Annex II. XML Examples
1. Code List Examples
1.1. access-right
The following xml code is an example of use of code list access-right in a cac:Evidence element of ESPDRequest.
<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="OP">EVIDENCE-00001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20211208-0">CONFIDENTIAL</cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode>
<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="OP">SAT-11121233</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Name>USA DoD</cbc:Name>
The element cbc:ConfidentialityLevelCode is of type code with the following attribute values:
listID="access-right". Informing this code is provided in the code list access-right.
value CONFIDENTIAL is one of the valid codes defined in the code list access-right.
1.2. boolean-gui-control-type
The following is an example of use of code list boolean-gui-control-type in 'Other economic or financial requirements' (finan-requ).
The xml code implemented for this criterion in the ESPDRequest is:
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">977149e9-9a91-4aa6-acb6-6928a0dd6609</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Description>Select the type of requirement</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">CODE_BOOLEAN</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- No answer is expected
here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting
authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of
the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
<cbc:ExpectedCode listID="boolean-gui-control-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">RADIO_BUTTON_TRUE</cbc:ExpectedCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210929-0">ca15c15f-110e-4a10-8d6e-5e41cf5f9098</cbc:ID>
<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="property-group-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">ONTRUE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210929-0">4d879427-f3e8-431b-a516-1c0f22edd56a</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Description>Description of the economic or financial requirement</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- No answer is expected
here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting
authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of
the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">cc96aa19-a0be-4409-af58-ff3f3812741b</cbc:ID>
<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="property-group-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">ONFALSE</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">d996223a-3f54-4803-bf05-39019c843e94</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Description>Minimum rating</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">QUANTITY</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- No answer is expected
here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting
authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of
the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
This case of use has to be interpreted by the software application that displays the ESPDRequest document so the [eo] can select which REQUIREMENT_SUBGROUP is shown and provide an answer to it. Taking this into consideration:
The value of boolean-gui-control will be used by the application software to display either the REQUIREMENT for "Description of the economic or financial requirement" or the REQUIREMENT for "Minimum rating".
In this case the value for boolean-gui-control is RADIO_BUTTON_TRUE. This will display REQUIREMENT for "Description of the economic or financial requirement" as defaul since the following cac:SubsidiaryTenderingCriterionPropertyGroup is defined with cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode value=ONTRUE.
1.3. country
The following xml code is an example of use of code list country in a cac:ContractingParty element of ESPDRequest.
<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20211208-0">AND</cbc:IdentificationCode>
The code list country is used to define the value of element cbc:IdentificationCode in class cac:Country.
1.4. criterion
The following xml code is an example of use of code list criterion in a cac:TenderingCriterion element of ESPDRequest.
<!-- Criterion:Participation in a criminal organisation -->
<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20210616-0">crime-org</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
<cbc:Name>Participation in a criminal organisation</cbc:Name>
<cbc:Description>Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on the fight against organised crime (OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p. 42).</cbc:Description>
The code list criterion is used to define the value of element cbc:CriterionTypeCode for any class cac:TenderingCriterion present in the ESPDRequest document.
1.5. criterion-element-type
This is an example of use of code list criterion-element-type in criterion 'Participation in a criminal organisation' (crim-org) cac:TenderingCriterion element of ESPDRequest.
The xml code implemented for this criterion in the ESPDRequest is:
<!-- Criterion:Participation in a criminal organisation -->
<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">crime-org</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">ae5e864a-f3ba-489b-ba17-b87af8b10138</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Description>[Additional information; e.g. no evidences online]</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">CAPTION</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">NONE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">c31b6447-bf88-4172-901a-f9b105205391</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Description>Your answer</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">QUESTION</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">INDICATOR</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
Code list criterion-element-type is used to specify the value of class cbc:TypeCode of element cac:TenderingCriterionProperty. cbc:TypeCode corresponds to values in columns 3 to 5 in the schema shown in [img-criterion_criterion-element-type]: * cac:TenderingCriterionProperty with cbc:ID=ae5e864a-f3ba-489b-ba17-b87af8b10138 is defined as cbc:TypeCode=CAPTION * cac:TenderingCriterionProperty with cbc:ID=c31b6447-bf88-4172-901a-f9b105205391 is defined as cbc:TypeCode=QUESTION
1.6. currency
The following xml code are examples of use of code list currency in an ESPDRequest.
Code list currency can be used to specify the code for class cbc:ValueCurrencyCode inside an element cac:TenderingCriterionProperty as shown below:
<cbc:Description>Additional Information</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">DESCRIPTION</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<cbc:ValueCurrencyCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20211208-0">EUR</cbc:ValueCurrencyCode>
Code list currency also can be used to specify the currency of a quantity amount in a REQUIREMENT for as shown below:
<cbc:Description>Minimum requirement</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">AMOUNT</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- No answer is expected
here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting
authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of
the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
<cbc:ExpectedAmount currencyID="EUR">100000</cbc:ExpectedAmount>
Code list is used to define attribute currencyID of element cbc:ExpectedAmount inside cac:TenderingCriterionProperty corresponding to a REQUIREMENT expressed as a monetary amount in currency "EUR".
1.7. docrefcontent-type
The following xml code is an example of use of code list docrefcontent-type in a cac:AdditionalDocumentReference specifing its cbc:DocumentTypeCode value in a ESPDRequest.
