eProcurement UML conceptual model conventions

Adapted from the document:

PWC EU Services/ AMI Consulting

1. Introduction

This document provides a working specification of the guidelines and conventions for the eProcurement conceptual model, such that it qualifies suitable input for the transformation scripts meant to generate the formal eProcurement ontology.

The business context and the project overview are detailed in Costetchi [7].

The next section provides the motivation for the current document and situates it within the project.

1.1. Context

In the eProcurement ontology project, the decision was made to represent the conceptual model in Unified Modelling Language (UML). UML is a visual representation language that facilitates understanding and convergence between stakeholders, towards a common conceptualisation of the model.

Generally, the primary application of UML for ontology design is in the specification of class diagrams initially conceived for object-oriented software. UML does not define formal semantics that permit the determination of the consistency of the ontology from class diagrams, nor the accuracy of the implementation of the ontology. In this scenario, semantics become subject to interpretation by the stakeholders involved in the development process, and later by the users in the application and integration tasks.

UML is closer to the programming languages in which enterprise applications are implemented than to more logic-oriented approaches. Therefore, the current specification needs to establish conventions for the interpretation of the UML-based conceptual model.

The UML Conceptual Model of the eProcurement domain serves as the single source of truth, which means that the formal eProcurement ontology is derived from it through a model transformation process. It is possible to generate the formal ontology in RDF format from the XMI (v.2.5.1) serialisation of a UML (v.2.5) model [6] automatically, provided that a set of clear transformation rules are established, and that a set of modelling conventions is respected.

This document provides the UML modelling constraints and a set of conventional and technical recommendations for naming and structuring the UML class diagram elements: packages, classes, data types, enumerations, enumeration items, class attributes, the association relation and the dependency relation.

There are additional elements which will be addressed contextually in the following sections.

1.2. Requirements

The eProcurement conceptual model must fulfil mainly four fundamental objectives:

  • Facilitate an understanding of the represented system

  • Promote efficient transfer of system details between team members and external stakeholders.

  • Provide a point of reference for system designers to gather system specifications and documentation.

  • Serve as input for development of a (more) formal model.

In order to support the objectives, a conceptual model should fulfil the following requirements:

  • Be available to all team members, to facilitate collaboration and iteration.

  • Be easily changeable, as a continuous reflection of up-to-date information.

  • Contain both visual and written forms of diagramming, to explain the abstract concepts it may represent better.

  • Establish relevant terms and concepts that will be used throughout the project.

  • Define these terms and concepts.

  • Provide a basic structure for project entities.

  • Reduce ambiguity while maintaining simple and concise encoding.

1.3. Keywords for Requirement Statements

The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

The keywords “MUST (BUT WE KNOW YOU WON’T)”, “SHOULD CONSIDER”, “REALLY SHOULD NOT”, “OUGHT TO”, “WOULD PROBABLY” “MAY WISH TO”, “COULD”, “POSSIBLE”, and “MIGHT” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 6919.

2. Preliminary definitions

In this document three closely related and mostly overlapping domains are used interchangeably. They come from the worlds of: enterprise architecture, software engineering and design and formal knowledge representation. It is therefore necessary to establish the terms, especially the common ones, by defining what they mean in each of these domains.

2.1. The Conceptual Model

A conceptual model is a representation of a system that uses concepts to form said representation. A concept can be viewed as an idea or notion; or a unit of thought. However, what constitutes a unit of thought is subjective, and this definition is meant to be suggestive, rather than restrictive. That is why each concept needs to be well named by providing preferred and alternative labels, and a clear and precise definition supported by examples and explanatory notes.

The conceptual model consists of representations of concepts, their qualities or attributes, and their relationships to other concepts. Most commonly, these are association and generalisation relations. In addition, behaviour can be represented ranging from the concept level up to the level of the system as a whole. Behavioural aspects, however, fall out of the scope of the current specification, which addresses mainly structural elements.

2.2. Unified Modelling Language (UML)

The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, developmental modelling language in the field of software engineering that is intended to provide a standard way to visualise the design of a system. Its set of specifications is based on the assumption that conceptual models are represented with UML. Moreover, for the purposes of this convention, only the structural elements of UML are considered, in particular those making up a class diagram.

