the average amount and currency for the required period; and

  2. May provide some additional information in a free-text field.

Self-contained 'average yearly turnover' EO mock-up_EO
Figure 98. Self-contained 'average yearly turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

Self-contained 'average yearly turnover' criterion data structure
Figure 99. Self-contained 'average yearly turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained average yearly turnover
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Average yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b16cb9fc-6cb7-4585-9302-9533b415cf48</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.AVERAGE_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Average yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its average yearly turnover for the number of years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">550c3b95-77a6-4e94-9f62-e97c34215ad8</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a360ae89-2625-4d7b-bd28-a6f0397ef08f</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0a994d3b-1493-48bd-9468-bba0caa4d902</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5ca58d66-3ef1-4145-957c-45d5b18a837f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">87194ddb-eab7-4b80-9f56-cb5c81ee2c6c</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start date; End date;</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ba3a72f0-25b8-47fc-a8a1-733249d748d7</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">120000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e1886054-ada4-473c-9afc-2fde82c24cf4</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c8f62195-feff-40f1-8b0e-20e38fa42acf</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Average for the required period</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9d48092f-7fdc-4a71-8583-dc057b148656</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Additional information</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.5 Regulated specific yearly turnover

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

In this case the contracting authority (CA) requires only a specific average turnover. You will notice that this case is identical to the Regulated general average turnover. The only difference between both is the wording of the criterion. The difference between "general" and "specific" lies in the fact that for the second one the CA specifies that the turnover must relate to the specific business area covered by the contract.

Regulated 'specific yearly turnover' CA mock-up
Figure 100. Regulated 'specific yearly turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

Notice that in the Regulated ESPD the MS defined up to five groups of turnovers for the past recent 5 years. This is also visible in the data structure below. The Self-contained ESPD allows the CA to specify the number of turnovers for the procurement document.

Regulated 'specific yearly turnover' EO mock-up
Figure 101. Regulated 'specific yearly turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

The figure below how the structure of the five groups of turnovers specified by the MS are organised:

Regulated 'specific yearly ' criterion data structure
Figure 102. Regulated 'specific yearly turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'specific yearly turnover'
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Specific yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">074f6031-55f9-4e99-b9a4-c4363e8bc315</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.SPECIFIC_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Specific yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its specific yearly turnover in the business area covered by the contract for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">869f2572-9738-484e-97e0-1edeec929dc7</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">49c44bbb-071c-4ee6-ab50-e8fedeab0d49</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b4da0891-57f7-4fbd-a23a-db291cb81d52</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e3f45c47-d2e1-4e8e-a8e6-22d66dc75817</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4d2428bd-5f88-455e-80f2-0f5b42267abb</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">02e4183d-1a96-4369-afda-4e3f4b14738d</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d3855af4-c0d5-47e3-b6e7-79b48d7a276b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d5b14e2c-6fe5-437c-bf1b-98dd5b84a093</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a4705528-cb31-4687-968c-7731acd4bdee</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e57fc2ae-9782-46df-b39e-4106e872e6cc</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2680b6c0-005b-41cf-9d85-95d13f432f26</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.6 Self-contained specific yearly turnover

One characteristic of the "specific" turnovers is that the contracting authority requires to know which is the economic operator’s turnover for a concrete business domain. The only way of responding that requirement is either by describing the domain in a free-text field or to use the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) codes to narrow as much as possible the business domain.

Notice that in the Mock-ups and the Data Structures, below, both options are available to the economic operator.

See also section about the SELF-CONTAINED specific average turnover.

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

For specific yearly turnover criterion the following fields can be required by the contracting authority (CA):

  1. The number of fiscal years for which the economic operator (EO) will have to provide turnovers; e.g. last 5 years;

  2. The CPVs, with one or several Common Procurement Vocabulary codes to indicate the activities that were developed during those fiscal years for that Turnover. The CA could be able to select the CPV codes from a pop-up window with the whole CPV structure. Both the CPV code and the “Business domain description” could be displayed, both in the pop-up window (in order to facilitate the selection of the codes to be included in the ESPD) and in the ESPDResponse;

  3. The minimum amount expected from the EO, for which each specific yearly turnover must equal or be greater;

  4. The currency.

Self-contained 'specific yearly turnover' CA mock-up
Figure 103. Self-contained 'specific yearly turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

Notice that in this example:

  1. The contracting authority required specific yearly turnovers for the past five years (circle numbered as 1);

  2. The area covered by the contract is classified via three CPV codes. The software application may retrieve the descriptions of the CPV taxonomy (probably from the EU Publications Office SIMAP or MDR services) and show them in the next to the caption "Business domain description". The contracting authority may change those descriptions manually;

  3. The minimum amount required by the contracting authority, and the currency for that amount (the EO should be able to express an identical or greater economic value in a different currency);

  4. The software application has produced up to five groups of properties for each of the last five Fiscal Years (FY1 to FY5);

  5. The economic operator has provided answers for all the properties of each Fiscal Year.

Self-contained 'specific yearly turnover' EO mock-up_EO
Figure 104. Self-contained 'specific yearly turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

Notice that:

  1. The criterion may have one or more linked national sub-criteria downloaded from e-Certis (SUBCRITERON structure, cardinality 0..n);

  2. The contracting authority is able to specify the number of fiscal years (REQUIREMENT 'Number of fiscal years');

  3. The contracting authority can specify one or more CPV to delimit the area covered by the contract (the REQUIREMENT 'CPV Code' has cardinality 1..n);

  4. The description of the business area could be pre-filled with the descriptions coming from the CPV taxonomy or manually introduced;

  5. The contracting authority does also specifies the minimum amount required for this specific turnover.

  6. The rest of the criterion are the questions for the economic operator to answer: period and amount (and currency in the amount attribute @currencyID).

Self-contained 'specific yearly turnover' criterion data structure
Figure 105. Self-contained 'specific yearly turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained specific yearly turnover
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Specific yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">074f6031-55f9-4e99-b9a4-c4363e8bc315</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.SPECIFIC_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Specific yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its specific yearly turnover in the business area covered by the contract for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3050f9bb-1541-4c4d-afd3-62d6755f0f4e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e380ff85-e749-4a54-89e4-25d32e01951a</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cad272a6-69f9-4be5-bcba-9215d0bf7182</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5ca58d66-3ef1-4145-957c-45d5b18a837f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ce103845-a9b3-4651-b24b-17d2b1917ba9</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Number of fiscal years</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">3</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6d87673d-af3f-4c39-b0e4-fbef046bd435</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9c4a6643-225f-4db9-b2d3-3f1af2d94629</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d343c5b1-1e3d-4468-814e-e84a32681c54</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>CPV Code</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CODE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5665ed79-c3d6-4402-9e6c-56799bd2cdb0</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Business domain description</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CODE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedCode>IT consulting / development of semantic interoperability solutions</cbc:ExpectedCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">14f56765-a7ae-495b-b1be-6b0855b51257</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">1000000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2eecaf23-845a-4d6a-9ab7-e54b86ebc8f3</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start date; End date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">df26966f-5201-4e9c-87df-4ad0dcaf5451</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.7 Regulated specific average turnover

You will notice that the case of the Regulated specific average turnover is identical to the Regulated general average turnover.

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

For this case, the contracting authority has selected "Specific average turnover'. The economic operator should not see the rest of turnovers.

Regulated 'specific average turnover' CA mock-up
Figure 106. Regulated 'specific average turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

Notice that, in the REGULATED mode it is the economic operator who specifies the number of years for the average turnover. Additional it also must provide the amount corresponding to the average and the currency for that amount.

Regulated 'specific average turnover' EO mock-up
Figure 107. Regulated 'specific average turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'specific average turnover' criterion data structure
Figure 108. Regulated 'specific average turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'specific average turnover'
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Specific yearly turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">074f6031-55f9-4e99-b9a4-c4363e8bc315</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.SPECIFIC_YEARLY</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Specific yearly turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its specific yearly turnover in the business area covered by the contract for the number of financial years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">823a152a-7083-4e8d-8e8d-71c516ba118f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">23fa4f99-e862-49e9-b061-6875d636e41e</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c17eb4db-f7a7-44bf-9342-00df6d19c5a2</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">69a4c8e9-773b-4fad-ba61-46aa102c3bd2</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41db6792-3a55-48dd-9906-1857e41be1ac</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e52e9ee3-f540-4f95-b308-f8e62353a5b5</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">acc71220-ec14-45a9-b111-5503df42bbcd</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0c4f2265-b7a4-4ec4-9aed-1722a52bd89f</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">153c8509-39b0-48e2-91f3-273bb95bcb94</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7dbaf4b2-ddc3-4cf2-93e7-d4c4ba397734</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a809495c-8f34-4773-9257-d7f768a1e009</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start Date; End Date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.2.8 Self-contained specific average turnover

As for the SELF-CONTAINED specific yearly turnover, in the SELF-CONTAINED specific average turnover the contracting authority is interested in knowning the turnover for a concrete business domain. Hence the fields CPV and business domain description in the mock-ups and data structures.

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

Self-contained 'specific average turnover' CA mock-up_EO
Figure 109. Self-contained 'specific average turnover' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

Self-contained 'specific average turnover' EO mock-up_EO
Figure 110. Self-contained 'specific average turnover' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

Notice that this Self-contained specific average turnover structure is 'practically identical' to the data structure of the Self-contained specific yearly turnover criterion. The only difference is that the cardinality of the amount is 1 (instead of 1..n).

Self-contained 'specific average turnover' criterion data structure
Figure 111. Self-contained 'specific average turnover' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained specific average turnover
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Specific average turnover -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d3dfb714-f558-4512-bbc5-e456fa2339de</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.SPECIFIC_AVERAGE</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Specific average turnover</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Its specific average yearly turnover in the business area covered by the contract for the number of years required in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD is as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">51fd8d2d-3d0d-4754-80ca-93b87771f905</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3108c889-9480-4c47-bd1c-0b5772d21c58</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7efd988d-562a-4d42-ae31-9ea921ace7df</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5ca58d66-3ef1-4145-957c-45d5b18a837f</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c8939dbc-8f09-4fce-9692-96e6e8fd2c57</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start date; End date;</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">dc506cc2-2a39-4567-b2ee-bbffd0968d08</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">120000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e1886054-ada4-473c-9afc-2fde82c24cf4</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d3b63b1a-76fc-4c09-b6af-4b943968a683</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Average for the required period</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a6e7b107-9697-4f35-86b9-34b8366eff9b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Additional information</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.3 EO setup

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the structure of the QUESTION criterion is identical and very simple. It only asks for a year: in the criterion description the Contracting Authority is requiring that in case the information concerning turnover (general or specific) is not available for the entire period required, the Economic Operator states the date on which it was set up or started trading. Thus the only criterion defined under this data structure is classified with the code:


  2. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

In this case the contracting authority has selected the option Set up of economic operator just in case the other specific average turnover is not available:

'Economic operator setup’CA mock-up
Figure 112. 'Economic operator setup’CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

And in case the economic operator could not provide the specific average turnover will have to specify a date as a response to the QUESTION:

'Economic operator setup' EO mock-up
Figure 113. 'Economic operator setup’EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

'Economic operator setup' criterion data structure
Figure 114. 'Economic operator setup' criterion (REGULATED) data structure

Data Structure - Self-contained

The data structure for the SELF-CONTAINED version is identical to the one in the REGULATED version, except for the fact that the XML instance is able to keep the national sub-criteria defined by the Member State in e-Certis.

'Economic operator setup' criterion data structure
Figure 115. 'Economic operator setup' criterion (SELF-CONTAINED) data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

'Economic operator setup' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Set up of economic operator -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">77f481ce-ffb6-483f-8e2b-c78db5e68292</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.TURNOVER.SET_UP</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Set up of economic operator</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>In case the information concerning turnover (general or specific) is not available for the entire period required, please state the date on which the economic operator was set up or started trading:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8cb78467-9d4c-4990-a41f-0131dc639cd8</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b97a9061-409c-4fb7-977e-33e64c1db6a2</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c753a2c5-59e6-4970-b6eb-27224e96bf76</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e9aa7763-c167-4352-8060-1a3d7d3e2662</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">23c7e5bb-8ef6-4119-a1e9-183debf7b9c3</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Please specify</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.4 Financial ratios

See formal requirements related to 'Turnover' criteria for the Self-contained ESPD in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), and more specifically the requirement tbr070-013

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. The REGULATED version expects the economic operator to introduce a numeric value for the ratio (e.g. 0.7, 1.2, etc.) and a description explaining the meaning (the type of ratio) of this numeric value;

  2. In the REGULATED version the possibility of adding more than one ratio is given to the economic operator;

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the possibility of adding more than one ratio is given to the contracting authority;

  4. The SELF-CONTAINED version instead allows the contracting authority:

    • To specify the number of the past recent years for which it will require Ratios;

    • To specify one of the codes defined by BACH to specify the type of the ratio (see BACH Banque France, and FinancialRatioType);

    • May specify a minimum requirement (the economic operator must provide a ratio above this minimum requirement).

  5. The SELF-CONTAINED version expects the economic operator to introduce only the value of the ratio, which must be equal or greater than the minimum requirement specified by the contracting authority (if any was specified).

  6. The data structures of REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED are different. See the sub-sections below about the Regulated financial ratio and the Self-contained financial ratio for details. There is only one criterion under the category "financial ratio" and it is classified with the code:


  7. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis regarding this criterion.

VI.4.1 Regulated financial ratios

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the financial ratio as one of the selection criteria that will go into the ESPD Request document:

Regulated 'financial ratio' CA mock-up
Figure 116. Regulated 'financial ratio' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The economic operator has to respond with the numeric value corresponding to the financial ratio and with a description to identify the type of ratio:

Regulated 'financial ratio' CA mock-up
Figure 117. Regulated 'financial ratio' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'financial ratio' criterion data structure
Figure 118. Regulated 'financial ratio' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated Regulated 'financial ratio' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Financial ratio -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e4d37adc-08cd-4f4d-a8d8-32b62b0a1f46</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.FINANCIAL_RATIO</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Financial ratio</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Concerning the financial ratios specified in the relevant notice, the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD, the economic operator declares that the actual values for the required ratios are as follows:</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7a182b9e-4c3f-4087-a3ae-9a3791ecd713</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
			<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
				<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">83e3dcc4-c9b3-47e5-9fb8-ffd8386679f1</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e9aa7763-c167-4352-8060-1a3d7d3e2662</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a749f03a-abde-4e95-b999-fed640ff96e4</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Please provide your ratios</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.4.2 Self-contained financial ratios


The contracting authority must use the BACH Banque France Code List for the specification of financial ratios.

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

Self-contained 'financial ratio' CA mock-up

The contracting authority has selected the financial ratio as one of the selection criteria that will go into the ESPD Request document:

Self-contained 'financial ratio' CA mock-up

In the Self-contained version the contracting authority specifies procurement procedure-specific requirements:

Self-contained 'financial ratio' CA REQUIREMENTS mock-up
Figure 119. Self-contained 'financial ratio' CA mock-up REQUIREMENTS edition

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The economic operator does only have to provide the numeric value for the financial ratio (which should be greater than the minimum requirement specified by the contracting authority):

Self-contained 'financial ratio' EO mock-up
Figure 120. Self-contained 'financial ratio' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

REQUIREMENTs specified by the contracting authorities can be place outside a group of QUESTIONs (see any other previous criteria) or inside a group of QUESTIONS, which is the case for financial ratios, as you can see in the data structure for this criterion, below.

Notice how the spreadsheet has been used to specify the three different financial ratios of the above mock-up example: the XML example below was produced using a XSL-T transformation style-sheet that takes the spreadsheet (file content.xml [3]) and produced the XML instance.

Self-contained 'financial ratio' criterion data structure
Figure 121. Self-contained 'financial ratio' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained Financial Ratio
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

  <!-- Criterion:Financial ratio -->
                 <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                 <cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                 <cbc:Name>Financial ratio</cbc:Name>
                 <cbc:Description>Concerning the financial ratios specified in the relevant notice,
                         the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or or the ESPD, the economic operator
                         declares that the actual values for the required ratios are as
                         <!-- removed for brevity. See other XML examples for details on this element. -->
                         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                         <cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType"
                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                         <cac:TenderingCriterionProperty> (1)
                                 <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                                 <cbc:Description>Select the period applicable for all ratios</cbc:Description>
                                 <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType"
                                         listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                 <cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType"
                                         listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                 <!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
                                 <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                                 <cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType"
                                         listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy"
                                                 schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:Description>Ratio Type</cbc:Description>
                                         <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
                                         <cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ExpectedCode listID="FinancialRatio" listAgencyID="BACH" listVersionID="1.0">R11</cbc:ExpectedCode>(2)
                                         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy"
                                                 schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ExpectedDescription>Total balance sheet/Total
                                         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy"
                                                 schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>(4)
                                         <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                 <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW"
                                 <cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType"
                                         listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy"
                                                 schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:Description>Please provide your ratio</cbc:Description>
                                         <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
                                         <cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType"
                                                 listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"
 								<!--  Multiple types of ratios can be required by the contracting authority for this particular procurement procedure. See mock-up above. This subgroup would contain the second ratio, but has been removed for brevity. -->
 								<!--  Multiple types of ratios can be required by the contracting authority for this particular procurement procedure. See mock-up above. This subgroup would contain the second ratio, but has been removed for brevity. -->
 								<!-- Structure "Is this information available electronically would follow next. Removed for brevity. See other examples in other sections. -->
 								<!-- Structure "Is this information available electronically would follow next. Removed for brevity. See other examples in other sections. -->
<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->
1 The period applicable for all the ratios required by the Contracting Authority. This applies to the three ratios required in the example (see mock-up above).
2 First financial ratio block: the particular ratio required by the Contracting Authority is expressed as a code defined by BACH (See CodeList "FinancialRatioType").
3 First financial ratio block: the description of the ratio is the one provided by BACH and should be captured from the CodeList "FinancialRatioType", which in turn is should be directly form the BACH web-site.
4 First financial ratio block: a threshold established by the contracting authority as minimum requirement; the ratio provided by the economic operator shall be greater or equal to this minimum numeric value.
5 Second financial ratio block: type code required by the contracting authority according to the example illustraded in the mock-up above (the contracting authority may require several financial ratios; notice that the cardinality of this sub-group in the data structure and the mock-up is 1..n). The content of this block, and of the following one, have been removed for brevity, but they are similar to the first block, except that the value of the code, description and minimum requirement shall be different.
6 Second financial ratio block: ratio definition.
7 Second financial ratio block: minimum requirement.
8 Third financial ratio block: ratio type required by the contracting authority according to the example illustraded in the mock-up above.
9 Third financial ratio block: ratio definition.
10 Third financial ratio block: minimum requirement.
11 First financial ratio block: the Criterion Property used to refer to the response by the economic operator. In the ESPD Response document, the ID of this Criterion Property will be used by the element cac:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID as the means to link the response to the question. See section VII.7 Answering Questions for more details on this.
12 Block "Is this information available electronically". This block is constant for all criteria. It has been removed from the example for brevity. See other XML examples.

VI.5 Risk indemnity insurance

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Other requirements:


Compulsory use of the code list InsuranceType for the SELF-CONTAINED version of the ESPD.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED version it is the economic operator who provides data about one risk indemnity insurance;

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can require one minimum amount for multiple insurances, each one of a different type (see the code list InsuranceType);

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED version when the amount specified by the economic operator (EO) is lower than the minimum required, the EO will be able to indicate that the EO commits to obtain the minimum amount required (though it doesn’t have it now).

  4. In the SELF-CONTAINED version, for the type of insurance "Employers (Compulsory) Liability Insurance" (and only for this type), the EO will also be able to indicate whether it is exempt or not.

  5. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  6. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED The only criterion defined under this data structure is classified with the code:


VI.5.1 Regulated risk indemnity insurance

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the option Professional risk indemnity insurance for its inclusion in the ESPD Request. Notice that the Member State (Finland) defined in e-Certis a specific national criterion related to the risk indemnity insurance. This national criterion will not be saved into the exported XML instance, as this is a REGULATED version of the ESPD.

Regulated 'risk indemnity insurance' CA mock-up
Figure 122. 'Regulated risk indemnity insurance’CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The only data the economic operator needs to provide is the amount covered by the insurance and the currency for that amount:

'Regulated 'risk indemnity insurance' EO mock-up
Figure 123. Regulated 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion data structure

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion data structure
Figure 124. Regulated 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Professional risk indemnity insurance -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7604bd40-4462-4086-8763-a50da51a869c</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.RISK_INDEMNITY_INSURANCE</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Professional risk indemnity insurance</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>The insured amount in its professional risk indemnity insurance is the following:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4004e7e2-9107-4bf1-867c-2f384e4198cf</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">42dc8062-974d-4201-91ba-7f2ea90338fd</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7e1a7918-3f66-42e6-b0fb-26be48aabeb5</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a5846245-81da-4651-82db-97f1796c4488</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2cd3ff94-b65f-4579-a4ed-c76371e16760</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplier</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.5.2 Self-contained risk indemnity insurance

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the option professional risk indemnity insurance for its inclusion in the ESPD Request. Additionally the contracting authority can specify REQUIREMENTs specific to the procurement procedure. There are two situations that need to be distinguished here, when the procurement procedure is divided into Lots and when it is not.

For both situations (Lots and not Lots): The contracting authority can require data from the economic operator in relation to up to four types of insurances. Software applications should control that: no more groups of amount an currency data are presented to the economic operator; and that there are not two amounts referring to the same type of insurance;

Self-contained 'risk indemnity insurance' CA mock-up
Figure 125. 'Self-contained risk indemnity insurance' CA REQUIREMENTS edition (Procedure without Lots)

When the procedure is divided into Lots: The contracting authority can specify the Lots one particular insurance applies to.

Self-contained 'risk indemnity insurance' CA mock-up
Figure 126. 'Self-contained risk indemnity insurance' CA REQUIREMENTs edition (Procedure divided into Lots).

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The only data the economic operator needs to provide is the amount covered by the insurance and the currency for that amount:

'Self-contained 'risk indemnity insurance' EO mock-up
Figure 127. 'Economic operator setup’EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

This structure is quite particular. Notice that:

  1. Multiple national sub-criteria can be defined (as for the rest of criteria); and additionally

  2. Multiple groups of REQUIREMENTs and QUESTIONs can be defined by the contracting authority (CA):

    • One group asking optionally for Lots: observe that the cardinality of the Lot IDs is 1..n and have their own sub-group, so a list of LotIDs can be built up; and

    • An additional sub-group for the type of insurance and the minimum amount required by the CA.

    • A sub-group of three QUESTIONs for the economic operator to answer (amount, and two questions to be answered as "Yes" or "No"; and

    • The possibility of attaching an evidence per each insurance.

The XML example below illustrates all this. The values used in the example are the same as the ones in the spread-sheet.

Self-contained 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion data structure
Figure 128. Self-contained 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained 'risk indemnity insurance' criterion (Procedure with Lots)
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Professional risk indemnity insurance -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7604bd40-4462-4086-8763-a50da51a869c</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.RISK_INDEMNITY_INSURANCE</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Professional risk indemnity insurance</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>The insured amount in its professional risk indemnity insurance is the following:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">86fdb3ce-c54f-4ac0-9649-e204e209ee48</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">02282771-709d-48d6-b43a-a754e0ab6192</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2df5ec1a-462c-4064-8bc5-d9c1feefe505</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">83e3dcc4-c9b3-47e5-9fb8-ffd8386679f1</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f6d006ca-a598-4df5-954e-d926a79aa6bc</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cc1da737-6c4e-4f4e-821d-c260029058f6</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4b293826-9125-45cf-bbca-bee4fd4ba3fb</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Lots the requirement applies to</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cc1da737-6c4e-4f4e-821d-c260029058f6</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">792b4dfd-adea-45b3-a35d-99f714c736f9</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2"/>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3b35ff7b-ac33-45e9-ae4c-b628a076f1f1</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Type of insurance</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CODE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
					<cbc:ExpectedCode>Professional risk indemnity insurance</cbc:ExpectedCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">85241259-6316-40e7-b510-9ab16812ac0a</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Minimum amount</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
					<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">50000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">42dc8062-974d-4201-91ba-7f2ea90338fd</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">35f573e9-1ce1-4ba4-a2da-e1635864b9fe</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3c2c194b-9854-4354-b87c-9952dfb7c9bb</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Name>As an EO I will commit to obtain the minimum amount required</cbc:Name>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b6dc43a6-edf0-49e5-a21a-6f58cdc0d39d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Name>I am exempt</cbc:Name>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c235b5fb-f512-416a-b264-7fe7a4241524</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">66ff5c5a-e801-46ab-b976-625e5b464969</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.6 Other economic or financial requirements

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED version it is the economic operator who declares other economic and financial information.

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can specify the description of the economic or financial requirement; the minimum amount required and the currency; the period to which the amount relates to; a minimum rating and the rating schema.

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED the contracting authority can also specify the Lots to which the economic or financial requirement applies. This is not possible in the REGULATED version.

  4. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  5. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the only criterion defined is classified with the code:


      === VI.6.1 Regulated other economic or financial requirements

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the other economic or financial requirements to be included in the ESPD Request document:

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' CA mock-up
Figure 129. Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The only data expected from the economic operator is a textual description:

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' EO mock-up
Figure 130. Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

The data structure for this criterion is very simple:

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' data structure
Figure 131. Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Other economic or financial requirements -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ab0e7f2e-6418-40e2-8870-6713123e41ad</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.OTHER_REQUIREMENTS</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Other economic or financial requirements</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Concerning the other economic or financial requirements, if any, that may have been specified in the relevant notice or in the ESPD, the economic operator declares that:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">43da675b-f815-49f6-8b40-4ddb659ab317</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">488ca189-bcdb-4bf4-80c7-3ad507fd89fb</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">36a23054-433c-4e48-acc0-436ec5d66677</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.6.1 Regulated other economic or financial requirements

Mock-up - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the other economic or financial requirements to be included in the ESPD Request document:

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' CA mock-up
Figure 132. Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' CA mock-up

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The only data expected from the economic operator is a textual description:

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' EO mock-up
Figure 133. Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

The data structure for this criterion is very simple:

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' data structure
Figure 134. Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'other economic or financial requirements' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Other economic or financial requirements -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ab0e7f2e-6418-40e2-8870-6713123e41ad</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.OTHER_REQUIREMENTS</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Other economic or financial requirements</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Concerning the other economic or financial requirements, if any, that may have been specified in the relevant notice or in the ESPD, the economic operator declares that:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">43da675b-f815-49f6-8b40-4ddb659ab317</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">488ca189-bcdb-4bf4-80c7-3ad507fd89fb</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">36a23054-433c-4e48-acc0-436ec5d66677</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.6.2 Self-contained other economic or financial requirements

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the option other economic or financial requirements for its inclusion in the ESPD Request.

Additionally the contracting authority can specify REQUIREMENTs specific to the procurement procedure. There are two situations that need to be distinguished here, when the procurement procedure is divided into Lots and when it is not.

