The Use of the ePO in model2owl

model2owl is a tool that transforms human-readable semantic models into machine-readable OWL (core and restriction) files and SHACL shapes. It takes the human-readable input in UML form, applies modelling conventions, transformation rules, and methods of verification to it, and outputs it in machine-readable OWL and SHACL shapes.

Using the model2owl tool, the ePO technical team produces the ePO core and other module vocabularies, generating the following artifacts:

  • Glossary

  • OWL Core (lightweight ontology)

  • OWL restrictions (heavyweight ontology)

  • SHACL data shapes

  • UML validation report (HTML/SVRL)

A machine-readable form of the conceptual model must be produced as part of the digitisation of eProcurement. The tool therefore relies on the eProcurement ontology, as represented in the conceptual models, as input to facilitate this.