The most important structural elements will now be introduced:

  • A class represents a discrete concept within the domain being modelled. It is a description of a set of individual objects that share the same attributes, behaviour, and relationships. Graphically, a class is rendered as a rectangle.

  • An instance or individual object is a discrete (run-time) entity with an identity, state and invocable behaviour, which can be distinguished from other (run-time) entities. t is said that an individual object instantiates a class and represents a concrete (run-time) manifestation of that class. Conversely, a class represents the abstract concept by which instantiated individual objects are understood and described.

  • A property is a structural feature which represents a named part of the structure of a class and characterises it in a particular fashion. It can be an attribute of a classifier, or a member end of a relation.

  • An attribute is a named property of a class that describes the types and range of values that instances of the property may hold. An attribute may be conceptualised as a slot shared by all objects of that class that is filled by values through instantiation.

When building abstractions, very few classes stand alone. Instead, most of them are connected to each other in a number of different ways. In UML, there are three kinds of relationships that are important in this specification:

  • dependencies, which represent using relationships among classes (including refinement, trace, and bind relationships);

  • generalisations, which link generalised classes to their specialisations; and

  • associations, which represent structural relationships among objects. Each of these relationships provides a different way of combining your abstractions.

When a class participates in an association, it has a specific role that it plays in that relationship. A role is the face the class at the near end of the association presents to the class at the other end of the association. It is possible to name the role a class plays in an association explicitly.

An association represents a structural relationship among objects. In many modelling situations, it’s important to state how many objects may be connected across an instance of an association. This “how many” is called the multiplicity of an association’s role, and is written as an expression that evaluates to a range of values or an explicit value. It is possible to show a multiplicity of exactly one, zero or one [0..1], many [0..], one or more [1..], or even an exact number, for example, "3" . Multiplicity applies not only to associations, but to dependency relations as well, and also, to class attributes.

A stereotype represents an extensibility mechanism that is foreseen in UML. It allows for the possibility of creating new domain specific kinds of elements that are derived from the existing standard ones. In the simplest form, they act as annotations on the UML building blocks, but can redefine the visual representation of the UML element entirely. For example, some elements may be considered optional, recommended or required in the context of information exchange. This is possible by creating the three stereotypes and applying them accordingly.

2.3. Formal ontology

There has been much discussion as to what an ontology is and is not. In a computational context, an ontology encompasses a representation, formal naming, and definition of the categories, properties, and relations between the concepts, data, and entities that substantiate one, many, or all domains of the discourse.

We have adopted Studer et al.'s [29] definition that “an ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualisation”. In this specification we adopt Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) to specify the formal ontologies. OWL 2 is a knowledge representation language, with formally defined meaning, designed to formulate, exchange, and reason with knowledge about a domain of interest.

OWL 2 ontologies can be used with information written in Resource Description Framework (RDF). RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. OWL 2 ontologies themselves are primarily exchanged as RDF documents.

An RDF document is composed of RDF statements. The RDF statement, or triple, is a three-slotted structure of the form < subject − predicate − object >. The RDF statement asserts that a relationship holds , indicated by the predicate, between the resources denoted by the subject and object. The subject is always a resource identified by a URI, while the object may be either a URI resource or a literal value.

Next, the relevant OWL 2 concepts will be introduced:

  • Classes provide an abstraction mechanism for grouping resources with similar characteristics. Classes can be understood as sets of individuals, called the class extension. The individuals in the class extension are called the instances of the class [9].

  • Individuals in OWL 2 represent actual objects from the domain. There can be named individuals, which are given an explicit name to refer to the same object; and anonymous individuals, which do not have an explicit name and are used locally.

  • Data types are entities that refer to sets of data values. Thus, data types are analogous to classes, the main difference being that the former contain data values such as strings and numbers, rather than individuals [21].

  • Literals represent data values such as particular strings or integers. They can also be understood as individuals denoting data values. Literals can be either plain (no datatype) or typed [21].