Thus, for this criterion the contracting authority will be able to:

  1. Either add multiple requirements. For each requirement, the CA will need to provide the description of the requirement, the minimum amount and currency and the start and end date; or it will need to provide the minimum rating and the rating schema.

  2. In the ESPDResponse, the EO will be required to provide, for each requirement, the amount and currency.

  3. When the procedure is divided into Lots: The contracting authority can specify the Lots one particular requirement applies to.

Notice that in the mock-up below the first requirement is about an economic of financial requirement whilst the second requirement is about a rating requirement. See data structure and XML example for more details on this distiction.

Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' CA mock-up
Figure 135. Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' CA REQUIREMENTs edition (Procedure divided into Lots).

Mock-up - economic operator perspective

The economic operator, in its view, sees all the requirements defined by the contracting authority (circles numbered 1, 3, 4 and 5) and responds to this requirements with an amount and currency (circle numbered as 9). See XML example below to identify where these data are placed in the XML instance.

'Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' EO mock-up
Figure 136. Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

The structure of this criterion 'other economic or financial requirements' for the SELF-CONTAINED version is also very particular (distinct from the rest of criteria data structures). Notice the following aspects:

  1. It allows for capturing multiple national criteria;

  2. It specifies the Legislation component for the EU parent criterion. So far so good, no differences until now;

  3. There’s a group of REQUIREMENTs and QUESTIONs.

  4. The group of REQUIREMENTs defines a caption that is kep empty (no name, no description, no value. You will have noticed this also in other criteria. The reason for having this dummy CAPTION is that the UBL-2.2 model requires always at least one cac:TenderingCriterionProperty element instance inside a group or sub-group of properties;

  5. Then you have the group for collecting Lots specified by the CA. This spreadsheet would generate only one Lot, unless you add more LotIDs into this sub-group. Observe that the cardinality of the REQUIREMENT (LotID) is multiple, 1..n.

  6. The most important part comes now: You have a kind of choice here: one of the two subgroups the data will be shown (or not) depending on the answer of the contracting authority to the REQUIREMENT: Select the type of requirement. If the CA’s answer was economic or financial requirement the application takes it as a true; otherwise it is considered false:

    • On true (see the group code on the right side of the data structure) three REQUIREMENTs will be shown to the economic operator: description, minimum amount and period. For this REQUIREMENT the economic operator will see all these requirements and will have to provide an amount.

    • On false (see the group code on the right side of the data structure) three REQUIREMENTs will be shown to the economic operator: minimum rating and rating scheme. For this REQUIREMENT the economic operator will see all these requirements and will have to provide a rating.

Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' criterion data structure
Figure 137. Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained 'other economic or financial requirements' criterion (Procedure with Lots)
<!-- ... header elements removed for brevity ... -->

<!-- Criterion:Guilty of misinterpretation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">696a75b2-6107-428f-8b74-82affb67e184</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST.MISINTERPRETATION</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Guilty of misinterpretation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Can the economic operator confirm that:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Description>a) It has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of the selection criteria,</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Description>b) It has withheld such information,</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Description>c) It has not been able, without delay, to submit the supporting documents required by a contracting authority or contracting entity, and</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Description>d) It has undertaken to unduly influence the decision making process of the contracting authority or contracting entity, to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the procurement procedure or to negligently provide misleading information that may have a material influence on decisions concerning exclusion, selection or award?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">88629adc-59fc-4e59-8605-5c3209e6784a</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ee6b8a38-088a-48c1-89c6-6b27f6156e12</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">304002f5-01d9-4611-926e-17011b819265</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
			<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
				<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f3a6836d-2de2-4cd1-81ca-fb06178d05c5</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6f72363c-aa1e-4778-a6d9-dae4ee60141d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- ... rest of elements removed for brevity ... -->

VI.7 References on similar works, deliveries or services

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED the contracting authority can require references for the type of project (or nature of the contract: works, supplies and services). Software applications should take care of not including those types of contract that were not selected by the contracting authority.

  2. In the REGULATED version the economic operator supplies its references for one of those types of contract.

  3. In the REGULATED version the economic operator provides a description for the reference, the amount of the contract, the period of execution and who where the recipients of its works, supplies or services. 'Amount' here must be interpreted as the amount specific to this reference. See difference between total and specific amounts below.

  4. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can specify the minimum number of references required for the evaluation; an an unlimited number of free-text “requirements”, so the CA can provide requirements very specific to the procurement procedure.

  5. In the SELF-CONTAINED version, and per each reference, the economic operator (EO) can specify more information than for the REGULATED version; e.g. the Lots to which the reference applies; the 'total amount' and the 'specific amount', the 'activity' of the economic operator in this reference, the period of time the execution or performance took, whether this reference must be treated as confidential or not, and the 'receipients' of this reference.

  6. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents the national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  7. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, there are three criteria with the same data structure (works, supplies and services references):




Difference between 'total amount' and 'specific amount' in a reference

The total amount refers to the amount of the contract, the specific refers to the amount of the contract a concrete reference is linked to. Two examples could be:

  1. A contract for the acquisition of printers (Lot1) and the maintenance of the printers (Lot2). Your reference is about the maintenance only. Total amount: 1,000,000 € (Lot1 + Lot 2). Specific amount: 700,000.00 (Lot2, maintenance).

  2. Building of a bridge. Total amount: 20,000,000 €. The reference is only about the asphalt provided for the bridge: specific amount 1,351,145.89 €.

VI.7.1 Regulated references

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

In this example the contracting authority requires references for the contract, the nature of which is about works. Notice that in this case the Member State (Finland in this example) did not define any national criterion linked to the performance of works.

Regulated 'References' CA mock-up
Figure 138. Regulated 'References' CA mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

The economic operator can add or remove as many references as needed (buttons '+' and 'paper-bin'). For each reference it will have to provide a description of the reference, the amount of the contract of that referenced work, the period of execution and who where the recipients of the work.

Regulated 'References' CA mock-up' EO mock-up
Figure 139. Regulated 'References' CA mock-up' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

The data structure is quite straight-forward, it is composed of multiple groups (cardinality 1..n) of description, amount, period and recipients:

Regulated 'References' criterion data structure
Figure 140. Regulated 'References' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'Works contracts references' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cdd3bb3e-34a5-43d5-b668-2aab86a73822</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.REFERENCES.WORKS_PERFORMANCE</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>For public works contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has performed the following works of the specified type. Contracting authorities may require up to five years and allow experience dating from more than five years.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8a8db847-1e66-4361-b4fa-be9b8b9f5d2a</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">381bea15-9460-49f7-a6d0-15d13059de29</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0f38723e-33af-414c-876e-1dade0d9b887</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a9eaf466-506c-49e4-a76a-be6cab45c421</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">413643b4-402d-4ec2-b4bf-64fb1954d20f</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Start date; End date</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">493e0832-f12f-4ca7-ba10-2a9110b159b4</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b0149663-69ba-4087-9086-3d0f4be4b20c</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">94888c61-19b6-4980-a9b7-2a6f6afa164e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence suppleid</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aa36e2f0-a458-46c3-a1f6-361fb434906f</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Verification code</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">252c1469-d170-4a92-a627-59390beac4fb</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.7.2 Self-contained references

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

As in the previous example, in this example about the self-contained references the contracting authority requires references for the contract, the nature of which is also about works.

For the SELF-CONTAINED version, the contracting authority can specify these REQUIREMENTs:

  1. The Lots to which all the requirements it will issue must apply;

  2. The minimum number of references expected;

  3. One or more specific requirements in the form of free-texts (notice the buttons to add or remove the requirements.

Self-contained 'References' CA REQUIREMENTs edition mock-up
Figure 141. Self-contained 'References' CA REQUIREMENTs edition mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

  1. In this SELF-CONTAINED view for the economic operator (EO) can see the lots and requirements specified by the contracting authority (CA), lower left side of the mock-up.

  2. The EO can also list those Lots it tenders to that apply to the particular reference it is providing. Software applications should validate that the Lots supplied by the EO for a reference are in the range of those specified by the contracting authority.

  3. The EO can provide a description for the reference, the total amount of the contract in which the reference was included, the amount for the specific works referenced, the period of execution and one or more groups of data about the recipients (name/description, contact person name and contact e-mail).

  4. The EO can also state that one reference is confidential, in which case the reference will only be accessible to the evaluation team.

Self-contained 'References' EO mock-up
Figure 142. Self-contained 'References' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

The data structure for references caters for:

  1. The definition of multiple national criteria associated to the EU criterion specified in e-Certis;

  2. The creation of the Legislation component associated to the EU criterion;

  3. One group of REQUIREMENTs for the contracting authority to specify the general requirements for this criterion (e.g. Lots the references apply to, minimun number of references);

  4. Multiple groups (cardinality 1..n) of questions for the economic operator to answer; which in this case are multiple references to works about which the EO has to provide information and the lots the EO tenders to related to the references.

Self-contained 'References' criterion data structure
Figure 143. Self-contained 'References' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained 'References for a works contract' criterion
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cdd3bb3e-34a5-43d5-b668-2aab86a73822</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.REFERENCES.WORKS_PERFORMANCE</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>For public works contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has performed the following works of the specified type. Contracting authorities may require up to five years and allow experience dating from more than five years.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9516fbdb-236c-4362-9e44-bf18e996c643</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4c148123-dc87-491a-87ba-75a731c1f6c2</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7cf527d9-66b0-4274-bef3-a84f45b9d6fb</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">381bea15-9460-49f7-a6d0-15d13059de29</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">00adb03b-8193-4d3b-8329-44f2720a4afa</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minimum number of references</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">53c9aad8-dc80-48f8-85d9-755c2aab8e95</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2cecb6b8-fb95-4bf4-a2f4-0bdd8fb03b5f</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d663aca5-5f3c-4980-b825-81e1bd7db381</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">66627233-2c1f-4afe-a2ae-ed8b8f027c22</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
					<cbc:ExpectedDescription>In case of confidential references or evidences credentialS will be requested if the tenderer is selected</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">167ab253-4fb7-4e45-81be-b049fba44b3a</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">243e1fac-43c7-4168-ba0e-966e2577faac</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Lots the requirement applies to</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6a522f5d-fb32-4e14-ae31-666986d73d9c</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a44e24e9-f878-4651-9ead-e0b1387dae09</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1c190c0d-602c-4f27-9a86-5f695e1b677d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Please provide the data below requested for this group of references associated to one or more lots</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b9ac8ecf-5902-408e-a9a6-604568b35e1e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aad5b3e6-d770-48a5-96bc-6dbbb8e91932</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Lots these references apply to</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0d6f1033-f4a4-4085-b650-7f35b0c55252</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c8ec5c30-2c17-4936-abbb-392523d873e5</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ada0d8c6-46a3-471f-852d-eda39b3a02dc</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Reference description</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d729c35a-079f-4b40-ad98-44154694fc0e</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Total amount</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f1a0b0da-78ba-4928-bbbb-84f8d0cfc75d</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Activity of the economic operator</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">45b31f6a-ff8c-41f4-a006-f4097627ba71</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Specific amount</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2b85f6cd-8739-4bca-80ab-d6a297be8e68</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Period (Start and End dates)</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">168eb3c0-c465-4e63-8f65-85afc467c204</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6afa7569-e4c4-4538-be89-84a82b2a301b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4b39a997-51c2-4c8d-9d1b-ae2f55b2e8e9</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Recipient name</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1b18d178-5c92-4060-a674-bbc944a552b1</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Contact person name</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9721e58e-4850-4ac7-a46d-c6e28b7236db</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Contact email</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">032f523d-cf71-49a3-ab0a-35e534567446</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Is this information available online?</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f269df5b-0529-43ff-8f26-cba7fe25e35c</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bf2aefad-1fc7-4a43-956c-b4d62d75b8db</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Verification code</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6293ab62-14b3-4f73-bc90-5b24b60b3dc9</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.8 Abilities (I)

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Table 23. Weighting


In an open procedure the CA has to consider all tenders that pass the selection criteria. The contract is awarded based on award criteria.

For two stage procedures it should be possible to weight the "Technical and professional ability" (the rest of selection criteria should be always PASS/FAIL).

Weighting can be done either using percentage or points for one procedure. The CA should have a free text where they can describe the scoring methodology.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED the contracting authority cannot specify any REQUIREMENT. It is the economic operator that provides descriptive information (free-text field) about the technicians or bodies.

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED the contracting authority can provide a specific REQUIREMENT. For this example the CA expects the economic operator to provide information about the group of technicians that will supply support to the users. The CA can add and remove as many requirements as needed.

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED the economic operator (EO) sees the REQUIREMENTs specified by the CA and can provide two groups of information (which are not disjoint):

    • Group 1, information about one or more technicians: first and last name, profession, experience, additional information, how long the technician has worked for the EO, and online evidences.

    • Group 2, information about the technical body to which all the technicians specified by the EO belong: name, area of experience, other information and online evidences.

  4. For procurement procedures organised in two stages the SELF-CONTAINED version allows the weighting of the technical and professional abilities.

  5. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  6. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the following eight criteria have the same data structure (all referred to the technical and professional abilities group):









      === VI.8.1 Regulated Abilities (I)

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (PASS/FAIL, i.e. 'non-weighted')

Regulated 'Abilities (I)' CA mock-up
Figure 144. Regulated 'Abilities (I)' CA mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Regulated 'Abilities (I)' EO mock-up
Figure 145. Regulated 'Abilities (I)' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

Regulated 'Abilities (I)' criterion data structure
Figure 146. Regulated 'Abilities (I)' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated XX
<!... header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Technicians or technical bodies for quality control -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3aaca389-4a7b-406b-a4b9-080845d127e7</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>Technicians or technical bodies for quality control</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>It can call upon the following technicians or technical bodies, especially those responsible for quality control. For technicians or technical bodies not belonging directly to the economic operator's undertaking but on whose capacities the economic operator relies as set out under Part II, Section C, separate ESPD forms must be filled in.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5e6827e1-64ca-4375-989a-6a6948d5a0d3</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">488ca189-bcdb-4bf4-80c7-3ad507fd89fb</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b5207ccc-3207-4a51-a2a5-d2d2cb528e06</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Please describe them</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4e20e385-e48f-4e7b-981e-08b0e2fb8c92</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d43276ac-7e9f-4870-8d04-c8bd9e959e2c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">67ea2cfc-f8a5-44bd-b333-a73186dcd4fa</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Verification code</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ef2b8cc7-c8a8-4c9f-9b4c-e9961d6ba46a</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.8.2 Self-contained Abilities (I)

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (PASS/FAIL, non-weighted)

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' CA REQUIREMENT mock-up
Figure 147. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective (PASS/FAIL, non-weighted)

As you see from the mock-up below the economic operator can add and remove technicians and bodies associated to one CA’s REQUIREMENT. In this case the REQUIREMENT specified by the CA is the type of technical assistance the EO’s teams must provide.

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' EO mock-up
Figure 148. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' EO mock-up

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (WEIGHTED)

In two-stages procedures the contracting authority may like to score EOs in the evaluation phase and would like to inform the EO in a transparent way how it will weight them. The mock-up below shows a possible GUI for the CA to set this information and other additional requirements related to the weighting:

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up
Figure 149. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective (WEIGHTED)

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED EO mock-up
Figure 150. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

In this data structure the first REQUIREMENT set by the contracting authority is whether the criterion is to be WEIGHTED or not (the opposito to WEIGHTED is PASS/FAIL, see the Code List EvaluationMethodType).

Either if it is weighted or not one important aspect here is that the sub-groups of QUESTIONs, the one for the technicians and the one for the technical bodies, can be repeated several times, one time per each technician or body the economic operator decides to add (thus the cardinalities 0..n for both sub-groups).

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)'
Figure 151. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained (WEIGHTED)

The XML example below shows the REQUIREMENTs and QUESTIONs. See the section "VIII.3. XML Example 3: Weighting" for this same example followed by the responses.

Notice that the data is distributed in three places:

  1. Some root elements (directly under the root element of the /QualificationApplicationResponse. Observe that in the case of elements cbc:Description UBL-2.2 does always specify a multiple cardinality. This allows for separating the lines of the text thus facilitating its presentation for layout purposes.

  2. The criterion itself; see circled numbers and comments beneath the XML code;

  3. The data structure (see the SELF-CONTAINED spread-sheet tab SC-Abilities_1).

Criterion "Technicians or technical bodies for quality control" (SELF-CONTAINED and WEIHGTED)
<!-- root elements that are global for all weighted criteria -->
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>For weighted criteria, evaluators will allocate a score between 0 and 100 to each question reponse in accordance with the scoring guidance below:</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>(3)
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>0 Unnaceptable</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>25 Poor</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>50 Acceptable</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>50 Acceptable</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>100 Excellent</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>Suppliers must pass all of the pass/fail (Yes/No) questions and score a minimum of 75 overall in this section to proceed to the next stage. This will allows us to get a short list of suppliers to take through to the next stage. The final score for a criterion (or "Weighted Question Score") results from the product of the Score obtained and the weight allocated by the Contracting Authority to the criterion.</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightingType listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERCENTAGE</cbc:WeightingType>(2)

<!-- Criterion:Technicians or technical bodies for quality control -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3aaca389-4a7b-406b-a4b9-080845d127e7</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>Technicians or technical bodies for quality control</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>It can call upon the following technicians or technical bodies, especially those responsible for quality control. For technicians or technical bodies not belonging directly to the economic operator's undertaking but on whose capacities the economic operator relies as set out under Part II, Section C, separate ESPD forms must be filled in.</cbc:Description>
	<cbc:EvaluationMethodTypeCode listID="EvaluationMethodType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">WEIGHTED</cbc:EvaluationMethodTypeCode>(4)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>0 technicians -> 0 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>1 technician -> 30 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>2 technicians -> 60 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>3 technicians -> 75 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>4 technicians -> 100 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>Minimum acceptable: 2 technicians</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<!-- ... elements removed for brevity ... -->
	<cac:Legislation><!-- ... elements removed for brevity ... --></cac:Legislation>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1e73d705-9dc1-43f1-9b5c-2d0deac7bc5f</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9cf2aa13-19ac-4767-a06b-da3b6c8c9c27</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this criterion weighted?</cbc:Description>(1)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f156d97a-9700-4ad9-8d21-e3ac57102278</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bbe06b1d-bb21-4588-a489-4bce6a51364f</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
					<cbc:ExpectedDescription>Technical User Support Group</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">609cc954-64be-4b4f-800a-f17589deb936</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96cc5c65-2395-4750-b9c7-b60dc58fcf24</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52ffcf91-3598-438f-8c3d-faf97da02602</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b986d088-ec14-4eca-ac99-a7119aae4f43</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a2662683-efc5-4e81-be28-57dfa78b4834</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>First name</cbc:Description>(7)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bc0d0694-d47f-4b1c-9770-843fe177360c</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Last name</cbc:Description>(8)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9a7344fa-fc73-4e73-a440-531e90b61231</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">845f376f-fedb-4710-a1b8-5514c5439c1b</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7e9f0030-3fe9-4407-888f-f7cfe39f9df2</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Other information</cbc:Description>(11)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b848f9ea-281b-4895-96c1-705d678bf125</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>How long with EO</cbc:Description>(12)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">94b53be3-b838-4538-8b43-b6b1f05fc158</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:Description>Is this information available online?</cbc:Description>(13)
								<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
								<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
									<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">91ee7ffe-07b5-4e87-87e5-9b1063e9d487</cbc:ID>
									<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
									<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
									<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">45a67f48-d146-4faf-8239-dd6977dffe29</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">99fe0af5-0a47-4930-b1e8-8acbc614964b</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52ffcf91-3598-438f-8c3d-faf97da02602</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aab9aa41-87a0-4f71-89d4-3dfdb94fc025</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Technical body</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b8b76588-cc5c-4d6f-acf9-0447ab1047f4</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3044bc5a-eb95-4639-a0b5-4c1d79da9873</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Experience area</cbc:Description>(15)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">165d6fad-8915-4b20-8c75-1a661a27e2f4</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Other information</cbc:Description>(16)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<!-- Evidence associated to the criterion -->
						<cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionPropertyGroup> (17)
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b9b7e484-829f-47b9-8d83-545ed3ff43cf</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:Description>Is this information available online?</cbc:Description>
								<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
								<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
									<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5549921f-8000-45e9-8fbc-3c7bab4ba6d4</cbc:ID>
									<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
									<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
									<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
1 The contracting authority (CA) selects that some criteria shall will be weighted.
2 The CA decides that the weights will be expressed as percentages.
3 The CA describes the general method used to score and evaluated the weighted criteria. As this, and the previous (#2 and #3) are global these data go in two XML document root elements.
4 This criterion is weighted (default is set to PASS/FAIL).
5 The weight assigned to this criterion by the CA is 10%.
6 The CA provides additional information related to the evaluation of this specific criterion. The expected data value is 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description. As in UBL-2.2 descriptions are always multiple cardinality elements this is used to distribute the information in multiple description lines.
7 First Name of the technician (data about one technician starts here (circled numbers #7 to #13). Multiple technicians can be added/removed by the economic operator).
8 Family name of the technician.
9 Profession of the technician.
10 Experience of the technician.
11 Additional information about the technician.
12 Months the technician has worked for the economic operator.
13 Available online evidence related to this technician, his experience, etc.
14 Name of a technical body (data about technical bodies starts here, circled numbers #14 to #17). Multiple bodies can be added/removed by the economic operator.
15 Area of experience of the technical body.
16 Additional information related to the technical body.
17 Available online evidence related to this technical body.

VI.9 Abilities Checks (II)

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED the contracting authority cannot specify REQUIREMENTs. The text of the Criterion is a QUESTION, retrieved from e-Certis, that needs to be answered with Yes or No by the economic operator.

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can provide as many REQUIREMENTs as needed. These requirements are free-text fields that need to ask a 'binary' QUESTION.

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED the economic operator (EO) sees the REQUIREMENTs specified by the CA and, per each REQUIREMENT the EO answers with Yes or No.

  4. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  5. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, there is only one criterion with a particular (simple) data structure:


VI.9.1 Regulated checks

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the 'allowance of checks' option in a ESPD Request builder software application GUI. This criterion will be included in the ESDP Request XML instance.

Regulated 'checks' CA mock-up
Figure 152. Regulated 'checks' CA mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

The economic operator has only to answer Yes or No in response.

Regulated 'checks' EO mock-up
Figure 153. Regulated 'checks' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

The data structure for this criterion is quite straightforward, it only contains a group of one QUESTION which has to be answered with Yes or No, thus the expected property data type INDICATOR.

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Regulated 'checks' criterion data structure criterion data structure
Figure 154. Regulated 'checks' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'checks' XML example
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Allowance of checks -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c8809aa1-29b6-4f27-ae2f-27e612e394db</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.TECHNICAL.CHECKS.ALLOWANCE_OF_CHECKS</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Allowance of checks</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>For complex products or services to be supplied or, exceptionally, for products or services which are required for a special purpose: The economic operator will allow checks to be conducted on the production capacities or the technical capacity of the economic operator and, where necessary, on the means of study and research which are available to it and on the quality control measures? The check is to be performed by the contracting authority or, in case the latter consents to this, on its behalf by a competent official body of the country in which the supplier or service provider is established.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3905a69e-4893-4d52-9650-c144d405ecba</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d7721546-9106-43a7-8d31-2fe08a862b00</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6250e2c6-9309-42ea-a969-d2599c0159be</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Do you allow checks?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.9.2 Self-contained checks

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

The contracting authority has selected the 'allowance of checks' option in a ESPD Request builder software application GUI. This software application will create a criterion of this in the ESPD Request XML instance with zero, one or more REQUIREMENTs by the EO.

The contracting authority (CA) can specify none, one or several REQUIREMENTs. In this case a REQUIREMENT is a descriptive text provided by the CA where the criterion is better explained or where certain conditions relating to the criterion. In this example the CA is specifying which type of premises it wants to check and for which reasons.

Self-contained 'Checks' CA REQUIREMENT mock-up
Figure 155. Self-contained 'allowance of checks' CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

The EO should see as many boxes (groups) of REQUIREMENT + QUESTION as REQUIREMENTs specified by the CA. In this case the economic operator (EO) sees one REQUIREMENT associated to one QUESTION. The expected answer is Yes or No.

Self-contained 'Checks' CA mock-up
Figure 156. Self-contained 'allowance of checks' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

The data structure below shows how this criterion is organised. Notice the following:

  1. The Member State can associate one or more national criteria to this EU criterion (element sub-criterion, cardinality 0..n).

  2. The criterion can be associated to one or more pieces of legislation (this spread-sheet does not focus on the edition of the legislation element; the transformation style-sheet will generate dummy values for this element).

  3. At least one REQUIREMENT group will always be created. If the CA specified more than one REQUIREMENTs, more groups of REQUIREMENT + QUESTION would be added to the ESPD Request XML instance.

  4. If not specific REQUIREMENT is issued by the CA, the REQUIREMENT group should equally be created and the REQUIREMENT value should be replaced with a literal (e.g. 'No specific requirements').

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Self-contained 'Checks' criterion data structure
Figure 157. Self-contained 'allowance of checks' criterion data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained allowance of checks criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Allowance of checks -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c8809aa1-29b6-4f27-ae2f-27e612e394db</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.TECHNICAL.CHECKS.ALLOWANCE_OF_CHECKS</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Allowance of checks</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>For complex products or services to be supplied or, exceptionally, for products or services which are required for a special purpose: The economic operator will allow checks to be conducted on the production capacities or the technical capacity of the economic operator and, where necessary, on the means of study and research which are available to it and on the quality control measures? The check is to be performed by the contracting authority or, in case the latter consents to this, on its behalf by a competent official body of the country in which the supplier or service provider is established.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9f7e914c-6abc-495e-9f97-3770635237f7</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ef9f4d52-17ea-4dca-8863-a74b7ded2fc3</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0172a27e-7f97-4d62-8356-81358cf8d795</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">10822ddd-9ba6-42d5-9339-de0845aeafc9</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">570c19ca-80f2-4477-a4c2-7d9b6781c31c</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedDescription>The EO will allow the CA to visit the premises where the development is performed(upon pre-agreed calendar) in order to check the security measures undertaken by the EO.</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a3410620-8ed3-47f9-ab90-b5b1aeeff6a5</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f20fee9c-f374-4dc7-b88f-8428cec5a4b3</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Do you allow checks?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.10 Abilities (III)

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED version the contracting authority (CA) cannot specify REQUIREMENTs. The text of the Criterion asks the economic operator (EO) to provide a concrete number of groups of pairs 'Year + Number' of staff or manpower.

  2. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can provide the minimum number of pairs 'Year + Number' of staff or manpower expected, and a textual (descriptive) REQUIREMENT.

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the economic operator can add or remove more pairs of 'Year + Number' of staff or manpower than the ones specified by the CA.

