Competition Results
Competition results are shared using result notices. Such notices have a single "efac:NoticeResult" element containing information about the latest award decisions and potentially about the lots still to be awarded.
Notice Result
The Notice Result section of a Result notice contains various information (cf. Figure 1):
The result for a lot for which the decision was recently made or is still pending,
The tenders received for the lots about which a decision has been made and is shared with the notice,
The contracts that have been signed following the award of lots,
The parties that submitted tenders for the lots of the notice whose awarding decision has been made and is shared in the notice.
The aggregated amounts covering all awarded lots of the notice.
All these topics will be further detailed in the following sections.

It should also be considered that this structure differs from the one defined by the Standard and to comply with it, cac:TenderResult/cbc:AwardDate must be present in the XML instance. It is sufficient to have only one such occurrence and the associated value shall be "2000-01-01Z".
Notice aggregated amounts
Notice Value is about the aggregated value of all awarded lots of the notice.
Notice Framework Value is about the aggregated Maximum Framework Value, estimated or actual, for all awarded lots of the notice[1].
For any group of lots of the notice having a group framework agreement, the reference to the Group of lots as well as the Group Framework Value (Maximum and/or Reestimated) shall be specified. Group Framework Values and the associated reference to the lot may be "unpublished"; when done so, the dates of publication for all unpublished elements shall be the same.
All these amounts have to be expressed using codes of the Currency codelist to designate the currency as "currencyID" attribute and decimal numbers.
Further details on the fields may be found in the following table and an overview of the structure as well as a mark-up excerpt are provided later on.
eForms BT | Description | Cardin. | XSD element |
Notice Result associated amounts (*) |
Notice Value (BT-161) |
The value of all contracts awarded in this notice, including options and renewals. |
1 |
Notice Framework Maximum Value (BT-118) |
The maximum value which can be spent within the framework agreement(s) announced in this notice over its whole duration, in all lots, including options and renewals. |
1 |
Notice Framework Approximate Value (BT-1118) |
The approximate value to be spent within the framework agreement(s) announced in this notice over its/their whole duration, in all lots |
1 |
Group Framework Value (**) |
Unpublish fields |
Group Framework Maximum Value Lot Identifier (BT-556) |
Identifier of the group of lots within this procedure. |
1 |
Group Framework Maximum Value (BT-156) |
The maximum value which can be spent in a framework agreement within a group of lots. It covers all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. |
1 |
Group Framework Re-estimated Value (BT-1561) |
The estimated value which can be spent in a framework agreement within a group of lots. It covers all contracts to be awarded within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. |
1 |
Context: (*)
<cbc:TotalAmount currencyID="EUR">123456.00</cbc:TotalAmount>
<efbc:OverallMaximumFrameworkContractsAmount currencyID="EUR">3400000</efbc:OverallMaximumFrameworkContractsAmount>
<efbc:GroupFrameworkMaximumValueAmount currencyID="EUR">1200000</efbc:GroupFrameworkMaximumValueAmount>
<cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0001</cbc:ID>
<efbc:GroupFrameworkMaximumValueAmount currencyID="EUR">800000</efbc:GroupFrameworkMaximumValueAmount>
<cbc:ID schemeName="LotsGroup">GLO-0002</cbc:ID>
<!-- Interrupted Mark-up -->

Lot Result
A Notice Result shall contain at least one LotResult with a made decision[2].
LotResult applies exclusively to a single lot. This element contains various information (cf. table below and against figure):
Statistics on received submissions (highest & lowest value tenders, received quantity per submission type),
Procurement procedure outcome, and when not awarded the background reason,
Termination of a DPS,
Financing and Paying Parties,
Review requests statistics,
References to the received tenders for the lot covered by this result,
Framework Agreement Values associated to the lot (estimated and maximal),
Reference(s) to the contract(s) settled as a result of the made decision,
Statistical results for some strategic procurement projects[3],
Reference to the lot the result applies to.