In OWL 2, properties are defined as those taking the predicate role in an RDF statement, and are distinguished as either object properties or data type properties.

Object properties represent relationships between pairs of individuals. Data properties represent relationships between an individual and a literal. In some knowledge representation systems, functional data properties are called attributes [21].

3. Constraints in Naming and Structural Conventions

Defining naming and structural conventions for concepts in an ontology and then strictly adhering to these conventions does not only make the ontology easier to understand, but also helps avoid some common modelling mistakes.

UML is a language without formal semantics. Moreover, it also allows many alternatives in naming concepts. Often there is no particular reason to choose one or another alternative. However, a set of naming conventions for classes, relations, attributes, and controlled lists, needs to be defined and adhered to.

In theory, any name can be assigned to a concept, relationship or property. In practice, there are two types of constraints which affects the kinds of names that should be used: technical and conventional.

This section deals with conventional constraints; technical constraints are addressed in Section 4.

3.1. What is in a name?

Naming conventions apply to element names in the conceptual model. These names are intended for further use as human-readable denominations, called labels; and machine-readable denominations, called identifiers.

Identifiers serve as a basis for generating URIs to ensure unambiguous reference to a formal construct; while labels assist understanding by human-readers. For this reason we will apply, primarily, the conventional recommendations provided here and not the technical constraints.

The names should also belong to and be organised by namespaces. Namespaces can be provided as a short prefix to the element name, for example “org:Organisation”, “epo:Notice” or “skos:Concept”. Namespaces are addressed in detail in Section 4.1.

In a simple convention is proposed: that the identifier of a conceptual element is the name of the element, where spaces have been removed. For example, the identifier of the “Legal Entity” class is LegalEntity”. Note that the case format is important and is addressed in Section 3.2.


  • Names and descriptions for classes and properties should be expressed in British English [10] and, in addition, a mechanism for providing a multilingual labelling system should be adopted.

  • Avoid abbreviations in concept names.

  • Avoid words employed in the meta-model such as “class”, “property”, “attribute”,“connector” etc.

  • Not use Names which are nonsensical, unpronounceable, hard to read, or easily confused with other names.

3.2. Case sensitivity

The readability of an ontology can be greatly improved if consistent rules for capitalisation in concept names are maintained. For example, it is common to capitalise class names and use lower case for property names. Therefore, the names of classes, data-types and enumerations must begin with a capital letter while the names of class attributes, enumeration items, association and dependency relations, including their source and target roles, must begin with a lower case character.

All names are case-sensitive. This means that the class “Buyer”, and the attribute “buyer”, are two different entities.


  • Confusing similarities are strongly discouraged and more elaborated names are highly encouraged. For example, a simple elaboration is to use suffixes or prefixes.

3.3. Delimitation

In UML, spaces in names are allowed and using them may be the most intuitive solution for many ontology developers. It is however, important to consider other systems with which the system may interact. If those systems do not use spaces, or if the presentation medium does not handle spaces well, it can be useful to use another method [19].


  • Element names should avoid using spaces and instead follow a camel-case convention. CamelCasing is the practice of writing phrases such that the word or abbreviation in the middle of the phrase begins with a capital case.

In an exception, if the conceptual model authors must maintain high readability of the UML diagrams, spaces may be tolerated but must then be handled by the conversion script.

In the conversion process, spaces are trimmed and phrases turned into camel-case form.

For example:

“ Pre-award catalogue request ” is transformed into “PreAwardCatalogueRequest”

3.4. Uniqueness of Names

In the formal ontology, each class, property or individual in the formal ontology must be uniquely identifiable in it. Therefore, the elements of the conceptual model such as classes, attributes, connectors, and instances, should have unique names. This means that a class, and an attribute with the same name, such as a class “Buyer”, and a property “buyer”, cannot (may not) both exist. Neither may there be a class and an instance, or an instance and a relation, with the same name.

Names that reduce to the same identifier are considered unique.

For example:

“Legal Entity” and “LegalEntity” are different labels, but they reduce to the same identifier “LegalEntity”.

In such cases the names are considered equal, and the UML elements replicated.