  4. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  5. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, there are two criteria that share the same data structure:



      === VI.10.1 Regulated abilities (III)

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

Regulated 'Abilities (III)' CA mock-up
Figure 158. Regulated 'Abilities (III)' CA mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Regulated 'Abilities (III)' CA mock-up
Figure 159. Regulated 'Abilities (III)' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Regulated 'Abilities (III)' criterion data structure
Figure 160. Regulated 'Abilities (III)' criterion data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'number of managerial staff' (Abilities III) criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Number of managerial staff -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6346959b-e097-4ea1-89cd-d1b4c131ea4d</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.MANAGEMENT.MANAGERIAL_STAFF</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Number of managerial staff</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>The economic operator’s number of managerial staff for the last three years were as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2ba5bf04-b2c3-4e3a-8e4d-c275663ef590</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96defecc-7d32-4957-82e9-aad5f3c5b736</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">931ee8aa-8907-492c-acdb-2600d3360be0</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_YEAR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8e3925ea-45c1-4db7-9c50-6de2196d4b63</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96defecc-7d32-4957-82e9-aad5f3c5b736</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0fb34dc6-78ba-4542-b78d-ff709bc4b905</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_YEAR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0dacd810-70f1-43d6-9367-c3b474515b47</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96defecc-7d32-4957-82e9-aad5f3c5b736</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e30fcf9b-e656-41d3-9de9-0973cc9d0a12</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_YEAR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">66869a93-8224-407c-8cd7-ef51cba5c416</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.10.2 Self-contained abilities (III)

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

In the Self-contained version the contracting authority (CA) can specify the minimum number of pairs 'year and number of staff' for the economic operator to fill-in. In the example of the mock-up below the CA specifies a minimum of three. The CA can additionally provide a descriptive text to refine the REQUIREMENT. This will create three instances of sub-groups 'Year + Number of staff' properties in the ESPD Request.

Selfcontained 'Abilities (III)' CA REQUIREMENT mock-up
Figure 161. Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Software applications assisting the economic operator to build the ESPD Response should be able to retrieve the minimum set of groups 'Year + Number of staff' (three in the example, circle #1), and allow the EO to add and remove additional ones. (In this example the circle #2 signals the absence of the descriptive requirement).

Selfcontained 'Abilities (III)' EO mock-up
Figure 162. Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

The data structure below shows how this criterion is organised. Notice the following:

  1. The Member State can associate one or more national criteria to this EU criterion (element sub-criterion, cardinality 0..n).

  2. The criterion can be associated to one or more pieces of legislation (this spread-sheet does not focus on the edition of the legislation element; the transformation style-sheet will generate dummy values for this element).

  3. At least one REQUIREMENT group will always be created. Notice that the cardinality of the REQUIRMENT group is one (1), but the cardinality of the subgroup of QUESTIONs is 1..n. If the CA specified three pairs of 'Year + Number of staff' then three sub-groups of QUESTIONs 'Year + Number of staff' would be instantiated in the XML. See the XML example below for such a case.

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' criterion data structure
Figure 163. Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' criterion data structure

The figure below shows how the XML instance, with the nodes collapsed, will look like for the case where the CA specifies three years as the minimum requirement:

Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' collapsed XML
Figure 164. Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' criterion data structure (collapsed XML view)

If you take the data structure spread-sheet and manipulate it as in the figure below you could use the transformation style-sheet to obtain the XML snippet shown above with the three sub-groups of pairs 'Year + Number of staff' fields:

Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' collapsed XML
Figure 165. Self-contained 'Abilities (III)' criterion data structure (manual iteration)

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained 'Number of managerial staff' (Abilities III) criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Number of managerial staff -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6346959b-e097-4ea1-89cd-d1b4c131ea4d</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.MANAGEMENT.MANAGERIAL_STAFF</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Number of managerial staff</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>The economic operator’s number of managerial staff for the last three years were as follows:</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6b21867-95b5-4549-8180-f4673219b179</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Name>[Name of the National Criterion]</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>[Description of the National Criterion ]</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8c39b505-8abe-44fa-a3e0-f2d78b9d8224</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a47ec72a-90bb-43b1-8901-f5baeced3836</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3a1b6259-482c-4944-a522-77730965d84e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your Answer</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d8181b73-01f6-4fa4-a729-fd9aa7c97457</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">10822ddd-9ba6-42d5-9339-de0845aeafc9</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
		<!-- Requirement 1: Minimum number of years: three years -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">50ecde5c-acaa-4b27-b7ca-8f2d745c0ea4</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Minum number of years</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
		<!-- Requirement 2: Additional information -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">692102ac-c264-4da2-8157-80a2ef66b864</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Additional information</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedDescription>[Additional information]</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
		<!-- Year 1 -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96defecc-7d32-4957-82e9-aad5f3c5b736</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">32b50926-f8a3-45a9-a1ae-b211705bd170</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_YEAR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cddab4cd-fca1-4f08-ba77-f685e1cdfd37</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<!-- Year 2 -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96defecc-7d32-4957-82e9-aad5f3c5b736</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">363030b4-28c3-4a09-960f-2d8c3f38fcd2</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_YEAR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d65d5128-dd79-476a-9b9c-15a54d341d93</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<!-- Year 3 -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2dd8c80f-19f8-4113-b2e1-8ed7d581dcd0</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6e1eaed1-675c-4cf3-a8a6-8c82b5c7f123</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_YEAR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">445c6bc8-a699-4298-9648-fb0c3bb4fa8a</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!... rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.11 Subcontracting proportion

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. For this criterion, the only difference between the REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions lies in the fact that the SELF-CONTAINED XML instance is able to keep national sub-criteria defined by the Member State in e-Certis.

  2. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, there is only one criterion with a simple data structure, classified as:


Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

The contracting authority selects the criterion to be included in the ESPD Request:

'Subcontracting proportion' CA mock-up
Figure 166. 'Subcontracting proportion' CA mock-up (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

The economic operator has to provide a descriptive response in a free-text field:

'Subcontracting proportion' EO mock-up
Figure 167. 'Subcontracting proportion' EO mock-up (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

Data Structure - Regulated

The data structure is very simple, it only defines a group with one QUESTION:

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Regulated 'Subcontracting proportion' criterion data structure
Figure 168. 'Subcontracting proportion' criterion data structure (REGULATED)

Data Structure - Self-contained

The difference with the Regulated version is that the Self-contained is able to define and keep in the XML instance the national sub-criteria. But, as sub-criteria are optional, if the MS did not defined any national sub-criterion then the data structure would enn up being the same than for both cases.

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Self-contained 'Subcontracting proportion' criterion data structure
Figure 169. 'Subcontracting proportion' criterion data structure (SELF-CONTAINED)


As in this case the MS (Finland, in this example), did not defined any national criterion associated to the EU criterion, the resulting XML instance is identical for both versions of the ESPD Request (Regulated and Self-contained).

'Subcontracting proportion' criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Subcontracting proportion -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">612a1625-118d-4ea4-a6db-413184e7c0a8</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>Subcontracting proportion</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>The economic operator intends possibly to subcontract the following proportion (i.e. percentage) of the contract. Please note that if the economic operator has decided to subcontract a part of the contract and relies on the subcontractor’s capacities to perform that part, then please fill in a separate ESPD for such subcontractors, see Part II, Section C above.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">575f7550-8a2d-4bad-b9d8-be07ab570076</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">48d527b0-ba49-4fbc-bfd3-3db487c47baf</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Please specify</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.12 Samples and certificates

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. For this criteria, the only difference between the REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions lies in the fact that the SELF-CONTAINED XML instance is able to keep national sub-criteria defined by the Member State in e-Certis.

  2. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, there are two criteria that share the same data structure, classified as:



Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

The contracting authority selects the criteria that have to be included in the ESPD Request, e.g.:

'Samples and certificates' CA mock-up
Figure 170. 'Samples and certificates' CA mock-up (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

The economic operator only has to answer Yes or No. The GUI does not react in any way either the EO clicks one or the other (which is not the case for other criteria, see for example the behaviour of the criteria about 'quality assurance' below in further sections).

'Samples and certificates' EO mock-up
Figure 171. 'Samples and certificates' EO mock-up (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

Data Structure - Regulated

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Regulated 'Samples and certificates' criteria data structure
Figure 172. 'Samples and certificates' criteria data structure (REGULATED)

Data Structure - Self-contained

The with the Regulated version is that the Self-contained is able to define and keep in the XML instance the national sub-criteria. But, as sub-criteria are optional, if the MS did not defined any national sub-criterion then the data structure would actually end up being the same for both cases.

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Self-contained 'Samples and certificates' criterion data structure
Figure 173. 'Samples and certificates' criteria data structure (SELF-CONTAINED)


As in this case the MS did not defined any national criterion associated to the EU criterion, the resulting XML instance is identical for both versions of the ESPD Request (Regulated and Self-contained).

'Samples and certificates' criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:For supply contracts: samples, descriptions or photographs without certification of authenticity -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bdf0601d-2480-4250-b870-658d0ee95be6</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>For supply contracts: samples, descriptions or photographs without certification of authenticity</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>For public supply contracts: The economic operator will supply the required samples, descriptions or photographs of the products to be supplied, which do not need to be accompanied by certifications of authenticity.</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cb73544d-e8bb-4cc6-819b-b8e04f1e240e</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d86645aa-a97f-43c2-a9fd-3dc0278c1027</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d6c6dd34-91a8-4b3f-a2a1-5d27c3adff58</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cfd7bf8d-0919-43d6-90b0-c8fafcbda85e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.13 Quality assurance

See formal requirements related to selection criteria in the BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0).

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. In the REGULATED version the contracting authority (CA) cannot specify REQUIREMENTs.

  2. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, the economic operator is expected to answer Yes or No.

    • If the EO answers Yes the EO will be asked whether there are evidences available online.

    • In the case the EO answers NO it will have to provide additional explanations.

  3. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the contracting authority can provide as many REQUIREMENTs as needed in a textual field, normally the type of standard it expects the EO conforms to, e.g. 'ISO 9001', 'EMAS', etc. (but it could issue any other type of REQUIREMENT as a text).

  4. The SELF-CONTAINED is able to keep in the XML documents national sub-criteria defined by the MS in e-Certis.

  5. For both versions, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED, there are three criteria that share the same data structure, classified as:




VI.13.1 Regulated Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

Regulated 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' CA mock-up
Figure 174. Regulated 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' CA mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Notice that in the case where the economic operator answers No the box with the text "If not, please explain why and specify which other means …​" is shown. This box is not shown for the Yes answer. This behaviour can be controlled with the ONFALSE code of the sub-group of QUESTIONs (see data structure and XML example below, too).

When the EO answers Yes it will be asked whether online evidences are available online or not. This is controlled by the code ONTRUE assigned to the sub-group of QUESTIONS about the evidence (see data structure and XML example).

Regulated 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' CA mock-up
Figure 175. Regulated 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Regulated

Notice the ONFALSE code for the sub-group containing the sentence thats starts with 'If not, please explain why…​'. The code means: if the answer to the previous question was No then this sub-group must be shown/processed.

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Regulated 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' criteria data structure
Figure 176. Regulated 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' criteria data structure

XML Example - Regulated

Regulated 'certificates by independent bodies about quality assurance standards' criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:Certificates by independent bodies about quality assurance standards -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d726bac9-e153-4e75-bfca-c5385587766d</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>Certificates by independent bodies about quality assurance standards</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Will the economic operator be able to produce certificates drawn up by independent bodies attesting that the economic operator complies with the required quality assurance standards, including accessibility for disabled persons?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b4585532-0e0b-4ed1-a72d-208030547060</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
		<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
			<cbc:LocaleCode listID="LanguageCodeEU" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EN</cbc:LocaleCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4887c3d7-05fc-4e3e-b066-f338910f0c4c</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e11eba0e-66fd-4735-9aaa-614b006662fc</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41e950d1-47fd-4db6-be18-cbe82e779391</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c33cf7bb-85f0-4f85-990d-0e056c869b5b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">83f2f79e-0455-4918-89ff-d7829e8bf758</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONFALSE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d14b8965-e439-4d5c-8959-860b44ad38cb</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>If not, please explain why and state which other means of proof can be provided:</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VI.13.2 Self-contained Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards

Mock-ups - contracting authority perspective

In the Self-contained version the contracting authority can specify a REQUIREMENT. In this example it provides the name of the ISO it expects the economic operator to be conformant to.

Self-contained 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' CA mock-up
Figure 177. Self-contained 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' CA mock-up

Mock-ups - economic operator perspective

Notice that, as for the Regulated version the economic operator (EO) has to answer Yes or No. In the case the EO answers No the box with the text "If not, please explain why and specify which other means …​" is shown. This box is not shown for the Yes answer. This behaviour can be controlled with the ONFALSE code of the sub-group of QUESTIONs (see data structure and XML example below, too).

When the EO answers Yes it will be asked whether online evidences are available online or not. This is controlled by the code ONTRUE assigned to the sub-group of QUESTIONS about the evidence (see data structure and XML example).

Self-contained 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' CA mock-up
Figure 178. Self-contained 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' EO mock-up

Data Structure - Self-contained

Notice the following:

  1. In principle the contracting authority (CA) has to provide at least one REQUIREMENT. But it might decide not to provide any requirement at all, in which case the behaviour of the GUI would be similar to the one for the Regulated version. In this case do not to alter the data structure (e.g. not to remove the REQUIREMENT_GROUP) and to provide a text for REQUIREMENT such as, for example, 'No specific requirements'.

  2. The ONFALSE code for the sub-group containing the sentence thats starts with 'If not, please explain why…​' means: if the answer to the previous question was No then this sub-group must be shown/processed.

  3. If ONTRUE (answer to previous QUESTION = Yes) then the question about the online evidences is shown/processed.

(Some columns have been hidden to enhance the readability of the image).

Self-contained  'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' criteria data structure
Figure 179. Self-contained 'Quality Assurance schemes and environmental management standards' criteria data structure

XML Example - Self-contained

Self-contained 'certificates by quality control institutes' criterion
<!-- header elements removed for brevity -->

<!-- Criterion:For supply contracts: certificates by quality control institutes -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a7669d7d-9297-43e1-9d10-691a1660187c</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>For supply contracts: certificates by quality control institutes</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Can the economic operator provide the required certificates drawn up by official quality control institutes or agencies of recognised competence attesting the conformity of products clearly identified by references to the technical specifications or standards, which are set out in the relevant notice or the in the ESPD, the relevant notice or ?</cbc:Description>
	<!--Legislation eliminated for brevity -->
	<!--National sub-criterion eliminated for brevity -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">612d99eb-ea3b-4275-ac06-0db05e039c8c</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">348a935d-5418-467c-ab57-d5aaf1d1b614</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
			<cbc:ExpectedDescription>ISO 9001</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4887c3d7-05fc-4e3e-b066-f338910f0c4c</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">32ddd941-7efe-4333-aa4d-77d8d585f2bc</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9c7e3e3f-8bdf-4e36-a171-3ea55a515a1b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6947b635-dfdb-4581-b41b-9b543b765369</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_Identifier</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">83f2f79e-0455-4918-89ff-d7829e8bf758</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONFALSE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0bc3265c-3d6a-4ff1-ba52-c0a2007f8fa9</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>If not, please explain why and state which other means of proof can be provided:</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- rest of elements removed for brevity -->

VII. The ESPD Response document

VII.1 Business requirements specification

The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 models the business and information requirements in alignment with the works developed by e-Sens, which uses the identifier Trdm092 to refer to the business requirements regarding the ESPD Response transaction. See formal information requirements related to the ESPD Response transaction in the document BIS 41 - European Single Procurement Document (Version 2.0.0), by e-Sens.


The ESPD Response document must include all the criteria that are present in the ESPD Request. For certain *selection criteria the economic operator can add additional properties to the criteria so it can include in the ESPD Response more responses than the minimum required by the contracting authority.

This last requirement has a technical reason: each response of an economic operator needs to be linked to one, and only one, property of a criterion (this is explained and illustrated in the sections below). Therefore for those cases when the contracting authority requires a minimum number of data but gives the flexibility to the economic operator for adding more the economic operator (the software it uses) will have to add properties to the criterion.

Examples: the CA requires a minimum of 3 references to works similar to the ones being procured, but the EO decides to add 5. The ESPD REquest will contain a criterion "For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type" with the structure prepared for three references. The ESPD Response will add two more structures to contain the additional references to that criterion. The ESPD will add (at the end of the file) five responses related to the same criterion, each response will point at five different properties of the criterion. This is described and illustrated in more detail in the section "Providing additional responses" below.

VII.2 ESPD Request XSD Schema

For the ESPD Response, the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 uses the UBL-2.2 document named QualificationApplicationResponse.xsd XSD Schema. This schema can be found under the folder dist/xsdrt/maindoc (or the equivalent documented xsd folder).

The figure below shows the XSD Schema defined by UBL-2.2 for this document, which replaces the Schema for the “ESPD Request” document used in the previous versions of the ESPD-EDM. The figure below shows a diagram representing the UBL-2.2 XSD Schema. Only the first level components of the schema are shown. The inner sub-elements and sub-classes are covered in detail in the following sub-sections of this document. The ESPD Response share many elements with the ESPD Request. For those elements that have already been described in the ESPD Request please see the sections above in this document where those elements were explained.

Notice that, in the UBL-2.2 Schema there are only four mandatory elements: cbc:IssueDate, ContractFolderID, cac:ContractingParty (the contracting authority) and cac:EconomicOperatorParty (the economic operator).

This section about the ESPD Response does not cover those information elements that were already described in the ESPD Request, unless a characteristic related to the ESPD Response needs to be clarified. Thus for details about elements like cac:ContractingAuthorityParty, ProcurementProject, ProcurementProjectLot and AdditionalDocumentReference refer to the section III. The ESPD Request document.

QualificationApplicationResponse XSD Schema
Figure 180. QualificationApplicationResponse XSD Schema, global view

LEGEND: The figure below enumerates the four different types of optionality and cardinality for the elements of the UBL-2.2 Schema:

Legend: cardinalities
Figure 181. Legend: QualificationApplicationRequest XSD Schema, possible cardinalities of the Schema elements

VII.3 ESPD Response cardinalities

As you can see the UBL-2.2 Schema is quite flexible as, except for a few cases practically all the elements are optional.

The ESPD-EDM model, however, adds a few more restrictions regarding the cardinalities. These can be seen in the diagram below, which presents the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 structure for the ESPD Response with its own cardinality restrictions. Notice that ESPD-EDM does not change anything else from the UBL-2.2 Schema.

Figure 182. ESPD-EDM 'QualificationApplicationResponse', UML diagram

If you compare both figures you will observe that:

  1. The cardinalities of the root common basic components, such as cbc:ID, cbc:UUID, cbc:TendererRole, cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode, ProcedureCode, and other are different for the ESPD than for UBL-2.2;

  2. Similarly, the cardinalities of aggregate components like cac:ContractingParty, cac:ProcurementProjectLot and cac:TenderingCriterion are different to the UBL-2.2 ones.

The cardinality constraints added by the ESPD are not defined in the XSD Schema. In order to control these constraints the ESPD-EDM uses ISO Schematron assertions. The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 distribution package provides Schematron schemata and CVA files [4] for the validation of the XML instances (folder dist/val).

The European Commission (EC) ISA2 Programme provides an Interoperability Testbed where Stakeholders can freely test these validation artefacts.

VII.4 Root elements

The table below lists the elements that are expected in the ESPD Response V2.0.2 and provides details on the cardinalities and usage of those elements.

Table 24. Class QualificationApplicationResponse, components required by the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2
Document name: QualificationApplicationResponse


"A structured electronic business document for providing qualification information in a simplified way through an ESPD when responding to a Call for Tender." (source: ESPD Response transaction (Trdm092)).

Preliminary evidence certificates in the form of a self-declaration submitted by the economic operator during the tendering phase. On awarding, the winning party has to supply the real attestations and certificates.

Business rule(s):




Components Type Card Description Requirements




Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.

Information Requirement: tbr92-020.

Rule: Use the value "2.2". Use also "OASIS-UBL-TC" for the schemeAgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-05, 2.BR-OTH-02)




Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: For the ESPD we use the value “”. Compulsory use of the value "CEN-BII" for the schemeAgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-02, BR-OTH-06)




An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms. The identification may include the version of the specification as well as any customizations applied.

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: Use the value "41". Use also "CEN-BII" for the scheme AgencyID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-07, BR-OTH-02)




An identifier for this document, normally generated by the system that creates the ESPD document, or the organisation responsible for the document (e.g. the buyer, e.g. a contracting authority, or the supplier, e.g. an economic operator). The identifier enables positive referencing the document instance for various purposes including referencing between transactions that are part of the same process.

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute. Use it to identify the organisation responsible for the document.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-02)




Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: It is a good practice to use the CopyIndicator component if the same document is forwarded several times to the same or to different destinations. Use it in combination with the UUID identifier: copies of an ESPD document should be identified with distinct UUIDs.




A universally unique identifier that can be used to reference this ESPD document instance.

Information Requirement:[tbr92-019].

Rule: Other documents, e.g. the tender, might refer to the ESPD Response using this identifier (thus its compulsoriness). Copies of a document must be identified with a different UUID. Compulsory use of schemeAgencyID attribute.




An identifier that is specified by the buyer and used as a reference number for all documents in the procurement process. It is also known as procurement project identifier, procurement reference number or contract folder identifier. A reference to the procurement procedure to which a Qualification request document and the delivered response documents are associated.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Try always to use the reference number issued by the contracting authority. This number in combination with a registered contracting authority ID (e.g. the VAT number) results in a universally unique identifier of the procurement procedure.





Date when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: Format "YYYY-MM-DD".




Time when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: Format "hh:mm:ss".




The name of the group that presents a tender to which this economic operator belongs (e.g. the name of a consortium, a joint venture, etc.).

Information Requirement: tbr92-008.

Rule: The leader of the group must take care of ensuring that the name of the group is identical in all the ESPDs of the tender.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-LEAD-10-S10)




The version identifying the content of this document.

Information Requirement: tbr92-020.

Rule: Changes in content should entail the modification of the version identifier and a reference to the previous version.




The version identifying the previous modification of the content of this document.

Information Requirement: tbr92-020.

Rule: None




The type of the procurement administrative procedure according to the EU Directives.

Information Requirement:

Rule: Compulsory use of attributes listID, listAgencyName and listVersionID. Compulsory use of the code list ProcedureType (values: Open, Restricted, Accelerated, Competitive dialogue, etc.). Do not confound with the object of the procurement project (code list ProjectType: Works, Supplies, Services).

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#1, BR-OTH-03)




The type of European Single Procurement Document (ESPD).

Information Requirement: tbr92-019.

Rule: Compulsory use of the codelist QualificationApplicationType (values 'REGULATED`, SELFCONTAINED). Compulsory use of attributes listID, listAgencyName and listVersionID.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#2, BR-OTH-03)




Free-form text to describing information about Weight Scoring Methodology.

Information Requirement: tbr070-016

Rule: Used for transparency motives. Provide a text explaining clearly the method that will be used to select those selection criteria that will be weighted.

Rule scope: Common (BR-2P-10)




A code specifying the type of the Weighting.

Information Requirement: tbr070-016

Rule: Compulsory use of the code list WeightingType. If this element it is not instantiated and one or more selection criteria are weighted the type defaults to NUMERIC.

Rule scope: Common (BR-2P-10)


Associated class


The contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU).

Information Requirement: tbr92-011.

Rule: UBL-2.2 defines multiple cardinality ContractingParties presumably to allow joint procurements. However the ESPD only expects data about one buyer. The decision was made that in case of joint procurement the data collected in the ESPD would be about the leader of the joint procurement procedure.


Associated class


Any natural or legal person or public entity which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market. Information about the party submitting the qualification.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001.

Rule: The ESPD Response only refers to one, and only one, economic operator.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10)


Associated class


An overall definition of the procurement procedure.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Use this component to identify and describe the procurement administrative procedure. If the procurement procedure is divided into lots use the ProcurementProjectLot component to provide details specific to the lot and reserve the ProcurementProject component to describe the global characteristics of the procedure.


Associated class


One of the procurement project lots into which this contract can be divided.

Information Requirement: tbr92-014.

Rule: If there is only one single procurement project lot specified, the ESPD refers then to a procurement procedure without lots.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-LOT-30)


Associated class


A tendering criterion describes a rule or a condition that is used by the contracting body to evaluate and compare tenders by economic operators and which will be used for the exclusion and the selection of candidates to the award decision.

Information Requirement: tbr92-015,tbr92-016.

Rule: (see examples further below in this document)


Associated class


Response of the economic operator to the requirements and questions issued by the contracting authority in the ESPD Request.

Information Requirement: br92-018, tbr92-007, tbr92-005, tbr92-006.

Rule: (see examples further below in this document)


Associated class


A reference to an additional document associated with this document.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rules: At least two instances of the AdditionalDocumentReference are expected:

For procurement procedures above the threshold it is compulsory to make reference to the Contract Notice of the procedure published in TED*. See section "Reference to the Contract Notice" for a complete example.

In the ESPD Response it is also compulsory to make reference to the ESPD Request document.

Rule scope: Common (BR-COM-10)


Associated class


A reference to an online document available for free in a national or EU database.

Information Requirement: tbr92-017, tbr92-007, tbr92-006.

Rule: Used to point at an instance of the cac:Evidence.

The figure below shows a global view of an ESPD Response XML instance (all nodes have been 'collapsed' to simplify the view):

ESPD Response XML instance
Figure 183. An ESPD Response XML instance (global view)

XML example

The XML snippet below shows how the beginning of an ESPD Response XML instance looks like. For a complete instance of an ESPD Response XML document see the the example files in the dist/xml folder: REGULATED-ESPDResponse-2.0.2.xml or SELFCONTAINED-ESPDResponse-2.0.2.xml.

<QualificationApplicationResponse xmlns="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationResponse" xmlns:cac="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonAggregate" xmlns:cbc="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:CommonBasic" xmlns:espd="urn:com:grow:espd:2.0.2" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" xmlns:util="java:java.util.UUID" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:X-test:UBL:Pre-award:QualificationApplicationResponse ../xsdrt/maindoc/UBL-QualificationApplicationResponse-2.2-Pre-award.xsd">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- The ESPD-EDM-V2.0.2 is entirely based on OASIS UBL-2.2 -->
	<cbc:UBLVersionID schemeAgencyID="OASIS-UBL-TC">2.2</cbc:UBLVersionID>
	<!-- How ESPD-EDM-V2.0.2 uses the UBL-2.2 schemas whilst keeping conformance -->
	<cbc:CustomizationID schemeAgencyID="CEN-BII" schemeVersionID="3.0">></cbc:CustomizationID>
	<!-- The transactional profile where the ESPD is used. ESPD-EDM-V2.0.2 refers to the CEN profile -->
	<cbc:ProfileID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">41</cbc:ProfileID>
	<!-- The identifier of this document provided by the contracting authority system -->
	<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">ESPDREQ-DGPE-46be0fdd00</cbc:ID>
	<!-- Indicator of whether this document is an original or a copy. In this case the document is the original -->
	<!-- The unique identifier for this instance of the document. Copies of this document should have different UUIDs -->
	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">901afdb9-8f7d-4c43-823b-725eeda3208d</cbc:UUID>
	<!-- The reference number the contracting authority assigns to this procurement procedure -->
	<cbc:ContractFolderID schemeAgencyID="DGPE">PP.20170419.1024-9</cbc:ContractFolderID>
	<!-- The name of the group (Consortium, Joint Venture, etc.) if the tenderer is not a sole contractor -->
	<!-- The version of the content of this document. If the document is modified the element cbc:PreviousVersionID should be instantiated -->
	<cbc:VersionID schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">1.0</cbc:VersionID>
	<!-- The type of the procurement procedure; e.g. V = Award of contract without prior publication of a contract notice -->
	<cbc:ProcedureCode listID="ProcedureType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">OPEN</cbc:ProcedureCode>
	<!-- The type of the ESPD (REGULATED or SELFCONTAINED) -->
	<cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode listID="QualificationApplicationType" listAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SELFCONTAINED</cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode>

<!-- ... rest of document removed for brevity -->

VII.5 Reference to publications and to the ESPD Request


The economic operator must include int its ESPD Response document the information from the ESPD Request about the official journals or gazettes where the procurement procedure is announced. For procurement projects above the threshold it is compulsory to refer to the Contract Notice published in TED by the contracting authority.

