Retrieving Contracts for a Specific Date

This query retrieves contracts published on November 4, 2024, filtered and sorted to meet specific criteria.


  • Contract Title: The title of the contract.

  • Conclusion Date: The date when the contract was finalized.

  • Lot Information: The associated lots for each contract.

  • Financial Information: The contract amount and its corresponding currency.

Filters Applied

  • Publication Date: Filters results to contracts published on 2024-11-04.

  • Currency: Restricts the results to contracts involving transactions in Euros (EUR).

  • Sorting: Orders the results by contract amount in descending order.


The complete query in SPARQL is as follows:

PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX epo: <>
PREFIX cccev: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?contractTitle ?conclusionDate ?lotUri ?amount ?currency
  FILTER (?publicationDate = "2024-11-04"^^xsd:date)
  FILTER (?currencyUri = <>)
  ?noticeUri a epo:Notice ;
             epo:refersToLot ?lotUri ;
             epo:hasPublicationDate ?publicationDate ;
             epo:hasNoticePublicationNumber ?publicationNumber .
  ?contractUri a epo:Contract ;
               dct:title ?contractTitle ;
               epo:hasContractConclusionDate ?conclusionDate ;
               epo:includesTender [
       a epo:Tender ;
       epo:isSubmittedForLot ?lotUri ;
       epo:hasFinancialOfferValue [
         a epo:MonetaryValue ;
         epo:hasAmountValue ?amount ;
         epo:hasCurrency ?currencyUri
     ] .
  ?currencyUri dc:identifier ?currency .
ORDER BY DESC(?amount)

Structures Applied

Notices and Lots

Notices are linked to specific lots using the property epo:refersToLot. This relationship associates each notice with its corresponding lot(s) as shown below:

?noticeUri epo:refersToLot ?lotUri .

Contracts and Lots

Contracts are tied to lots and include details such as contract title, conclusion date, and financial offer values. The structure is as follows:

?contractUri a epo:Contract ;
             dct:title ?contractTitle ;
             epo:hasContractConclusionDate ?conclusionDate ;
             epo:includesTender [
  a epo:Tender ;
  epo:isSubmittedForLot ?lotUri ;
  epo:hasFinancialOfferValue [
    a epo:MonetaryValue ;
    epo:hasAmountValue ?amount ;
    epo:hasCurrency ?currencyUri
] .

Award Decision and Outcomes

Notices may also announce award decisions linked to specific lots, as seen in the following structure:

?noticeUri epo:announcesAwardDecision [
         a epo:AwardDecision ;
         epo:comprisesAwardOutcome ?awardOutcome .

Award outcomes are linked to lots, as shown below:

?awardOutcome a epo:LotAwardOutcome ;
              epo:concernsLot ?lotUri ;

Tenderers, Tenders, and Financial Information

Each lot is associated with tenders containing information about the tenderer, their financial offers, and the link to the award decision. The relationship is shown below:

?awardOutcome epo:comprisesTenderAwardOutcome [
  a epo:TenderAwardOutcome ;
  epo:concernsTender ?tenderUri .
] .

Tenderers and financial details are linked through the following structure:

?tenderUri a epo:Tender ;
           epo:isSubmitedBy [
             a epo:Tenderer ;
             epo:playedBy [
               epo:hasLegalName ?legalName
           ] ;
           epo:hasFinancialOfferValue [
             a epo:MonetaryValue ;
             epo:hasAmountValue ?amount ;
             epo:hasCurrency ?currencyUri
           ] .


This query efficiently retrieves contract information for a specific publication date. The results include details such as contract title, conclusion date, financial amounts, and currencies.

Any comments on the documentation?