Uniqueness of name is a recommendation, but sometimes it is useful to replicate a UML element. In such cases, when names are reused, the assumption is that the two UML elements represent manifestations of the same meaning. This is especially important for relations and is explained further in Section 3.8.

3.5. Suffix and prefix

Some ontology engineering methodologies suggest using prefix and suffix conventions in the names to distinguish between classes and attributes. Two common practices are to add a “has-” or a suffix “-of” to attribute names.

Thus, our attributes become “hasAwardStatus” and ”hasBuyer” if we chose the “has-” convention. The attributes become “awardStatusOf” and “buyerOf” if we chose the “-of” convention.

This approach allows anyone looking at a term to determine immediately if the term is a class or an attribute, however, the term names become slightly longer.

It is recommended that the names of class attributes employ the “has-” suffix.

Other common suffixes are the prepositions “-by” and “-to”. The organisation ontology adopts their usage in cases such as “embodiedBy” and conformsTo”. However, if a preposition is not absolutely needed, then it should be.

It is recommended to use prepositions in the ontology terms only if necessary. Optionally common and descriptive prefixes and suffixes for related properties or classes may be used. While they are just labels and their names have no inherent semantic meaning, it is still a useful way for humans to cluster and understand the vocabulary. For example, properties about languages or tools might contain suffixes such as “Language” (e.g. “displayLanguage”) or “Tool” (e.g. “validationTool”) for all related properties [10].

3.6. Classes

When choosing class names, the convention is to use simple nouns or noun phrases. Where the class refers to actions, states, relations, or qualities, which are usually expressed in natural language by verbs or adjectives, they must be nominalised. The process of nominalisation is where a noun is formed from other parts of speech, most commonly from a verb or an adjective.

A noun phrase can then be used instead of the verb or adjective to create a more formal style.

A class name represents a collection of objects. For example, a class “Language” actually represents all languages. Therefore, it could be more natural for some model designers to call the class “Languages” rather than “Language”.

In practice, however, the singular is used more often for class names, while the plural for sets and collections. Therefore, class names must always use the singular form.

When building the class hierarchy, names of direct subclasses of a class should all consistently either include or not include the name of the superclass.

For example, if we are creating two subclasses of the “Wine” class to represent red and white wines, the two subclass names should be either “Red Wine” and “White Wine” or “Red” and “White”, but not “Red Wine” and “White”.

Class specialisations with a single child must be avoided. This means that there should be at least two sibling subclasses specified in the model. By default, the classes are not disjunctive, however, if required, the transformation script may generate disjunctive classes by default.

Circular inheritance must be avoided. This means that if there is a B that specialises a class A then A may not specialise B or any of the sub-classes of B.

3.7. Relations

When establishing relations between concepts the convention is to use verbs of action, state, process, or relation such as “includes”, “replaces”, “manages”.

A verb or a verb phrase must be used for relationship terms. It should be in lowerCamelCase such that < subject − predicate − object > triples may actually be read as natural language clauses, e.g. “EconomicOperator offers ProcuredItem”.

The verb phrase must be in the present tense, expressed in the third person, singular. If an additional level of specificity is needed, a qualifying nominal phrase may be appended.

Relationships are usually bi-directional, and a reverse one should be provided where applicable. Adjusting the verb phrases in the predicates as appropriate, usually, by employing the active and passive voice in the term formulation, will achieve the desired result. For example, “uses/isUsedBy” and “refersTo/isReferredToBy” or “offers/isOfferedBy”.

The name of the reverse relation should not be a semantically inverted verb, such as in “buys/sells” , or “open/closes”. The semantically inverted dichotomies must be modelled in separate connectors because they represent different relations.

For example, the dichotomy “buys/sells” should be modelled as two pairs: “buys/isBoughtBy” and “sells/isSoldBy”.

When the relation is of a different nature, more like an attribute, then prefixing and suffixing techniques can be employed.

For example, in the Organisation Ontology, the concepts of an “Organisation” and a “Site” are defined along with two relationships that are the inverse of each other: “Organisation hasSite Site” and “Site siteOf Organisation” [24].

