List the awarded tender amounts
This query retrieves information about awarded tenders from procurement notices published on a specific date. It focuses on extracting metadata such as the publication number, associated lots, tenderer details, and financial information.
The query extracts the following details:
Publication Number: A unique identifier for the notice.
Lot URI: Identifies the lot associated with the award outcome.
Legal Name: The name of the tenderer who was awarded the lot.
Amount: The financial value of the awarded tender.
Filters Applied
Publication Date: Limits results to notices published on
. -
Currency: Restricts results to tenders with a specific currency (not defined in this example query).
The complete SPARQL query is as follows:
PREFIX dc: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX epo: <> PREFIX cccev: <> PREFIX dcterms: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX skos: <> SELECT ?publicationNumber ?lotUri ?legalName ?amount WHERE { FILTER (?publicationDate = "2024-11-04"^^xsd:date) FILTER (?currencyUri = <>) ?noticeUri a epo:Notice ; epo:hasPublicationDate ?publicationDate ; epo:hasNoticePublicationNumber ?publicationNumber ; epo:announcesAwardDecision [ a epo:AwardDecision ; epo:comprisesAwardOutcome [ a epo:LotAwardOutcome ; epo:hasAwardStatus <> ; epo:concernsLot ?lotUri ; epo:comprisesTenderAwardOutcome [ a epo:TenderAwardOutcome ; epo:concernsTender [ a epo:Tender ; epo:isSubmitedBy [ a epo:Tenderer ; epo:playedBy [ epo:hasLegalName ?legalName ] ] ; epo:hasFinancialOfferValue [ a epo:MonetaryValue ; epo:hasAmountValue ?amount ; epo:hasCurrency ?currencyUri ] ] ] ] ] . } ORDER BY DESC(?amount)
Structures applied
Notice and Award Metadata Extraction
The query identifies notices and their corresponding award decisions and outcomes.
Notices and Awards
Notices are connected to award decisions through the following structure:
?noticeUri epo:announcesAwardDecision [ a epo:AwardDecision ; epo:comprisesAwardOutcome ?awardOutcome . ]
Awards and Lots
Each award decision includes outcomes related to specific lots, structured as follows:
?awardOutcome a epo:LotAwardOutcome ; epo:concernsLot ?lotUri ;
Tenderers, Tenders, and Financial Details
Awarded lots are associated with tenders, which provide detailed information about the tenderer and their financial offer.
Connecting Tenders to Awards
The connection between tenderUri
and the award decision is established as follows:
?awardOutcome epo:comprisesTenderAwardOutcome [ a epo:TenderAwardOutcome ; epo:concernsTender ?tenderUri . ] .
Tenderer and Financial Offer Details
For each tender, the query retrieves information about the submitting tenderer and the financial offer:
?tenderUri a epo:Tender ; epo:isSubmitedBy [ a epo:Tenderer ; epo:playedBy [ epo:hasLegalName ?legalName ] ] ; epo:hasFinancialOfferValue [ a epo:MonetaryValue ; epo:hasAmountValue ?amount ; epo:hasCurrency ?currencyUri ] .
This query highlights the relationships between procurement notices, awarded tenders, and financial details. By navigating through the structure of award decisions and outcomes, the query links notices to the awarded tenders and provides a comprehensive view of tenderer details and awarded amounts.
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