Guide to the ePO glossaries
1. Introduction
In this Guide, we describe the Glossaries of ePO. A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. Specifically, the ePO glossaries contain all the Classes, Predicates, and Attributes of the ontology along with their definitions.
2. Glossaries overview
As seen in figure 1, there is one glossary per module for each specific ePO version. Each module is used to describe one specific procurement phase except for the ePO module that contains all the basic concepts that are common to all the other modules. There is also the ePO Combined Glossary that contains the concepts of all the modules combined.

Figure 1: Module Glossaries. Note the version field (highlighted) on the top right.
The glossaries are similar in structure, so for the purposes of this guide we will concentrate on the Combined Glossary
Each glossary contains three tables:
Class names and definitions (Figure 2)
Attributes (datatype properties) names and definitions (Figure 3)
Predicates (object properties) and definitions (Figure 4)
3. Class names and definitions
The first table lists all the classes in the specific glossary and their definitions. The arrows on the right of the header of each column can be used to sort the table alphabetically based on that column. On the right top of the table there is a search field that can be used to search for a specific string (character sequence) within classes or definition.
In figure 2, we see the results for the String "certifi", These are the classes epo-sub:CertificateInformation, epo:Certificate, epo:CertificationLabel, epo:Certifier and epo-acc:ESPDRequest along with their definitions.
Note that epo-acc:ESPDRequest appeared because the String "certifi" appears in its definition. Also note the different prefixes of the classes that denote their respective module. Whereas epo:Certificate, epo:CertificationLabel and epo:Certifier belong to the ePO core module, epo-sub:CertificateInformation belongs to the eSubmission module, and epo-acc:ESPDRequest to the eAccess module.
The definition of each ePO concept is filled in or updated by the ePO Working Group (WG) on the date indicated at the end of the definition. The specific WG meeting minutes for that meeting can be searched accessed here.

Figure 2: Searching for a Class or Class description containing the string "certifi".
4. Attributes (datatype properties) names and definitions
The second table, as shown in figure 3, contains information related to the attributes of the specific module. This includes the attribute name, the class that the attribute is part of, its definition, and its cardinality.
In this example, since the search field is empty, the table lists all the attributes of the glossary sorted alphabetically per class name. More specifically, the first elements of the table are the attributes of the class adms:Identifier taken from the ADMS vocabulary, a class used to represent unique identifiers of instances of ePO concepts.

Figure 3: The Attributes table
5. Predicates (object properties) and definitions
The third table as shown in figure 4, contains information related to the predicates of the specific module. This includes the predicate name, the definition, and the domain, range, and cardinality of the predicate.
By the term, "domain", we refer to the class that this predicate connects from, and by the term, "range" we refer to the class or vocabulary that this predicate connects from.
For example, in figure 4, predicate epo:hasVariantPermission has the class epo:SubmissionTerm as domain, and the at-voc:permission as range. The cardinality [0..1] dictates that an instance of epo:SubmissionTerm may or may not be connected with the at-voc:permission vocabulary with the predicate epo:hasVariantPermission, and if it is, there will only be 1 connection at maximum.
Also note that the predicate epo:hasValidityPeriod can be used by a number of classes, such as cccev:Evidence, epo:Technique and epo-cat:Catalogue in order to connect to class epo:Period.

Figure 4: Searching the Predicates table for the string "hasVa".