It is recommended that each relationship includes a definition of its inverse.

Models should define such inverse pairs for relationships, although this does not extend to attributes.

For example, Dublin Core includes a property of “dateAccepted” where there is no inverse property that would link a given date. This is then expressed as a simple value applying to all documents accepted for publication on that date.

3.8. Relations re-usability

Relation names should be chosen so that there is a balance of accuracy and precision on one hand, and relation re-usability on the other. These two dimensions are inversely correlated: the higher the reuse, the lower the accuracy, and vice versa.

If more generic predicates are choosen such as “isSpecifiedIn”, this tends towards maximising relation reusability across the model. However, at the same time the risk of overloading the relation meaning also increases.

The above risk could be mitigated by simply appending the range class to the relation name: such as “isSpecifiedInContract”, and “isSpecifiedInProcedure” following the following naming pattern: verbPhrase + [RangeClassName] Qualifier. This ensures predicate uniqueness and maximum level of specificity at the cost of re-usability across and beyond the model. The latter can be achieved through inference, but an additional predicate inheritance structure must be defined.

Another risk is that a change or evolution of the name of the class has a direct impact on all incoming predicates, and thus raising the chances of errors. This in turn may decrease the model agility and elasticity.

There is the option that the transformation process from the conceptual model to the formal ontology may contain an automatic mechanism of appending the name of the range class to the predicate name, to produce a predicate with higher specificity, should this be required.

3.9. Attributes

When creating attribute names, the convention is to use simple nouns such as “name”, “weight”, “colour”. Attributes are special types of relations that describe an entity in terms of its qualities. To be consistent with the above convention, and to increase clarity, it is recommended that the prefix “has-” is employed for each attribute even if this does not add to the term’s meaning. Therefore, the preference is to use terms such as “hasName”, “hasWeight” and “hasColour”.

It is recommended that simple nouns are used for attribute names prefixed with the verb “has-”. To avoid doing this manually, it is possible to rely on the convention that attribute names starting with a capital letter must be read as having the “has-” prefix. This means that the transformation script will prepend the “has-” prefix to all attributes starting with a capital letter.

By default, attribute multiplicity is “1”. This should be read as any number which is expressed as “0..*”. In special cases, a list of custom default multiplicities is defined for the transformation script, which means that some data types or classes that are used as attribute types are paired with a default multiplicity, for example “1..1”, “0..1”, “2..2”.

3.10. Controlled lists

A controlled list is a carefully selected list of words and phrases often employed in modelling practices. A controlled list has a name, and a set of terms. For example the list of grammatical genders can be named “Gender” and comprise the terms “masculine”, “feminine”, “neuter” and “utrum”? - other?.

It is required that controlled lists are named using nouns or nominal phrases starting with a capital letter. Enumeration items must start with a lower case.

As a rule of thumb, but not always, the relationship between the controlled list as a whole and its constituent elements can be informally conceptualised as a classinstance, class-subclass, set-item, or part-whole.

3.11. Notes, descriptions, and comments

A strong emphasis is set on naming conventions. Nonetheless, most often, a good name is insufficient for accurate or easy comprehension by human-readers. To mitigate this and increase the conceptual richness, practitioners may wish to provide "human-readable definitions, notes, examples and comments grasping the underlying assumptions, usage examples, additional explanations and other types of information that are readable by, and instantly comprehensible to, humans.

It is recommended that each element is defined by a crisp, one-line definition that starts with a capital letter and ends with a period.

A description may provide complementary information concerning the usage of the element, or its relation to relevant standards. For example, a description may contain recommendations about which controlled vocabularies to use, and describe the underlying assumptions and additional explanations for reducing ambiguity. Descriptions may contain multiple paragraphs separated by blank lines. Descriptions should not paraphrase the definitions.

Where the model editor provides concrete examples of possible element values or instances, they must be provided as a comma-separated list. Each example value should be enclosed in quotes and has the option of being followed by a short explanation enclosed in parentheses.