For each lot, there may not exist more than one LotResult within the same notice.
eForms BT | Description | Cardin. | XSD element |
Lot Result (*) |
"Unpublish" fields |
(BT-710, BT-711, BT-142) Cf. LotResult Level |
LotResult Technical ID (OPT-322) |
Unique identifier for the LotResult. Shall follow the scheme "RES-XXXX". |
1 |
Tender Value highest (BT-711) |
Value of the admissible tender with the highest value. A tender shall be considered admissible where it has been submitted by a tenderer, who has not been excluded and who meets the selection criteria, and when it is in conformity with the technical specifications without being irregular (e.g. received late, having an abnormally low price or cost) or unacceptable or unsuitable. Only tenders for which it has been verified that they are admissible can be taken into account. |
1 |
Tender Value Lowest (BT-710) |
Value of the admissible tender with the lowest value. A tender shall be considered admissible where it has been submitted by a tenderer, who has not been excluded and who meets the selection criteria, and when it is in conformity with the technical specifications without being irregular (e.g. received late, having an abnormally low price or cost) or unacceptable or unsuitable. Only tenders for which it has been verified that they are admissible or can be taken into account. |
1 |
Winner Chosen (BT-142) |
Whether a winner was chosen. (Code from the Winner Selection Status codelist) |
1 |
Dynamic Purchasing System Termination (BT-119) |
The dynamic purchasing system is terminated. No further contracts, besides those published in this notice, will be awarded in the dynamic purchasing system. This field can be used even if no contracts are awarded in the contract award notice. Only two values are possible "true" and "false". |
? |
Financing Party |
Organisation whose budget is used to pay for the contract |
* |
Payer Party |
Organisation executing the payment |
* |
"Unpublish" fields |
BT-712 Cf. LotResult Level |
Buyer Review Complainants (BT-712) |
The number of organisations that requested the buyer to review any of its decisions (e.g. the technical specifications, award decision). |
? |
Buyer Review Requests Irregularity Type (BT-636) |
The type of irregularity alleged in the review requests. (Code from the Irregularity Type codelist) |
* |
Buyer Review Requests Count (BT-635) |
The number of requests the buyer received to review any of its decisions. |
* |
"Unpublish" fields |
BT-144 Cf. LotResult Level |
? |
Not Awarded Reason (BT-144) |
The reason for not choosing a winner. (Code from the Non Award Justification codelist) |
1 |
Tender Identifier Reference (OPT-320) |
Identifier to refer to the appropriate Tender object. Shall follow the "TEN-XXXX" scheme. |
* |
"Unpublish" fields (Framework) |
BT-709, BT-660 Cf. LotResult Level |
Framework Re-estimated Value (BT-660) |
The estimated value which can be spent within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. |
? |
Framework Maximum Value (BT-709) |
The maximum value which can be spent within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals. |
? |
"Unpublish" fields |
(BT-759, BT-760) Cf. LotResult Level |
* |
Received Submissions Type (BT-760) |
The type of tenders or requests to participate received. The total number of tenders received must be given. When a notice does not fall under Directive 2009/81/EC and is not about social or other specific services, the number of tenders received from micro, small and medium enterprises; the number of tenders received from tenderers registered in other European Economic Area countries and the number of tenders received from tenderers registered in countries outside of the European Economic Area must also be given. All tenders must be counted, regardless of whether they are admissible or inadmissible. For tenders submitted by a group of tenderers (e.g. a consortium), the tender must be counted in the relevant category (e.g. SME) if the majority of the work is expected to be done by tenderers which fall within this category (e.g. they are SMEs). (Code from the Received Submission Type codelist) |
* |
Received Submissions Count (BT-759) |
Number of tenders or requests to participate received. Tenders including variants or multiple tenders submitted (for one lot) by the same tenderer should be counted as one tender[4]. |
* |
Contract Identifier Reference (OPT-315) |
Identifier to refer to the appropriate settled contract. Shall follow the scheme "CON-XXXX" |
* |
CVD Contract Type (BT-735) |
The type of contract of the procurement procedure within the scope of Clean Vehicles Directive 2009/33/EC. |
* |
Vehicle Category (BT-723) |
The category of vehicle falling within the scope of Directive 2009/33/EC. |
* |
Vehicle Type (OPT-155) |
"labels" for types of vehicles (BT-715, BT-716 & BT-725) |
* |
Vehicle Numeric (OPT-156) |
"values" for types of vehicles (BT-715, BT-716 & BT-725) |
* |
Result Lot Identifier (BT-13713) |
