eForms Metadata Reference

This section of the eForms SDK documentation is auto-generated from our central metadata repository. The information in this section is therefore identical to the metadata included in the corresponding version of the eForms SDK (1.10).

Changes made in patch versions are not reflected in this section of the documentation.


  • Business Terms
    All Business Terms organized by Business Group, together with the fields that implement them.

  • Business Rules
    Every Business Rule included in SDK 1.10 together with all details on when and how it is applied.

  • Codelists
    All codelists included in eFroms SDK 1.10, together with their respective codes, their usage in eForms fields as well as their relationships to each-other (tailored codelists).


The following downloads are provided for business users that want to inspect eForms metadata in a tabular format. The downloads are provided in the CSV file format. The values are quoted and comma separated. The first line contains column headings.

Nodes and fields

Download node and field metadata as CSV files:

Notice subtypes

Download information on notice subtypes as a CSV file:

Business rules

Download rules in CSV format.

All rule types:

Specific rule types:

This information provided in this page is specific to eForms SDK 1.10.