For EU and national publications that need to be included in the ESPD Response sSee the section "III.4 EU and national publications" where this information is presented in detail and illustrated with examples.


The economic operator must include in its ESPD Response document a reference to the ESPD Request. For this, the values of the two identifiers cbc:ID and cbc:UUID of the ESPD Request must be used as the values for the cbc:ID and cbc:UUID in the ESPD Response cac:AdditionalDocumentReference (to refer to that ESDP Request).

Thus the ESPD Response must also make reference to the ESPD Request that is being responded by the economic operator. The XSD diagram below shows (in blue) which elements are expected for this reference. See also the list of expected elements (and rules) and the XML example beneath the XSD diagram.

Reference to ESPD Request
Figure 184. Elements expected to reference the ESPD Request from the ESPD Response

If the contracting authority publishes the ESPD Request on a public journal, the economic operator must specify the URI from where the ESPD Response was downloaded to draft its ESPD Response (see for instance how this is done for the publications on the TED or national journals; and see also the XML example below).

This URI should be specified in the field cac:AdditionalDocumentReference/cac:Attachment/cac:ExternalRefernce/cbc:URI:

Reference to ESPD Request
Figure 185. URI of the ESPD Request

In the ESPD Response you may also add references to:

  • Evidences that are global for the whole Response. This is not recommended though. Evidences should be as much particular of the Criterion as possible.

  • Other documents, e.g. maps, diagrams, or descriptive documents to complement the references about works, supplies or services.

Expected elements

Table 25. Reference to the ESPD Request, expected elements

Class name:



A reference to an additional document associated with this document.

Business rule(s):






Context of Use:

In this case this reference points at the ESPD Request XML instance that was used to produce the ESPD Response XML document.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




The identifier for the referenced document, generally issued by the entity responsible for the document.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Use the same value that was used in the cac:QualificationApplicationRequest/cbc:ID.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-02)




A universally unique identifier that can be used to reference this ESPD document instance.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Use the same value that was used in the cac:QualificationApplicationRequest/cbc:UUID.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-02)




The type of document being referenced, expressed as a code.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: For the ESDP-EDM it is compulsory use of the value ESPD_REQUEST from the Code List DocRefContentType. See also the XML example below on how to specify the ESPD Request.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01, BR-COM-10#3, BR-OTH-01#3, BR-OTH-03)




The type of document being referenced, expressed as text.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Optionally use the attribute languageID to indicate the language of the text. Use the Code List LanguageCodeEU for the value of the languageID attribute.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#4, BR-OTH-03)




Date when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: Format "YYYY-MM-DD". If available in the referenced document place here the data of publication by the contracting authority.




Time when the document was issued by the contracting authority.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013. Rule: If available in the referenced document place here the time of publication by the contracting authority.

Beware that the ESPD document does not embed the content of referenced documents but instead make a reference to its source. Thus the class DocumentReference aggregates a `cac:Attachment`class that allows for making reference to an external source of the content, which is the preferred way in the ESPD-EDM (see XSD schema above).

In the case of the reference to the ESPD Request from the ESPD Response, the only data expected here is the URI where the ESPD Request XML instance was published:

Table 26. External Reference

Component name:



A reference to the authentic source of content of this document.





Context of use:

Reference to the URI location where the ESPD Request XML instance can be downloaded from.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the document is located.

Information Requirement: tbr92-013.

Rule: If the document exists at a remote location, then the value should be the URL pointing to the document.

VII.6 Economic Operator

See formal requirements related to the economic operators in the e-Sens site: (tbr092-001, _tbr092-008).

Table 27. Information requirement about the ESPD Response and the economic operators


One ESPD Response per economic operator. The ESPD-EDM-2.0.2, as all the previous versions of the ESPD, requires that every economic operator that participates in one tender provide its own ESDP Response document. This affects sole traders that rely on other entities for the execution of the contract (e.g. subcontractors) and groups of economic operators, e.g. a Joint Venture or a Consortium, and all the sub-contractors on which each economic operator of the group relies on to meet the selection criteria.

Table 28. Information requirement about the identifiers of the economic operators


For the identification of the economic operators the UBL-2.2 element cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID must be used. The following two attributes of the cbc:ID element (CCT IdentifierType element) must be used: (1) @schemeID, a code from the Code List EOIDType must be used; (2) @schemeAgencyID, the default value "EU-COM-GROW" must be used; (3) Optionally, the attribute @schemeName can be used to place the 'Name' of the code (see the column 'Name' in the above mentioned Code List). For the ESPD-EDM the preferred type code for the @schemID is VAT.

Table 29. Information requirement about the groups of economic operators


All economic operators belonging to a group (e.g. a Joint Venture, a Consortium, etc.) must specify the name of the group exactly with the same spelling (and respecting capital and lower cases, punctuation, and symbols) in each of their ESPD Responses.

About the definition of economic operator

Beware that this ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 specification defines economic operator based on the one provided by the 2014 Directives, where an economic operator is "any natural or legal person or public entity, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market. Information about the party submitting the qualification".

According to this definition one group of suppliers associated in a Joint Venture or in a Consortium, or any other type of undertaking is also an economic operator.

However, due to the previous requirement establishing that each company participating in a tender must prepare its own ESPD Response document, the ESPD-EDM specification never uses the term "economic operator" to refer to a group of persons and/or companies but only to refer to each natural or legal person or public entity that participates in a tender.

Therefore, in the context of the ESPD the definition of economic operator has been rephrased as "any natural or legal person or public entity, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market. Information about the party submitting the qualification".

A couple of examples. According to the previous requirements:

  • One tender submitted by a sole trader that relies on two sub-contractors will have to include three ESPD Requests, one for the sole trader and one per each of the sub-contracted entity.

**s One tender submitted by a Consortium composed of three economic operators, two of which rely on two sub-contracted entities and the third one relies on five sub-contracted entities, will have to include 3 + 2 + 5 (ten) ESPD Requests.

Differences between Regulated and Self-contained

  1. Both, REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions use the same elements from the UBL-2.2 XSD Schema. Differently to version 1.0.2.

  2. The REGULATED version expects the role as a text.The SELF-CONTAINED version allows for the specification of the role of the economic operator as a code. Depending on the role code the software applications can decide which sets of data show or hide in the GUI, validate or not, process or not.

  3. The REGULATED version expects the identification of members of a group as a text. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the members of the group are identified separately (name, ID and type of ID, and activity in the procedure).

  4. In the SELF-CONTAINED version the information required about the entities upon which the economic operator relies on or not is richer and more structured than in the REGULATED version.

  5. The treatment of the data about the (pre)qualification of the economic operator varies; in the SELF-CONTAINED versions is more structured and aims at making possible the implementation of the Once-Only-Principle, based on the premise that all the trusted (pre)qualification systems will be registered in e-Certis.

The information that the economic operator (EO) has to provide is relatively abundant, especially if the EO is the lead entity of a group. UBL does provide a class cac:EconomicOperator with sufficient data elements to identify the economic operator, its role, its representatives, physical location, officially registered address and other.

As the whole ESDP-EDM V2.0.2 is based entirely on the UBL-2.2 XSD (W3C) Schemas, these schemas are to be used for both the Regulated and the Self-contained versions of the ESPD.

Remember that the backwards compatibility between ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 and ESDP-EDM V1.0.2 is only ensured for the Regulated version.

Nonetheless some data requested in the ESPD are not modeled in UBL-2.2, namely those aiming at purposes going beyond the identification of the economic operator; e.g. data with statistical purposes; or to ensure the transparency of the procurement procedure; other.

Therefore in the ESPD-EDM-2.0.2, and for both the REGULATED and the SELF-CONTAINED versions, the information about the economic operator is spread in two different places:

  1. The UBL-2.2 cac:EconomicOperatorParty component; and

  2. In criteria data structures: following the solution adopted for Version 1.0.2 of the ESPD-EDM, the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 defines several criteria classified as CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.* (where the * refers to different branches and leaves of a different structures about the economic operator (e.g. SHELTERED_WORKSHOP, TOGETHER_WITH_OTHERS, etc.). The XML instances use criteria components (UBL-2.2 cac:TenderingCriterion) to structure these data. The sub-sections below cover both.

XSD Schemas


The UBL-2.2 cac:EconomicOperatorParty has three common aggregate components, the XSD Schema looks like this:

cac:EconomicOperatorParty XSD, global view
Figure 186. cac:EconomicOperatorParty XSD, global view
  1. cac:QualifyingParty: is used to place data about the economic operator that is available from an official list, tenderer register or (pre)qualification system, such as official classification schemes, certificates, the number of employees, references used for the classification, etc. (circle #13);

  2. cac:EconomicOperatorRole: use to place the role of the economic operator (circle #1);

  3. cac:Party: used to place the data to identify the EO and its contact (circles #2 to #12).


The diagram below shows the XSD element that will hold the data required by the ESPD (see mock-up 1/7, too). Beware that:

  • Identification of the economic operator: The Identifier assigned by the register or (pre)qualification system to the economic operator is placed in the element /cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:QualifyingParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification (more details on this below and in the XML example);

  • (Pre)qualification system: The Identifier and name of the (pre)qualification system is captured from e-Certis. The only datum that is necessary to keep in the XML is the identifier of the system provided by e-Certis. This identifier will be used as the value for the attribute schemeAgencyID (always compulsory) of the element /cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:QualifyingParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification. This way:

    • The (pre)qualification system is perfectly identified (and trusted, as it is registered in eCertis); and

    • The economic operator, identified with the number used in that (pre)qualification system, is linked inequivocally to that (pre)qualification system.

  • References and classification: The references linked to the classification of the EO are place in the component cac:QualifyingParty/cac:CompletedTask.

    • For this V2.0.2 of the ESPD the only expected data about the reference is a short description identifying the task as described in the (pre)qualification system. However if you take a look at this common aggregate component you will observe that it caters for other relevant data.

    • Similarly, this V2.0.2 does not expect a complex representation of possible (optional) classification schemes. However the component cac:BusinessClassificationScheme, associated to cac:QualifyingParty allows complex hierarchical classifications.

  • SME and number of employees: The number of employees determine the classification of the company as Micro, Small, Medium or Large company. The cac:QualifyingParty component provides two place-holders that are used by this ESPD-EDM (see also mock-ups above) [5]; see also footnote #6:

    • cac:QualifyingParty/cbc:EmployeeQuantity, for the number of employees; and

    • cac:QualifyingParty/cac:Party/cbc:IndustryClassificationCode to indicate whether the EO is a micro, small, medium or large company (or simply an SME). This code is defined in the Code List EOIndustryClassificationCode. See also sections "Expected Elements" and "XML example" for more details.

  • Turnover: For statistical purposes the ESPD-EDM asks this datum to reflect the financial capability of the economic operator (see mock-ups above). This datum is to be placed in cac:QualifyingParty/cac:FinancialCapability/ValueAmount.

cac:QualifyingParty element-XSD
Figure 187. cac:QualifyingParty element, XSD


The UBL-2.2 element for the role of the economic operator is quite straightforward and typical in UBL: it provides a pair code + description (see Code List EORoleType for the codes and descriptions; see also the XML example below).

EO Role
Figure 188. Role of the economic operator


The XSD diagram below shows (in blue) the elements for which data are expected in the ESPD Response for the cac:Party element of the economic operator.

EO Party
Figure 189. The Party of the economic party

The figures below show the cac:QualifyingParty sub-components cac:BusinessClassificationScheme`and `FinancialCapability, and cac:CompletedTask in a bit more of detail. At present, the ESPD-EDM only uses one field, cbc:Description for the references and classifications and `cbc:Amount`for the Turnover.

Classification Scheme
Figure 190. The rich structure of a UBL-2.2 'Classification Scheme' for the representation of taxonomies
Figure 191. The structure of UBL-2.2 'Capability'
Completed task (reference)
Figure 192. The structure of the UBL-2.2 Completed Task (used for references)

UBL-2.2 provides a component to hold very specifically the data to identify the economic operator as it officially registered in a Business Register. This XSD diagram below shows the elements of this component cac:LegalEntityParty. This ESPD-EDM specification recommends to use it as an alternative (or supplementary) way to identify the economic party.

Legal Entity Party
Figure 193. The UBL-2.2 Legal Entity Party

Expected elements

Please, remember that the elements cac:ContractingAuthority, cac:ProcurementProject, cac:ProcurementProjectLot, and cac:AdditionalDocumentReference are expected in the ESPD Request, too. However, for the sake of brevity, and as they are taken from the ESPD Request and 'copied' in the ESPD Response, they have not been re-explained in this section about the ESPD Response. Therefore for details on those elements please refer to the section III. The ESPD Request document.

Remember that if the economic operator belongs to a group (i.e. it is not a sole contractor), the element /cac:QualificationApplicationResponse/cbc:EconomicOperatorGroupName becomes compulsory and that the spelling of the name must be identical for lead entity, all the members of the group and all the entities that participate in the bid.

Table 30. Economic operator, expected elements

Class name:



Any natural or legal person or public entity, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market. Information about the party submitting the qualification.

Business rule(s):

Common (BR-RESP-10)





Context of use:

The ESPD Response document.

Components Type Card Description Requirements


Associated class


The distinctive features or characteristics qualifying an economic operator to be a party in a tendering process (e.g., number of employees, number of operating units, type of business, technical and financial capabilities, completed projects).

Information Requirement: tbr92-001

Rule: This element is compulsory in the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 as it is the natural placeholder for several relevant data about the Economic Operator.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-RESP-10-01)


Associated class


The function of the economic operator when bidding from a consortium (Sole contractor / Lead entity, member of a group, etc.).

Information Requirement:

Rule: This element is compulsory in the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 because depending on it different sets of data will be required or not, shown or hidden, processed or skipped.


Associated class


Main set of data used to identify and contact the economic operator, such as official identifiers, name, address, contact person, representatives, etc.

Information Requirement:

Rule: (See expected elements and rules below in the table about this Party).

Table 31. Qualifying Party, expected elements

Class name:



The distinctive features or characteristics qualifying an economic operator to be a party in a tendering process (e.g., number of employees, number of operating units, type of business, technical and financial capabilities, completed projects).

Business rule(s):






Context of use:

Economic Operator in the ESPD Response document.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




The number of people employed by the economic operator participating in the tender.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001

Rule: Integer value expected.




The text describing one official classification assigned by an official list or (pre)qualification system to the economic operator.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001

Rule: Only the 'Description' is expected, but the component cac:ClassificationScheme offers other rich possibilities (see the UBL-2.2 model in the distribution package or in the original source for more details).

Rule: Integer value expected.




A monetary amount as a measure of this capability.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001

Rule: Use it to place here the general Turnover of the EO (for statistical purposes). Compulsory assignment of a value to the attribute currency. The default value should be set to 'EUR'. Compulsory use of the Code List CurrencyCode.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01#16, BR-OTH-03)




Text describing the works, supplies or services executed, delivered or performed in a procurement project (normally used as a reference for the classification of the economic operator.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001

Rule: Use it to place here the references that were used in the (pre)qualification system to get the specific classification related to those references.




The identifier of the economic operator in an official list, register or (pre)qualification system.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001

Rule: The attribute schemeAgencyID must hold the value retrieved from eCertis that identifies unequivocally the (pre)qualification system. If, for any reason, that value is not available use the default schemeAgencyID "EU-COM-GROW" and the cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:QualifyingParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentificaton/cbc:ID for the value of the identifier. Additionally you can use the data structure CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.REGISTERED_IN_OFFICIAL_LIST to specify an alternative or additional name, identifier and description.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED ( BR-RESP-80-S10, BR-RESP-80-S20), Common (BR-RESP-50, BR-OTH-02)

Table 32. Economic operator role, expected elements

Class name:



The function of the economic operator when bidding from a consortium (Sole contractor / Lead entity, member of a group, etc.).





Context of use:

Economic Operator in the ESPD Response document.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




Identifies the role of the economic operator in the bid.

Information Requirement: tbr92-008 Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List EORoleType.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-RESP-10-03, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#15, BR-OTH-03)




The text describing the role of the economic operator in the bid.

Information Requirement: tbr92-008

Rule: Software applications should retrieve and reuse the description from the Code List EORoleType.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10-02)

Table 33. (Qualifying) economic operator party, expected elements

Class name:



Main set of data used to identify and contact the economic operator, such as official identifiers, name, address, contact person, representatives, etc.





Components Type Card Description Requirements




An identifier that identifies the economic operator, such as a the VAT number, the company registration number in a Business Register, other.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001.

Rule: More than one identifier can be specified. Compulsory use of the attribute schemeAgencyID and highly recommended the use of the attribute schemeAgencyID. The preferred identifier is the national VAT number. Additional identifiers may be used. For a very complete way of identification of the Party it is highly recommended to, additionally to the cac:Party/cac:Identification/cbc:ID, use the UBL-2.2 component cac:PartyLegalEntity: this element is the perfect placeholder for the data officially registered in a Business Register (see UBL-2.2 model, and XSD diagram above).

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-02)




Electronic address of the contracting body.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001.

Rule: Use it for online services (e.g. Web Services, REST services, Delivery ID, ftp, etc. For the official web site of the Party use always the cac:Party/cbc:WebsiteURI). An end-point identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute (e.g.eSENSParty Identifier Scheme). Should be considered for all actors (contracting authority, service provider, economic operator) as an eDeliveryID.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10-08)




The name of the economic operator.

Information Requirement: tbr92-001.

Rule: Use the official name of the Party as officially registered. Be accurate in its spelling.




Used to indicate whether the company is a micro, small, medium or large enterprise.

Information Requirement: tbr92-004.

Rule: Used only for statistical purposes. Compulsory use of parameters established by the EU Recommendation 2003/361 to determine whether the EO’s company is micro, small, medium or large. Beware that these parameters may change in the future.




The website of the economic operator.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: Use it for the official web site of the service provider.

Table 34. Economic operator postal address, expected elements

Class name:



Postal address information.

Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




The main address line in an address. Usually the street name and number or post office box.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.




The common name of a city where the address is located.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.




The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.




A code that identifies the country.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: The country of the contracting body must always be specified. Compulsory use of the Code List CountryCodeIdentifier (ISO 3166-1 2A:2006).

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10-07, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#5, BR-OTH-03)




The name of the country.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.

Table 35. Contact of the economic operator, expected elements

Class name:



Used to provide contacting information for a party in general or a person.

Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




The name of the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.




A phone number for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.




A fax number for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.




An e-mail address for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr92-012.

Rule: None.

Please see also the section III.6 Service Provider (for the ESPD Request) for other details and comparison with the previous version 1.0.2 of the ESPD-EDM.

Table 36. Service provider, expected elements

Class name:



Main information about the service provider.

Business rule(s):






Components Type Card Description Requirements




The website of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-021.

Rule: Use it for the official web site of the service provider. Reserve the EndPointID for online services (e.g. web, REST, ftp services, etc.)




Electronic address of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-021.

Rule: Use it for online services (e.g. Web Services, REST services, Delivery ID, ftp, etc. For the official web site of the Party use always the cac:Party/cbc:WebsiteURI). An end-point identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute (e.g.eSENSParty Identifier Scheme). Should be considered for all actors (contracting authority, service provider, economic operator) as an eDeliveryID.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10-08)




The national identifier of a service provider as it is legally registered (e.g. VAT identification).

Information Requirement: tbr070-021.

Rule: An identifier for the service provider must always be provided. Compulsory use of the attribute SchemeAgencyID. When possible use the VAT identification of the service provider (see the VIES platform for a EU cross-border national VAT number verification system). See XML example below.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10-11, BR-OTH-02)




The name of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-021.

Rule: The name of the service provider must always be specified. Supply the official registered name of the service provider.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-10-09)




The code that identifies the country of the service provider.

Information Requirement: tbr070-021.

Rule: The country of the service provider must always be specified. Compulsory use of the Code List CountryCodeIdentifier (ISO 3166-1 2A:2006).

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-RESP-10-10, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#5, BR-OTH-03)

VII.6.1 Regulated economic operator party

Mock-ups and data structures

The mock-up below shows the set of data required about the economic operator for the Regulated version of the ESPD:

Mock-up (1/8): Basic identification data:

Regulated economic operator - mock-up
Figure 194. Regulated economic operator, mock-up

The following figures below show the data aimed at other purposes (namely statistical), that is structured using the UBL-2.2 cac:TenderingCriterion. See the XML example below to check how both, the cac:EconomicOperatorParty and these data structures are used.

Mockup (2/8): Sheltered workshop or social business in case of reserved procurement:

Sheltered workshop - mock-up
Figure 195. Sheltered workshop or social business - mock-up

Data structure for a sheltered workshop or social business in case of reserved procurement:

Sheltered workshop - data structure
Figure 196. Sheltered workshop or social business - data structure

Mockup (3/8): Registration on an official list, tenderer register or (pre)qualification system:

EO registration on a (pre)qualified system - mock-up
Figure 197. EO registration on a (pre)qualified system, mock-up

Data structure for the (pre)qualification of the economic operator by an official list or similar:

(Pre)qualification-related data structure
Figure 198. Prequalification-related data structure

Mock-up (4/8): Role and other members of the group:

Role and other members of the group
Figure 199. Role and other members of the group, mock-up

Data structure for the role and members of the group (when bidding as a Consortium, Joint Venture, etc.) Beware that the name of the group has its own placeholder in the UBL-2.2 data model: /QualificationApplicationResponse/cbc:EconomicOperatorGroupName

EO Role and group-related data
Figure 200. EO Role and group-related data

XML Example (REGULATED economic operator)

This example contains all the data about an economic operator. Beware that the basic idenTification data is placed into the cac:EconomicOperatorParty component, whilst the rest of the data (namely for statististical purposes) is structured in the data structures described above.

Compare with the XML example about the economic operator for the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Response. You will notice some differences, e.g. the Role of the economic operator, number of employees, and other.

The figure below shows how the data about the economic operator looks like in a 'collapsed' SELF-CONTAINED ESPD XML instance (notice that in this example the EO belongs to a group named 'AIAPU', element /cac:EconomicOperatorGroupName; beware that the group name is a data element located at the root of the document).

EO data - collapsed view
Figure 201. Vision of the data about the EO in a 'collapsed' Regulated ESPD

This fragment of XML does not include the responses to the QUESTIONs in the data structures, yet. This is because the Responses have to be associated to a criterion property. The fragment below shows how these criterion properties are prepared and a 'dynamic' UUID is associated to each criterion property. Later on the response values will use these UUID to link the actual response to each QUESTION (i.e. with each cac:TenderingCriterionProperty element). Therefore the example does not include the data about the the EO yet. To see how the EO provides these data please see the sections below about the Response. There you will see that each element cac:ResponseValue is associated to a the UUID of the corresponding cac:TenderingCriterionProperty. For an example of a complete REGULATED ESPD Response XML document you can also see the file REGULATED-ESPDResponse-2.0.2.xml.