4. Technical constraints

4.1. Namespaces

To enable the reuse of names defined in other models, and reuse of unique references for names that support easy identification, namespace management must be considered. An XML approach to defining and managing namespaces has been adopted as it is inherent in both XMI and OWL2 standards. Hence, a namespace is a set of symbols, that are used to organise objects of various kinds, so that these objects may be referred to by name and be uniquely identifiable.

Namespaces are commonly structured as hierarchies to allow the reuse of names in different contexts. This mechanism can be implemented in UML through partitioning the model using packages. Packages are described in section 4.3.

A namespace organises a collection of names obeying three constraints, that each name is

  • unique,

  • assigned in a consistent way, and

  • assigned according to a common definition.

An (expanded) name in a namespace is a pair consisting of a namespace name, also called base URI or just base, and a local name, also called local segment. The combination of a universally managed URI with a vocabulary local name is effective in avoiding name clashes.

For example, in the expanded name “http://www.w3.org/ns/org#Organization”, “http://www.w3.org/ns/org#” is the namespace name and “Organization” is the local name.

Unlike in the XML specifications, the constraints on the local name are slightly relaxed, allowing token delimitation by space character (see Section 3.3). This provides an additional level of readability to the conceptual model users. Nevertheless, local names must be normalised strings, which means that only single occurrences of a space character are permitted. Other delimiting characters, such as a tab, a line feed, or a carriage return, must be replaced by an occurrence of a space, and trimmed. In the transformation process, when URIs are generated, the spaces are removed anyway, and they then conform with the XML conventions (see Section 3.1).

name = <namespace name>/<local name> name = <namespace name>#<local name>

URI references are often inconveniently long, so expanded names should not be used directly. Instead, qualified names should be used. (Expanded names are strongly discouraged.)

A qualified name is a name subject to namespace interpretation. Syntactically, they can be either prefixed names or non-prefixed names.

qualified name = [<namespace prefix>:]<local name>

The namespace name is usually applied as a prefix to the local name, but it may also be missing. Reference [16] specifies a declaration syntax which permits the binding of prefixes to namespace names, and to a default namespace that applies to non-prefixed element names.

For example, we can bind the namespace name “http://www.w3.org/ns/org#” to the prefix “org”, which we can then use to create the same name “org:Organization”. The prefix is subject to namespace interpretation and resolved to a URI [16]. It is recommended that the UML element names indicate the namespace prefix by prepending it to the name delimited by colon character (:).

Where the namespace is not specified, not delimited, then the name of the package containing the current element is used as namespace prefix.

For example if a class “Contract” is placed in a package “epo” then the name of the containing package is used as the namespace prefix and resolved to “epo:Contract”. If the delimiter (:) is used without any prefix, then the empty string prefix is resolved to the default namespace as defined in reference [16].

4.2. Character encoding

In the formal ontology, names must conform to RDF [30] and XML[5] format specifications. Effectively, both languages require that terms begin with an upper or lower case letter from the ASCII character set, or an underscore ( ). This tight restriction means that, for example, that terms may not begin with a number, hyphen or accented character [24]. Although underscores are permitted, they are discouraged as they may be, in some cases, misread as spaces. A formal definition of these restrictions is given in the XML specification document [5].

It is required that names use words beginning with an upper or lower case letter, (A–Z, a–z), or an underscore, ( ), for all terms in the model. Digits (0–9) are allowed in subsequent character positions. Also, as mentioned above, spaces are permitted in the local segment of the name.

Encoded UTF-8 and UTF-16 names are supported [5, 20], but it is recommended that character encodings in element names is avoided. Encoded characters are, for the most part, not readable and require a decoding to become "human friendly". Also, unexpected results may occur in the transformation script. This recommendation does not apply to content strings such as descriptions, notes and comments, which may use any character encoding.

4.3. uml:Package

Packages should be used to define a logical partition of the model. They serve as the primary method for the vertical slicing of the conceptual model as described in the layering and slicing section of Costetchi [7].

Packages may form hierarchies. In this case the hierarchical relation is interpreted as meronymy, denoting a constituent parts of the package. Formally they are translated into owl:import statements.The module corresponding to the parent package imports modules corresponding to the child packages.

No empty packages shall be present in the model. A package is empty if it contains no child elements.

