Notices published on a specific date

This query retrieves all procurement notices that were published on a specific date.


The results include key details about each notice:

  • Publication Number: A unique identifier for each notice.

  • Notice Type: The category of notice (e.g., contract notice, prior information notice).

  • Form Type: The document or form used in the procurement process.

  • Procedure Type: The classification of the procurement procedure.

Filters Applied

  • Publication Date: Limits results to notices published on 2024-11-04.


The complete query written in SPARQL is as follows:

PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX epo: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?publicationNumber ?procedureType ?noticeType ?formType
  FILTER (?publicationDate = "2024-11-06"^^xsd:date)
  GRAPH ?g {
    ?notice a epo:Notice ;
            epo:hasPublicationDate ?publicationDate ;
            epo:hasNoticePublicationNumber ?publicationNumber ;
            epo:hasNoticeType ?noticeTypeUri ;
            epo:hasFormType ?formTypeUri ;
            epo:refersToProcedure [
                 a epo:Procedure ;
                 epo:hasProcedureType ?procedureTypeUri
           ] .

  # Retrieve the label in english for noticeTypeUri
  ?noticeTypeUri a skos:Concept ;
                 skos:prefLabel ?noticeType .
  FILTER (lang(?noticeType) = "en")

  # Retrieve the label in english for formTypeUri
  ?formTypeUri a skos:Concept ;
               skos:prefLabel ?formType .
  FILTER (lang(?formType) = "en")

  # Retrieve the label in english for procedureTypeUri
  ?procedureTypeUri a skos:Concept ;
                    skos:prefLabel ?procedureType .
  FILTER (lang(?procedureType) = "en")

Structures Applied

Notice Metadata

The query extracts key metadata for each notice as follows:

    ?notice a epo:Notice ;
            epo:hasPublicationDate ?publicationDate ;
            epo:hasNoticePublicationNumber ?publicationNumber ;
            epo:hasNoticeType ?noticeTypeUri ;
            epo:hasFormType ?formTypeUri ;
            epo:refersToProcedure [
                 a epo:Procedure ;
                 epo:hasProcedureType ?procedureTypeUri
           ] .

The extracted metadata includes:

  • Publication Number: A unique identifier for the notice.

  • Notice Type: The category of notice (e.g., contract notice, prior information notice).

  • Form Type: The specific document or form used in the procurement process.

  • Procedure Type: The classification of the procurement procedure.

Label Extraction

The metadata values are identified by URIs, which are then translated into human-readable labels, leveraging multilingual descriptions provided by the EU Vocabularies.

For example, the structure to get the labels of a procedure type in english is as follows:

  ?procedureTypeUri a skos:Concept ;
                    skos:prefLabel ?procedureType .
  FILTER (lang(?procedureType) = "en")

This method is applied to other metadata fields, including the notice type and form type.


This query retrieves procurement notices published on a specific date (e.g., November 4, 2024). It filters results based on the publication date and extracts key metadata, including the publication number, notice type, form type, and procedure type. The query also uses multilingual labels from the EU Vocabularies to make metadata more accessible.

Any comments on the documentation?