Economic operator data - XML example
<!-- Root elements removed for the sake of brevity -->

<!-- Economic Operator Data -->
			<!-- This EO company is NOT an SME -->
			<cbc:IndustryClassificationCode listID="EOIndustryClassificationCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">LARGE</cbc:IndustryClassificationCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="ES-VAT" schemeAgencyName="Spanish Tax Agency" schemeID="VIES" schemeURI="" schemeName="ES Value Added Tax Number">B82387770</cbc:ID>
		<cac:PartyName><cbc:Name>Everis, Spain, S.L.U.</cbc:Name></cac:PartyName>
				<cbc:Line>Manoteras, 52</cbc:Line>
			<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listName="ISO-1-ALPHA-2" listAgencyID="ISO" listVersionID="1.0">ES</cbc:IdentificationCode>
			<cbc:Name>Xavi Ker; Ruth Gomis; Miguel Verde</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Telephone>+34 91 749 00 00</cbc:Telephone>
<!-- Criterion:EO is a sheltered workshop -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2043338f-a38a-490b-b3ec-2607cb25a017</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.SHELTERED_WORKSHOP</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>EO is a sheltered workshop</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Only in case the procurement is reserved: is the economic operator a sheltered workshop, a 'social business' or will it provide for the performance of the contract in the context of sheltered employment programmes?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6febbe4a-e715-427c-a2b1-19cfabadaef0</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">97402ce3-b321-469e-9fa2-d3c3e3e09ca9</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a5e33369-e2b5-45f7-9969-ddb1c3ae17c8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">57dc3ba0-eda3-48cb-8e58-c065f12ad7a8</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>What is the corresponding percentage of disabled or disadvantaged workers?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERCENTAGE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f536b7eb-d393-483f-bbe8-67161e7552a2</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>If required, please provide details on whether the employees concerned belong to a specific category of disabled or disadvantaged workers?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:EO registered in a PQS -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9b19e869-6c89-4cc4-bd6c-ac9ca8602165</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.REGISTERED_IN_OFFICIAL_LIST</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>EO registered in a PQS</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>If applicable, is the economic operator registered on an official list of approved economic operators or does it have an equivalent certificate (e.g. under a national (pre)qualification system)?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">64162276-7014-408f-a9af-080426bfe1fd</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3f5959b0-6367-4f0e-96c2-a44635bbf84e</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a1e91ee8-30d3-43bc-886c-c72fb2fc173b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>a) Please provide the name of the list or certificate and the relevant registration or certification number, if applicable</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c49b62b7-fc29-48ba-b55e-71071e26b967</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>b) If the certificate of registration or certification is available electronically, please state where</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">URL</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ebc94ce3-7344-4300-8b63-770b8dcf0f94</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>c) Please state the references on which the registration or certification is based, and, where applicable, the classification obtained in the official list</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5d901b56-a49d-4f2f-b7d5-e91f8480e230</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>d) Does the registration or certification cover all of the required selection criteria?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:EO together with others -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ee51100f-8e3e-40c9-8f8b-57d5a15be1f2</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.TOGETHER_WITH_OTHERS</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>EO together with others</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Is the economic operator participating in the procurement procedure together with others?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d939f2c6-ba25-4dc4-889c-11d1853add19</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">843676a4-303f-4ffa-bd0b-3531dcc3b731</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f5663c5a-d311-4ae4-be14-1575754be5f2</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e0f36b44-1c60-419c-b4bd-e33049612f6d</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>a) Please indicate the role of the economic operator in the group (leader, responsible for specific tasks...)</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cfea21b1-e431-4aeb-a535-1f8e2e27324b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>b) Please identify the other economic operators participating in the procurement procedure together</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Lots the EO tenders to -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8b9700b7-b13c-41e6-a220-6bbf8d5fab31</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.LOTS_TENDERED</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Lots the EO tenders to</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Where applicable, indication of the lot(s) for which the economic operator wishes to tender</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b98984d5-95fa-45cd-a6d1-c017a6aeb62e</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Contributions certificates -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5a8dea31-5db9-4e03-862b-07810aa6a7fd</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.CONTRIBUTIONS_CERTIFICATES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Contributions certificates</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Will the economic operator be able to provide a certificate with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes or provide information enabling the contracting authority or contracting entity to obtaining it directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2021715e-2579-4e0b-bc94-14427f49879a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5b5d1bcd-5a6c-4e1f-8948-62be4bda6211</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">68d0a722-b1f1-4127-af27-7ef59b478805</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Relied on entities -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0d62c6ed-f074-4fcf-8e9f-f691351d52ad</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.RELIES_ON_OTHER_CAPACITIES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Relied on entities</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Does the economic operator rely on the capacities of other entities in order to meet the selection criteria set out under Part IV and the criteria and rules (if any) set out under Part V below?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">de11ac14-c2d2-4af6-a08e-e6a848f5ff77</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Not relied on entities -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">72c0c4b1-ca50-4667-9487-461f3eed4ed7</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.SUBCONTRACTS_WITH_THIRD_PARTIES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Not relied on entities</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Does the economic operator intend to subcontract any share of the contract to third parties?</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d5fe5a71-7fd3-4910-b6f4-5cd2a4d23524</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">63857106-8b44-44af-8ab4-1e3e92bbcc2c</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7f18c64e-ae09-4646-9400-f3666d50af51</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c983c80a-e826-4a88-93a5-46509e98cbcb</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>If yes and in so far as known, please list the proposed subcontractors</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- Exclusion and selection Criteria, Responses and Evidences removed for the sake of brevity -->

VII.6.2 Self-contained economic operator party

  1. The value expected for the EO identifier is of type Identifier. For the identifier of the EO it is also required to specify the type of identifier, and a closed list of possible types is proposed. EOs must use one of the available values, but the preferred one is the VAT number. Beware that the data structure does not keep the type of the identifier. This is because the this type code is placed in the attribute @schemeID of the cac:ResponseValue/cbc:ResponseID element (and the @schemeAgencyID attribute must be set to the default EU-COM-GROW). See the information requirement about the identifiers of the economic operators at the beginning of the section. See also next sections about the responses, XSD schemas and XML example.

Mock-up (SELFCONTAINED economic operator)

The figure below shows a possible mock-up with the information required related to the economic operator in the case of the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Response.

Economic operator - mock-up
Figure 202. Economic operator - mock-up (SELF-CONTAINED)

As you will see next, the information required about the economic operators varies depending on several factors:

  1. Is the economic operator a sole trader or does it belong to a group?

  2. If it belongs to a group, is the economic operator the leader of the group, a member or another entity (see the different types of 'roles' below);

  3. Does the economic operator rely on other entities to fulfill the selection criteria?

  4. Is the procurement procedure divided into lots?

One relevant aspect is the Role of the economic operator. The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 defines four different roles for the EO. The information to be provided by each role varies depending on whether the EO is:

  1. Sole contractor / Lead entity: Sole entity or, in case of Consortium, Joint Venture or other types of groups, the leader of the group. In this case:

    • The sole contractor or leader will have to produce a complete ESDP;

    • The sole contractor or leader will also have to identify the rest of the procurers (in the case of a group);

    • The sole contractor or leader will have to identify the entities upon which it relies (and about those on which the entities it relies on rely).

    • The sole contractor or leader will have to identify the entities upon which it does not relies.

    • The sole contractor or leader will have to specify the subcontracted proportion of the group (in the selection criteria "Subcontracted Proportion" of the ESPD).

  2. Group member: Member (not leader) of the Consortium, Joint Venture or other type of group. In this case:

    • The member of the group will have to produce a complete ESPD;

    • The member of the group does not have to identify the rest of the procurers or entities.

  3. Other entity (relied upon): Entity on which the main contractor, the group or another subcontractor relies in order to meet the selection criteria. In this case:

    • The entity will have to produce an ESPD;

    • The entity will not have have to identify the rest of the procurers or entities. Beware that an entity could have again another entity which it relies on or a a sub-contractor: in this case those entities and sub-contractors will have also to produce their own ESPD Response.

  4. Other entity (not relied upon): Entity on which the main contractor, the group or another subcontractor does not rely in order to meet the selection criteria. In this case:

    • The entity will have to produce an ESPD, too;

    • The entity does not have to provide information about the selection criteria;

    • The entity does not have to provide information about the reduction of the number of qualified candidates [6].

The simplest case

The simplest case is when:

  • The economic operator (EO) is a sole contractor

  • The EO does not rely on other entities

  • The procurement procedure is not divided into lots

Notice the following:

  1. Sole contractor. We know that the EO is a sole contractor when:

    • The role specified is 'Sole contractor / Lead entity' (first field of the mock-up); and (circle #1)

    • The EO states that it does not participate together with others; and (circle #24)

    • The EO states that it does not participate in a group (last field of the mock-up); (circle #25)

  2. Not an SME. The EO is a large company (circles #13-#15). The definition of what is an SME is provided in the EU recommendation 2003/361[7]. Notice that, differently to the REGULATED version, the SELF-CONTAINED version asks for the number of employees and turnover. This can be used by the software applications to validate the consistency of the data provided by the EO with the definition. By the way, these data are all placed in the cac:QualifyingParty element. See the XSD diagrams above the and the XML example below for details on the use of the cac:QualifyingParty and sub-components.

  3. No lots. The software application GUI should not show any information about Lots if the procurement procedure is not divided into Lots. This information is available in the ESPD Request.

Sheltered workshop

For this case the SELF-CONTAINED version works identically as the REGULATED version. If the economic operator answers Yes the fields about the 'percentage of disabled/disadvantaged workers and the category of handicap to which they belong to should shown, validated or processed (see mock-up for the REGULATED version in section VII.5.1 Regulated economic operator party. For this purpose the REGULATED and the SELF-CONTAINED data structures are identical:

Data structure for a sheltered workshop or social business in case of reserved procurement:

Sheltered workshop - data structure
Figure 203. Sheltered workshop or social business - data structure
EO registered in a (Pre)Qualification System (PQS)

One of the questions asked is whether the economic operator is registered on an official list (e.g. on a national Pre-Qualification System). In the case the EO answers Yes, the software application should ask the EO for this other data about which the evaluators may be interested in (see mock-up, circles #17-#21).

Beware that the (pre)qualification system the EO is registered on must be know by the software application. One proposal is that each (pre)qualification systems is perfectly identified and registered in e-Certis so the applications can use it and trust it (and even download certificates from it) [8]. However if this were not possible (because e-Certis does not implement this timely, for example), the data structure for the PQS provides an alternative field to keep the name of the (pre)qualification system; see data structure below.

In case the EO is registered on several pre-qualification systems, the EO will need to choose the one that applies to this particular procurement procedure. The EO will also be required to provide the identification of the EO in the selected pre-qualification system.

Data structure for the (pre)qualification of the economic operator by an official list or similar:

The elements in the data structure for this SELF-CONTAINED version are different to the REGULATED one. Notice that int the SELF-CONTAINED version:

  • The identifier assigned by the (pre)qualification system to the economic operator is required. This value however is placed in the element cac:QualifyingParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID and therefore is not required in the data structure.

  • The name of an alternative or additional (pre)qualification system (PQS) can also be provided by the EO. In principle this is not necessary as the PQS identifier is the value of the attribute @schemeAgencyID of the element cbc:ID.

  • The rest of the data are the same as for the REGULATED version: references, classifications and the scope of the registration in respect of the selection criteria of the procurement procedure.

(Pre)qualification-related data structure
Figure 204. Pre-qualification-related data structure
Lots (contracting authority perspective)

The economic operator should be able to specify to which Lots it tenders. Thus, if the procurement procedure is divided into Lots, the software application should show the list with all the Lots the contracted authority (CA) specified for the economic operator select one or more Lots. See the section III.10 Lots - Self-contained ESPD for details on how the CA specifies Lots. The mock-up below shows the requirements established by the contracting authorities about the Lots of the procurement procedure.

Lots-Selfcontained ESPD
Figure 205. Selection of Lots by the CA, mock-up
Lots (economic operator perspective)

The economic operator should then be able to select the Lots it will tender to. However the software application should control that the requirements established by the contracting authority (CA) are respected. Thus, for example, if the CA established that the economic operator can only tender to one lot the application should block the economic operator from selecting more than one lot.

Data structure for the Lots to which the economic operator tenders to:

Observe that the difference with the REGULATED version is that in the SELF-CONTAINED the Lots are a list of multiple identifiers (cardinality 1..n) instead of a free-text field.

Lots tendered
Figure 206. Lots tendered, data structure
Roles of the economic operator

Depending on its role the data that the economic operator (EO) will have to provide is different. In this example (see mock-up):

  • The EO is the Leader of a Consortium it also had to select Yes to the question on whether it participates in a group. To this the software application reacts displaying a new field for the EO to provide the name of the Consortium (the rest of the members and entities related to this Consortium will have also to provide exactly the same name in their ESPDs).

  • As it is the Leader this EO will have to identify the rest of procurers and entities. The rest of members and entities participating in the tender shall not be requested to provide this information.

  • The Leader will also have to identify the entities it relies on and on those it does not rely on (this would also the case for the Sole Contractor). See the two next mock-ups below for the data to be provided on these two entities.

Data structure to identify the rest of the EOs that are members of the group:

In the SELF-CONTAINED version the Lead entity of a group must identify the rest of economic operators that participate in the group. See the rest of the mock-ups and data structure below to see how, additionally, it also identifies other entities (e.g. sub-contractors).

Notice that:

  1. The data required here is different from the data required in the REGULATED version: name, identifier and activity of the EO.

  2. The values expected for the name and activity are texts.

  3. The value expected for the EO identifier is of type Identifier. For the identifier of the EO it is also required to specify the type of identifier, and a closed list of possible types is proposed (see Code List EOIDType. EOs must use one of the available codes, but the preferred one is the VAT number. Beware that the data structure does not keep the type of the identifier. This is because this type code is placed in the attribute @schemeName of the cac:ResponseValue/cbc:ResponseID element (and the @schemeAgencyID attribute must be set to the default EU-COM-GROW). See information requirements at the beginning of the section. See also next sections about the responses, XSD schemas and XML example.

Lots tendered
Figure 207. Lots tendered, data structure
Certificates about contributions to the Tax Agency and/or Social Security

Data structure for the certificates about contributions to the Tax Agency and/or Social Security:

This data structure is identical to the REGULATED version, see circles #22 and #23 in the mock-up above).

Contributions certificates - data structure
Figure 208. Contributions certificates
Mock-up: Information about reliance on the capacities of the other entities

As explained above, the Sole contractor or the Leader of a group will have to provide information about the entities it relies on in order to meet the selection criteria. The mock-up below shows the set of data the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 expects from this role. Remember that this information does not need to be supplied by the members of a group or other entities.

EO Roles-entities relied on
Figure 209. EO Roles-entities relied on, mock-up

Data structure for the entities upon which the EO relies on:

Relied on entities - data structure
Figure 210. Relied on entities - data structure
Mock-up: Information about third parties on which the EO does not rely on

The Sole contractor or the Leader of a group will have also to provide information about subcontractors on whose capacity the economic operator does not rely. Remember that this information does not need to be supplied by the members of a group or other entities.

EO Roles-entities not relied on
Figure 211. EO Roles-entities not relied on, mock-up

Data structure for the entities upon which the EO does not relies on:

Not relied on entities - data structure
Figure 212. Not relied on entities - data structure

XML Example (SELF-CONTAINED economic operator)

This example contains all the data about an economic operator. Beware that the basic idenTification data is placed into the cac:EconomicOperatorParty component, whilst the rest of the data (namely for statististical purposes) is structured in the data structures described above.

Compare with the XML example about the economic operator for the REGULATED ESPD Response. You will notice some differences, e.g. the Role of the economic operator, number of employees, and other.

The figure below shows how the data about the economic operator looks like in a 'collapsed' SELF-CONTAINED ESPD XML instance (notice that in this example the EO belongs to a group named 'AIAPU', element /cac:EconomicOperatorGroupName; beware that the group name is a data element located at the root of the document).

EO data - collapsed view
Figure 213. Vision of the data about the EO in a 'collapsed' Self-contained ESPD

This fragment of XML does not include the responses to the QUESTIONs in the data structures, yet. This is because the Responses have to be associated to a criterion property. The fragment below shows how these criterion properties are prepared and a 'dynamic' UUID is associated to each criterion property. Later on the response values will use these UUID to link the actual response to each QUESTION (i.e. with each cac:TenderingCriterionProperty element). Therefore the example does not include the data about the the EO yet. To see how the EO provides these data please see the sections below about the Response. There you will see that each element cac:ResponseValue is associated to the UUID of the corresponding cac:TenderingCriterionProperty via the element cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID. For an example of a complete SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Response XML document you can also see the file SELFCONTAINED-ESPDResponse-2.0.2.xml.

Economic operator data - XML example
<!-- The group of the name is at the root of the document -->
<!-- The name of the group (Consortium, Joint Venture, etc.) if the tenderer is not a sole contractor -->

<!-- Root elements removed for the sake of brevity -->

<!-- Economic Operator Data -->
			<cbc:ValueAmount currencyID="EUR">1203000000</cbc:ValueAmount>
			<!-- This EO company is NOT an SME -->
			<cbc:IndustryClassificationCode listID="EOIndustryClassificationCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">LARGE</cbc:IndustryClassificationCode> (13)
		<!-- Notice that the ID and Name of the Pre-Qualification System is in the attributes. They would be captured from e-Certis. -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="VAT" schemeAgencyID="ROLECE" schemeAgencyName="Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Estado">B82387770</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:RoleCode listID="EORoleType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SCLE</cbc:RoleCode>
		<cbc:RoleDescription>Sole entity or, in case of Consortium, Joint Venture or other types of groups, the leader of the group.</cbc:RoleDescription>
		<!--Additional Identifier not provided --> (11)
		<cbc:WebsiteURI></cbc:WebsiteURI> (12)
			<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="VAT" schemeAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" schemeID="VIES" schemeURI="" schemeName="VAT number">B82387770</cbc:ID>(10)
		<cac:PartyName><cbc:Name>Everis, Spain, S.L.U.</cbc:Name></cac:PartyName>(2)
				<cbc:Line>Manoteras, 52</cbc:Line>(3)
			<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listName="ISO-1-ALPHA-2" listAgencyID="ISO" listVersionID="1.0">ES</cbc:IdentificationCode>(6)
			<cbc:Name>Spain</cbc:Name> (6)
			<cbc:Name>Xavi Ker; Ruth Gomis; Miguel Verde</cbc:Name>(9)
			<cbc:Telephone>+34 91 749 00 00</cbc:Telephone>(8)
			<cbc:ElectronicMail></cbc:ElectronicMail> (7)


<!-- Criterion:EO is a sheltered workshop -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2043338f-a38a-490b-b3ec-2607cb25a017</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.SHELTERED_WORKSHOP</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>EO is a sheltered workshop</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Only in case the procurement is reserved: is the economic operator a sheltered workshop, a 'social business' or will it provide for the performance of the contract in the context of sheltered employment programmes?</cbc:Description> (16)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6febbe4a-e715-427c-a2b1-19cfabadaef0</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8d47e12d-2346-41d8-82fe-afb22ebbd791</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a5e33369-e2b5-45f7-9969-ddb1c3ae17c8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">031953ad-2f92-4fca-a482-7b8efb7035a7</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>What is the corresponding percentage of disabled or disadvantaged workers?</cbc:Description> (16)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERCENTAGE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>(16)
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6e2f7c96-61ac-443b-9039-c45fa3a3e595</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>If required, please provide details on whether the employees concerned belong to a specific category of disabled or disadvantaged workers?</cbc:Description>(16)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:EO registered in a PQS -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9b19e869-6c89-4cc4-bd6c-ac9ca8602165</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.REGISTERED_IN_OFFICIAL_LIST</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>EO registered in a PQS</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>If applicable, is the economic operator registered on an official list of approved economic operators or does it have an equivalent certificate (e.g. under a national (pre)qualification system)?</cbc:Description>(17)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">64162276-7014-408f-a9af-080426bfe1fd</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">343b5c92-2a5f-4ef7-9d8a-41c8e7b70aa7</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9f5528c1-6f7f-41e0-9287-054a0bef2f9f</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>a)Alternative or additional name of the (pre)qualifiction system</cbc:Description>(18)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3eb9b248-21de-47fa-9aa2-e34d0bf1d32c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>c) Please state the references on which the registration or certification is based, and, where applicable, the classification obtained in the official list</cbc:Description>(20)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f6109977-1e25-4926-85f5-813db5c113d5</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>d) Does the registration or certification cover all of the required selection criteria?</cbc:Description> (21)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:EO together with others -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ee51100f-8e3e-40c9-8f8b-57d5a15be1f2</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.TOGETHER_WITH_OTHERS</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>EO together with others</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Is the economic operator participating in the procurement procedure together with others?</cbc:Description>(24)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d939f2c6-ba25-4dc4-889c-11d1853add19</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">89f59f77-2dff-4463-8eef-269fdf455ae9</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Name of the economic operator in the group</cbc:Description>(28)
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1fa05728-308f-43b0-b547-c903ffb0a8af</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>ID of the economic operator</cbc:Description>(29)
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8b7e09d3-f537-43ec-85dc-32d6ad9bccd8</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Activity of the economic operator (for this specific procedure)</cbc:Description>(30)
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Lots the EO tenders to -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8b9700b7-b13c-41e6-a220-6bbf8d5fab31</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.LOTS_TENDERED</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Lots the EO tenders to</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Lots selected by the economic operator</cbc:Description>(27)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ca0e6adb-a8a3-40f0-9ffa-f9f0b3d95e31</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description> (27)
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Contributions certificates -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5a8dea31-5db9-4e03-862b-07810aa6a7fd</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.CONTRIBUTIONS_CERTIFICATES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Contributions certificates</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Will the economic operator be able to provide a certificate with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes or provide information enabling the contracting authority or contracting entity to obtaining it directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge?</cbc:Description>(22)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c4f182c7-5c47-4a82-9a0c-8f71f84c35a0</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fb15e5ec-b67f-4fea-8422-c55347078b25</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>(23)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">191b34a8-5af0-4d53-b431-4ecd624218ea</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- Criterion:Relied on entities -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0d62c6ed-f074-4fcf-8e9f-f691351d52ad</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.RELIES_ON_OTHER_CAPACITIES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Relied on entities</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Does the economic operator rely on the capacities of other entities in order to meet the selection criteria set out under Part IV and the criteria and rules (if any) set out under Part V below?</cbc:Description>(31)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">66dd1394-b278-4ee7-b589-e6d750024d16</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">50e9a74e-969e-4d79-8e19-8af71cb7c54a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1f24933d-6b65-439a-98a7-f235a46ee895</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Name of the entity</cbc:Description>(32)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">55b05d39-56b4-4d1f-8af5-9340a071b1bc</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>ID of the entity</cbc:Description>(33)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">024a5f37-6c39-4c20-8dc0-be55b736f310</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Activity of the entity (for this specific procedure)</cbc:Description>(34)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
<!-- Criterion:Not relied on entities -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">72c0c4b1-ca50-4667-9487-461f3eed4ed7</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.SUBCONTRACTS_WITH_THIRD_PARTIES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Not relied on entities</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Does the economic operator intend to subcontract any share of the contract to third parties?</cbc:Description>(35)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2f7f9459-c020-4b89-8b27-4e52f25242ce</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">50e9a74e-969e-4d79-8e19-8af71cb7c54a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3fb6d7cc-f605-4eda-80f0-045dcb2c540a</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Name of the subcontractor</cbc:Description>(36)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c186fefa-1923-4dbd-85a7-8a007bb75e2c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>ID of the subcontractor</cbc:Description> (37)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">98e3401b-4024-4a60-98d2-9e9ad0ba2814</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Activity of the entity (for this specific procedure)</cbc:Description>(38)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>



<!-- Exclusion and selection Criteria, Responses and Evidences removed for the sake of brevity -->
1 Role of the economic operator. The values are defined in the Code List EORoleType. The selection of the value SCLE determines whether the data about the relied-on and not-relied-on entities is instantiated in this XML. In this case, as the value is SCLE these data is present in the XML document.
2 Name of the economic operator. A text field.
3 Street and number of the economic operator. Notice that the cac:AddressLine element is used instead of cbc:StreetnName and cbc:BuildingNumber. This is because name and number are not split in two fields.
4 Postcode (zip code) of the EO. A text field. Either the GUI and/or an external Schematron rule could be implemented to control the pattern of this text.
5 City, the name of the town of the EO. Applications could check whether the town exists in the country.
6 Country, only the country code identifier is needed. In this example the description is also used, but is redundant. Software applications should be able to, based on the language of the user, retrieve the name of the country based on the country code.
7 E-mail address of the EO. A text field. Either the GUI and/or an external Schematron rule could be implemented to control the pattern of this text.
8 Telephone of the EO. A text field. Either the GUI and/or an external Schematron rule could be implemented to control the pattern of this text.
9 A coma separated list of persons of contact.
10 The VAT number of the EO. Notice how the attributes of the cbc:ID element are used: they respect the information requirements established for the identification of the EO (see requirements at the beginning of the section).
11 Additional identifier. In this example it is not used, thus the absence of the element.
12 Internet address, normally the official web-site of the EO.
13 Code to identify the type of the company (micro, small, medium, SME, Large). Notice the use of the Code List EOIndustryClassificationCode (for statistical purposes).
14 Number of employees of the EO’s company. Do not use separators. The software application should take care of the formatting (for statistical purposes).
15 Indicative turnover of the EO’s company (for statistical purposes).
16 Set of data about a sheltered workshop.
17 Set of data about a (pre)qualification system (PQS) where the EO is registered.
18 Alternative name of the PQS.
19 The ID and name of the PQS are in principle to be captured from e-Certis and set in the attributes. If they are not available use the alternative name of the PQS (see previous note <18> and circle #18 in the mock-up).
20 References used to get a classification in the PQS.
21 Statement by the EO kept taken as a self-declaration: scope of the registration or certification in/by a PQS.
22 Statement by the EO kept taken as a self-declaration: engagement to supply a certificate with regard to its social contributions (taxes and social security).
23 Online location of the certificate, if available. A text field. Either the GUI and/or an external Schematron rule could be implemented to control the pattern of this text.
24 Statement by the EO kept taken as a self-declaration: procurement procedure together with others.
25 Statement by the EO kept taken as a self-declaration: part of a group.
26 If the previous question (note <25> and circle #25 of the mock-up) is answered with a Yes the name of the group is placed in the element cbc:EconomicOperatorGroupName. Beware that all the members and entities belonging to the group must provide in their respective ESPD Response exactly the same name. Special attention must be paid to the spelling so to ensure that the name of the group can be used as an identifier to link all the members and entities of the group.
27 Lots the EO tenders to. See the responses in the next section to see how this list of Lots is constructed.
28 Name of one member of the group. This EO is the Lead entity and therefore has to identify all the members of the group (ACME-Consortium, in this example). The EO will have to introduce as many groups of name, ID, and activity data as members has the group (except itself).
29 Identifier of the member. The ESPD-EDM preferred option is the VAT number. Notice in the response (in further sections) that the type of identifier goes to the attribute schemeID (see values in the Code List EOIDType.
30 Activity of the EO. Free-text field.
31 Group of data about the relied-on entities. As this EO is the Lead entity it has to provide this data. Thus the instance of this data structure in this XML example.
32 Name of an entity. A free-text field.
33 ID of the entity. The ESPD-EDM preferred option is the VAT number. Notice in the response (in further sections) that the type of identifier goes to the attribute schemeID (see values in the Code List EOIDType.
34 Activity of the entity. Free-text field.
35 Group of data about the entities upon which the EO does not rely on. As this EO is the Lead entity it has to provide this data. Thus the instance of this data structure in this XML example.
36 Name of a subcontractor. A free-text field.
37 ID of a subcontractor. The ESPD-EDM preferred option is the VAT number. Notice in the response (in further sections) that the type of identifier goes to the attribute schemeID (see values in the Code List EOIDType.
38 Activity of the subcontractor. Free-text field.

VII.6.3 Economic operator representatives

See formal requirements related to the representatives of the economic operator in the e-Sens site: tbr92-021.

Notice that the economic operator may specify more than one representative.

Differences between the Regulated and Self-contained versions

There are no differences between the REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions as far as the economic operator representatives are concerned. Thus, the mock-up, data structure and XML example proposed below are applicable to both cases.


In this example of mock-up the economic operator is specifying two representatives:.

EO representatives - mock-up, mock-up
Figure 214. EO representatives, mock-up


In the The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 all the data regarding the representative of the economic operators is placed in the UBL-2.2 component cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:Party/cac:PowerOfAttorney. In principle the elements expected by the ESPD-EDM are very few, only the ones represented in the mock-up above. However this UBL element provides other possibilities that may be used in the future or for other purposes (or as a national extension of the ESPD).

Thus, additionally to the expected elements, the cac:PowerOfAttorney component caters also for, at least, two other data could be required at some point (e.g. cac:MandateDocumentReference, see figure below):

  • The place of registration of the representative. The logic first element to look at is the place of birth (this is one of the expected elements). But other elements could be used complementarily: (i) cac:Person/cac:IdentityDocumentReference (A reference to a document that can precisely identify this person (e.g., a residence certificate), (ii) cac:Person/cbc:NationalityID, and/or cac:Person/cbc:CitizenshipCountry.

  • Official documentation demonstrating that the person representing has an authentic mandate (e.g. a reference to a register where this mandate is located). For this the element cac:/PowerOfAttorney/cac:MandateDocumentReference should be used.

EO representatives - XSD Schema
Figure 215. EO representatives, XSD Schema

Notice that the largest part of the data is held in the component cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:Party/cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/cac:Person. The figure below shows (in blue) the expected elements. See the table "Expecte Elements" and the XML example below for the details (e.g. how to use the cac:Person/cac:Contact element to contact the representative.