Package names shall be short lowercase normalised strings representing an acronym or a short name. They may serve as proxies for the namespace prefixes and be used to resolve the name of any comprised elements when the prefix is not provided. This, however, should not be used as a primary naming method, but rather for suggesting corrections in the element name.

4.4. uml:Class

uml:Class is transformed into an owl:Class. Each uml:Class must have a name and should have a description representing the "human-readable" class definition in the domain context.

Where there is the technical functionality to distinguish between UML notes, there is the additional option to provide editorial notes, notes on the history, or comments, as class descriptors.

It is recommended that a uml:Class has relations, attributes, or both. A class must have at lease one of either attributes or relations associated with it. Using the same name in a class, attribute or a relation, must be avoided.

Classes may use an << abstract >> stereotype. This means that no instances of this class are allowed in the datasets. This is not covered by the OWL 2 [21] but can be expressed in SHACL data shapes [14].

4.5. uml:Class attributes

A uml:Attribute is mostly transformed into an owl:DataProperty and in some controlled cases into an owl:ObjectProperty.

Each uml:Attribute must have a name and attribute type. The name is used to generate the URI and label while the type is used to define the range restriction.

An attribute may contain an alias, which is used as an alternative label; and it may have an initial value provided which is transferred into a definition.

It is recommended that the attribute type is one of the XSD and RDF data types compatible1 with OWL 2. As an exception, generic data types such as “Numeric”, “String”, “Date” can be used. In such cases the transformation script uses a correspondence table defining which XSD data type shall be used for each atomic UML 1https://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/XSD_Datatypes type. If the datatype is not found in the correspondence table then it is considered invalid.

The attribute multiplicity should be specified indicating the minimum and maximum cardinality. The default [1] multiplicity shall be interpreted as unspecified as expressed as [0..*] in the OWL model.

It is recommended to avoid duplicate attributes names across multiple classes, unless, by design, attributes with the same name are shared across multiple classes.

It is mandatory to avoid using the same name in an attribute and in a relation, unless there is an additional rule that handles intentional exceptions.

All attribute data types must be defined in the model for reference, regardless of whether they have been reused from other models or are specific to the local model. Where external models have been , the local (re-)definitions serve merely as proxies, as explained in Section 4.7.

It is recommended that the attribute type is an atomic data type. It is possible to use uml:Enumeration as an attribute type. These cases are transformed into an owl:ObjectProperty in a manner similar to that of uml:Dependency described in Section 4.9.

It is recommended to avoid using another class as the attribute type. An acceptable exception for this is with a controlled set of classes. The list of allowed classes must be explicitly indicated in the transformations script. These cases are transformed into owl:ObjectProperty in a manner similar to uml:Association, described in Section 4.8. For the eProcurement project, the set of exceptions is: Identifier, Amount, Quantity, and Measure. These were initially defined as composite data types and then transformed into classes.

4.6. uml:Enumeration

In UML, the controlled lists, discussed in Section 3.10, are represented as uml:Enumeration. They are transformed into instances of a SKOS model [17].

Each uml:Enumeration element is transformed into a skos:ConceptScheme and each enumeration item, represented by an uml:Attribute, is transformed into a skos:Concept.

An enumeration must not be empty. In an enumeration element, the name shall be interpreted as the controlled list name; it must be a normalised string. Each attribute name is used as a local segment in the generation of the concept URI. The attribute type is ignored and by default is considered to be skos:Concept. The attribute alias is transformed into the skos:Concept preferred label. The attribute initial value is transformed into the alternative label of the concept. If the attribute alias is longer than the attribute initial value, then it is assumed that the two fields have been swapped by mistake.

Where no attribute alias is specified then the attribute name is used as preferred label of the skos:Concept. This happens because skos:prefLabel is a mandatory property in the SKOS model.

It is possible to employ the enumerations for class properties by drawing a dependency (uml:Dependency) relation from the class to the enumeration and providing a relation target role.

4.7. uml:Datatype

This convention draws the distinction between primitive (or atomic) types consisting of a single literal value, and composite types consisting of multiple attributes. [25].