Reference to the lot this result is about. Shall follow the scheme "LOT-XXXX" (LotResult only applies to lots). |
1 |
Context: (*)
An XML instance excerpt is provided below for illustration:
<!-- Interrupted Mark-up -->
<cbc:ID schemeName="result">RES-0002</cbc:ID>
<cbc:HigherTenderAmount currencyID="EUR">4560000</cbc:HigherTenderAmount>
<cbc:LowerTenderAmount currencyID="EUR">1230000</cbc:LowerTenderAmount>
<cbc:TenderResultCode listName="winner-selection-status">selec-w</cbc:TenderResultCode>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0003</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0004</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0002</cbc:ID>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="irregularity-type">insuf-timl</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="irregularity-type">unj-lim-subc</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
<efbc:DecisionReasonCode listName="non-award-justification">no-rece
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0002</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0003</cbc:ID>
<cbc:MaximumValueAmount currencyID="EUR">12345</cbc:MaximumValueAmount>
<efbc:ReestimatedValueAmount currencyID="EUR">123</efbc:ReestimatedValueAmount>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="received-submission-type">tenders</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="received-submission-type">t-sme</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0003</cbc:ID>
<efbc:ProcurementCategoryCode listName="cvd-contract-type">oth-serv-contract</efbc:ProcurementCategoryCode>
<efbc:AssetCategoryCode listName="vehicle-category">n2-n3</efbc:AssetCategoryCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-zero-emission</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-clean</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:AssetCategoryCode listName="vehicle-category">m1</efbc:AssetCategoryCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-zero-emission</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-clean</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:ProcurementCategoryCode listName="cvd-contract-type">veh-acq</efbc:ProcurementCategoryCode>
<efbc:AssetCategoryCode listName="vehicle-category">m2</efbc:AssetCategoryCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-zero-emission</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-clean</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:AssetCategoryCode listName="vehicle-category">n1</efbc:AssetCategoryCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-zero-emission</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<efbc:StatisticsCode listName="vehicles">vehicles-clean</efbc:StatisticsCode>
<!-- Interrupted Markup -->
<cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
<!-- Interrupted Mark-up -->
Lot Tender
LotTenders are the results of the decomposition of a received tender into fragments, each corresponding to a lot or group of lots.
Multiple information items may be found in a LotTender:
The LotTender ID,
The Tender Rank,
The Public transportation cumulated distance (for T02 form only),
Whether the tender is a variant or not,
The tender value,
Paid & penalties amounts (for "Contract Completion" only),
Concession revenues,
Contract terms,
Origin of goods or service,
Subcontracting terms,
Reference to the "Tendering Party" that submitted the tender,
Reference to the Lot or Group of lots the tender is about

eForms BT | Description | Cardin. | XSD element |
Lot Tender (*) |
"Unpublish" fields |
(BT-171, BT-193, BT-720) Cf. LotTender Level |
Tender Technical Identifier (OPT-321) |
A unique technical identifier of a tender. Shall follow the TEN-XXXX scheme. |
1 |
Tender Rank (BT-171) |
The position of the tender (i.e. whether the tender ended up first, second, third, etc.) in a design contest, some framework agreements with multiple winners (e.g. cascades) or an innovation partnership. |
? |
Kilometers Public Transport (OPP-080) |
Aggregated number of public transportation kilometers over the whole duration of the contract (T02 form only) |
1 |
Tender Ranked (BT-1711) |
The tender has been ranked. This needs to be set to "true" to be able to specify the Rank. A true value does not however mandate the rank specification, unless required by the Regulation Annex. |
? |
Tender Variant (BT-193) |
The tender is a variant. |
? |
"Unpublish" fields |
(BT-160, BT-162, BT-163) Cf. LotTender Level |
Concession Revenue Buyer (BT-160) |
The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments). |
? |
Concession Revenue User (BT-162) |
The estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines). |
? |
Concession Value Description (BT-163) |
The description of the method used for calculating the estimated value of the concession and any other relevant information concerning the value of the concession. |
? |
Tender Value (BT-720) |
The value of the tender or another result; including options and renewals. In case of the modification notice, the value of the modification. |