EO representatives - element Person - XSD Schema
Figure 216. EO representatives - element Person, XSD Schema

Contact elements, such as telephone and e-mail are in the cac:Contact associated to the the cac:Person information element:

EO representatives - Contac - XSD Schema
Figure 217. EO representatives - element Contact, inside Person, XSD Schema
Expected Elements (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)
Table 37. Representatives of the economic operator, expected elements

Class name:



Official or legal mandate issued by an authority (e.g. an attorney or a notary) to represent the economic operator as a representative of the economic operator in public procurement procedures.

Business rule(s):

Common (BR-RESP-20)





Context of use:

The economic operator in the ESPD Response document. Use this element to refer to the natural persons that represent the economic operator. See requirement tbr92-018.

Components Type Card Description Requirements

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cbc:FirstName



Name of the natural person.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009 Rule: Name of the natural person is mandatory.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-20-01)

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cbc:FamilyName



Family Name of the natural person.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: Family Name of the natural person is mandatory.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-20-02)

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cbc:BirthDate



Date of birth of the natural person.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: None.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cbc:BirthplaceName



Place of birth of the natural person.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: None.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:ResidenceAddress/cac:AddressLine



The main address line in an address. Usually the street name and number or post office box.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: Use it to specify the street name and number of the building of the representative natural person in one line. Beware that specifying the address of a natural person might enter in conflict with the current Data Protection rules.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:ResidenceAddress/cbc:PostalZone



The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: None.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:ResidenceAddress/cbc:CityName



The common name of a city where the address is located.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: None.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:ResidenceAddress/ cac:Country/cbc:IdentificationCode



A code that identifies the country.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List CountryCodeIdentifier.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-20-03, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#5, BR-OTH-03)

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:ResidenceAddress/ cac:Country/cbc:Name



The name of the country.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: Try to use the name provided in the Code List CountryCodeIdentifier and in the language of the user.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:Contact/cbc:ElectronicMail



An e-mail address for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: None.

cac:PowerOfAttorney/cac:AgentParty/ cac:Person/cac:Contact/cbc:Telephone



A phone number for the contact point.

Information Requirement: tbr92-009

Rule: None.




The short description for the role of the economic operstors representative and other detailed information on the representation.

Information Requirement: tbr92-010

Rule: Use line 1 of the description to describe the role of the representative. Use line 2 to provide detailed information on the representation (its forms, extent, purpose, etc.)


None, all the data is placed in the UBL-2.2 component cac:PowerOfAttorney


Notice that this XML example contains two representatives, as in the mock-up.

Economic operator’s representatives
<!-- Economic Operator Data -->

		<cac:FinancialCapability><cbc:ValueAmount currencyID="EUR">1203000000</cbc:ValueAmount></cac:FinancialCapability>
			<!-- This EO company is NOT an SME -->
			<cbc:IndustryClassificationCode listID="EOIndustryClassificationCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">LARGE</cbc:IndustryClassificationCode>
			<!-- Notice that the ID and Name of the Pre-Qualification System is in the attributes. They would be captured from e-Certis. -->
				<cbc:ID schemeID="VAT" schemeAgencyID="ROLECE" schemeAgencyName="Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Estado">B82387770</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:RoleCode listID="EORoleType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">SCLE</cbc:RoleCode>
			<cbc:RoleDescription>Sole entity or, in case of Consortium, Joint Venture or other types of groups, the leader of the group.</cbc:RoleDescription>
			<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="VAT" schemeAgencyName="EU-COM-GROW" schemeID="VIES" schemeURI="" schemeName="VAT number">B82387770</cbc:ID>
		<cac:PartyName><cbc:Name>Everis, Spain, S.L.U.</cbc:Name></cac:PartyName>
				<cbc:Line>Manoteras, 52</cbc:Line>
			<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="1.0">ES</cbc:IdentificationCode>
			<cbc:Name>Xavi Ker; Ruth Gomis; Miguel Verde</cbc:Name>
			<cbc:Telephone>+34 91 749 00 00</cbc:Telephone>

		<!-- REPRESENTATIVES of the Economic Operator -->
		<!-- Representative 1 -->
		<cbc:Description>Total powers to make decisions on behalf of the company.</cbc:Description>(12)
		<cbc:Description>Main legal representative with power to make decisions about any aspect related to public procurement contracts with public administrations.</cbc:Description>(7)
				<cbc:FirstName>Mary A.</cbc:FirstName>(1)
				<!-- No element for "street and number" present. The user decided not to provide it -->(3)
						<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">>BE</cbc:IdentificationCode>(6)
						<cbc:Name languageID="en">Belgium</cbc:Name>(6)
		<!-- Representative 2 -->
		<cbc:Description>Public Sector Responsible Manager</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:Description>Can sign contracts with the buyer on behalf of the Consortium.</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">>ES</cbc:IdentificationCode>
						<cbc:Name languageID="en">Spain</cbc:Name>

<!-- Exclusion and selection Criteria, Responses and Evidences removed for the sake of brevity -->
1 First Name of the natural person that represents the economic operator.
2 Data of birth of the natural person that represents the economic operator.
3 Notice that no street name and building number or postbox was provided. Hence the element cac:AddressLine has not been instantiated in this XML document.
4 Postal or zip code in the city where the natural person lives.
5 Name of the city where the natural person lives.
6 Code representing the country where the natural person lives.
7 Second line of the cac:Description element reserved to hold the additional information providing detailed information about the representation (such as the extent of the representation, its forms, purposes, etc.).
8 The family name of the natural person that represents the economic operator.
9 Name of the place where the natural person representing the EO was born. This can be used to further identify the natural person.
10 Electronic mail of the natural person.
11 Telephone number of the natural person.
12 Firts line of the cac:Description element reserved to hold the 'representation' role the natural person plays for this economic operator.

VII.7 Answering QUESTIONs


The ESPD Response must include one criterion response (one answer), and only one, linked to one, and only one, criterion property (one QUESTION) copied from the ESPD Request into the ESPD Response document; and to each criterion property added by the economic operator to the ESDP Response.

One criterion response, though, may contain a list of response values of the same type.


If the response to a criterion property is marked as confidential the evidences linked to this criterion property must also be treated as confidential.

The section Data Structures established a mapping between each data structure elements 'label' and the corresponding UBL-2.2 XML element of the cac:TenderingCriterion component. Thus:

  • REQUIREMENT_GROUP and QUESTION_GROUP are mapped to cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup;

  • REQUIREMENT_SUBGROUP and QUESTION_SUBGROUP are mapped to cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionPropertyGroup; and

  • REQUIREMENT and QUESTION are mapped to cac:TenderingCriterionProperty.

If you have a look at the data structure tables (the fragments of spread-sheets in previous chapters), you will observe that all groups and subgroups have a UUID associated. These UUID are generated by e-Certis and identify the structure inside the group or subgroup.

In the same data structures REQUIREMENT(s) and QUESTION(s) do not have a UUID assigned. This is because the UUID for each cac:TenderingCriterionProperty element has to be generated dynamically: each criterion property needs a unique identifier. The reasons are:

  1. In the UBL-2.2 model the answers are separated from inside the criterion. This differs from the previous models of the ESPD-EDM. The motivation for this separation was to allow drafting QualificationApplicationResponse documents without having to copy every criterion from the QualificationApplicationRequest, having in mind other scenarios different to the European Single Procurement Document. This could be used, perhaps, by public administrations that would like to use the UBL-2.2 XSDs for "under-the-threshold contract" ESPDs. Even in that situation the QualificationApplicationResponse would need to refer to the specific QualificationApplicationRequest instance (so the UUIDs are exactly the ones that were automatically generated for that instance). Remember that this is not possible in the ESPD-EDM, as there is a specific requirement asking to copy every criterion from the QualificationApplicationRequest into the QualificationApplicationResponse; see this business requirement at the beginning of the section.

  2. If the UUID of cac:TenderingCriterionProperty was 'fixed' (as are the groups and subgroups) one answer could refer to more than one REQUIREMENT or QUESTION; and this is not permissible (see business requirement above, one criterion property → one answer, one answer → one criterion property).

Differences between the Regulated and Self-contained versions

There are no differences between the REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions as far as the answers to the QUESTIONS are concerned.


To answer a QUESTION the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 uses the UBL-2.2 component cac:TenderingCriterionResponse. The expected elements are highlighted in blue in the figure below:

cac:TenderingCriterionResponse element
Figure 218. cac:TenderingCriterionResponse XSD element

To answer one QUESTION one of the different possible types of values from the cac:ResponseValue element (inside the cac:TenderingCriterionResponse) must be selected. In other words, the types of elements inside the cac:ResponseValue are all disjoint amongst themselves.

If the need is to build a list of values, e.g. the list of Common Procurement Vocabulary codes (CPV) corresponding to an activity, or a the list of Lot identifiers the EO tenders to, a sequence of cac:ResponseValues shall be instantiated. See XML examples below.

cac:ResponseValue XSD element
Figure 219. cac:ResponseValue XSD element

The cac:ApplicablePeriod is used to hold the start date and the end-date provided by the economic operator to a QUESTION for which the expected data is of type 'PERIOD'. (See expected types in the Code List ResponseDataType).

Note for the future

Future versions of UBL could consider moving this element inside the element cac:ResponseValue and rename it appropriately (or come up with a design approach different to the current one).

cac:ApplicablePeriod XSD element
Figure 220. cac:ApplicablePeriod XSD element

One answer to one QUESTION may be linked to multiple evidences. The XSD diagram below shows that to make this link possible the element cac:TenderingCriterionResponse element associates a class cac:EvidenceSupplied. This class contains only one basic information element, a cbc:ID. In UBL, except for cbc:Description, basic information elements (typically prefixed as cbc:) cannot be of multiple cardinality, but associated classes can. Thus the need to place the cbc:ID inside a class. This ID points at an instance of cac:Evidence present in the XML.

This design is an interesting feature as, by separating the evidence object instances from inside the response, one evidence may be used for different criteria. See the component cac:Evidence below in the section "IX. Evidences". See also XML examples.

cac:EvidenceSupplied XSD element
Figure 221. cac:EvidenceSupplied XSD element

Mock-ups and data structures

The answers to QUESTIONs are provided in the example mock-ups of the previous sections about how the contracting authority specify REQUIREMENTs and QUESTIONs, and how the economic operator adds or removes instances of elements (such as data on the economic operator, references to similar works and services, etc. Please refer to those mock-ups and compare the values shown in the fields reserved for the EO to answer and compare those values with the ones in the example XML snippets below.

Responses are not associated to ESPD custom data structures. All the values regarding an answer are always placed in one instance of the UBL-2.2 data element cac:TenderingCriterionResponse.

Expected Elements (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

Table 38. Elements expected in an answer to a criterion property

Class name:



A class to describe a response to a criterion property.

Business rule(s):

SELF-CONTAINED (BR-RESP-80, BR-RESP-80-S10, BR-RESP-80-S20), Common (BR-LEAD-10)





Context of use:

The economic operator uses it in the ESPD Response document to answer a QUESTION. tbr92-018, tbr92-007, tbr92-005, tbr92-006.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




A language-independent token, e.g., a number, that allows to identify a criterion response uniquely as well as allows to reference the criterion response in other documents. A criterion response describes how an economic operators fulfills an specific criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018, tbr92-007, tbr92-005, tbr92-006

Rule: This ID SHOULD be provided by the EO or the service provider that instantiates the ESPDResponse XML document.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TCR-05, BR-OTH-02)




A cross-reference to the criterion propertys which is validated thorugh this response expressed as an identifier.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018, tbr92-007, tbr92-005, tbr92-006

Rule: This ID MUST point at one of the TenderingCriterionProperty/cbc:ID that were included in the Request document.

Rule scope: Common (BR-RESP-30, BR-RESP-40, BR-RESP-60, BR-RESP-60-S10, BR-RESP-60-S20, BR-TCR-01, BR-TCR-03, BR-LEAD-10-S20, BR-LEAD-10-S30)




A code specifying the confidentiality level of the given response for this criterion.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018, tbr92-007, tbr92-005, tbr92-006

Rule: If the value is true, all the evidences associated to this response becomes also confidential.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-TCR-02, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#19, BR-OTH-03)


Associated class


A class to describe the criterion property response value.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: This class contains the main disjoint elements used to provide the actual answer. The UBL-2.2 model provides cardinality 0..n, this allows for building up lists of, namely, identifier and code values that are all "packaged" into one cac:TenderingCriterionResponse that in turn is linked to one cac:TenderingCriterionProperty. Beware that the cardinality is flexible (0..whatever) because some responses are not simple values, like the ones but complex ones, e.g. cac:ApplicablePeriod and cac:EvidenceSupplied).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TCR-08, BR-TCR-04)


Associated class


A class for the economic operator to specify the start date and the end-date when the expected answer to a criterion property is a lapse of time.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: The ESPD-EDM does only expect start date and end date. Software applications may take leverage of the richness of this class though for other purposes beyond the scope of this specification.


Associated class


A reference to the evidence supporting this criterion property response.

Information Requirement: tbr92-017

Rule: Used to point at an instance of the cac:Evidence.

Disjointness of the elements inside cac:ResponseValue

Beware that one cac:ResponseValue element contains the complete list of possible values for one answer to a criterion property. Only one type of element can be used to answer a criterion property, and that element MUST be of the same type as the one specified as expected in the ESPD Request (element cac:TenderingCriterionProperty/cac:ValueDataTypeCode).

Thus, for example, if in the ESPD Request the expected type is DESCRIPTION the cac:ResponseValue must use the element cbc:Description, if INDICATOR cbc:ResponseIndicator, if IDENTIFIER cbc:ResponseID, etc.

See the codes used for cac:ValueDataTypeCode in the Code List ResponseDataType. For the different possible values in the response see the XSD diagrams above and the list of the expected elements in cac:ResponseValue in the table below.

This disjointness rule applies to the type of the value, but not to the values of the same type. Thus, for lists of values that constitute the actual answer (e.g. the list of LotIDs the economic operator tenders to, or a list of CPV codes to describe with granularity an activity), a sequence of cac:ResponseValues shall be instantiated in the XML. See the XML examples below.

Table 39. Elements expected in the 'cac:ApplicablePeriod' class

Class name:



A class to describe a period of time.

Business rule(s):






Context of use:

A class for the economic operator to specify the start date and the end-date when the expected answer to a criterion property is a lapse of time; tbr92-018.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




The date on which this period begins.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Expected format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.




The date on which this period ends.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Expected format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

Table 40. Elements expected in the 'cac:EvidenceSupplied' class

Class name:



A reference to the evidence supporting this criterion property response.

Business rule(s):






Context of use:

Used to refer to one ore more evidences that are present in the QualificationApplicationResponse XML instance; tbr92-017.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




The identifier of the referenced evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: The expected identifier must match the value of a cac:Evidence/cbc:ID present in the XML document.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TCR-09, BR-OTH-0)

The table below lists the elements expected in the sub-class cac:ResponseValue. Remember that the elements of distinct types are all disjoint amongst themselves: i.e. you cannot associate one amount AND one indicator to the same cac:TenderingCriterionProperty element (but several values for elements of one type may be used to build up lists, e.g. lists of Lots and lists of CPV codes).

Table 41. Elements expected in the 'cac:ResponseValue' class

Class name:



A class to describe the criterion property response value.

Business rule(s):

Common (BR-TCR-08, BR-TCR-04)





Context of use:

Used to specify one value or a collection of values (in the case of a list) as a response to one, and only one, cac:TenderingCriterionProperty that is typified as a QUESTION.

Components Type Card Description Requirements




An identifier to refer to this criterion response value.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Recommendation: use a UUDI-version 4 number.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-TCR-05)




A description used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: The ESPD-EDM uses this element to place a response that is a string. UBL-2.2 instead uses cbc:Response, for this. This is something that needs to be reviewed and agreed between ESPD-EDM and future versions of the UBL. See the XML provided in this ESPD-EDM specifications for details on its usage.




An amount used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: The currencyID attribute is MANDATORY (e.g. "EUR"). Compulsory use of the code list "ISO 4217 3A:2015". BEWARE that amounts can use decimal separators (e.g. 14134,95 but not hundred or thousand separators).

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#17, BR-OTH-03)




A code used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Compulsory use of the attributes mentioned in the section "II.4 Codes and Identifiers" for codes.

Rule scope: Common (BR-OTH-01)




A date used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.




A time used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Format 'HH:MM:SS'.




An identifier used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Compulsory use of the attributes mentioned in the section "II.4 Codes and Identifiers" for codes. Several identifiers may be linked to one criterion property thus building a list of identifiers. See XML examples (e.g. in Self-contained references ESPD Response, 'Lots tendered the EO tenders to').




An indicator used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: The only possible values are False and True.

Rule scope: Common (BR-TCR-06, BR-TCR-07)




A measure used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: None.




A number used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: Do not format the percentage with the "%" symbol, just provide a float value like in the example (e.g. 0.4).




A quantity used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: BEWARE that different types of Quantities can be required, some of them with a special attribute. Up to three different types of Quantities can be specified: (1) QUANTITY_INTEGER, a number representing a quantity in a specific unit of measure. The unit has to be specified (e.g. number of workers); (2) QUANTITY_YEAR, a non-negative integer (i.e. a natural number) representing a year. The unit has to be specified as YEAR, and (3) QUANTITY, a number representing a generic quantity with no unit specified (e.g. a ratio). Beware that in the case of QUANTITY_INTEGER and QUANTITY_YEAR the attribute unitCode MUST be always specified.




A URI used as a reply to the criterion property.

Information Requirement: tbr92-018

Rule: None.

VII.7.1 XML Example 1: Information about the EO

The information about the economic operator is distributed into the cac:EconomicOperatorParty element and 'data structures' that use the cac:TenderingCriterion element. The XML examples provided herein refer only to the data structured using the cac:TenderingCriterion. See chapter VII.5. Economic Operator for more details and other XML examples.

XML snippet 1.a) EO registered in a PQS (criterion properties)

This XML shows the criterion properties to which the responses supplied by the economic operator are related. Some of these are copied from the QualificationApplicationRequest, other are added during the edition of the QualificationApplicationResponse (e.g. the ones necessary to ask for the data on the economic operator, such as name, date of birth, number of employees, etc.). See the answers corresponding to these criteria properties in the XML snippet 1.b) below.

Beware that whilst the criterion properties may be from a REGULATED or SELF-CONTAINED ESPD, the cac:TenderingCriterionResponse (the answers) work always the same way regardless of whether the ESPD Response is REGULATED or SELF-CONTAINED.

In this particular example, the snippet 1.a) contains criterion properties from a SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Response.

XML snippet 1.a) Data about an EO registered in a (pre)qualification system (SELF-CONTAINED)
<!-- Economic Operator Data: properties -->

<!-- Criterion:EO registered in a PQS -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9b19e869-6c89-4cc4-bd6c-ac9ca8602165</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.REGISTERED_IN_OFFICIAL_LIST</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>EO registered in a PQS</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>If applicable, is the economic operator registered on an official list of approved economic operators or does it have an equivalent certificate (e.g. under a national (pre)qualification system)?</cbc:Description>(1)
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">64162276-7014-408f-a9af-080426bfe1fd</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">343b5c92-2a5f-4ef7-9d8a-41c8e7b70aa7</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Your answer?</cbc:Description>(2)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9f5528c1-6f7f-41e0-9287-054a0bef2f9f</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>a) Alternative or additional name of the (pre)qualifiction system</cbc:Description>(3)
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3eb9b248-21de-47fa-9aa2-e34d0bf1d32c</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>c) Please state the references on which the registration or certification is based, and, where applicable, the classification obtained in the official list</cbc:Description>(4)
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f6109977-1e25-4926-85f5-813db5c113d5</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>d) Does the registration or certification cover all of the required selection criteria?</cbc:Description>(5)
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>

<!-- Rest of elements removed for the sake of brevity -->
1 Global QUESTION. If the answer to this QUESTION is Yes the content of the data structure must be processed.
2 'Your answer?' needed to decide how to handle the GUI, the validation or other processing. Expected answer data type: an INDICATOR (true or false). If the answer supplied is true the group of data in the data structure is processed. The response value shall be of type a cbc:ResponseIndicator (based on the CCT udt:IndicatorType, (see folder mod and /UBL-UnqualifiedDataTypes-2.2.xsd to see examples of use and definition).
3 'Alternative name of the (pre)qualifiction system'. Expected answer data type: a DESCRIPTION → the response value shall be a cbc:Description element.
4 Reference or certifications that led to the classification of the EO in that PQS. Expected answer data type: a DESCRIPTION. → the response value shall be a cbc:Description element.
5 Scope of the certification regardin the selection criteria of this procurement procedure. Expected answer data type: an INDICATOR (true or false) → the response value shall be a cbc:ResponseIndicator based on the CCT 'udt:IndicatorType' element.

XML snippet 1.b) EO registered in a PQS (answers)

Compare now the elements marked with circled numbers [2, 5] with the elements below marked with the same numbers.

XML snippet 1.b) answers containing the information about the economic operator (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)
<!-- Economic Operator Data: answers -->

<!-- Answers to Criterion:EO registered in a PQS -->
	<!-- Property:Your answer? (PropertyID:343b5c92-2a5f-4ef7-9d8a-41c8e7b70aa7)-->(1)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d9e19426-fc27-4c15-bdd3-a62a0de62a63</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">343b5c92-2a5f-4ef7-9d8a-41c8e7b70aa7</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7eb59ae6-cc5e-472e-87d0-8fd0797ad325</cbc:ID>

	<!-- Property:a) Alternative name of the (pre)qualifiction system (PropertyID:9f5528c1-6f7f-41e0-9287-054a0bef2f9f)-->(3)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">867cca96-d690-45b9-86db-f65a9ca613cd</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9f5528c1-6f7f-41e0-9287-054a0bef2f9f</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8afda449-b2af-405c-a929-6108765a0bfc</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>ROLECE, Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas</cbc:Description> (3)

	<!-- Property:c) Please state the references on which the registration or certification is based, and, where applicable, the classification obtained in the official list (PropertyID:3eb9b248-21de-47fa-9aa2-e34d0bf1d32c)--> (4)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">73e43330-424d-435f-8ba3-4b4d686e6144</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3eb9b248-21de-47fa-9aa2-e34d0bf1d32c</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">32c90539-ef55-47b0-acf8-1fd80f90670d</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>RF12134411-S, RF6113444124-S, RF-15552442-S, other</cbc:Description>(4)
	<!-- Property:d) Does the registration or certification cover all of the required selection criteria? (PropertyID:f6109977-1e25-4926-85f5-813db5c113d5)-->(5)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6f3b6de0-7e01-49e2-ae11-75c804d0c88e</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f6109977-1e25-4926-85f5-813db5c113d5</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4df26770-c662-432b-be8b-a31b5b306eaa</cbc:ID>

<!-- Rest of elements removed for the sake of brevity -->
1 Comment documenting to which criterion response this response is linked to.
2 Response value to the global QUESTION. The data type is cbc:ResponseIndicator, which is consistent with the expected data value code INDICATOR (from the Code List ResponseDataType).
3 Response value tot the 'Alternative name of the (pre)qualifiction system'. Expected answer data type was a DESCRIPTION → the response value is a cbc:Description element.
4 Reference or certifications. Expected answer data type was a DESCRIPTION. → the response value is a cbc:Description element;
5 Scope of the certification. Expected answer data type was an INDICATOR (true or false) → the response value is a cbc:ResponseIndicator.

If you compare these two snippets with the mock-up you will notice that the field "b) Please provide the identification of the economic operator in the pre-qualification system" is not referred to or instantiated in the XML snippets above. This is because this identification of the economic party is placed in the element cac:EconomicParty/cac:QualifyingParty/cac:Identification/cbc:ID. See the XML example in section "XML Example (SELF-CONTAINED economic operator)" and look for this fragment of XML code (circle #19 in the mock-up):

Identification of the EO in the PQS
		<cbc:ID schemeID="VAT" schemeAgencyID="ROLECE" schemeAgencyName="Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Estado">B82387770</cbc:ID>

XML snippet 2.a) Lots the EO tenders to (criterion properties)

If the procurement procedure is divided into Lots the ESPD Request will have multiple instances of the element cac:ProcurementProjectLot (see section "III.10 Lots - Self-contained ESPD").

Based on the identifiers of the Lots specified in the ESPD Request, software applications can require the economic operator to link its answers to the Lots. One example of this are when the EO specifies the Lots it tenders to; (another example is when the EO links its references to works, supplies or services similar to the procurement procedure it is tendering. In the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD a group of references can be linked to one or more Lots. See the "XML Example 2" below).

Lots the EO tenders to
<!-- Criterion:Lots the EO tenders to -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8b9700b7-b13c-41e6-a220-6bbf8d5fab31</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.LOTS_TENDERED</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
	<cbc:Name>Lots the EO tenders to</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>Lots selected by the economic operator</cbc:Description>(1)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">289f39b3-2a15-421a-8050-a29858031f35</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
		<!-- This property below provides the UUID to which all the Lot IDs provided by the EO in the response will be linked, thus constructing the List -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ca0e6adb-a8a3-40f0-9ffa-f9f0b3d95e31</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Lot IDs</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>(3)
1 Text description the QUESTION.
2 Property to which all the Lots provided by the EO will be linked to.
3 The expected type of data is an IDENTIFIER. This implies that in the response the response value shall be an element based on the cbc:Identifier type defined by UBL; see snippet 2.b) below.

Compare the circled numbers in the XML snippet above with the circled numbers in the XML snippet below.

XML snippet 2.b) Lots the EO tenders to (answers)
Lots the EO tenders to
<!-- Answer to Criterion:Lots the EO tenders to -->
<!-- Property:Lot IDs (PropertyID:ca0e6adb-a8a3-40f0-9ffa-f9f0b3d95e31) -->(1)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9bbe78e9-e342-46fa-974c-299dc87087ef</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ca0e6adb-a8a3-40f0-9ffa-f9f0b3d95e31</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(2)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
	<cac:ResponseValue> (3)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ea861f62-50c8-4f57-9212-ffbb6f2a10a8</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bcde4e84-936d-4b27-a873-3fe74860b0a7</cbc:ID>
1 Comments identifying the criterion.
2 The UUID of the criterion property thus linking this answer to it and all its content, in this case a list of 2 values.
3 First value of the list (compare to the value supplied by the EO, circle #27 in the mock-up).
4 Notice that the value is placed in a cbc:Identifier (CCT udt:IdentifierType) qualified as ResponseID (see folder mod and /UBL-UnqualifiedDataTypes-2.2.xsd to see examples of use and definition). This is consistent with the fact that the criterion property (see XML snippet 2.a) specifies the value IDENTIFIER in the element cac:ValueDataTypeCode.
5 Second value of the list (compare to the value supplied by the EO, circle #27 in the mock-up).