<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="OP">2017/S 142-293520</cbc:ID>
<cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID=""
<!-- Beware XML URI fields may require encoded URLs -->
<cbc:URI schemeAgencyID="OP">
<cbc:FileName>Spain-Zamora: Repair and maintenance services</cbc:FileName>
<cbc:Description>Repair and maintenance services. Real estate
This cac:AdditionalDocumentReference specifies a [ted] Notice as it is declared in element cbc:DocumentTypeCode with code "TED_CN".
1.8. economic-operator-size
The following xml code is an example of use of code list economic-operator-size in a cac:EconomicOperatorParty specifing its cbc:IndustryClassificationCode value in a ESPDResponse.
<cbc:IndustryClassificationCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20210317-0">sme</cbc:IndustryClassificationCode>
<cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="OP">AD123456789</cbc:ID>
The [eo] in this example has a size classification of 'Micro, small, or medium' (sme) as it is specified in attribute cbc:IndustryClassificationCode of class cac:Party.
1.9. eoid-type
The following xml code is an example of use of code list eoid-type in a cac:TenderingCriterionResponse element of ESPDResponse.
<cbc:ID schemeID="ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008 - 4UUID" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="3.2.0">acb58f0e-0fe4-4372-aa08-60d0c36bfcfe</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">1fa05728-308f-43b0-b547-c903ffb0a8af</cbc:ValidatedCriterionPropertyID>
<cbc:ResponseID schemeID="VAT" schemeAgencyID="ES-AEAT">B82387770</cbc:ResponseID>
The element cbc:ResponseID is of type Identifier with the following attribute values:
schemeID="VAT". Informing this identifier follows the Value Added Tax identifier format. This is a valid value defined in the code list eoid-type.
schemeAgencyID="ES-AEAT". Informing this identifier is issued by the Spanish Tax Agency (ES-AEAT).
1.10. eo-role-type
The following xml code is an example of use of code list eo-role-type in a cac:EconomicOperatorParty element of ESPDResponse.
<cbc:RoleCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20211208-0">group-mem</cbc:RoleCode>
The example [eo] is declared with element cac:EconomicOperatorParty and its role specified in element cbc:RoleCode as 'Group member' with code list value group-mem.
1.11. financial-ratio-type
The following xml code is an example of use of code list financial-ratio-type in a cac:TenderingCriterion element of ESPDRequest for criterion finan-rat.
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP"
<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="property-group-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID=
"OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">96df5f9f-f458-40cf-818f-a2beade58b1a</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Description>Ratio Type</cbc:Description>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type"
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID=
"response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">
<!-- No answer is expected here from the
economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the buyer. Hence the element
'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of the requirement issued by the
buyer -->
<cbc:ExpectedCode listID=
"financial-ratio-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">R11</cbc:ExpectedCode>
In criterion finan-rat, value for REQUIREMENT with description 'Ratio Type' (96df5f9f-f458-40cf-818f-a2beade58b1a) is provided in cbc:ExpectedCode with code R11 from code list financial-ratio-type.
1.12. language
The following xml code is an example of use of code list language in a cac:TenderingCriterion element of ESPDRequest for criterion finan-rat.
<cbc:ID schemeID="" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">32f66226-56f3-48e1-87c0-3d8917957fea</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Title>[Legislation title]</cbc:Title>
<cbc:Description>[Legislation description]</cbc:Description>
<cbc:Article>[Article, e.g. Article 2.I.a]</cbc:Article>
<cbc:LocaleCode listID="" listAgencyName="OP" listVersionID="20211208-0">ENG</cbc:LocaleCode>
Language used in class cac:Legislation is defined in element cac:Language assigning cbc:LocaleCode with value "ENG" from code list language.
1.13. occupation
The following xml code is an example of use of code list occupation in a cac:TenderingCriterion element of ESPDRequest for criterion prof-regist.
<!-- Criterion:Enrolment in a relevant professional register -->
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="3.2.0">6ee55a59-6adb-4c3a-b89f-e62a7ad7be7f</cbc:ID>
<cbc:CriterionTypeCode listID="" listAgencyID="OP" listVersionID="20210616-0">prof-regist</cbc:CriterionTypeCode>
<cbc:Name>Enrolment in a relevant professional register</cbc:Name>
<cbc:Description>It is enrolled in relevant professional registers kept in the Member State of its establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU; economic operators from certain Member States may have to comply with other requirements set out in that Annex.</cbc:Description>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">b01d8f8f-ceac-4b47-b7aa-88cdeb630465</cbc:ID>
<cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode listID="property-group-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">ON*</cbc:PropertyGroupTypeCode>
<cbc:ID schemeID="criterion" schemeAgencyID="OP" schemeVersionID="20210616-0">53fe9bf5-38c9-4281-b8a9-7250b75a9407</cbc:ID>
<cbc:TypeCode listID="criterion-element-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">REQUIREMENT</cbc:TypeCode>
<cbc:ValueDataTypeCode listID="response-data-type" listVersionID="3.2.0">CODE</cbc:ValueDataTypeCode>
<!-- No answer is expected
here from the economic operator, as this is a REQUIREMENT issued by the contracting
authority. Hence the element 'cbc:ValueDataTypeCode' contains the type of value of
the requirement issued by the contracting authority -->
<cbc:ExpectedCode listID="" listVersionID="3.2.0"></cbc:ExpectedCode>
The expected occupation for criterion prof-regist is defined in element cac:TenderingCriterionProperty with value cbc:ExpectedCode that corresponds to occupation label "agricultural engineer".