? |
"Unpublish" fields |
(BT-191) Cf. LotTender Level |
Country Origin (BT-191) |
A country of origin of the product or the service. Values must come from the country codelist and the "listName" attribute be set to 'country'. |
? |
Tender Payment Value (BT-779) |
The value of all payments executed for the tender or another result, including options and renewals. (E5 only) |
? |
Tender Payment Value Additional Information (BT-780) |
Additional information about the value of all payments executed for the tender or another result, including options and renewals (e.g. justification for the actual value being different from the value given in the initial contract). (E5 only) |
? |
Tender Penalties (BT-782) |
The value of all penalties paid by the winner as a result of late or insufficient implementation of the tender or another result. (E5 only) |
? |
Penalties and Rewards Code (OPP-033) |
Code for "Information on rewards & penalties" (T02 only) |
? |
Penalties and Rewards Description (OPP-034) |
Description for "Information on rewards & penalties" (T02 only) |
? |
Contract conditions Code (OPP-030) |
Code for the contract conditions (T02 only) |
* |
Contract conditions Description (other than revenue allocation) (OPP-031) |
Description for the contract conditions other than "Allocation of revenue of sales from tickets" (T02 only) |
* |
Revenues Allocation (OPP-032) |
Percentage for the "Allocation of revenue of sales from tickets" (contract conditions — T02 only) |
? |
"Unpublish" fields |
subcontract terms (BT-553, BT-554, BT-555, BT-730, BT-731, BT-773) Cf. LotTender Level |
Subcontracting Value (BT-553) |
The estimated value of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties. |
? |
Subcontracting Description (BT-554) |
The description of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties. |
? |
Subcontracting Percentage (BT-555) |
The estimated percentage of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties compared to the whole contract. |
? |
Subcontracting (BT-773) |
Whether at least a part of the contract will be subcontracted. Possible values are from the "applicability" codelist and restricted to "yes" and "no". |
? |
Subcontracting Percentage Known (BT-731) |
The buyer knows at least the estimated percentage of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties compared to the whole contract. Only two values are possible "true" and "false". |
? |
Subcontracting Value Known (BT-730) |
The buyer knows at least the estimated value of the part of the contract that the contractor will subcontract to third parties. Only two values are possible "true" and "false". |
? |
Tendering Party ID Reference (OPT-310) |
Reference to the Tendering Party that submitted the LotTender. Shall follow the scheme "TPA-XXXX" |
1 |
Tender Lot Identifier (BT-13714) |
An identifier of a lot or a group of lots for which the tender was submitted. The information in the tender section refers to this lot. Shall follow the appropriate scheme "LOT-XXXX" or "GLO-XXXX" |
1 |
Tender Identifier (BT-3201) |
An identifier of a tender. The information in the tender section refers to this tender. |
1 |
Context: (*)
An XML instance excerpt is provided below for illustration:
<!-- Interrupted Mark-up -->
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:PayableAmount currencyID="EUR">500</cbc:PayableAmount>
<cbc:PaidAmount currencyID="EUR">480</cbc:PaidAmount>
<efbc:PaidAmountDescription languageID="ENG">An amount of ...</efbc:PaidAmountDescription>
<efbc:PenaltiesAmount currencyID="EUR">23</efbc:PenaltiesAmount>
<efbc:RevenueBuyerAmount currencyID="EUR">350</efbc:RevenueBuyerAmount>
<efbc:RevenueUserAmount currencyID="EUR">350</efbc:RevenueUserAmount>
<efbc:ValueDescription>Bla bla bla ...</efbc:ValueDescription>
<efbc:AreaCode listName="country">FRA</efbc:AreaCode>
<efbc:AreaCode listName="country">ITA</efbc:AreaCode>
<efbc:TermDescription languageID="ENG">Bla bli bla bli ...</efbc:TermDescription>
<efbc:TermCode listName="applicability">yes</efbc:TermCode>
<cbc:ID schemeName="tendering-party">TPA-0002</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="Lot">LOT-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID>BID ABD/GHI-SN/2020-002</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0002</cbc:ID>
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0003</cbc:ID>
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
Settled Contract
SettledContract covers the following information:
The Contract identifier,
The award date,
The issue date,
The contract title,
The URL where the contract could be found,
Whether the contract is awarded within a Framework Agreement,
The reference to the notice (ID & version) relative to the Framework Agreement when applicable,
References to the signatories,
Contract Duration Justification (for T02 only),
References to the Lot Tenders that, combined together, lead to the contract,
EU funds names & IDs.