VII.7.2 XML Example 2: References

This example is based on the EO perspective of the SELF-CONTAINED mock-up in section "VI.7.2. SELF-CONTAINED References":

Self-contained 'References' EO mock-up
Figure 222. Self-contained 'References' EO mock-up

XML snippet 1.a) REQUIREMENTs by the contracting authority (CA) (criterion properties)

This fragment of XML code extracts the requirement issued by the CA in a SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Request document. In this example the CA specifies 3 requirements:

  • The minimum number of references (one in this case, to shorten the example. Normally more references are required);

  • Two requirements expressed as text: 'Specific amount greater than 1,000.000 €' and 'Executed recently, after 2013 in any case.'; and

  • The Lots to which these three requirements apply: Lot1, Lot2, Lot4 and Lot5. Notice that the list of Lots is made of a set of individual criterion properties inside its own subgroup.

Requirements by the contracting authority
<!-- Criterion description removed for brevity --> (1)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">381bea15-9460-49f7-a6d0-15d13059de29</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
	<!-- REQUIREMENT #1 issued by the CA -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">98a67182-d7b7-4fb4-ae35-ea6bd9411eac</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Minimum number of references</cbc:Description> (3)
		<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
		<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
	<!-- SUBGROUP OF REQUIREMENTS (2 textual requirements issued by the CA -->
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">53c9aad8-dc80-48f8-85d9-755c2aab8e95</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4b19bd4b-78ae-476a-a2c5-6c409388a07b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d663aca5-5f3c-4980-b825-81e1bd7db381</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<!-- Requirement 2 -->
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3646852e-ebfc-463a-be95-0cf697fb138a</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ExpectedDescription>Specific amount greater than 1,000.000 €</cbc:ExpectedDescription>(4)
					<!-- Requirement 3 -->
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">610e450c-89c9-49ec-b18a-ebb6683f9b31</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ExpectedDescription>Executed recently, after 2013 in any case.</cbc:ExpectedDescription>(5)
				<!-- Lots these requirements apply to -->
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">167ab253-4fb7-4e45-81be-b049fba44b3a</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<!-- The following REQUIREMENTS apply to lots: Lot1, Lot2, Lot4, Lot5. This information is provided by the Contracting Authority. The list of Lots to which the EO tenders to, and for which it provides references must be consistent with this list (see 'QUESTIONS' and criterion responses values provided by the EO below -->(2)
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b0c6f987-227e-426b-8023-c2f56416d3eb</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Lots the requirement applies to</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1af3d1c6-69e6-4af0-ba96-ba1461b29e13</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1af3d1c6-69e6-4af0-ba96-ba1461b29e13</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1af3d1c6-69e6-4af0-ba96-ba1461b29e13</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1af3d1c6-69e6-4af0-ba96-ba1461b29e13</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:Description>Lot ID</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
1 The criterion description sentence "For public works contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has performed …​" was removed from the example for brevity. See the XML instance document for the complete example.
2 List of Lots, built by the contracting authority, that are affected by these REQUIREMENTs.
3 Minimum number of references. In this example the CA requires only one reference (for brevity). The normal situation is to require more than one. If three had been specified by the CA then three groups of references would have been instantiated in the XML document.
4 First textual requirement. This group of ONE reference has to comply to two REQUIREMENTs specified by the CA: that the EO must supply references where with 'Specific amount greater than 1,000.000 €'; and (2) the reference is recent, as it had to be 'Executed recently, after 2013 in any case.'
5 Second textual requirement. This group of ONE reference has to comply to two REQUIREMENTs specified by the CA: that the EO must supply references where with 'Specific amount greater than 1,000.000 €'; and (2) the reference is recent, as it had to be 'Executed recently, after 2013 in any case.'

XML snippet 1.b) QUESTIONS asked to the economic operator (criterion properties)

QUESTIONs asked to the EO (criteron properties)
<!-- See previous example -->(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a44e24e9-f878-4651-9ead-e0b1387dae09</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8acfa508-b0db-4960-bf4a-69d98f068387</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Please provide the data below requested for this group of references associated to one or more lots</cbc:Description>
		<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
		<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
	<!-- Lots the EO tenders to for which these references apply to -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b9ac8ecf-5902-408e-a9a6-604568b35e1e</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aabbbe3f-7c9b-4f9c-a7aa-b21dee270e2a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Lots these references apply to</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<!-- Criterion property to which the lists of Lots the EO tenders to will be associated to-->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">736f6d0e-9319-45a5-86ae-bc14337a0ef6</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
	<!-- Subgroup of References. In this example there is only one reference required by the CA -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c8ec5c30-2c17-4936-abbb-392523d873e5</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d470a8cd-4cf9-4b10-a7bc-642092f8ab47</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Reference description</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ed54ecc3-eb5c-409b-ab22-975cadb83e4c</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Total amount</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">78fc0800-4966-47e4-aa85-67c4e431a382</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Activity of the economic operator</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cc6366c2-2f15-4414-8f1e-686a68be2a4d</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Specific amount</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">229e775e-267b-4d97-a2fe-3c155f3612b4</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:Description>Period (Start and End dates)</cbc:Description>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERIOD</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4e56602a-0281-47ee-a4f3-3c99f077e603</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
			<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
		<!-- Sub-subgroup of recipients -->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6afa7569-e4c4-4538-be89-84a82b2a301b</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8d22cea4-ae81-44d2-9ee5-c60958ed109e</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Recipient name</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f4bb5b0f-b894-461d-a96b-50dead10e935</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Contact person name</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9786fd9e-5c84-41e3-9322-e16643763319</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Contact email</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">56c3d4b1-3e79-4b31-8ccc-dcc959c462ad</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available online?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
			<!-- Evidence linked to the reference -->
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e6393edd-db19-4b6d-8d1c-8c87d45b28af</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:Description>Evidence Supplied</cbc:Description>(16)
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
1 See previous XML example.
2 See previous XML example.
3 See previous XML example.
4 See previous XML example.
5 See previous XML example.
6 This criterion property (QUESTION) is used to build up the list of Lot Identifiers. In the answer all the response values of the Lot Identifiers will be linked to the UUID of this property using the element cac:Validated(Numbers <1> to <5> were assigned to the Criteron description and the CA REQUIREMENTs in the mock-up); see XML example above.
7 'Reference description'. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description. See how the answer, in the XML snippet below, is linked to the UUID of this criterion property.
8 'Total amount' to refer to the amount of the contract. Expected data type and response value: AMOUNT → cbc:ResponseAmount. See section "VI.7 References on similar works, deliveries or services" for the difference between total and specific amounts in a reference.
9 'Activity of the economic operator'. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
10 'Specific amount' to refer to the amount of the reference. Expected data type and response value: AMOUNT → cbc:ResponseAmount. See section "VI.7 References on similar works, deliveries or services" for the difference between total and specific amounts in a reference.
11 Period of execution, delivery or performance of the work, supply or service object of this reference. Expected data type and response value: 'PERIOD' → cac:Period.
12 'Confidential', specifies whether this reference must be treated as confidential or not. Expected data type and response value: 'INDICATOR' → cbc:ResponseIndicator. If the answer is true all evidences linked to this criterion property must be treated as confidential, even if the evidence was not considered confidential for other criterion properties.
13 'Recipient name', name of the buyer of the contract, e.g. a contracting authority. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
14 'Contact person name' at the buyer’s organisation, e.g. a contracting authority’s contact point. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
15 'Contact email' of the buyer’s organisation, e.g. a contracting authority’s contact point email address. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
16 'Evidence(s) Supplied'. Link to one or more evidences available online to support the authenticity of the reference (and of the declaration). See the answer in the XML snippet below: in this concrete example the economic operator will state that there is no evidence is available online to support this reference (value *false').

XML snippet 1.c) Responses supplied by the economic operator (criterion responses, and response values)

The figure below shows how the set of response to the criterion "For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type" look like when collapsed (no details shown).

Responses to 'References' (collapsed)
Figure 223. Set of responses to the criterion "For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type" (collapsed view)

The circled numbers map the ones in the mock-up (at the beginning of this section) and the notes in the XML examples above (<6> to <16> → QUESTIONS, as REQUIREMENTS do not expect and answer by the EO, they are informative/prescriptive).

Responses to one criterion of type 'References'
<!-- See previous example -->(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
<!-- Answer to Criterion:For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type -->

<!-- Property:LotID (PropertyID:736f6d0e-9319-45a5-86ae-bc14337a0ef6) -->(6)
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">915a33c0-2197-4e60-8374-17b14417dd44</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">736f6d0e-9319-45a5-86ae-bc14337a0ef6</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(6)
		<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<!-- Notice that the two following cac:ResponseValues elements point at the same QUESTION (cac:TenderingCriterionProperty) UUID.-->
			<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">466faede-7831-46a6-8a32-6437fa65782a</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">466faede-7831-46a6-8a32-6437fa65782a</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Reference description (PropertyID:d470a8cd-4cf9-4b10-a7bc-642092f8ab47) -->(7)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">424d4573-083c-4b5e-9d67-0b8df85f951b</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d470a8cd-4cf9-4b10-a7bc-642092f8ab47</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bbb8ac45-e914-4cbe-8d79-105244dede36</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Implementation of the Interoperability Platform of Electronic State Services of the State which facilitates the exchange of information between different public institutions of the Government. This platform is aimed at allowing - in this first phase - the exchange of information between 5 public institutions, seeking the automation of 37 steps through 30 information services</cbc:Description>(7)
<!-- Property:Total amount (PropertyID:ed54ecc3-eb5c-409b-ab22-975cadb83e4c) -->(8)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">04969adf-7c55-46e6-b4b7-0444a47a08a9</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ed54ecc3-eb5c-409b-ab22-975cadb83e4c</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">23562cf9-34a7-4ce5-aebe-17e65981c6b7</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ResponseAmount currencyID="EUR">2479914</cbc:ResponseAmount>(8)
<!-- Property:Activity of the economic operator (PropertyID:78fc0800-4966-47e4-aa85-67c4e431a382) -->(9)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c6c5f34f-5f83-4123-93fb-a2d103568733</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">78fc0800-4966-47e4-aa85-67c4e431a382</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">38edda06-68d4-4846-a644-a7801749d865</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>The project involved the design, development and implementation of the Interoperability Platform for Electronic Services of the State. This project integrated all Government Institutions, making a much more efficient and centralized information process possible.</cbc:Description>(9)
<!-- Property:Specific amount (PropertyID:cc6366c2-2f15-4414-8f1e-686a68be2a4d) -->(10)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">313b5826-9af1-403f-8b84-d0da831e98f6</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">cc6366c2-2f15-4414-8f1e-686a68be2a4d</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(10)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">fa1d042c-db7f-49b9-948f-8a704c55589b</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:ResponseAmount currencyID="EUR">1123017</cbc:ResponseAmount>(10)
<!-- Property:Period (Start and End dates) (PropertyID:229e775e-267b-4d97-a2fe-3c155f3612b4) -->(11)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9e202bf2-841d-45f9-af81-e4da5aa378da</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">229e775e-267b-4d97-a2fe-3c155f3612b4</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(11)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
<!-- Property:Confidential (PropertyID:4e56602a-0281-47ee-a4f3-3c99f077e603) -->(12)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d6eab76d-5a21-4331-87dd-e7c45bfc5982</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">4e56602a-0281-47ee-a4f3-3c99f077e603</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(12)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a4fbfb27-95e0-4fc8-8c89-9a00ed38aef6</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Recipient name (PropertyID:8d22cea4-ae81-44d2-9ee5-c60958ed109e) -->(13)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a4a6ee1e-edd7-4a47-abf1-a7ef3799bae4</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8d22cea4-ae81-44d2-9ee5-c60958ed109e</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(13)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b180f801-8447-4367-9988-1c64867094d3</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Economics Department, Government of Spain</cbc:Description>(13)
<!-- Property:Contact person name (PropertyID:f4bb5b0f-b894-461d-a96b-50dead10e935) -->(14)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">c92fbaee-7fcd-4e9e-9bc7-4065e2bba7f2</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f4bb5b0f-b894-461d-a96b-50dead10e935</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(14)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7d10d6b9-5c9b-4ae7-aac1-a8eee56f6d17</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Juan Rodriguez</cbc:Description>(14)
<!-- Property:Contact email (PropertyID:9786fd9e-5c84-41e3-9322-e16643763319) -->(15)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b6df90d8-42d9-4add-a67c-f2e3e3ce5c6f</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9786fd9e-5c84-41e3-9322-e16643763319</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(15)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">15757e6e-fbf7-455f-8eee-b4b07e4b39fe</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Is this information available online? (PropertyID:56c3d4b1-3e79-4b31-8ccc-dcc959c462ad) -->(16)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5d106ff3-bbf0-4715-a8b5-82fe2cb42076</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">56c3d4b1-3e79-4b31-8ccc-dcc959c462ad</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(16)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d024b5ab-f002-47e6-9ccc-eab81744af9c</cbc:ID>
1 See previous XML example.
2 See previous XML example.
3 See previous XML example.
4 See previous XML example.
5 See previous XML example.
6 List of Lots the EO tenders to that are related to this reference. Compare the UUID (736f6d0e-9319-45a5-86ae-bc14337a0ef6) used to link the criterion property and the response through the element cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID.
7 'Reference description'. The value data type, cbc:Description matches the one expected, specified by the CA in the ESPD Request.
8 'Total amount'. The value data type, cbc:ResponseAmount matches the one expected, specified by the CA in the ESPD Request.
9 'Activity of the economic operator'. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
10 'Specific amount' to refer to the amount of the reference. Expected data type and response value: AMOUNT → cbc:ResponseAmount. See section "VI.7 References on similar works, deliveries or services" for the difference between total and specific amounts in a reference.
11 Period of execution, delivery or performance of the work, supply or service object of this reference. Expected data type and response value: 'PERIOD' → cac:Period.
12 'Confidential', specifies whether this reference must be treated as confidential or not. Expected data type and response value: 'INDICATOR' → cbc:ResponseIndicator. If the answer is true all evidences linked to this criterion property must be treated as confidential, even if the evidence was not considered confidential for other criterion properties.
13 'Recipient name', name of the buyer of the contract, e.g. a contracting authority. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
14 'Contact person name' at the buyer’s organisation, e.g. a contracting authority’s contact point. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
15 'Contact email' of the buyer’s organisation, e.g. a contracting authority’s contact point email address. Expected data type and response value: 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description.
16 'Evidence(s) Supplied'. Link to one or more evidences available online to support the authenticity of the reference (and of the declaration). In this concrete example the economic operator states that it no evidence is available online to support this reference.

VII.7.3 XML Example 3: Weighting

This section presents an XML Example of a WEIGHTED SELF-CONTAINED criterion (used in a two-stages procedure). The criterion properties corresponding to REQUIREMENTs and QUESTIONs are the ones that were copied from the ESPD Request into the ESPD Request.

The XML example contains circled numbers aimed to map the fields in the CA and EO mock-ups:

The example illustrates:

  1. the REQUIREMENTs issued by the CA;

  2. the QUESTIONs addressed to the EO;

  3. the answwers provided by the EO.


Contracting authority perspective:

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up
Figure 224. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED CA REQUIREMENT edition mock-up

Economic operator perspective:

Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED EO mock-up
Figure 225. Self-contained 'Abilities (I)' WEIGHTED EO mock-up


Notice that the data is distributed in three places:

  1. Some root elements (directly under the root element of the /QualificationApplicationResponse. Observe that in the case of elements cbc:Description UBL-2.2 does always specify a multiple cardinality. This allows for separating the lines of the text thus facilitating its presentation for layout purposes.

  2. The criterion itself; see circled numbers and comments beneath the XML code;

  3. The data structure (see the SELF-CONTAINED spread-sheet tab SC-Abilities_1).

Criterion "Technicians or technical bodies for quality control" (SELF-CONTAINED and WEIHGTED)
<!-- root elements that are global for all weighted criteria -->
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>For weighted criteria, evaluators will allocate a score between 0 and 100 to each question reponse in accordance with the scoring guidance below:</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>(3)
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>0 Unnaceptable</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>25 Poor</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>50 Acceptable</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>50 Acceptable</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>100 Excellent</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>Suppliers must pass all of the pass/fail (Yes/No) questions and score a minimum of 75 overall in this section to proceed to the next stage. This will allows us to get a short list of suppliers to take through to the next stage. The final score for a criterion (or "Weighted Question Score") results from the product of the Score obtained and the weight allocated by the Contracting Authority to the criterion.</cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription>
<cbc:WeightingType listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PERCENTAGE</cbc:WeightingType>(2)

<!-- Criterion:Technicians or technical bodies for quality control -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3aaca389-4a7b-406b-a4b9-080845d127e7</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:Name>Technicians or technical bodies for quality control</cbc:Name>
	<cbc:Description>It can call upon the following technicians or technical bodies, especially those responsible for quality control. For technicians or technical bodies not belonging directly to the economic operator's undertaking but on whose capacities the economic operator relies as set out under Part II, Section C, separate ESPD forms must be filled in.</cbc:Description>
	<cbc:EvaluationMethodTypeCode listID="EvaluationMethodType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">WEIGHTED</cbc:EvaluationMethodTypeCode>(4)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>0 technicians -> 0 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>1 technician -> 30 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>2 technicians -> 60 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>3 technicians -> 75 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>4 technicians -> 100 points</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>Minimum acceptable: 2 technicians</cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription>(6)
		<!-- ... elements removed for brevity ... -->
	<cac:Legislation><!-- ... elements removed for brevity ... --></cac:Legislation>
			<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">1e73d705-9dc1-43f1-9b5c-2d0deac7bc5f</cbc:ID>
			<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9cf2aa13-19ac-4767-a06b-da3b6c8c9c27</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this criterion weighted?</cbc:Description>(1)
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f156d97a-9700-4ad9-8d21-e3ac57102278</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bbe06b1d-bb21-4588-a489-4bce6a51364f</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<!-- No answer is expected here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
					<cbc:ExpectedDescription>Technical User Support Group</cbc:ExpectedDescription>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">609cc954-64be-4b4f-800a-f17589deb936</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">96cc5c65-2395-4750-b9c7-b60dc58fcf24</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52ffcf91-3598-438f-8c3d-faf97da02602</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b986d088-ec14-4eca-ac99-a7119aae4f43</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a2662683-efc5-4e81-be28-57dfa78b4834</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>First name</cbc:Description>(7)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bc0d0694-d47f-4b1c-9770-843fe177360c</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Last name</cbc:Description>(8)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9a7344fa-fc73-4e73-a440-531e90b61231</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">845f376f-fedb-4710-a1b8-5514c5439c1b</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7e9f0030-3fe9-4407-888f-f7cfe39f9df2</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Other information</cbc:Description>(11)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b848f9ea-281b-4895-96c1-705d678bf125</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>How long with EO</cbc:Description>(12)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUANTITY_INTEGER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">94b53be3-b838-4538-8b43-b6b1f05fc158</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:Description>Is this information available online?</cbc:Description>(13)
								<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
								<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
									<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">91ee7ffe-07b5-4e87-87e5-9b1063e9d487</cbc:ID>
									<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
									<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
									<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">45a67f48-d146-4faf-8239-dd6977dffe29</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">99fe0af5-0a47-4930-b1e8-8acbc614964b</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">52ffcf91-3598-438f-8c3d-faf97da02602</cbc:ID>
						<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">aab9aa41-87a0-4f71-89d4-3dfdb94fc025</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Technical body</cbc:Description>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2"/>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b8b76588-cc5c-4d6f-acf9-0447ab1047f4</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3044bc5a-eb95-4639-a0b5-4c1d79da9873</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Experience area</cbc:Description>(15)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">165d6fad-8915-4b20-8c75-1a661a27e2f4</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:Description>Other information</cbc:Description>(16)
							<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
							<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
							<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7458d42a-e581-4640-9283-34ceb3ad4345</cbc:ID>
							<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b9b7e484-829f-47b9-8d83-545ed3ff43cf</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:Description>Is this information available online?</cbc:Description>(17)
								<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
								<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
								<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
								<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
									<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5549921f-8000-45e9-8fbc-3c7bab4ba6d4</cbc:ID>
									<cbc:Description>Evidence supplied</cbc:Description>
									<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
									<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
1 The contracting authority (CA) selects that some criteria shall will be weighted.
2 The CA decides that the weights will be expressed as percentages.
3 The CA describes the general method used to score and evaluated the weighted criteria. As this, and the previous (#2 and #3) are global these data go in two XML document root elements.
4 This criterion is weighted (default is set to PASS/FAIL).
5 The weight assigned to this criterion by the CA is 10%.
6 The CA provides additional information related to the evaluation of this specific criterion. The expected data value is 'DESCRIPTION' → cbc:Description. As in UBL-2.2 descriptions are always multiple cardinality elements this is used to distribute the information in multiple description lines.
7 First Name of the technician (data about one technician starts here (circled numbers #7 to #13). Multiple technicians can be added/removed by the economic operator).
8 Family name of the technician.
9 Profession of the technician.
10 Experience of the technician.
11 Additional information about the technician.
12 Months the technician has worked for the economic operator.
13 Available online evidence related to this technician, his experience, etc.
14 Name of a technical body (data about technical bodies starts here, circled numbers #14 to #17). Multiple bodies can be added/removed by the economic operator.
15 Area of experience of the technical body.
16 Additional information related to the technical body.
17 Available online evidence related to this technical body.

XML snippet 1.b) Responses to

Beware that one subset of the data is answered in the Criterion sub-elements. The XML snippet below does only shows the responses to the QUESTIONs in data structure (compare the responses and the data structure represented in the data structure, tab "SC-Abilities_1").

Responses to the Criterion data structure
<!-- Some data are placed in the root of the document and inside the Criterion -->(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

<!-- Answer to Criterion:Technicians or technical bodies for quality control -->
<!-- Property:Your Answer (PropertyID:79f9b1c5-7c78-4530-a09b-f04109118e40)-->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">164182ce-d536-436d-9564-2a548df929fc</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">79f9b1c5-7c78-4530-a09b-f04109118e40</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b207993f-6622-4e52-b368-9de3552320c7</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:First name (PropertyID:a2662683-efc5-4e81-be28-57dfa78b4834)-->(7)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bde5a610-3849-4cd5-8861-86f93665ac89</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a2662683-efc5-4e81-be28-57dfa78b4834</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">07eb8c66-da1f-49cd-97e4-76f75f37b7f8</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Last name (PropertyID:bc0d0694-d47f-4b1c-9770-843fe177360c)-->(8)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">8441d730-5ad3-4b82-9b79-5c0e3ea2a25a</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">bc0d0694-d47f-4b1c-9770-843fe177360c</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7934bd5a-fdc4-4978-a95a-1c3b0c621070</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Profession (PropertyID:9a7344fa-fc73-4e73-a440-531e90b61231)-->(9)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3f765dde-e0fd-46f1-80c7-bd7e7b3c0972</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9a7344fa-fc73-4e73-a440-531e90b61231</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0f239018-ca77-4a5f-a01b-e8175fbbdc62</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>ICT Consultant</cbc:Description>
<!-- Property:Experience (PropertyID:845f376f-fedb-4710-a1b8-5514c5439c1b)-->(10)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">e9f6b328-d716-48a7-a2c6-cc4756233336</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">845f376f-fedb-4710-a1b8-5514c5439c1b</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3c401702-c43a-4ffb-8c2b-adb7f0ad4e53</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>10 year as Enterprise IT Architect in the private sector. 12 years of experience as ICT consultant for the  Public Sector, namely the European Institutions.</cbc:Description>
<!-- Property:Other information (PropertyID:7e9f0030-3fe9-4407-888f-f7cfe39f9df2)-->(11)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">a0943065-7ffd-4563-8ae1-e90718527fa2</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7e9f0030-3fe9-4407-888f-f7cfe39f9df2</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f4943913-68b3-4419-bbc4-0d3eec37855b</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Wide experience in Artificial Intelligence.</cbc:Description>
<!-- Property:How long with EO (PropertyID:b848f9ea-281b-4895-96c1-705d678bf125) -->(12)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9a78cb8c-5de0-42dc-ab52-cec879d9e441</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b848f9ea-281b-4895-96c1-705d678bf125</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">74ec1d61-ced7-4f1f-af10-8b24e725c7e2</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Is this information available online? (PropertyID:94b53be3-b838-4538-8b43-b6b1f05fc158) --> (13)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">6b4cffa7-27c5-4f9b-9b39-273610f3374a</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">94b53be3-b838-4538-8b43-b6b1f05fc158</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b2784c55-3a9f-4bca-b4ff-e12e3e4050c9</cbc:ID>
<!-- No evidence supplied element instantiated! as the answer to the previous question was *No* -->
<!-- Property:Name (PropertyID:b8b76588-cc5c-4d6f-acf9-0447ab1047f4) --> (14)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">f4818756-7015-4223-94b2-990f0aa39064</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b8b76588-cc5c-4d6f-acf9-0447ab1047f4</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">0f68b4cb-801c-4438-b935-dc701bf6c888</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>EPD (Everis Phonetics Department)</cbc:Description>(14)
<!-- Property:Experience area (PropertyID:3044bc5a-eb95-4639-a0b5-4c1d79da9873) -->(15)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">69d9b7fe-6874-4962-9b3d-a871731f5193</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3044bc5a-eb95-4639-a0b5-4c1d79da9873</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5276d2af-3031-4c20-a203-7f89e7e46dbc</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>Data-mining from audiovisual streaming</cbc:Description>(15)
<!-- Property:Other information (PropertyID:165d6fad-8915-4b20-8c75-1a661a27e2f4)-->(16)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">ddf269f3-fdf4-40d7-83af-f4180961d2c4</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">165d6fad-8915-4b20-8c75-1a661a27e2f4</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">2c7cc8f7-9f4e-4521-a2f7-274bc92c4cc1</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:Description>First Prize of the 2016 Technology Language Contest</cbc:Description>(16)
<!-- Property:Is this information available online?(PropertyID:b9b7e484-829f-47b9-8d83-545ed3ff43cf) -->(17)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">dfd2438e-c239-48df-b36f-f73679f96317</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">b9b7e484-829f-47b9-8d83-545ed3ff43cf</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
		<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">34022f7d-ed8a-488b-91c9-fd02f2c59b56</cbc:ID>
<!-- Property:Evidence supplied (PropertyID:5549921f-8000-45e9-8fbc-3c7bab4ba6d4)-->(17)
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">9577e16f-9bd0-4e64-9a3e-21a9b42b7673</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5549921f-8000-45e9-8fbc-3c7bab4ba6d4</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>

	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">293b6386-9091-4081-8824-c58436e9f9a5</cbc:UUID>(18)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PUBLIC</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(19)
				<cbc:Name> (Linguistic Technologies)</cbc:Name>(21)
1 The contracting authority has selected that this criterion will be weigthed.
2 Datum in the root element cbc:WeightScoringMethodologyDescription.
3 Datum in the root element cbc:WeightingType.
4 Datum in the criterion element cbc:EvaluationMethodTypeCode.
5 Datum in the criterion element cbc:WeightNumeric.
6 Datum in the criterion element cbc:WeightingConsiderationDescription.
7 First Name of the technician.
8 Family name of the technician.
9 Profession of the technician.
10 Experience of the technician.
11 Additional information about the technician.
12 Months the technician has worked for the economic operator.
13 Not available online evidence related to this technician, his experience, etc.
14 Name of a technical body.
15 Area of experience of the technical body.
16 Additional information related to the technical body.
17 Reference to a an available online evidence related to this technical body.
18 Evidence about the prize won by this technical body.
19 The evidence is publicly accessible.
20 The URL where to get the evidence of the prize from.
21 The name of the issuer of the the evidenciary document.