Composite data types must be defined as classes and handled as such. For example: AmountType, Identifier, Quantity, and Measure are to be treated as classes even if conceptually they could be seen as composite data types.

It is recommended to employ the primitive data types that are already defined in XSD [23] and RDF [30], which cover the standard, and most common types. Thus, definitions of custom data types shall be avoided unless the model really needs them. Such cases are, however, rare.

The data types defined in the UML model, and custom models, are resolved into their XSD equivalent using the corresponding data types from Table 1. Note that the family of string data types is mapped to rdf:langString. This means that the instance data should provide a language tag for the textual data indicating how it should be read.

This enables a multilingual data specification. Also, note that Date is mapped to xsd:date and DateTime is mapped to xsd:dateTime. However, the xsd:date is not included in the OWL2 interpretation and, instead, a strong preference is expressed for xsd:dateTime. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the OWL2 specification, although the xsd:date is a valid datatype in the RDF data, and in SPARQL queries. It is recommended to use OWL 2 compliant XSD and RDF standard data types.

Table 1. : UML to XSD datatype correspondences







Char, Character, String












OWL 2 compliant XSD and RDF standard data types may be useful in indicating a specific data type which is not possible with UML types. For example, making a distinction between a general string (xsd:string), and a literal with a language tag (rdf:langString), or XML encoded ones such as rdf:HTML and rdf:XMLLiteral.

For model consistency, it is recommended that proxy data types be defined in the model for the XSD2 and RDF data types3 used in the model. The proxies must follow the standard namespace convention using the “rdf” and “xsd” prefixes.

4.8. uml:Association

The uml:Association connectors represent relations between source and target classes. The association connector cannot be used between other kinds of UML elements.

A generic UML connector may have a name applied to it, and, in addition, may have source/target roles specified. This provides flexibility in how the domain knowledge may be expressed in UML, however this freedom also increases the level of ambiguity.

Two distinct ways to express properties are foreseen, using the connector generic name, or using the connector source/target ends:

  1. If a connector name is specified then no source or target roles can be provided. The name must be valid as it is used to generate the OWL property URI. The minimum and maximum cardinality of the relation must be specified as target multiplicity.

  2. The recommended approach is if the connector has no name then the target role must be specified. Or, conversely, if a target role is specified then no connector name can be specified. A source role may optionally be provided.

In such a case the relation direction must be changed from “Source-¿Target” to “Bidirectional”. Or, conversely, if the connector direction is “Bidirectional” then source and target roles must be provided. No other directions are permitted.

The target and source multiplicity must be specified accordingly, indicating the minimum and maximum cardinality.

It is recommended that each association has a definition. The definition is then used for each role as they stand for the same meaning manifested in the inverse direction.

Additional, specific definitions can be specified along with the target and source roles.

4.9. uml:Dependency

The dependency connector may be used between uml:Class and uml:Enumeration boxes, oriented from the class towards the enumeration. This indicates that the class has an owl:ObjectProperty whose range is a controlled vocabulary.

The connector must have the direction “Source-¿Target”. No other directions are acceptable. The connector must have a valid name and no source/target roles are acceptable. The multiplicity must be specified at the target of the connector.

,For reasoning purposes in the transformation process, the range of the property must be expressed as a range restriction using owl:oneOf the values from the enumeration Concept scheme. This is also valuable for generating SHACL shapes.

4.10. uml:Generalisation

The uml:Generalisation connector signifies a class-subClass relation and is transformed into the rdfs:subClassOf relation standing between source and target classes.

The connector must have no name or source/target roles specified in the UML model.

Where a model class should inherit a class from an external model, proxies must be created for those classes. For example if “Buyer” specialises an “org:Organization” then a proxy for “org:Organization” must be created in the “org” package.

In this specification, the subclasses are assumed disjoint by default unless otherwise specified in the transformations script, or explicitly marked on the generalisation relation with ¡¡non-disjoint¿¿ stereotype. For the converse case the ¡¡disjoint¿¿ stereotype shall be used.

Where two classes are equivalent, the << equivalent >> or << complete >> stereotype should be used as a marker.

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