eForms BT | Description | Cardin. | XSD element |
Settled Contract (*) |
Contract Technical Identifier (OPT-316) |
Unique contract technica ID. Shall follow the CON-XXXX scheme |
1 |
Winner Decision Date (BT-1451) |
The date of the official decision choosing the winning tender. |
? |
Contract Conclusion Date (BT-145) |
The date when the contract was concluded. Typically, this is the date when the last contractual party signed the contract. However, if no contract is signed, then the date of contract conclusion may correspond to other dates (e.g. the date when the buyer notified the winning tenderer). The date of contract conclusion is always later than the end of the standstill period and only once any evidence submitted by the winner has been verified. |
? |
Contract Title (BT-721) |
The name of the contract or, in case of voluntary-ex ante transparency notices and design contest result notices, of the decision. |
? |
Contract URL (BT-151) |
The uniform resource locator (e.g. the web address) of the contract. |
? |
Contract Framework Agreement (BT-768) |
The contract is awarded within a framework agreement. Only two values are possible "true" and "false". |
? |
Framework Notice Identifier (OPT-100) |
ID of the notice related to the Framework Contract under which the current contract takes place. In either format: notice identifier (UUID) concatenated with its version identifier (i.e. <UUID>-<vv>), or Notice Publication ID (XXXXXX-YYYY). |
? |
Signatory Identifier Reference (OPT-300) |
Organisation signing the contract |
+ |
Contract Tender ID (Reference, BT-3202) |
An identifier of the tender or another result that led to this contract. |
+ |
Contract Identifier (BT-150) |
An identifier of the contract or, in case of voluntary-ex ante transparency notices and design contest result notices, of the decision. The information in the contract section refers to this contract or decision. |
1 |
Assets related contract extension indicator (OPP-020) |
Extended contract duration due to essential assets necessary for the provision of the service (T02 only) |
1 |
Used asset (OPP-021) |
List of assets used for the provision of the public transportation services: (T02 only) |
* |
Significance (%) (OPP-022) |
Significance of the essential assets provided in relation to the overall assets needed for the provision of the public services (estimated % share of assets provided in overall assets used to provide services under contract): (T02 only) |
* |
Predominance (%) (OPP-023) |
Predominant use of assets (estimated % share of assets provided compared to assets used for activities other than the public services): (T02 only) |
* |
Contract EU Funds Financing Identifier (BT-5011) |
An identifier of the European Union Programme used to at least partially finance the contract. The most concrete information must be given (e.g. about concrete projects, not just operational programs.) |
? |
Contract EU Funds Programme (BT-722) |
The Programme of the European Union funds used to at least partially finance the contract. |
? |
Contract EU Funds Details (BT-6110) |
Further information about the Union programme or project used at least partially finance the procurement. |
? |
Context: (*)
An XML instance excerpt is provided below for illustration:
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
<cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Title languageID="ENG">My contract title</cbc:Title>
<cbc:ID schemeName="ojs-notice-id">62783-2020</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0003</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID>CRN ABC:EFG/2020-01</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0001</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="tender">TEN-0002</cbc:ID>
<cbc:FundingProgramCode listName="eu-programme">ABC123</cbc:FundingProgramCode>
<cbc:FundingProgram>Program for the development ...</cbc:FundingProgram>
<cbc:ID schemeName="contract">CON-0002</cbc:ID>
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
<!-- Interrupted MarkUp -->
Tendering Party
The Tendering Party is about the tenderer who submitted alone, or group of tenderers who submitted together, a tender.
This party has various information associated to it as shown on Figure 1:
A technical identifier,
References to tenderers (at least one) who submitted a given tender,
When multiple tenderers tender together, an indicator to identify the group leader,
References to all subcontractors with a reference for each of them to the main contractor(s) they are providing services to.

Table 5 provides further details on the Tendering Party components.
eForms BT | Description | Cardin. | XSD element |
Tendering Party (*) |
Tendering Party ID (OPT-210) |
Unique Tendering Party technical identifier. Shall follow the scheme TPA-XXXX Reference to the Tendering Party will be made from the Tender |
1 |
Tenderer ID Reference (OPT-300) |
Reference to the principal Organization(s) belonging to the Tendering Party. Shall be of the form ORG-XXXX and exist at the level of the Organizations. |
+ |
Tendering Party Leader (OPT-170) |
Indicator used to specify whether the tenderer has the lead in the case of a consortium or equivalent. Only required when at least two Tenderers are listed. For a given Tendering Party with multiple tenderers, there should be one and only one leader. |
* |
Subcontractor ID Reference (OPT-301) |
Reference to the Organization(s) acting as a subcontractor for one of the tenderers. Shall be of the form ORG-XXXX and exist at the level of the Organizations. |
* |
Main Contractor ID Reference (OPT-301) |
Reference to the Organization the subcontractor is providing services to. The reference ID shall be of the form ORG-XXXX, this ID shall exist at the level of the Organizations and this Organization shall be one of the tenderers listed as member of the Tendering Party. |
* |
efac:SubContractor/efac:MainContractor/cbc:ID |
Context: (*)
A sample mark-up is provided below for illustration purpose. It deals with the situation where two tenderers (ORG-0005 and ORG-0008) submitted a common tender. The tenderers are involving subcontractors (ORG-0012 and ORG-0015):
<!-- Interrupted Mark-up -->
<cbc:ID schemeName="tendering-party">TPA-0003</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0005</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0008</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0012</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0005</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0008</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0015</cbc:ID>
<cbc:ID schemeName="organization">ORG-0005</cbc:ID>