VII.8 Evidences

See formal requirements related to evidences in the e-Sens site: (tbr092-017).

Differences between the Regulated and Self-contained versions

There are no differences between the REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED versions as far as evidences are concerned.


Remember that evidences are indirectly linked to responses based on the identifier of the evidence: in the response, the element cac:EvidenceSupplied/cbc:ID contains the identifier set in /QualificationApplicationResponse/cac:Evidence/cbc:ID. See XML example below; see also the example XML file "SELFCONTAINED-ESPDResponse-2.0.2.xml" for an example.

The figure below shows the XSD Diagram for the UBL-2.2 component cac:Evidence (elements in blue are the expected ones in ESPD-EDM V2.0.2):

cac:Evidence XSD diagram
Figure 226. cac:Evidence XSD diagram

The UBL-2.2 element cac:Evidence is a specialisation of cac:DocumentReference. This other XSD diagram shows this association and, in blue, highlights the elements expected in the ESPD-EDM V2.0.2:

cac:DocumentReference in Evidence
Figure 227. cac:DocumentReference inside cac:Evidence XSD diagram

Mock-ups and data structures

In principle only a few elements are kept in the ESPD Response document about an evidence: its Identifier, a URL from where to access its content, a Reference/Code, a Confidentiality indicator, and the Issuer.

This group of data repeats frequently in the many different mock-ups presented in this document. The one below is just one example and will be used to illustrate where the three element go in the XML instance of an evidence (compare the circled numbers #9 to #12 with the comments in the XML snippet below).

Conviction EO mock-up
Figure 228. Conviction 'Participation in criminal organisation', mock-up (EO perspective)
Duplicity of the Issuer

Beware that the current modeel of UBL-2.2 provides two elements for the Issuer, one for the issuer of the evidence and another for the issuer of the document reference.

The ESPD-EDM V2.0.2 uses always the one inside the document reference to refer to the issuer of the evidence (and of the document that 'is' the evidence). Thus the element used in the ESPD is cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference/cac:IssuerParty.

Expected (and other) Elements (REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED)

This list below enumerates the elements of cac:Evidence that could be used in (that make sense for) an ESPD Response. Notice though that the current versions of the ESPD-EDM only use the few elements mentioned above: ID, URL, Reference/Code, Confidentiality level and Issuer.

Table 42. Elements expected in an Evidence

Class name:



A class to describe an item of evidentiary support for representations of capabilities or the ability to meet tendering requirements, which an economic operator must provide for acceptance into a tendering process.

Business rule(s):






Context of use:

The economic operator uses it in the ESPD Response document to provide evidentiary support to one or more criteria (tbr092-017).

Components Type Card Description Requirements




An identifier for this item of evidentiary support.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017

Rule: The Evidence ID MUST be unique in the ESPD Response XML instance (i.e. two evidences cannot have the same ID value). It is recommended to use always a UUID UUID of version 4 (random generated UUID).

Rule scope: Common (BR-TCR-09, BR-OTH-0)




A code signifying the type of evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: A code signifying the type of evidence. Could be used in the future in alignment to e-Certis.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-01)




The name of the evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: None. Could be used in the future in alignment to e-Certis.




The textual description for this Evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: Use this field to keep the Reference/Code of the Evidence.




Information about a candidate statement that the contracting authority accepts as a sufficient response.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: None. Not currently used in ESPD.




A code specifying the confidentiality level of this evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017

Rule: Compulsory use of the Code List ConfidentialityLevel. Software application should set this code to CONFIDENTIAL automatically when the confidentiality level code of at least one criterion to which this evidence is associated is set to CONFIDENTIAL.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-TCR-02, BR-OTH-01, BR-OTH-01#18, BR-OTH-03)

This other table lists the elements from cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference used in the ESPD-EDM-V2.0.2:

Table 43. Elements expected from the 'cac:Evidence/cac:DocumentReference' element

Class name:



A reference to the evidentiary document.

Business rule(s):






Context of use:

The economic operator uses it in the ESPD Response document to supply the URL of the evidence and the party who issued the evidentiary document. (tbr092-017, tbr092-022, tbr092-006, tbr092-007).

Components Type Card Description Requirements




An identifier for the referenced document.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-022, tbr092-006, tbr092-007

Rule: If the reference or verification code is provided for the evidence use this element to place it. This 'code' is used in some countries (e.g. Spain) to check that the document is authentic. If a verification code is supplied you can use an official 'end-point' to retrieve an image (or a PDF) of the document and check that the evidence is authentic.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-02)




The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-022, tbr092-006, tbr092-007

Rule: None. Not currently used in ESPD.




The identifier of the party issuer of the documentary evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: Not currently used in ESPD, but if you decide to use it try to use the VAT number whenever possible.

Rule scope: SELF-CONTAINED (BR-OTH-02)




The name of the party issuer of the documentary evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: ESPD-EDM uses this element to keep the name of the evidence issuer in the ESPD Response XML instance.




The website of the party issuer of the documentary evidence.

Information Requirement: tbr092-017, tbr092-007, tbr092-006

Rule: None. Not currently used in ESPD-EDM V2.0.2.

XML Examples

Example 1: One evidence shared by two criteria

XML snippet 1.a) the criteria defined in the ESPD Request, and 'copied' in the ESPD Response
XML snippet 1.a) the criteria defined in the ESPD Request, and 'copied' in the ESPD Response (SELF-CONTAINED)
	<!-- Criterion #1:Participation in a criminal organisation -->

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">005eb9ed-1347-4ca3-bb29-9bc0db64e1ab</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.EXCLUSION.CONVICTIONS.PARTICIPATION_IN_CRIMINAL_ORGANISATION</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Participation in a criminal organisation</cbc:Name>

	<!-- ... -->
	<!-- Elements removed for brevity -->
	<!-- ... -->

				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">3f61215a-cd38-438b-a355-e4d06c57384c</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
				<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
				<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
				<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
				<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode> (1)
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d8d5478e-cc65-48c9-a189-19bbe87a9bfd</cbc:ID>(2)
					<cbc:Description>Evidence Supplied</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode> (3)

	<!-- Criterion #2:Contributions certificates -->

		<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">5a8dea31-5db9-4e03-862b-07810aa6a7fd</cbc:ID>
		<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.CONTRIBUTIONS_CERTIFICATES</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
		<cbc:Name>Contributions certificates</cbc:Name>
		<cbc:Description>Will the economic operator be able to provide a certificate with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes or provide information enabling the contracting authority or contracting entity to obtaining it directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge?</cbc:Description>

	<!-- ... -->
	<!-- Elements removed for brevity -->
	<!-- ... -->

						<cbc:Description>Is this information available electronically?</cbc:Description>
					<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
					<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
					<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">41dd2e9b-1bfd-44c7-93ee-56bd74a4334b</cbc:ID>
					<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="PropertyGroupType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
						<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">191b34a8-5af0-4d53-b431-4ecd624218ea</cbc:ID>(2)
						<cbc:Description>Evidence Supplied</cbc:Description>
						<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriterionElementType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
						<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="ResponseDataType" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>(3)
			<!-- elements removed for brevity -->
1 The group of fields requesting the URL, Reference/Code and Issuer of the evidence will only be shown, validated or otherwise processed if the answer to the QUESTION is Yes (true).
2 The ID of the criterion property that the response will use in the cac:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID. See the response in the XML snippet 1.b) below.
3 The type of the data expected in the response value (when a code EVIDENCE_IDENTIFIER is encountered → an object cac:Evidence must be present in the ESPD Response XML instance.
XML snippet 1.b) One evidentiary document supporting the three responses
XML snippet 1.b) One evidentiary document supporting the three responses
<!-- ... elements removed for brevity .. -->

<!-- Answer to Criterion:Participation in a criminal organisation -->
<!-- Property:Evidence Supplied (PropertyID:d8d5478e-cc65-48c9-a189-19bbe87a9bfd) -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">219949a1-b7bb-4d7e-8c3b-cc8ca695e15b</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d8d5478e-cc65-48c9-a189-19bbe87a9bfd</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(1)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CONFIDENTIAL</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(2)

<!-- Answer to Criterion:Contributions certificates -->
<!-- Property:URL (PropertyID:191b34a8-5af0-4d53-b431-4ecd624218ea) -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7c7fb445-c5f9-4f92-8b58-7f06a541951f</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">191b34a8-5af0-4d53-b431-4ecd624218ea</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PUBLIC</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>

	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">7dea9283-f8a2-481f-9ea6-41438e25fdd4</cbc:UUID>(4)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CONFIDENTIAL</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(5)
		<!-- Verification code (an EAN-13 barcode number) used in Spain to check the authenticity of the document. -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="EAN-13" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">5901234123457</cbc:ID>(6)
			<cac:PartyName> (8)
				<cbc:Name languageID="es">Ministerio de Hacienda y Administracions Públicas</cbc:Name>

1 ID value of the criterion property (QUESTION) for which this response value is the answer.
2 The criteron MUST be treated as confidential: only the members of the evaluation team should have access to it. This makes the evidence confidential too.
3 Identifier of the only evidence object that is used for both criteria: it must match the value provided for the cac:Evidence/cbc:ID element of the evidence.
4 Identifer of the evidence. It matches the values in the cac:EvidenceSupplied/cbc:ID of the two criteria.
5 Confidentiality level is set to 'CONFIDENTIAL' because the first criterion requires to be treated as confidential. Thus even if the second criterion sets 'PUBLIC' as for its level of confidentiality the evidence will be kept confidential.
6 The Reference/Verification code (5901234123457) is in this case a 13 digit EAN-13 barcode number.
7 URL to access the evidentiary document (in this case it’s and end-point using the verification code as an end-point parameter).
8 The name of the issuer party.

Example 2: Two different evidences for two criteria

The following snippet uses the same two criteria shown in the XML example snippet 1.a): hence the values of the cac:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID are 'd8d5478e-cc65-48c9-a189-19bbe87a9bfd' (criterion property 'participation in a criminal organisation') and '7c7fb445-c5f9-4f92-8b58-7f06a541951f' (criterion property 'contributions certificates').

XML snippet 2 different evidentiary documents per response
XML snippet 1.b) different evidentiary documents per response

<!-- ... elements removed for brevity .. -->

<!-- Answer to Criterion:Participation in a criminal organisation -->
<!-- Property:Evidence Supplied (PropertyID:d8d5478e-cc65-48c9-a189-19bbe87a9bfd) -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">219949a1-b7bb-4d7e-8c3b-cc8ca695e15b</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">d8d5478e-cc65-48c9-a189-19bbe87a9bfd</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID> (1)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PUBLIC</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(2)

<!-- Answer to Criterion:Contributions certificates -->
<!-- Property:URL (PropertyID:191b34a8-5af0-4d53-b431-4ecd624218ea) -->
	<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">7c7fb445-c5f9-4f92-8b58-7f06a541951f</cbc:ID>
	<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="CriteriaTaxonomy" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0.2">191b34a8-5af0-4d53-b431-4ecd624218ea</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>(4)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CONFIDENTIAL</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(5)

<!-- EVIDENCES -->

	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">7dea9283-f8a2-481f-9ea6-41438e25fdd4</cbc:UUID>(7)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">PUBLIC</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(8)
		<!-- Verification code to access an authentic 'manifestation' of the document from the original issuer end-point -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="EAN-13" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">5901234123457</cbc:ID>(9)
				<cbc:Name languageID="es">Ministerio del Interior</cbc:Name>(11)

	<cbc:UUID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">3b3be32e-3b7f-4a17-a0bb-a84210f61bb8</cbc:UUID>(12)
	<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="ConfidentialityLevel" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listVersionID="2.0.2">CONFIDENTIAL</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>(13)
		<!-- Verification code to access an authentic 'manifestation' of the document from the original issuer end-point -->
		<cbc:ID schemeID="EAN-13" schemeAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" schemeVersionID="2.0">6002345234568</cbc:ID>(14)
				<cbc:Name languageID="es">Agencia Tributaria</cbc:Name>(16)

1 ID value of the first criterion property (QUESTION) for which this response value is the answer.
2 The criteron is to be treated as 'PUBLIC': it could be published.
3 Identifier of the first evidence object that is used for this criterion: it must match the value provided for the cac:Evidence/cbc:ID element of the evidence.
4 ID value of the second criterion property (QUESTION) for which this response value is the answer.
5 Confidentiality level is set to 'CONFIDENTIAL'. Therefore the evidence linked to this response will also be treated as 'CONFIDENTIAL'.
6 Identifier of the second evidence object that is used for this second criterion: it must match the value provided for the cac:Evidence/cbc:ID element of the evidence.
7 The identifier of the first evidence. It matches the cac:EvidenceSupplied/cbc:ID element value of the first response.
8 Confidentiality code for the first evidence: 'PUBLIC', notice that it is consistent with the fact that the response is also set as 'PUBLIC'.
9 Verification code ID for the first evidence (a 13 digit EAN-13 barcode number in this case).
10 URL from where to get the document. The fact that the evidence MUST BE treated as CONFIDENTIAL is not inconsistent with the fact that the evidence is available online from a free-of-charge national data base.
11 The name of the issuer of the first evidenciary document.
12 ID of the second criterion property (QUESTION) for which this response value is the answer.
13 The criteron is to be treated as 'CONFIDENTIAL': addressed only to the evaluators.
14 Verification code ID of the second evidence.
15 URL from where to get the document.
16 The name of the issuer of the second evidenciary document.

Annex I: XML Validation

Introduction to ISO Schematron

Schematron is a rule-based validation language to specify validation processes against XML documents. ISO Schematron is an ISO (ISO/IEC 19757-3:2006) and open standard. Please visit the ISO Schematron web-site for the technical specification and details.

ESPD Business Rules

The ESPD-EDM uses Schematron to validate business rules identified in ESPD_TestCases_v10.docx and ESPD_TestCases_mapping_v10.docx documents. The input for these business rules is the e-Sens ESPDint Business Document.

These business rules can be typified as:

  1. Semantic validations: e.g. The "cac:TenderingCriterionResponse" matches one of the "cac:TenderingCriterionProperty" elements in the XML.

  2. Assertions about the presence or absence of patterns in XML documents: e.g. All Business Rules that applies to identifier nodes: mandatory attributes, structure of the identifier, etc.

  3. Code lists validations: e.g. values for each code list element.

  4. Other validations that an XSD cannot do: e.g. Validates that one of the nodes has at least 1 child.

The following image shows different examples of validations:

Non-code list business rules

The validation of code lists is explained in sections below.

Code list validation Architecture

Business rules related to code list validates:

Code list business rules

Architecture for Code List validation

The validation of the code lists needs an extra step on the process before executing the Schematron process. This is because it needs Genericode (GC) as input files.

  1. The first step is the generation of Genericode (GC) files. These files contains information about the values and identifiers of each code list.

    1. GC files are found in the Validation folder.

  2. Design and implementation of the CVA files. CVA stands for Context and Value Association:

  3. Execution of the implemented validations in the CVA files:

    1. Transformation of CVA files into SCH files.

    2. Continue with the Schematron execution process: (1) transformation of SCH files into XSLT and execution of the validations using the XSLT files to get the final report.

Architecture for code list validation

What does SCH files contain?

  1. Association between one or more elements of the XML and one or more code list (specified in the Genericodes).

  2. The declaration of which attributes of the XML identify information of the Genericode.

The implementation of the CVA file has the following structure:

CVA example


As a basis of the implementation, it has been taken into account:

  1. Schematron implementation of CVA files for validation from CRANE SOFTWRIGHTS LTD

Execution files

This example describes the execution of the validation process using the Saxon library to execute XSLT files and the XSLT provided as a basis:

Execution of the validation process in code lists

I.3 Execution

As a basis of the implementation, it has been taken into account:

  1. Schematron implementation of CVA files for validation from CRANE SOFTWRIGHTS LTD.

Execution files

The following image shows the libraries, XSL files and the process to be able to execute the validation:

Execution of the validation process

ESPD Validation Architecture

The validation of a ESPD XML has the following life-cycle:

ESPD Schematorn lyfe-cycle
  1. The validation of the XML starts by ensuring that the input XML follows the structure defined by the XSD: QualificationApplicationRequest.xsd XSD Schema or QualificationApplicationResponse.xsd XSD Schema. These schemas can be found under the folder dist/xsdrt/maindoc (or the equivalent documented xsd folder).

    1. If the validation of the structure is not successful, the process stops and sends the report with the list of errors.

    2. If the validation of the structure is successful, the process continues with the code list validations and business rules. All errors found (if any) are listed in the report.

  2. Depending on the type of application (ESPD Request or ESPD Response), and independently of the qualification application type code (either regulated or self-contained), different types of validations are executed:

ESPD architecture

ESDP Request (Regulated or Self-contained)

  1. XSD Validation against UBL-QualificationApplicationRequest-2.2-Pre-award.xsd

  2. Code list validations. These are common for both, Request and Response:

    1. Validation of the code list values: 01 ESPD-codelist-values.cva

    2. Validation of the identification of the code list: 01 ESPD Common CL Attributes.sch

  3. Business rules related to the cardinality of the schema, that cannot be controlled using the XSD: 02 ESPD Req Cardinality BR.sch

  4. Business rules used to validate the criteria taxonomy:

    1. Validations common for Request and Response: 03 ESPD Common Criterion BR.sch

    2. Validations specific for Request applications: 03 ESPD Req Criterion BR.sch

  5. Other business rules:

    1. Other validations which are common to Request and Response applications, such as the mandatory use of the attribute schemeAgencyID for identifiers: 04 ESPD Common Other BR.sch

    2. Specific business rules for Request applications, in this case, the validation of the correct value for cbc:CutomisationID element: 04 ESPD Req Other BR.sch

    3. Business rules related to the procurer: 05 ESPD Req Procurer BR.sch

    4. Specific business rules for Self-contained application type: 05 ESPD Req Self-contained BR.sch

ESDP Response

  1. XSD Validation against UBL-QualificationApplicationResponse-2.2-Pre-award.xsd

  2. Code list validations. These are common for both, Request and Response:

    1. Validation of the code list values: 01 ESPD-codelist-values.cva

    2. Validation of the identification of the code list: 01 ESPD Common CL Attributes.sch

  3. Business rules related to the cardinality of the schema, that cannot be controlled using the XSD: 02 ESPD Resp Cardinality BR.sch.sch

  4. Business rules used to validate the criteria taxonomy:

    1. Validations common for Request and Response: 03 ESPD Common Criterion BR.sch

    2. Validations specific for Response applications: 03 ESPD Resp Criterion BR.sch

  5. Other business rules:

    1. Other validations which are common to Request and Response applications, such as the mandatory use of the attribute schemeAgencyID for identifiers: 04 ESPD Common Other BR.sch

    2. Specific business rules for Response applications, in this case, the validation of the correct value for cbc:CutomisationID element: 04 ESPD Resp Other BR.sch

    3. Business rules related to the economic operator: 05 ESPD Resp EO BR.sch

    4. Specific business rules for Self-contained application type: 05 ESPD Resp Self-contained BR.sch

    5. Specific business rules for economic operators registered in a pre-qualification system: 05 ESPD Resp Qualification BR.sch

    6. Specific business rules depending on the role: 05 ESPD Resp Role BR.sch

UUID Criterion Validation

Each Criterion is defined in e-Certis and must use the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) supplied by e-Certis:

  1. These UUIDs are 'constant', meaning that they are maintained by DG GROW and need to be used compulsory as they were issued by DG GROW.

  2. The value of each UUID are defined in the spreadsheets:

ESPD validates that the UUID defined in the ESPDRequest XML or ESPDResponse XML are the ones supplied by e-Certis:

Spreadsheet row

XSD Path







Every QUESTION_GROUP and QUESTION_SUBGROUP that has the same structure (meaning, QUESTION or QUESTION_SUBGROUP), share the same UUID, as they are the same.

Tendering Criterion

The validation of each criterion (cac:TenderingCriterion element) has the aim to check:

  1. cbc:ID, cbc:CriterionTypeCode, cbc:Name and cbc:Description are mandatory;

  2. cbc:ID and cbc:CriterionTypeCode values match with the ones supplied by e-Certis;

  3. cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup structure matches with the QUESTION_GROUP supplied by e-Certis (see Tendering Criterion Property Group and Subgroup section).

Tendering Criterion Property Group and Subgroup

The same validations are executed for the first level group of properties and sub-groups of properties. The rules applied are:

  1. The cbc:ID and cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode are mandatory elements and their values are the ones supplied by e-Certis in the corresponding cbc:TenderingCriterion;

  2. cac:TenderingCriterionProperty structure matches with QUESTION supplied by e-Certis (see Tendering Crtierion Property section);

  3. cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionPropertyGroup matches with QUESTION_SUBGROUP supplied by e-Certis (for each property group, the same validations are applied).

Tendering Criterion Property

The validation of Tendering Criterion Property (cac:TenderingCriterionProperty element) is checked as follows:

  1. cbc:TypeCode and cbc:ValueDataTypeCode are mandatory elements and match with the ones supplied by e-Certis;

  2. cbc:ID and cbc:Description elements are mandatory, although their values are not validated;

  3. If cbc:TypeCode value is "CAPTION" or "REQUIREMENT", cbc:ValueDataTypeCode value must be "NONE".

Annex II Code lists used in ESPD

Beware that in the ESPDD documents codes can be used in different places, e.g.:

  1. Outside the criteria, in UBL components of type "Code Type" (e.g. cbc:ProcedureCode);

  2. Inside the definition of a Criterion, in the ESPD Request, for the element Expected Code (cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup/cac:TenderingCriterionProperty/cbc:ExpectedCode, it is in this element that the ESPD Request defines which code list to use); and

  3. Inside the Response Value (cac:TenderingCriterionResponse/cac:ResponseValue/cbc:ResponseCode), where the Economic Operator has to supply a valid code picked from the list specified in the ESPD Request, in the element cbc:ExpectedCode.

All this is explained and illustrated with XML examples all along this document. See for instance:

  1. The XML example in section III.4 Root elements (use of cbc:ProcedureCode);

  2. The XML example in section III.11 Lots - Self-contained ESPD (use of cbc:ExpectedCode); and

  3. The XML example in section VII.7 Answering QUESTIONs (where the use of codes, identifiers, etc. in the responses is explained).

Additional information about the code lists can be found in:

The table below lists the code lists used in the ESPD documents and where they are used.

Code List Issuer Agency Used In


Publications Office of the EU

See Data structure and XML examples for Criterion CRITERION.OTHER.CA_DATA.LOTS_SUBMISSION of the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Request


DG GROW (European Commission)

See element 'cac:Evidence/cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode` of the UBL-2.2 XSD Schemas for QualificationApplicationResponse



See element 'cac:PostalAddress/cac:Country/cbc:IdentificationCode` of the UBL-2.2 XSD Schemas, e.g. the postal address of an economic operator party)


DG GROW (European Commission, defined in e-Certis)

See each Criterion taxonomy code in the Criteria Taxonomies (both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED). See also the Genericode file.


DG GROW (European Commission)

See element cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup/cac:TenderingCriterionProperty/cbc:TypeCode of the UBL-2.2 XSD QualificationApplicationRequest Schema


Publications Office of the EU

All UBL-2.2 elements of type cbc:Amount in its attribute @currencyID


DG GROW (European Commission)

UBL-2.2 element cac:AdditionalDocumentReference/cbc:DocumentTypeCode. See XML example in section III.5 EU and national publications


DG GROW (European Commission)

Attribute cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID@SchemeID. See 'Requirement" boxes in section VII.6 Economic Operator


DG GROW (European Commission)

Used in the UBL-2.2 element cac:EconomicOperatorParty/cac:QualifyingParty/cbc:IndustryClassificationCode` to specify the size of the economic operator. See example in XML Example (REGULATED economic operator)


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cac:EconomicOperatorRole/cbc:RoleCode. See example in XML Example (REGULATED economic operator)


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cbc:EvaluationMethodTypeCode located at the root of both the UBL-2.2 QualificationApplicationRequest (ESPD Request) and QualificationApplicationResponse (ESPD Response). See XML example XML snippet 1.a) criterion REQUIREMENTs and QUESTIONs (SELF-CONTAINED and WEIHGTED)


BACH Banque de France

Used in the REQUIREMENT "Ratio Type" of the Criterion CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.FINANCIAL_RATIO . See data structure for this criterion in the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD Request spread-sheet.


DG GROW (European Commission)

e.g. in cac:Legislation/cac:Language/cbc:LocaleCode. See for instance XML example in section V.7 Early termination


DG GROW (European Commission)

It is used as a basis to supply a value for the element cac:Legislation/cbc:JurisdictionLevel, which is not a code but a free-text. See the XML example in the section V.1 Convictions


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cbc:ProcedureCode used at the root of the UBL-2.2 QualificationApplicationRequest XSD document. See XML example in section III.4 Root elements


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cbc:ProfileExecutionID used at the root of the UBL-2.2 QualificationApplicationRequest and QualificationApplicationResponse documents. See table of expected elements in section III.4 Root elements


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:ProcurementTypeCode. See XML example in section III.9 Procurement Procedure: Self-contained ESPD


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup/cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode. See XML example in section III.11 Lots - Self-contained ESPD, for example


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cbc:QualificationApplicationTypeCode at the root of UBL-2.2 QualificationApplicationRequest and QualificationApplicationResponse documents. See XML example in section III.4 Root elements


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cac:TenderingCriterion/cac:TenderingCriterionPropertyGroup/cac:TenderingCriterionProperty/cbc:ValueDataTypeCode. See XML example in section III.11 Lots - Self-contained ESPD, for example


Publications Office of the EU

Element cac:ProcurementProject/cbc:ProcurementSubtypeCode. See explanations in section III.9 Procurement Procedure: Self-contained ESPD, subsection XSD Schema.


DG GROW (European Commission)

Element cbc:WeightingTypeCode at the root of UBL-2.2 QualificationApplicationRequest and QualificationApplicationResponse documents. See XML example in section III.4 Root elements

1. CVA files are used for the validation of Codes and Identifiers. See the OASIS Genericode 1.0 specification and CRANE SOFTWRIGHTS site for more details
3. Add the '.zip' extension the 'ods' file and unzip it to get the content.xml file
4. CVA files are used for the validation of Codes and Identifiers. See the OASIS Genericode 1.0 specification and CRANE SOFTWRIGHTS site for more details
5. *Remember that the ESPD-EDM specification uses the definition of SME provided by the EU Recommendation 2003/361
6. The Annex 2 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/7 refers to these two as Part IV and Part V
7. The Commission is preparing for an evaluation and possible revision of some aspects of the SME Definition. A public consultation on the topic will be launched soon.
8. This is part of the schema envisioned in the Once Only Principle